Posted by ~ StormPride Adoptions ~

TwiztedSmilez707 (#41411)

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Posted on
2017-12-10 15:52:02

Entering StormPride Territory

The sun is setting as you make your way through the tall grass. Ahead, you see a large tree coming up on your right. As you pass it, you notice "StormPride Adoptions" is clawed and scratched deep into the splintery bark of the great tree. You look beyond the tree, a light wind is blowing through your fur now, to see a circlet of bushes and rocks. The scent of lions, water, and rain wafts trough your nostrils as you step towards the vegetation.

Upon reaching the wall of shrubs, you see there is a gap in the branches only big enough for you walk through. Thunder crackles and lightning splits up the clouds above your head as rain gently pelts down. You squeeze through the entrance of the circlet, managing to get a few shallow scrapes on your shoulders and flanks. You find yourself in a clearing with a large pool of water as still as death reflecting the now-showing stars above. The sight was breath-taking.

"Welcome, stranger," Calls a velvety voice. You look to your left and see a gorgeous Patches queen with onyx, blue, and white markings. Her mist colored eyes are almost hypnotic. "I am Queen Moonshimmer. You must be here to adopt some of my Pridemates, right?" You nod after the pretty lioness speaks. "Good. Then take your pick... and I would be grateful if you left a donation to help me take care of the rest of the young lions here." The celestial maned queen nods to all the different colored lions playing and chatting not far off. You glance around the warm clearing, looking for your next Pride member...
Image from Gyazo

Welcome to My Adoption Thread!

This will be a roleplay-style thread where you can choose to adopt cub by offering food, nesting items, explore-found decor, or silver beetles. It's your choice! The offering is like a donation for me to keep running the adoptions. I'll never ask for anything worth more than a few hundred SB.

All cubs will be sent to the Nature Reserve at 1 year, 11 months. I can't keep them for long and sending them away boosts my karma.
Sales thread here:

You don't have to roleplay to get a cub, but if you do and you have no idea what to say, just know that it doesn't have to be anything elaborate or paragraphs long. It's supposed to be fun, not an English essay. Just write enough, like describe the cub you want to adopt and ask them their name and if they like the item you're offering. I'll respond with the cub's dialogue. Something like that. If you don't want to, just go ahead and offer on a young lion's trade. No worries!

Here's the cave where all the cubs are kept. There are some in there for sale (they have a "$" in their name), so you can offer on their trade if you happen to like any, but ignore them otherwise as they're not for free.
Here's a clickable link, if you'd prefer.

Let's Get Started!

Thank you for reading that long intro. I'm very optimistic as to where this thread will go. I hope it gets lots of attention and I gain more friends! You can also donate cubs! Just PM me, or if you transfer them, make sure to put "Cub Adoption Donation" or something like that in the note at the bottom.

There's no limit to adoptions! Adopt as many young lions as you'd like so long as you'll give them a great home!

Also! Cubs/Adols are now already put in a trade to make things more along faster and smoother! Just offer your donation onto the trade and I'll accept! If you're wanting to adopt multiple young lions, just spread your donation out on each of their trades. Like, let's say you offer 3 carcasses of some kind for two cubs. Just offer two of the carcasses on one cub's trade and the third carcass on the other cub's trade. Simple!

And, in the story part, it said you get a few scratches on your pelt, so you have a small chance of receiving a Scar decor! This is to keep the roleplay as LioDen-like as possible and so I can get rid of the hoard of Scar decor I have.

PLEASE check the latest posts on the thread so that you are aware of the cubs others are trying to adopt. This is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. It's not an auction. I don't care if the previous person offered one carcass and you offered 500 SB. So please don't try to "out bid" other players because it doesn't matter. If they asked for the cub first, then they get the cub. However, if it's been two days or so and the first person to ask for the cub doesn't offer on their trade, then the cub will automatically go back up for adoption, so keep that in mind.

That's all for now! Enjoy any new cubs you adopt! Once a cub is in your possession, feel free to do whatever you want with it!

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Edited on 07/12/21 @ 16:30:38 by TwiztedSmilez Moonshimmer (#41411)

💎Rarity [1K G1
Kiman Rosette] (#114707)

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Posted on
2017-12-25 17:49:30

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lulupie (#131099)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-12-26 16:23:58
Lulupie walks into the shelter with his queen Methotaske, they immediatly take extreme interest in Smoke, Default, and Solar. After playing wiht them for a little while they decide its a fit and offer the king a Oryx Carcass a Okapi carcass and 2 half eaten rhino carcasses.

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TwiztedSmilez707 (#41411)

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Posted on
2017-12-26 16:28:29
StormKing nods. "Thank you for the donation. I'm glad to see these cubs go to a great home."

(I'll set up a private trade. Thank you for adopting! )

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Nettle *Light's
Off*StampMePls (#127094)

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Posted on
2017-12-26 16:36:32
Panther, Hazel and Owl

Merlin walked in for the third time, and saw Panther, Owl and Hazel.She padded up to Shujaa,."Does 100 Silver Beetles for Hazel, Panther and Owl sound good?"

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Espenfalls ✧ G1
13/15bo (#127995)

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Posted on
2017-12-26 16:39:29
Sparrow song was wondering around the pride when he spotted a very lovely cub. He approached the cud and softly asked. " Hello young one would you like to come to my pride " he sounded calm and kind. " I can offer 70 Sb " he said to stomking awaiting the responses of the king and the cub .
( I am interested in Flames )

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TwiztedSmilez707 (#41411)

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Posted on
2017-12-26 16:40:18
The rosette king flicked his tail in joy. "Of course. Thank you for your donation. I'll round the cubs up for you." He politely ducked away to gather the young lions.

(I'll set up a private trade. Thank you for adopting! )

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TwiztedSmilez707 (#41411)

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Posted on
2017-12-26 16:44:22
StormKing purred at seeing how delighted the cub was to find a home. "That works nicely. Thank you for your donation."

(I'll set up a private trade. Thank you for adopting! )

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ʰᵉˣᵉˢ (#133847)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-27 07:07:57
Chotho Meshindi stalking inside the den, his golden body chains jingling like little bells. Focusing his cold, hard, yellow eye onto the little cub Snowflake, Meshindi flattened his ears. Lashing his tufted tail, he knew he had to have her- with her down-to-earth personality, she would be focused on not telling any lion about Chotho's mass murders.

"StormKing!" He roared, showing dirty, bloodstained teeth. "I have profound interest in this cub- Snowflake. I have an offer ready for you!" Sweeping his tail high into the air as a signal, a tall, muscular lioness nudged a pile of 80 SB towards StormKing. "

Nompilo! We must have more!" Chotho hissed, striking a paw across the zarin-colored lioness' shoulder. Nompilo screeched, and carefully carried a map of the Hyena Lands. After that, she ran away, crying. Chotho smirked, his one good eye watching the large lioness leave.

After that, he refocused on StormKing. "This must be enough!" He growled, his Rosy Brown, Orange-tipped mane bristling.

(So, I offer 80 SB and a Hyena Lands background. Also, you don't have to worry about Snowflake. If she were to join, I'd take care of her.)

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TwiztedSmilez707 (#41411)

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Posted on
2017-12-27 11:40:45
(I'm not worried. I trust everyone adopting only offers on cubs they want and not just use them for fodder or anything, but, once you adopt a cub, it's yours and you're free to do whatever you wish with it. I just hope no one would use them as fodder and send them back if they didn't like them anymore. )

StormKing was a little put off by this lion, but he kept his calm and collected demeanor. "Of course. I am grateful for any donations I receive. I trust Snowflakes neutral personality will help to keep you in check..." He mostly mumbled the last part to himself.

(I'll set up a private trade. Thank you for adopting! )

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bony (#62563)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-12-27 17:08:10
DeSade slowly walks upt to the cubs and adols, looking each one up and down. But he kept going back to the one that had such beauty and a scent he could not resist. So he walks up to StormKing and ask permission to have Nimbus as one of his queens. DeSade then as a sign of trust places moonstone shards and the great kings feet.......DeSade patiently waits for StormKing to respond before asking Numbus to be his exotic queen.

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TwiztedSmilez707 (#41411)

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Posted on
2017-12-27 17:24:57
The rosette king looked at Nimbus and then at the stranger and nodded. The adolescent looked excited to find a home. "Okay, thank you."

(I'll set up a private trade. Thank you for adopting! )))

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bony (#62563)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-12-27 17:25:48
Thank you so much :D

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ʰᵉˣᵉˢ (#133847)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-27 20:35:56
He growled a rough goodbye, impatience flooding his one-eyed gaze. Carrying the cub to the Trading Room, Chotho plopped Snowflake down as if she were but a mere, dead snake.

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Kouyne [G2 FRONTAL
ICE 5BO] (#129273)

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Posted on
2017-12-28 02:42:52
(Cheetah and fawn please! I'm offering nesting materials, and I got a bunch of food if you need it! They'll also be cared for. :) )

A large husky golden male prowls through the grassy area, two aging females accompanying him as he makes his way forward towards the adoption tree. His black eyes seem to jump from one cub to another, only staying on them for a brief moment. Silent murmurs can be heard amongst the elder females, there attention switching from one another then looking forward at their king.
"I think those two would be good, would they not?" The olden female suggests, her tail lightly swaying behind her.
"I don't see why not, they look lovely!" The red female with golden points comments, a joyful smile stretching out onto her maw.
There's no words coming from the king, only a subtle nod as he prowls foward, motioning at adolescent tan spotted female and the younger brown banded female. He had no interest in any others, and his mind had been made up. They're fine felines, and they'd be cared for by his group.

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ʰᵉˣᵉˢ (#133847)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-28 07:40:31
After the private trading session had been completed, Chotho briskly brushed past StormKing out of the den. Grasping Snowflake tightly with his jaws, he stiffly tramped out of StormKing's territory. There, he saw Nompilo, who was relaxing under a tree, and briefly exchanged shocked glances.

"Nompilo!" Meshindi roared, almost dropping Snowflake, who was writhing and crying due to the loud noises and being so tightly grasped. The orange-hued lioness jumped at the sound. "Aren't you supposed to be a Pridemate? I claimed you for a reason!" He growled, lashing his tail. "Ignorant lioness. Now we look weak! Eighty silver beetles? Are you trying to get us all sabotaged and killed?"

Nompilo howled. "Mercy, m'Lord! You must be paranoid! Mercy!" She tried to bow down, but fell over, faceplanting into the dirty snow. "This isn't paranoia- this is reality!" Chotho hissed, raising a paw with unsheathed claws to her back. Not daring defy the cruel Leader again, the huge lioness retreated, fear sparkling in her small eyes.

Curling his lip into a snarl, Meshindi yowled after her. "Go. Make yourself useful! Stop throwing the Pride into a pit of threat!" Nompilo didn't seem to hear him- her legs were pumping like a stampede of wildebeest was chasing after her. Smirking, he put down Snowflake, jerking his tail along her back as if he was trying to soothe her.

"I am truly sorry you had to witness that on your first day with the Zulu Lions." Chotho lied to the cub, trying to smile. "Nompilo is just a bit on the dull side. However, let's get over this event. Your new name is Themba. No more Snowflake." He told her. It sounded like more of a command than a statement, but Themba didn't seem to notice.

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Edited on 28/12/17 @ 07:41:55 by Cameron (#133847)

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