Posted by Survivors [Dog RP]

Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-22 17:19:46
Survival Is Crucial
but what if they return...?

I am going to say this ONCE. This RP is not a rip off of Twisted Shadows, even if it is similar. TS is a literate dog RP about dogs who had to live after their humans were wiped out by a virus and have to survive against crazed cannibalistic mad dogs. This RP is based off of the Erin Hunter book Survivors, about a pack of dogs who had to escape a city and learn to live without the guidence of humans and channel their inner dog-spirit. Erin Hunter is also the auther of the popular Warrior Cats series.

Dogs lived as they did... Along with their Longpaws. Things were calm and mandatory in the city, normaly. For years dogs shared their lives with the cities Longpaws, though strays found either strife or happiness living away from them on the city streets. One faithful day, their was no warning, not a single tremor to alert the Longpaws that something big was coming. The dogs knew better, as the streets filled with canine panic, the ground shook and split, loudcages flew off the ground and clear-stone shattered. The Big Growl struck, struck and wrought havoc on the city as the Longpaws gathered their belongings and left... all their belongings, exept their dogs.
Left without their Longpaws, many dogs gave up and died waiting for them to return. Others found a way to survive in the abandoned city... and others fled into the forests...

Any Questions? Legends and Lore. PM me a question and ill awnser it here!

Heres a link to our discussion thread!

Dogs were told biblical stories as pups about the great Earth-dog, who sent the big growl as punishment to someone who had angered her. Some dogs strayed from their gods because of this, others prayed for forgivness, some told stories that Lightning was going to return and avenge the living beneath him. With such came only fear...

The city is a barren place, its streets cracked open and clear-stone shattered onto the ground. Their is afew plentiful sources of food, but with that comes plentiful competition. Water found in the area is some of the only clean water found anymore, even if its not much. Large buildings can house multiple packs, but are probably unstable from The Big Growl. Food-houses and trap-houses litter the area and make for more stable refuge along with small sources of food. The largest building in the center of the city adds a glorious base location for city dwelling dogs. {an abandoned mall}

The forests are a vast expanse of wilderness on the outskirts of the city. Winding rivers lace the ground, though none flow with clean water. The Big Growl had effected the forests as well, as the rivers flow with yellowish brown waste that choke the air. A secluded clearing in the hills are home to a small, shallow pond filled and suplied by springwater, the hill overlooks the city and most of the forests... Any dog in its right mind would fight to the death for this spot.

No one liners!
Type at least five sentences for each post.
Use proper puncuation and acceptable vocabulary.
No large time transitions! Example, "It was hours before she got up to continue." But this is exeptable, "It lead into a silence for afew minutes before they decided to keep going.''
No godding, no powerplaying, you are not invinsible! But, you need PTK from another player to kill their character. PTA= permission to kill.
when posting, make sure to include your location above the post, example-- "Qune - female german shepard - Forest Base

In the "other" section of your character sheet, make sure to include to tell me that you read these rules.



Skull- male lab/husky- A legendary black and white fighter, bent for his own amusement.

Cole- male- Irish wolfhound- A bold colored rogue with charming capabilities

Qune - female - ALPHA FEMALE A black german shepard, with a bright heart and a dark past.

Frost- female Siberian husky- pup- an intelligent husky with black tips ends and white base

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Edited on 24/12/17 @ 05:43:07 by 🐊🎶Cajun Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-24 10:48:12
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Qune stopped one ear, "Ahh... kind isnt a word I'd use. He's just kind to you, and even then hes just finding amusement." She walked over to the pond, stretching before staring at her reflection, "And when, my. Pond. Names Qune! The alpha of the Huntaria pack, even if we only have one other member." She smiled, wow. She was happy go lucky.

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☆Slurg☆ (#73628)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-24 19:22:54

Cole | 25 Moons | 2 Years | Male | Rogue | Mentions; Skull, Qune|

He noticed her joy, and flicked his ear in curiosity. How can a dog constantly be that happy- he had just
been in her territory, flailing around like an idiot. ''Oh, Huntaria pack? I didnt know any packs were around here.'' He replied honestly, pausing for a moment. ''My names Cole, i'm a rogue i guess you'd say. I like being free.'' He shrugged, though still cautious about the dog. Though she hadnt shown any signs of aggression, it was better to be safe- then sorry. ''Anywho, i can go if you'd like. I was just trying to drown some stupid fleas and bumped into Skull... Literally.'' He smirked at his words, his tail dripping with water.

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-24 19:34:51
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Skull was pushed out of the bushes by the larger animal, triggering Wines bad side, she snarled and barked wildly, "Skull! You sharpclaw spitter! I told you if you came back here again your dead! DEAD! She shrieked. The chain collar around her throat clinked together, adding to the suspense. Qune reared onto her hind legs, doubling her size.


Skull recoiled quickly, but his smarts came back to him just as fast. Swift as a thrown knife he ran by Qunes legs, cutting a small bit of hide on her ankle. She fell for it and lifted that pae, giving her no way to balance, as she fell on her side . Skull loomed closer. Closing in for the kill.


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Edited on 24/12/17 @ 19:40:20 by 🐊🎶Cajun Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-24 19:40:22
(Oh um I didn't read that last post right lol just go with it)

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☆Slurg☆ (#73628)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-24 19:40:49

Cole | 25 Moons | 2 Years | Male | Rogue | Mentions; Skull, Qune|

His fur bristled and he ran over to the duo, tackling Skull. Sure, he didnt want to make the dog angry- afterall he was actually fairly fun to hang around, but he didnt want a dog to be killed that didnt deserve it. ''Woah woah woah, lets uh.. Lets just go have a swim and talk this out- alright guys? Heh, we can uh be civilized adults.'' He replied, anxiety prickling his ears. He genty unpinned Skull, not meaning to come off as threatening or aggressive. ''I mean afterall we could all be friends, right?'' He barked, nervous and laboroured breathes leaving his maw.

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-24 19:45:51
I'm dying from laughter

image source


Qune looked up at him, sparing a moment. She kicked Skull off her and got to her feet. Returning to her happy self, satisfaction that Skull was halted rang in her voice, "We have history, he unfairly stole kills my Longpaw made." She still smiled though, "And no, you don't have to leave, this is the only known pure water." She clarified.

Skull growled, knowing that no matter what he did it would be in vain. No matter how joyful Qune seemed, she was dangerous. Skull sat down and angerly looked over her, "I did not unfairly steal, he had lost them! I simply..." He couldn't find the words, just turning his head back, grumbling to himself.

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☆Slurg☆ (#73628)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-24 19:48:50

Cole | 25 Moons | 2 Years | Male | Rogue | Mentions; Skull, Qune|

Trying to avoid further confrontation, he looked up to the sky- which was painted in oranges as the sun set. ''Well uh.. Would ya look at that? aint that pretty.'' He yapped, grinning up towards the sky. Though he seemed fairly scatter-brained, he was actually very good at changing topics, and could even; if lucky make you forget about the whole confrontation. He did a small spring into the air, his back legs staying planted on the damp dirty-shore as he pushed his front-paws into the sky, swiping them playfully. He was a pup in a dogs body, no question about it.

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-24 19:59:01
Gonna focus on pics when I HAVE MY GOOGLE DOCS PULLED UP

Skull laughed at the dog, so large and so small at the same time. "Why yes it is."
He said, turning to dive back into the water. His eyes focused on a silvery glimmer in the shallows, just as he tensed his back legs to spring on it...

She quickly pounced as her teeth latched onto Skulls scruff. He yelped as she used his sudden reactions momentum to toss him on the other side of her easily. A German shepard... what would that bite could have done? She had him by the throat, he was clearly a sworn enemy... shy didnt she just...?

(I see something familiar here)

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☆Slurg☆ (#73628)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-24 20:05:38

Cole | 25 Moons | 2 Years | Male | Rogue | Mentions; Skull, Qune|

He let out a yip of surprise, looking at the Qune. "Put him down.'' He stated, his voice firm. ''Afterall, why would you want to be known as a murderer? A pathetic murderer is hated by everybody if they kill who dont deserve it... And sure Skull can be a bramble in the butt, but he doesnt deserve it.'' His voice trailed, and he tensed his muscles- propering to leap onto her if needed. He didnt want either dog to be hurt, no, he just wanted to have atleast some sort of harmony.

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