Posted by -ADDED TO THE GAME-Mass Chase/Kill/Reserve [*2000+* SUPPORTS!!]

ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2017-11-27 07:42:12


This has been previously suggested, but I want to really get this feature going with some feedback. I am building Good karma, and I use Nature Reserve'ing to help with that.

The downside? Having to click on hundreds of lionesses in order to individually Reserve them! I know other players also do this for the Kill option, and there are mass breeders who would probably enjoy this feature for lionesses and cubs that don't come out as they want.

I understand that this could lead to MASSIVE 'ohgodno' moments, so there are a couple of safeguards that should be in place to stop people chasing their entire pride:

Option 1: Be a toggle-feature. If you don't want the ability to mass Chase/Kill/Reserve, you can turn this off in options. This could even be limited to certain caves or to Unsorted, allowing you to have 'safe' caves that don't run the risk of you auto-clicking and chasing your prized lions away.

Option 2: Same as when you want to Gift someone, have it go Are You Sure? Are you REALLY Sure with explanation, then 100? :D before allowing the chase.

For me, this plus having to dig up ENTIRE batches of stuff from the Buried section when I only wanted one, then having to rebury all the spares is two of the most tedious parts of current LD for me. Mass Chase/Kill/Reserve surely would help lighten up the cubload and save hours of mind-numbing clicking for those chasing Karma.

Additional feedback/suggestions welcome!

EDIT: With reference to Energy; I made this suggestion, forgetting energy as my King has a Personality that allows mass Reserving with no energy loss. So, to clarify!

IF your King has a Personality that allows no energy loss when Killing (Heartless) or Nature Reserving (Protective), then this mass button will be intensely useful as you suffer no consequences from Killing/Reserving. I believe this will be a massive, massive help to Karma chasers (like myself!) and help get rid of scores of unwanted lions.

IF your King does NOT have a Personality that allows no energy loss, then if you click too many lions, then a fail notification can come up saying 'You don't have the energy to kill/escort/chase all these lions!', similar to 'you don't have enough energy to stud!' notices when breeding.

Overall, this suggestion I think would be a massive help to the community and do a lot to sort out garbage cubs/useless NCLs problem, and give Karma hunting a real boost!

EDIT: When asked for comment, Xylax has stated:

I have no word, as you can imagine we know it's popular and there's issues with coding it so it has to wait until we're ready ;'D - Xylax (#4) 2019-01-25 06:53:39


- We can only hope, Shad

- It would be indeed, Bat

This suggestion has 2306 supports and 53 NO supports.

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Edited on 25/01/19 @ 07:21:06 by ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

´‡ 🾠x2 seal ros (#109661)

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Posted on
2018-04-05 06:38:46
I was thinking about this earlier! lol!

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2018-04-05 06:53:50
I am desperate for this to be implemented; I'm chasing hundreds of lions and a TON of them today, it's tedious mind-numbing clicking! It would REALLY help clearing out unwanted NCLs and cubs!

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2018-04-06 16:34:37
Climbing up closer to 700 supports! LEt's hope the admins notice soon!

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Mandrill 🥭 (#102505)

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Posted on
2018-04-07 04:49:50
Need this! Support on both account!

I like the idea of Chase Roulette with my girls ... save myself the agony of clicking through to them and scrutinising their markings over and over - JUST BEGONE!

Tanuki - a proud chase regretter, x

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Lights off (#86586)

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Posted on
2018-04-07 15:45:47
doesnt lioden already do this for transfers? and am i wrong people, isn’t it annoying when youre trading your things and it asks twice if youre sure, i mean like isn’t once enough yes I’m sure i want to transfer, now stop asking me, am i right?

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ThatGirl01 (#137189)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-04-11 06:24:05
This could be very useful instead of clicking on 10 individual Lionesses just to make space for cubs.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2018-04-11 06:32:30
I've cahsed close to 3000 lionesses and cubs; I so BADLY need this feature! Let's get this noticed!

@Call of Duty: Yes, you're asked 3 times when you transfer, it could be an option to have the same thing for mass-chasing to prevent accidentally chasing your entire pride

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Wolfie SilverMane (#101561)

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Posted on
2018-04-12 02:50:46
This is exactly what we all need

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koi (#124825)

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Posted on
2018-04-20 02:25:15
i disagree because lets say you are chasing like 30 lions then that could slow the website down a bit...

however its a good idea but im going to have to go with no support

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 12:16:41
I don't understand what you mean? How would it slow the site down?


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ThatGirl01 (#137189)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-04-24 12:51:38
Based on what this site can already do, with the number of players, it can support. I doubt that this will slow down the sight, and may even make it faster as instead of doing one action over and over again 30 times, it will do the action one time with the 30 lions altogether. It might take a second longer to load for the player whos doing the action. But with the amount of coding and how far it's come. Slowing down the site with this would be nearly impossible if it is done correctly.

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2018-05-05 04:44:43
Oh god yes please, chasing 70 lions is absolute hell whenever I mass-breed ;;

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Kaci mills fea
(G.D.S.S) (#62814)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2018-05-06 09:07:03
i support 100%

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2018-05-08 04:07:48
**900+ SUPPORTS!!**

Thank you so much everyone!

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[Side] (#47271)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-05-09 02:57:25
Supporting this! On my main, I'm doing a lot of mass breeding at the moment and out of 15-20 lionesses a day, maybe one or two litters are decent enough to keep. Having to manual reserve (or chase if my energy is gone) each lioness is starting to get out of hand so I would love for this to be implement!

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