Posted by NO GOOD MAN ○ RW's Gang RP Thread

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-12-30 13:56:44



A Literate-Advanced Wild West Roleplay

Mod: InsertCleverNameHere


"So whaddya say, Marshal? You wanna shut that bitch down? So do I."

The year is 1900. The turn of the century has marked the decline of the American Frontier and the beginning of the new millennium. In the state of New Columbia, however, wild west culture has continued to reign supreme. This is a world of brutality, of death, and, most prominently, of the Transcontinental Railroad. This incredible source of income has led to an unprecedented rise in outlaw activity. Guns, gambling, and hunting are the backbone of the economy and gangs of outlaws terrorize small towns. One such gang is run by Roaming Water, an independent, fiery Native American woman with a traumatic past.

Roaming Water's gang is a brutal and unruly bunch, stealing cattle and horses and robbing banks. They accept all who possess an issue with authority and skill with a pistol, regardless of race or sex. Their notoriety carries across the state, striking fear into the hearts of men. Thus, a recent campaign against these outlaws had led the marshal of Sandchapel to gather an armed militia. With an air of arrogance, the marshal hopes to become the greatest lawman in Sandchapel's history and end the terrorization of Roaming Water's gang.

The stakes are raised further when a former member of Roaming Water's gang, nicknamed "The Informant," arrives at the Marshall's office with a bottle of whiskey and a fresh vendetta. The scarred man tells a story of his brother's death at the hands of Roaming Water as he pours two shots of whiskey, passing one to the Marshal and swallowing the other in one stoic swig. Thus, a fragile alliance is born. But will the glory-hungry Marshal stay true to his word or betray his tentative new partnership? Will you join the lawless world of an outlaw or the infantile militia striving toward justice?





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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-12-30 14:52:42



On a warm evening in a town not far from Sandchapel, all is quiet except for the whispering roar of a busy saloon. Pale yellow light spills onto the hoof-trampled road. A row of horses, some standing quietly, others subtly bickering amongst themselves. At the head of this line, a freckled stallion stands, his ears pinned but otherwise still.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-12-30 15:18:23

Roaming Water |•| Female |•| Gang Leader |•| 21 Years |•| Saloon
Mentions: Poker Table

The evening clamor of the saloon was only further accented by the strong, sour stench of alcohol wafting in and out of the noses and mouths of hazy patrons. Every few seconds, the sound of beer taps harmonized with the words of men and giggles of women, filling the atmosphere with banter. In a dingier portion of the room, a poker game interrupted into chaos, the clicks of guns silencing the patrons' voices all at once. A sigh adjourned the now taut tension that permeated the air and an individual stood, taking their caramel arm from around a woman's shoulders. The figure spoke, dressed in men's clothing, as they stepped towards the poker table. The individual took the hat from their head, unleasing a long ebony braid. Quiet voices, almost like the soft flutter of moth wings against a lampshade, found shelter underneath the blanket of tension. She was Roaming Waters, infamous across the state and wanted for murder, assault, grand larceny, horse theft, and many more she hasn't quite bothered to remember. "Men," she cooed, placing her hat against her chest and adopting a visage much like a stern mother, "Do not quarrel over cards; there are much more important matters to kill a man over. Though, if you do wish to end someone's life this evening, do our dear, dear bartender a favor and dirty up the streets outside instead of his bar."

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Aslan'sLioness (#23605)

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Posted on
2018-01-01 22:53:28
Kate entered the tavern, standing behind her leader, hand on her holster. She took in the scene with calm eyes, her smile playing at the edges of her lips. Sadness filled her heart as she stood there, a million miles away in her mind, remembering the long happy days she’d spent with Bonnie. She remembered many an afternoon much like this one, the sun setting over the world, the two of them toying with the emotions of a couple of drunk bastards in a saloon. She shook her head. No no. It wouldn’t do to dwell on her almost fiancée.
“Yes.” She hissed, leaning on the table, leaning in close to the nearest mans ear. “ let’s not go shooting now. It simply won’t do. It won’t do at all. “ she let out a fake laugh. “ Why. I can think of several things more worthwhile to argue over than cards.”

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2018-01-02 15:49:12
Aston Gray
Male || 25 || Gang Member
Location: Saloon
Mentions: Roaming Water, Kade, Poker Table

Perhaps he had been winning a little too much. It wasn't cheating, Aston Gray was above that, but the other men at the table clearly didn't believe that. The chips stacked high in front of him collapsed with a clatter as the players erupted into motion. The click of guns quickly replaced the voices of the saloon, and the dark haired man found himself staring down a few more gun barrels than was comfortable.

And while he usually preferred to fight his own battles... the odds didn't seem to be in his favor, so when Roaming Water stepped in, he was grateful. Kade too, he supposed. "The ladies are quite right," he said, grinning lazily even as the other men continued to glare murder at him. "Just a misunderstanding, I'm sure. How about we all have a drink instead." Aston raised a hand, drawing the attention of the bartender. "A round for theae gentlemen."

A few glances were exchanged among them, but within the next few moments the players were all settled again, guns holstered and drinks in hand. Aston tipped his hat to them, handing the bartender the money as he rose. His chips were slid smoothly off the table and into a pouch, and his beer was in hand as he stepped away. That was enough for tonight, he supposed, unless he wanted to get himself killed. His storm gray eyes searched out those of Roaming Water, and he grinned when they met. "A drink for you too?" He didn't go much for debts and the like, but it did pay to keep people on your side. And he had earned plenty that game.

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Ethan (#131622)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-08 16:19:48

:: Jayne Parrish :: Male :: 17 :: Location- Saloon:: Mentions- Roaming Water, Aston, Kate, Poker Table ::

Jayne watched the exchange from the bar, perched still as a statue on his stool. His eyes, however, were anything but, flicking around the crowded room restlessly. He had taken up a seat in a darker corner that commanded a decent view of the goings-on without making him too conspicuous. He liked to fancy that he looked mighty mysterious, his hair falling into his face and shrouding his eyes. To most other eyes though, he looked like what he was- a skinny boy trying to make himself seem like a man. The bandana around his neck itched in the warm saloon.

He took a sip of his beer, the taste bitter on his tongue. He preferred not to dwell on how difficult it had been for him to convince the barkeep that he was old enough to drink. Not so much a lie as an exaggeration. He would be eighteen soon enough. In the meantime, he was old enough. He was a man grown.

Jayne perked up when he saw Roaming Water enter, his heartbeat quickening in anticipation. His hand shifted towards his switchblade and he pictured his shotgun. He could see in his mind's eye exactly where it was- just outside lashed to Stitch's saddle. He could be out of this stupid saloon and back with it in less than five heartbeats if a fight broke out. Then he'd prove he was more than just a stupid boy. He stood and prowled closer to the poker table, lurking in the shadows. He pictured himself as a lion stalking its prey, ready to pounce at a moment's notice. He could have his blade out and in the neck of the nearest man as fast as he could blink if he wanted to. Jayne's expression morphed into a wolfish smirk as the men backed down at Aston's smooth words and he let out a mocking chuckle. He looked to Kate, curious if she shared his amusement. They had no idea how close they had come to a swift death at the hands of his companions.

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