Posted by NO GOOD MAN • Sandchapel Bio Thread

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-12-09 12:04:20

Main Roleplay Thread



What are they called?

How old are they?

•Gender & Sex•
All gender identities are accepted.

All sexual/romantic orientations are accepted.

What is their job? Barber, Rancher, Bartender, etc.

•Census Description•
A one-sentence description of your character for the Census.

Picture optional, paragraph or more of description needed. (Use only public domain pictures, make sure you can name the person and that they are relatively well-known and/or historical.)

One paragraph or more, factor in positives AND negatives

One paragraph or more

Family members, deceased or not

•Other Relationships•
Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.

What else? Do I have permission to add your character into the No Good Man companion book?

Do you have a horse? What do they look like? You may post a picture and/or a description.

“The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions. ”

Endon Circe

25 years

•Gender & Sex•



•Census Description•
ENDON CIRCE - A kind, reserved man with a talent for horses and cattle.

Endon is a tall, blond man with a lean, slightly muscular figure. His solid, round face is accented by thin, light stubble, seemingly unable to bloom into a full beard.

Quiet yet kind, Endon lends most of his time to the ranch.

Born to an average family, Endon grew up in Sandchapel's ranch and learned the tools of the trade.

Family members, deceased or not

•Other Relationships•
Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.

What else?

An ornery little dark bay mare, Henrietta was born on the ranch under Endon's supervision and the two had been inseparable since.



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Edited on 23/12/17 @ 18:58:45 by InsertFestiveNameHere (#36227)

dreambiter (#126411)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-10 09:47:38
Rose McClain


•Gender & Sex•
Cisgender Woman

Lesbian, but completely unaware of it.

Butcher's daughter; inheriting the job by necessity.

•Census Description•
A young woman trying to look after her younger siblings, take over the family business, and fill her late father's shoes.

Standing about five feet tall, Rose cuts a plain figure at best. Her hair is long, red, and curled, and her pale skin is thick with freckles. She has little muscle to speak of, her work instead reflected in the callouses of her hands and wrinkles already starting to carve themselves into her face, particularly between her brows. At best, she makes up for unimpressive features with a relatively curvy form; she has noticeable body fat, since her family's business and middle-class status meant she typically didn't go hungry growing up. Her clothes are usually plain but well-maintained; spotless skirts and drab dresses.

As the oldest daughter of her family, Rose is no stranger to responsibility. As soon as she was old enough, she was looking after her younger siblings, freeing up her mother to handle her volatile, unpredictable husband. This lifestyle of silent obedience and appeasement was ground quite thoroughly into her, and she struggles to express her needs, instead setting herself upon fixing her problems herself or, if she's unable to resolve an issue, simply living with it. However, as she comes into adulthood, and out from under her father, she's begun attempting to teach herself to make reasonable demands of those around her, and ask for help when she needs it. Notably, though poor at communicating her own needs, she excels at reading those of the people around her, and derives a deep-rooted satisfaction from helping others.

Most of Rose's life up to the present has been spent on housework, childcare, and other domestic affairs, first being taught by her mother and then taking up her mantle when she passed away. This would have been how she spent most of her life, if not for the untimely death of her father, leaving her alone as the head of her household. Needing to provide for three younger siblings, not to mention herself, she came to the conclusion that learning the family trade would be a better long-term financial decision than selling it off, so she's been spending her days teaching herself the craft of butchery, from books and lessons recounted secondhand from her twelve-year-old brother, who had begun learning from their father but still knew little more than the basics. Still, it was a measure more than what she knew- it wasn't as if her father had considered his daughter a pupil. It's a hard job, she's quickly learning, but she's able to compartmentalize enough to have the stomach for it, especially given her alternatives.

Caroline McClain (Mother; died a few years ago of sickness soon after giving birth to Wesley.)
Martin McClain Sr. (Father; died only days/weeks prior to the beginning of the roleplay.)
Martin McClain Jr. (Brother; second child, currently 12 years old.)
Hazel McClain (Sister; third child, twin of Peter currently 5 years old.)
Peter McClain (Brother; fourth child, twin of Hazel, currently 5 years old.)
Wesley McClain (Brother; fifth child, died of sickness at a young age soon after birth.)

•Other Relationships•

You can use her as you like.
As a note, I am aware that womens' rights to property and inheritance were quite shaky, and I'm not opposed to that coming up as a plot point if you like! I just figured that right off the bat, it was more likely for it to go to the adult child, given that the eldest son was only twelve and not likely to push for his right to inherit just yet.

She has a mule creatively named Jenny, usually used more for utility and transporting goods than for riding. She can be put under saddle if absolutely necessary, but neither her nor her rider will enjoy it.

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Edited on 10/12/17 @ 09:48:58 by dreambiter (#126411)

Todd (#131661)

Dreamboat of Ladies
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-10 16:11:11

Wolfgang Kohler

26 Years Old.

•Gender & Sex•
Cis Male



•Census Description•
A German rancher who keeps to himself and would prefer to avoid trouble.

•Appearance• faceclaim: chris hemsworth
Wolfgang is a tall, stocky man, standing at 6'3". He's rather muscular, with a strong body from hauling crates and supplies around his family's ranch since it was built and broad shoulders inherited from his father that give him quite the impressive figure, should he be standing at his full height. He has short, well cut blonde hair, and pale blue-green eyes, and a rather well cut face all around--a strong jawline, a straight nose, skin free of blemishes. His skin is deeply tanned, since he spends quite a bit of time outside and working. His hands are calloused, and his skin is rough around the edges from constant hard work, but Wolfgang likes to keep himself well-groomed--his nails are always clean, his hair always combed, his beard free of lice and neatly trimmed.

Wolfgang is a serious man, with a tendency to sigh at frivolity. He can be difficult to approach for casual conversation, due to his seriousness and somewhat intimidating posture, but once approached he's not at all reluctant to speak with others and even proves to have a wry, self-deprecating sense of humor once he settles into a conversation. He has a tendency to grow exasperated quickly with others who he feels are wasting his time, though he tries his best to keep his cool when dealing with those that he becomes frustrated with, often to the point of letting them speak over him and walk all over him--anything to keep his temper from boiling over. He has difficulty coming to terms with death, and has a naturally gentle disposition that makes fighting or arguing difficult for him--being seen as being a person like his father was is a rather horrifying prospect, and he'll trip all over himself to try and avoid that if possible. Despite his attempts to be amiable to the people around town, where possible, Wolfgang is an isolationist at heart who feels unwelcome in the town, and he can't often be counted on to provide a helping hand. He's also reluctant to face change, so it isn't likely that his outlooks will shift overnight, either.

Wolfgang Kohler came to the town of Sandchapel with his father, Freidrich Kohler, and his mother, Francine Kohler. They were all immigrants from Germany, though Wolfgang was only ten when they left their home. Wealthy immigrants, at that-Fritz purchased a large chunk of land just a few miles outside of town and built a sprawling ranch on it, raising a menagerie of animals, from cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs for meat and dairy products to horses and mules for utility. The family was rich to begin with, and made quite a bit of money trading meats and work animals.
Fritz wasn't a kind man to begin with, and many around Sandchapel who resented the German immigrants grew to resent them all the more due to the Kohler patriarch's drunken rages and snobbish attitude. His father's cruelty aside, Francine was distant, so Wolfgang grew up relatively isolated, caring for the horses or herding the cattle with his Dutch Shepherd. He inherited the ranch after his father was killed in an armed dispute between the local law enforcement and a bandit gang, and looks after it along with his ailing mother. He's sold a bit of the ranch due to a lack of interest in keeping it as big as his father kept it, but prefers to keep a hold of the property out of a desire to remain detached from the town.

Freidrich 'Fritz' Kohler, deceased. Father.
Francine Kohler, alive. Mother.

•Other Relationships•

Permission granted!
Wolfgang has a herding dog named Axel, and a few others from litters that he gives, free of charge, to anyone who needs a good herding dog or travelling companion.

Wolfgang's riding horse is an even-tempered buckskin mare, named Arlo after his old herding dog.

Minako Aragaki

20 Years Old.

•Gender & Sex•
Cis Female



•Census Description•
A young Japanese woman with green eyes and a sad smile.

•Appearance• faceclaim:
A slight figure, Minako stands at 5’4” at her full height, though her timid body language makes her look even smaller. She’s slim, and relatively frail looking besides due to a combination of chronic illness and a sparse diet. Her hair is inky black and slightly curled, falling past her shoulders when it’s not swept up into a bun. She has strikingly pretty green eyes, and a pretty face, too, though she often looks tired and worn down when no one is looking, and her eyes are often accompanied by dark bags underneath them, because she doesn’t sleep much.

Minako is an all-around sweetheart, though she can be a bit soft spoken when first meeting someone. She's kind and compassionate, with a sweet disposition and a go-with-the-flow attitude that makes her easy to approach and talk to. However, she’s also a bit of a chatterbox, and tends to talk the ear off anyone she’s comfortable around if given the opportunity. She doesn't like to see others in need and often tries to lend a helping hand, even where her help may not be wanted or even particularly needed. She’s loyal to a fault when it comes to her friends, and despite her delicate stature will stand her ground and face anything that threatens them, be it a rowdy customer at the bar or a gang of outlaws.

Minako is the youngest child of a pair of Japanese immigrants. She grew up in the East, along with her brother Hitori, until the family finally decided that it was time to move out West to escape the crowded cities. The reasoning was that Minako’s respiratory condition had been caused by the grimy conditions of city life, and that living in a place with nicer air would help her get better.
It didn’t, because the damage had already been done, but the family didn’t have the money to do much about it after they’d moved. So they settled in and began work on a local ranch, hoping to one day purchase it from the owner.
Everything very quickly went down the drain when Minako’s brother seemingly snapped at random, getting the son of the rancher they worked for killed before cutting his losses and skipping town, leaving his family to deal with the fallout of his actions. Fired and unable to find work, Minako’s parents passed away a few months after the incident when they got sick and couldn’t afford medicine or a reliable place to sleep.
Minako herself had managed to land a job at the local saloon serving drinks, but the pay wasn’t enough for three people and she’d been unable to support her parents, despite her best efforts. Nowadays she still works at that bar, since she’s got nothing else to do and couldn’t get a job anywhere else.

Sojiro Aragaki, deceased. Father.
Hanou Aragaki, deceased. Mother.
Hitori Aragaki/Damian Song, alive. Brother.

•Other Relationships•

Permission granted!
•Minako has a cream tabby cat named Theo, who wanders around Sandchapel catching mice from time to time—he’s technically a feral cat, but she managed to win him over with scraps from the saloon and a lot of patience.

Minako can’t afford a horse, but sometimes the owner of the Saloon will send her out to go and run errands on his horse, since she has experience with the animals—a grey Thoroughbred mare that Minako will sometimes slip apple slices to.

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Edited on 18/12/17 @ 15:36:06 by Todd (#131661)

Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2017-12-16 21:01:05


Aran Hughes

24 years

•Gender & Sex•



•Census Description•
A quiet, thoughtful man with red-gold hair and pale blue eyes.

Wide-shouldered both from genetics and his time working the forge while growing up, Aran is an impressive figure even at only 6'0. Well muscled, his skin is a soft shade of tan and marked here and there with scars from mistakes made while forging. His hair is of average length, its blonde color tinged with a red shade, and his face is clean shaven. A strong jawline and a slightly broad nose lead to softly pale blue eyes that reflect his kind heart and bely any potential threat he appears as.

Feircely loyal and honorable, Aran won't turn his back on those who need help, or those that have earned his respect. Its not a terribly easy thing to do, even as willing to look for the good in people as he is. He holds the Marshall in high regard, and the townpeople as those he has a duty to protect. He'll do what he must to protect them, and has a particular soft spot for children.

Tending towards quiet, he'll not say anything until he's thought it through; this can lead to some believing that he's perhaps a little slow sometimes. As such, he dislikes bandying words and smart retorts as a measure of wit, preferring plain honesty. Its much more often that he'll simply watch and listen than add meaningless words to any conversation.

When he was younger, Aran was fascinated with being a blacksmith; he'd go watch Master Miller work whenever he could, getting his chores done before his brothers consitently. Knowing it was a good trade and the value of hard work, Aran's parents encouraged his interest, and eventually got him apprenticed as a blacksmith.

He enjoyed the hard work and the feeling of creating, and was actually getting quite skilled when some outlaws came through town. They killed a few people before the Marshall and Deputies drove them off; this display sparked his interest in the law, and a chance to protect his town from more outlaws. So he studied, and trained in gunplay, and eventually became a deputy under the current Marshall. Roaming Water's gang killed his older brother shortly after that, giving him more of an incentive to want that gang in particular destroyed.

Mary Hughes - Mother - Alive
Chas Hughes - Father - Alive
Samson Hughes - Brother (Older) - Deceased
Lloyd Hughes - Brother (Younger) - Alive (Adoptable)
Jasper Hughes - Brother (Youngest) - Alive (Adoptable)

•Other Relationships•
John Miller - Master Blacksmith - Alive
Open! pm me!

Permission granted, as long as proper credit is given.

A long legged mare, Estelle is the unbroken color of stormclouds; unlike stormclouds, however, she's almost placid. It takes a lot to scare her, which is great considering gunfights aren't uncommon situations to find her master to find himself in.

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Edited on 20/12/17 @ 16:41:22 by Hawkmask (#41743)

Vespering [SIDE] (#33365)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-17 10:16:04

Jack Casey.

21 years old.

•Gender & Sex•
Cis Male.


Bounty Hunter.

•Census Description•
A lean half-Native man with fiery red hair and silvery eyes.

- Height: 5'7" | Weight: 145 lbs -

All in all Jack is a rather innocuous fellow despite his looks being a bit out of the ordinary. At first glance he may come across as overly thin and bony, but in reality he’s quite athletic. His body is made up of lean muscle, retaining a wiry sort of strength in that he doesn’t appear especially intimidating, but is still quite capable of wiping the floor with someone’s face when needed. His ginger hair is kept short and straight, often proving a bit unruly. His eyes are almond shaped, a pale shade of gray, at times appearing silvery depending on the lighting provided. Small flecks of green and brown can be seen throughout the iris if you look especially close, but that would require you to be staring directly into his eyes and leaning in very closely, otherwise one would assume they are solid.

Jack is a biracial man, the only child of a Irish immigrant father and a Northern Paiute mother. His skin tone is light brown with a faint dusting of freckles over the bridge of his nose as well as dotting his cheeks and shoulders. His face is oval shaped with a narrow chin, rounded nose and high cheekbones. The left arm from just below the elbow and down is missing, replaced with a prosthetic he made and maintains himself. A tattoo of a coyote in dark ink can be found trailing from the right shoulder down the upper arm, as Jack has always found himself connected to the infamous Paiute trickster spirit.

Jack is generally a laid-back, amicable guy who spends his down time being as unproductive as possible. Often found lounging around saloons. Surprisingly he holds his liquor quite well and has yet to meet a man who can out drink him, he's certainty up to the challenge though. On the job his formally easygoing demeanor morphs into something far more driven and tenacious with a stubborn mindset that never allows him to quit without achieving his goals. He didn’t become one of the most successfully known bounty hunters around for nothing after all. His senses are especially sharp and his tracking skills exemplary. Once he’s on your trail there’s no escaping him.

He has a sense of humor that can border on self-depreciating, willing to make jokes at his own expense for the sake of giving someone else a laugh. While Jack can seem ruthless considering his job he is compassionate about both people and life. His live and let live attitude off duty makes him an easy person to get along with, but he’s far from soft spoken. If he genuinely believes what you’re doing is wrong he’ll let you know. Loudly. Lack a conscience? He’ll be glad to step in and provide you with one, even if only temporarily. Beneath his outgoing surface is someone far more self-conscious than anyone might have ever guessed. He often feels conflicted about his heritage, fearing he belongs with no one and nowhere.

His parents met by chance, Liam an immigrant from Ireland trying to create a new life for himself while Esas was making a living by weaving and selling baskets in Reno with a small gathering of other Paiute women. Their love was no fairy tale and it didn't last for long, Liam eventually moving to Sandchapel. He begged Esas to come with him, but she had little desire to abandon her kin or culture for a place that was unlikely to welcome her warmly. Jack was born shortly after.

He spent most of his youth with his mother and her tribe, but on his 16th birthday made the decision to get out in the world, never feeling quite at home among the tribe. His ginger hair was rather off-putting to those who held on to superstitions, one Paiute legend telling a tale of red-haired cannibalistic giants. He found the rest of the world wasn't all that much more accepting, if not worse. Liam was delighted to take him in all the same, his son finding work with him in the mines.

Jack lost part of his arm and his father in a mining accident three years later, the tunnel set ablaze and collapsing in on itself. It's not a memory he's keen to recall. After that he struggled to survive on his own, his biracial heritage and lack of a hand both proving hindering in the search for work. He ended up taking rather odd jobs before working on a railroad for a time after proving capable and eventually becoming the apprentice of a famous bounty hunter named Roger Speller, inheriting his business after Roger retied.

[ Liam Casey ] - [ Father ] - [ Deceased ].
[ Esas ] - [ Mother ] - [ Alive ].
[ Charles Wingfield ] - [ Cousin ] - [ Alive/Outlaw ].

•Other Relationships•
[ Roger Speller ] - [ Mentor ] - [ Alive ].

TBD. Feel free to PM me if you have any interest in being an acquaintance of this fellow.

Sure, if properly credited. If you plan on publishing it at some point I'll admit I'm not too sure about that, but if it's just a personal project that's fine. You'll probably write my characters better than I do.

A buckskin Mustang/American Quarter Horse cross gelding named Soleil, a Northern Paiute word meaning sun.



Erin Clearwater.

19 years old.

•Gender & Sex•
Genderflux, but still uses female pronouns and identifies as a woman for her own safety.

Gray Asexual & Panromantic.

Ranch Hand.

•Census Description•
A scrawny nonbinary woman with frizzy strawberry blonde hair and blue-green eyes.

- Height: 5'4" | Weight: 115 lbs -

Erin is incredibly thin. She has a preference for baggy clothing and men's wear over anything form fitting or womanly, but is resigned to the fact she must dress appropriately in public and that other men will not indulge her clothing preferences the way her father has. and this does nothing to help her case. Her body appears frail and overly lean any way you look at her, lacking curves almost entirely. She’s also fairly flat chested and has been mistaken for a boy on more than one occasion when caught in her work clothes.

She has short strawberry blonde hair that ends at around her chin. When well cared for it looks quite shiny and a bit wispy, but more often than not Erin can't be bothered to run a brush through it and instead her hair gains a frizzy, untamed appearance. She has pale skin dappled by light reddish freckles and her eyes are likely her most stunning feature, prominent and a light shade of blue-green. Her face is heart shaped while her nose is narrow and slightly pointed at the end. Despite her small, scrawny appearance she's quite a bit stronger than she looks.

An introvert by nature, Erin is initially shy and reclusive upon interacting with someone she’s never met before. She has questionable social skills to start with and this often leads to the unfortunate misconception she is standoffish or strange. Erin’s true personality shines through once she becomes used to someone and she’ll often surprise newer friends with just how loud and enthusiastic she can be. Generally Erin is a well-meaning young lady with a gentle demeanor, but she is also easily excitable and more than a little impulsive. While patient and kindly on a normal day once you’ve set off her temper you’re in for one hell of a ride as she can be horribly passive-aggressive when pushed beyond her limits.

She deals with rather stressing anxiety on a daily basis and is prone to panic attacks. Literature is her escape from reality and her spare time is often spent holed up in her room with a pile of books. She sadly has an awful memory however and doesn’t always remember everything she reads. A somewhat odder hobby is Erin's obsession with rocks. She has a huge collection lining shelves in her bedroom from wall to wall. Even the plainest, grayish stone you've ever seen will be subtly slipped into her pocket to be added to it later. Animals are another passion. All living creatures fascinate her and she's done a good deal of personal research on most currently known animal/plant species.

Her life has been fairly simple, if not a tad tragic. Her mother died shortly after childbirth and she was raised solely by her father Matthew, who dedicated his whole life to his farm and his daughter, never remarrying. She grew up with little interest in seeking a life outside the ranch, rarely entering town unless accompanying Matthew on a supply run or delivering goods. Most of her time is spent doing labor normally expected of a man, her father struggling to pay the few employees he does have.

[ Matthew Clearwater ] - [ Father] - [ Alive ].

•Other Relationships•
TBD. Feel free to PM me.

I know it's mentioned women in Sandchapel must wear dresses so I hope it's alright I imply she would rather not in the privacy of her home. Since I doubt I'll be roleplaying her much on the ranch she'll be wearing the appropriate clothing for the majority of the roleplay.

She owns a young Mammoth Donkey named Hidalgo.



Jeremiah Waldrop.

37 years old.

•Gender & Sex•
Cis Male.



•Census Description•
A large man with dusty blond hair, a scarred face and light grayish eyes.

Height: 6'2" | Weight: 198 lbs

Jeremiah is a large man with a burly build and an almost worn appearance though he is fairly new to his occupation. He has a squared facial shape with a thin layer of stubble covering his jawline, a slightly crooked nose and pale gray eyes that always seem tired. His hair is a dusty blond color, short and groomed just enough to keep things professional. He is rarely seen in anything beyond his marshal's uniform because he's seemingly always on duty and when he's home he usually stays there.

His skin is decently tanned from years working and living under the sun, his lineage of mixed European decent. A jagged scar cuts down the left half of his face, right over the eye and ending along the side of his chin. Some might consider him handsome, others a little too grizzled for their liking. How he's viewed by others clearly isn't on his mind regardless and he hasn't entertained a romantic relationship since meeting his wife several years ago, his loyalty to her unquestioned.

A man often considered a bit dull in demeanor, Jeremiah isn't exactly the most enthusiastic or exciting person to be found in Sandchapel. He is quiet and forlorn, always willing to interact with the public when needed, but otherwise not exactly known to have the best social skills. Everything is business. He is calm and rational, never quick to leap to assumptions and very much a facts over opinion or intuition sort of guy. His job was once his passion, as he served Sandchapel many years as a deputy before becoming marshal, but it's clear the death of his wife and Roaming Water's continuous raids are beginning to take a toll on him.

He is not in the least fond of people who immediately jump to violence and expect him to do the same, not unaware some of the townspeople are fairly unhappy with his lack of action regarding Roaming Water's gang. The marshal before him was a trigger happy man who's temper was ultimately his downfall when he chased after Roaming Water alone and either she or one of her crew proved the end of him.Jeremiah isn't eager to repeat his predecessor's mistakes and is ultimately playing a very long game of cat and mouse. Who's the cat and who's the mouse? He isn't even sure he knows anymore.

All the same, he carries a certain sense of arrogance, a dedication to the law that often doesn't allow him to see things from the other side. He might feel sympathy for a criminal, but will never allow it to prevent him from delivering justice as the law dictates. As such he will take down Roaming Water and her gang at all costs.

Born and raised in the big city. Jeremiah was a bright child from a well-off family, given the best education his family's money could buy. They had dreams of him growing to become someone as prestigious and revered as themselves, but instead it appeared their son had little interest in obtaining a high paying job and was more interested in lawmen's work. Once he grew old enough to oppose his parent's vision for his life, he left the city behind for the wild west, eventually falling into Sandchapel.

The townspeople didn't think much of the lad when he first arrived, just another young city-slicker who thought he could make it out west. It took a lot of adjustment, but he stuck around and eventually found acceptance among the locals. He was hired and trained by the town's police force, serving for many years before being granted the title of marshal. He met his wife Rising Dove seventeen years previous, another newcomer trying to make it in Sandchapel. Her legal name was Etha Balfour, but she preferred to be called by her birth given name, the one her biological parents gave her.

Marrying a Cheyenne woman created quite the controversy, but anyone too vocal or hostile about it found Jeremiah didn't take threats lightly. Unfortunately Rising Dove passed away due to complications from Tuberculosis, leaving her husband to raise their at the time, 13-year old daughter alone.

[ Etha Waldrop/Rising Dove ] - [ Wife ] - [ Deceased ]
[ Lucy Waldrop ] - [ Daughter ] - [ Alive/Adoptable ].

•Other Relationships•
TBD. Feel free to PM me.

A chestnut Quarter Horse mare named Gingersnap.


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Edited on 31/12/17 @ 01:44:45 by Tate [Main] (#33365)

Husk (#37594)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-18 00:05:47

Williams Waller
Often known under both Roaming Water's Gang and many lawmen (alongside bounty-hunters) as Williams 'The Wall' Waller.


Gender & Sex
Cis Male.


While the label of occupation may not be apt, Williams works with the Marshal and his "men o' law," as Williams likes to phrase it, now as an informant.
Formerly, he was an outlaw and member of Roaming Water's gang. In many's eyes, he has not shaken his background, even with his workings with Sandchapel's law.

•Census Description•
A shorter man with curled black hair, dusty bronze freckled skin, piercing green eyes, and a multitude of scars running the length of his body.

Standing at a mere five foot three accompanied by a smaller, compact frame, Williams is not initially an imposing man to behold. What speaks more, are scars in various stages of healing marring his skin, from the lengths of his forearms and to a rather nasty, jagged slash upon the bridge of his nose. One too many fights at nearing saloons are what Williams will claim if asked how he obtained them but that would only be a partial truth. A life of crime has not been gentle, and he bears the wounds of it.

One must consider the past and present when accounting for Williams' personality and why he is as he is. Stricken by grief, it is safe to say that he's changed, if not drastically since the death of his twin brother at the hands of Roaming Water.
Before Walter's death, Williams was still a man well suited to the title 'The Wall'- used to reference his stoic and so-called "walled of" nature. Williams long since built mental fortifications to protect himself emotionally from the world outside, maintaining a level of disconnection that made him handy for more of the cut-throat tasks he became accustomed to during his run with Roaming Water's Gang.

If anything, Walter's demise has forced Williams to step outside these walls, and, for once, he is anything but stoic.
Fueled by hatred and acute grief, Williams runs a touch rash now, when before, it often took a few shots of heavy liquor for him to lose that signature semblance of stoicism. He remains something of a quiet individual, perhaps not leaning towards the rowdy tendencies one might expect from an outlaw.
Despite this, before the grief took reigns, Williams held a sharp sense of humor and a quick wit, often accompanied by biting sarcasm. Williams was, and still is, a cynic at heart.

It is safe to say Williams is haunted to be forever restless, if by way of his very personality, and perpetually unsatisfied, competitive if only to find purpose. If Walter's death brought one thing among many, prominent would be that very sense of purpose Williams' has long sought for, hungering to avenge, no matter the cost.

Perhaps hard to believe, but Williams grew up, initially, in a well-adjusted family, with his father being a deputy of renown within their tiny community. Lawmen and their likes were a familiarity and comfort for young Williams, a contrast to his present state. Meanwhile, his mother was a gentle soul, quiet and kind, keeping to the homestead to raise both Williams and his twin brother, of whom he was quite close to, or, at the least, in the beginnings before life hardened.

Rose Waller|Mother|Deceased
'You should have raised a baby girl, I could have been a better son.'

James Waller|Father|Deceased
'Ambition will forever be the folly of man.'
An ambitious deputy, James was killed early in Williams' childhood during a stick-up involving cattle theft. While this took a toll on Williams', it took a toll on his mother more.

Walter Waller|Twin Brother|Deceased
'You were always gold to me.'
Walter Waller was Williams' identical twin brother, who, humorously in a way, was a lawman, a deputy in a town much more booming than Sandchapel.
Unfortunately, Walter's life was cut short by Roaming Water, a fact that looms present like a storm upon Williams' heavy heart.

•Other Relationships•
While he won't deny enjoying the fruits of friendship, it's rare Williams' is ever in a romantic relationship, given his tendencies towards being distant emotionally. What he knows more of is fast friends and flings, with the deepest connection to another he ever made, despite their obvious differences, likely held by his since passed brother.
At the moment, it would be fair to say Williams has more enemies than friends.

Roaming Water|

Sure, you've permission!
I inspired Williams (and his brother) massively off different songs, mainly Almost Gold by Radical Face, with the perspective in that song likely being held by Walter rather than Williams.


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Edited on 31/12/17 @ 14:58:51 by Huskthehalls (#37594)

VeraLynn (#115583)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-27 23:00:35

Matthew Matt White


•Gender & Sex•
Cis Male



•Census Description•
A lanky brunette with a soft voice and a quick wit.

6’4 | 204 lbs
Matt is lean and thin, though it would be a mistake to think him weak. His skinny frame is covered in nothing but muscle. He has no scars, having been lucky to avoid nasty disasters. His skin is pale, though not unhealthy so, rather he just simply doesn’t tan. With a ruddy pink undertone and clear skin, he looks like a picture of health. His jaw is more on the square side of things and his face in thin. His nose is unsurprising thin and long, his mouth thin and wide. Matt has a habit of forgetting to shave and often is left with a thin layer of hair. Dark brown eyes with golden flecks sit beneath a strong browline. His hair is chocolatey and kept short on the sides and back, left free to grow a bit longer on the top. He wears durable clothing that will last him a long time. Worn boots that stop at his ankles and denim pants paired with a cotton shirt topped off with a warm leather jacket if needed. Matt simply prefers the simpler things in life.

Matt is mild-mannered with a soft voice. He really doesn’t raise his voice, prefering to keep calm instead of getting angry. Yet he is always human and does occasionally let his anger get the better of him. His anger is cold, settling in his chest, turning off his humanity, and letting his evil thoughts rule. But of course he enjoys to be happy like any other person and for the most part accomplishes that. Matt tries his hardest to reach out to others and hopefully connect with him. He craves human interactive, always ready to help out or simply chat. He can be a bit stubborn and set in his ways though, often refusing to do certain activities or complete a task in a certain way. Matt tries to lighten the mood when the air gets to tense as it makes him twitchy and uncomfortable. Yet sometimes he can lack understand when it is okay to say something or can come off as rude or stuck up. Matt really only wants to try his best despite the eventual outcome.

Matt was born and raised on the frontier, though not in Sandchapel. He has an older sister and twin younger brothers, his father ran the homestead and his mother managed to wrangle all her kids into a neat line. Yet as he grew up he watched the wilderness disappear as more people made their way west. Though he did not want to leave his family, unsure how they would feel about him moving all the way on the other side of the rocky mountains. So he chose a career that would allow him to face danger but still be close to home, he joined the local law enforcement. His parent knew their son was still feeling wanderlust and encouraged him to follow his dream as they once did.
Matt requested a transfer to a different town and was granted his wish. As he had previously been using his parents horses when he needed one, he made sure to buy one before he left. That was how he ended up with the silver dappled, flaxen mane, metallic looking horse he had today. There was just one problem, he had bought her when she only two and barely broken in for riding. So he had an interesting time traveling to Sandchapel. He wouldn’t change it though because it has allowed him to bond even tighter with his horse and believes it makes him a better lawman. Now he has stayed in Sandchapel for a year, made a home for himself, and has become a deputy, all he has left to do is help defend his new hometown.

Nathan White - father - alive
Grace White - mother - alive
Clark White - younger brother - alive
Jasper White - younger brother - alive
Helen Rogan - older sister - alive
Christopher Rogan - brother-in-law - alive
Iris Rogan - niece - alive

•Other Relationships•
Aran Hughes - Matthew is friendly to him, though completely unsure where they stand friendship wise as Aran is so quiet.
Jeremiah Waldrop - He holds great respect for his boss and tries to do what Jeremiah would want done.

Matt's horse is a silver dapple rocky mountain mare. Matt bought Aurora just before he moved to Sandchapel. She is an even tempered horse, though she is wary of new riders and tends to only let Matt ride her. Gunshots and loud noises no longer bother her as she had grown used to such events.

For sure
All photos link back to original source.

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Edited on 28/12/17 @ 22:02:49 by tea.bee (#115583)

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