Posted by Lilac's Mature RP

Lilac (#120132)

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Posted on
2017-11-26 00:03:54
Hello everyone!

I'm currently looking for a mature RP partner. The things I'd like you to know about me before saying 'yes' or a straight 'no' are:

1) I live in Australia, so. I'm roughly 4-6 hours in front of Lioden time.
2) I like to RP quite often.
3) I'm a person who likes to talk often, out of RPs too, or just to talk in general.
4) I RP mostly on LD (in PM), but sometimes I use Discord.

Here are the rules about RPing with me:
1) Please have fun
2) If I give you a paragraph, you don't have to do one back, you're welcome to reply with 3+ sentences. I under stand, I get writers block quite often.
3) Please know when to use '.' Full stops, cause I need to be able to read you're responses.

My interests:
-Canines (Wolves, dogs, African wild Dogs, Dingos)
-Big Cats (Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Panthers)

My RPs:
Generally in my RPs, I like to do a romance between animals, which does include mating. However this is nature, so if you don't feel comfortable with RPing with mating, please let me know before hand. If we are doing a PG version, we'll RP on LD, or Discord, whereas if it's above PG, we'll travel over onto Discord (if you have it).

If you would like to become one of my RP partners, please comment the following information:

LD Name:
Discord Name:
Discord 4 digit number:
RP interests:
Genders you are okay playing:
Are you okay with mature RPs:
Plot ideas:
Animal you RP as:

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Edited on 06/01/18 @ 01:28:08 by Lilac - Santa Paws's Elf (#120132)

Fire Katana (#88896)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-11-26 00:39:41
LD Name: Fire Katana
Discord Name: Firekatana4
Discord 4 digit number: 0154
Nicknames: none
RP interests: I have tons.
Genders you are okay playing: mostly female but I can do male sometimes
Are you okay with mature RPs:
Plot ideas: at this moment I have none for some reason.
Animal you RP as: I will role Play as any animal.
(I prefer to role Play on discord because it helps me out)

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Lilac (#120132)

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Posted on
2017-11-26 00:40:51
@Fire Katana

Thank you, are you okay with mature RPs?

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Fire Katana (#88896)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-11-26 00:42:21
I don't mind it.

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Cobalt (#130059)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-11-26 00:56:35
LD Name: Yakone
Discord Name: requin baleine
Discord 4 digit number: 9497
Nicknames: Ant, cobalt
RP interests: a lot lmao
Genders you are okay playing: both !
Are you okay with mature RPs: ya
Plot ideas: id need to know what species we would be rpin to come up w a plot
Animal you RP as: does not matter :0 probably won’t want to rp as a horse though, that’s new for me.

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Lilac (#120132)

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Posted on
2017-11-26 01:00:59

Will send you a friend request on discord

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Cobalt (#130059)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-11-26 01:02:53
Alright! Sometimes it doesn’t work for people so just let me know if it doesn’t

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Brïnn (#131696)

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Posted on
2017-11-26 09:26:39
(Had to edit because of wrong discord #)

LD Name:
Brïnn #131696

Discord Name:

Discord 4 digit number:

Most people just call me Brinn or Bri, but feel free to add one to the list

RP interests:
Animal role plays are my favorite. I love anything with a spice of drama and a dash of danger. Of course it needs to have a big ol' splash of romance too.

Genders you are okay playing:
I have roleplayed as both, so I am comfortable with either. I'm very flexible when it comes to this.

Are you okay with mature RPs:
Yes! Maybe keep the actual sexual scenes a bit less graphic, but I'm usually good with anything.

Plot ideas:
Would need to know what animal we are, but I honestly will try anything

Animal you RP as:
Any canine, any cat (includes both domestic cats and big cats). Those are what I have the most experience with.

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Edited on 27/11/17 @ 12:57:37 by Brïnn (#131696)

anders (#131941)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-11-26 16:14:16
LD Name: what a fool belieeeeeves
Discord Name: oops i don't have one
Discord 4 digit number: uh
Nicknames: fool, a fool, what a fool
RP interests: anything and everything. love a good compelling backdrop? apocalyptic scenarios and kingdoms at war are fun. and supernatural stuff? double the fun. i also like having the plot/setting/characters figured out before the rp comes in. starting from scratch just feels off. oh! and asmundr is good shit. rping this is a dream.
Genders you are okay playing: males are preferable, but i'm alright with any other gender when it comes down to it
Are you okay with mature RPs: yea
Plot ideas: my bro
Animal you RP as: usually end up doing canines, so that's what i'm most experienced with, but i'm down to try anything as long as the rp is good. lately i've been getting interested in the less common species though, like aquatic mammals, birds, bears, mustelidae, cervidae, bovidae, (you naaame it)

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Edited on 26/11/17 @ 20:10:34 by what a fool belieeeeeves (#131941)

🐸🍃 (#59520)

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Posted on
2017-11-26 20:58:59

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Edited on 25/11/22 @ 22:35:58 by 🍃🐸 MysticDoodle 🐸🍃 (#59520)

MoreTeaPlz (#115505)

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Posted on
2017-11-26 21:50:41
LD Name : MoreTeaPlz
-No Discord-
Nicknames: Tea or whatever else you wanna call me
RP Interests: Quite similar to yours really. Animals mostly but I can happily RP as a human or slightly abnormal creature. Prefer non-magical and pretty realistic though.
Genders You Are Okay Playing: Either, I've RPed happily as both.
Are You Okay With Mature RP's: Hm, maybe maybe not. I'd prefer not to, though I'm completely fine with mating reference funny innuendos or gore/killing. I just wouldn't like to RP a steamy scene.
Plot Ideas: I like having a basic idea and then just going with it really.
Animals you RP as: Lots, wolves mostly but I've done dogs, cats and even a rat once which was... interesting actually.
I live in New Zealand so I am roughly four hours behind LD time.
Amazingly not British though people are absolutely sure I have the accent in some words. (I don't please leave me.)
I love tea (obviously)
I have a dog and I love her and she's the best thing in this world and don't say this is unimportant because it so is.
That all ~

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RamenNoodle (#113670)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-11-26 22:34:36
LD Name:
RamenNoodle #113670

Discord Name:

Discord 4 digit number:

Ramen, Noodle, Noodles. Or you could just call me Cass :3

RP interests:
Mostly human based roleplays, I can do some animal roleplays though. I really do enjoy some post-apocalyptic roleplays. Any fantasy roleplay I would enjoy.

Genders you are okay playing:
Female, mostly. I do occasionally role as a male--I am a female in real life, so of course I role as my gender better.

Are you okay with mature RPs:
Yes. I'm okay with gore, some of the more sexual scenes I can do, but I prefer for them to not be very graphic. Nothing like 50 Shades of Grey graphic.

Plot ideas:
Something like Walking Dead would be cool. I can try to come up with more if you need it.

Animal you RP as:
Wolf, fox, cat, horse, and lion. That's all I have done, but I would be willing to try others.

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Arrow (#131970)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-03 21:32:44
LD Name: Arrow
Discord Name: Arrow
Discord 4 digit number: #6676
Nicknames: Arrow, Abbie, Moon
RP interests: Animals, romance, etc.
Genders you are okay playing: Male, Female
Are you okay with mature RPs: Yes ^-^
Plot ideas: Aviary, jungle themed, etc. I can PM more ideas if we do become RP partners.
Animal you RP as: horses, birds, canines, felines, literally every animal xD

(also, my time is exactly lioden time, so that might help you know what time it is for me)

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Edited on 03/12/17 @ 21:36:47 by Arrow (#131970)

GracGoyle (#129149)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-12-04 15:27:58

LD Name: GerfaGoyle
Discord Name: grac
Discord 4 digit number: #0015
Nicknames: Grac, Gerf, Gerfa
RP interests: Animal romance, i'm up for anything!
Genders you are okay playing: Female, but i can do male
Are you okay with mature RPs: Absolutely!
Plot ideas: Mustang herds, wolf packs, lion prides, really anything! Forbidden romances, arranged love, I'm up for anything tbh
Animal you RP as: Horses, dogs, wolves, big cats, anything

Thank you!

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karagata (#79999)

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Posted on
2017-12-04 16:18:12
Hi! I'm not sure if you want to rp with me since English is not my native language. I'm still pretty new to writing prose in English, but I have rp'd in my native language so many years, so rp'ing is very familiar to me! I'd love to improve my writing in English, but it's definitely alright, if you want someone whose native language is English hahah I'm sorry this became rambly

Oh yeah I'm 9 hours ahead of Lioden time, but I'm often up in ungodly hours (like right now it's 1 AM). Also I'm pretty cool with offline playing!

LD Name: karagata
Nicknames: kara
Discord Name: i'm not comfortable sharing it publicly, due to someone i know irl stalking me :D I have discord and I'm willing to share it privately!
RP interests: Animals (prefer semi-realistic, very humanized animals in 'natural' envirtonments), adventure, drama, dark themes.. Everything goes!!
Genders you are okay playing: Everything goes!
Are you okay with mature RPs: Yep, as long as rp partner is also of legal age in their country!
Plot ideas: I like to have a basic set up when starting to play; maybe a quest of some sort. I often start to build plot when I have a character, but I really like focusing on relationships and making characters grow and develop.
Animal you RP as: I'm most familiar with most canines (especially wolves), but I'm interested in felines too (especially big cats now that I've wandered to LioDen)!

Hit me up if you feel like it! ;v;

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Edited on 04/12/17 @ 16:25:04 by karagata (#79999)

-active} (#111404)

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Posted on
2017-12-04 17:43:00
LD Name

Discord Name

Discord 4 digit number


RP interests
Animals or unordinary beasts.

Genders you are okay playing
Female mostly, but semi-okay with playing male.

Are you okay with mature RPs
Absolutely! I usually do mature RP's.

Plot ideas
I honestly am horrible at developing plots...I just don't have the brains to make up anything creative.

Animal you RP as

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