Posted by WIP-Do Not Post

MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2018-02-03 21:06:45


Rules & Guidlines
♦ All LioDen rules apply. ♦

1. Your characters CAN DIE!! This is a survival based rp.

2. Godmodding is not a practice I tolerate or support. This includes prey characters that are hunted in rp. Remember, all characters have strengths and weaknesses. No one here should be invincible or omnipresent.

3. Fights & Hunts between characters, predators, and prey will be rped out. , I and any accepted volunteers, will be rping the prey, and npcs. Be as realistic as possible in all of these situations, and note that you may be asked to describe a move that seems impossible or improbable from another's point of view. If the fight drags on for too long, and slows the rp a winner will be decided based on wounds, accumulation of wounds, size, etc.

4. This rp will have story driven qualities that will determine the future of the pride. Decisions on which path to take will be posted in the rp thread at regular intervals, as will updates on change of weather and threats to survival. Time skips may be integrated at key points in time.

5. Though death is avoidable characters can, and will, die if they do not take care of their health...Ie: eating, drinking water, doing their best to avoid serious wounds.If I see any neglect to take care of one's own health...illness, or weakness, will likely be the result. Keep in mind that medical attention is relatively minimal at the moment, and make sure to follow the directions of whoever knows the most about medicine before the situation gets worse.

6. Avoid romantic relationships between your own characters...challenge yourself and try and form bonds with someone else's character.

7. All mature content must either fade to black or be taken off-site in accordance with LioDen’s roleplay rules. Mild violence and innuendo should be fine so long as you are mindful not to overdo it and respect the boundaries of your fellow roleplayers.

8. This rp is an LGBTQIA friendly thread.If you do not feel comfortable with this, you may wish to find a different place to rp.

9. This is intended to be a semi-literate/advanced roleplay. Please be capable of writing a full paragraph (five sentences) at minimum and practicing proper grammar. Occasional writer’s block is understandable, but keep in mind that if you break this rule every post you may be asked to leave.

10. For initial lion designs please try and keeps things realistic, or at the very least realistic enough one would not be surprised to find your character in the movie The Lion King. For this rp I would like everyone to use the lioden wardrobe, or art they own of their characters.

11. Be as active as possible, especially if you have a high ranking character. I understand if life gets in the way, but please contact me if you won't be able to post regularly so we can integrate a reason for your character's absence in rp. Otherwise, your character will likely be replaced or killed off...

12. For now each player is limited to four characters in this rp.

13. If you use artwork it needs to either be your own or something that was specifically made for you. Please provide proof. Art theft will not be tolerated.

14. By signing up you agree to respect your fellow roleplayers. I expect everyone to be kind to one another out of character. Please write "I read and agree to the rules of this roleplay" if you have done so.

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Edited on 04/02/18 @ 22:49:14 by MoeMoe (#65000)

MoeMoe (#65000)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-02-17 22:15:10

~Horizon Ranks~

| Chieftan | 1 / 1 |
An ancient rank brought back from the dead as we fear for the survival of our species. The chieftan has the last say in every aspect of his pride. Be that hunting, fighting, socializing, or even breeding...however, one can hope that reinstating this savage rank will not reinstate a savage mindset in the pride's ruler.

| The Council | 0 / X |
The group of lions who used to rule this pride before The Great Calamity, the Council made the educated decision to revert back to the ancient rules of ranking in this dire time of survival. These individuals are also responsible for the recent creation of the Arbitrator rank before they disbanded. Some of these individuals still survived, and are still greatly respected no matter what their rank in the pride may now be. (If you want one of your characters to have a history as a council member please pm me first for permission.)

| Mendax | 0 / 2 |
The Mendax are some of the most knowledgeable lions within the pride, having spent most if not all of their lives learning every scrap of history our pride has to offer. This is a continual endeavor for these lions, so don't be surprised if they nose around in your personal history and affairs. These lions also serve as pride counselors/advisors, for whoever may be having a hard time coping with personal or nonpersonal issues.

| Arbitrators | 0 / 2 |
A newly created and rather unusual rank, the Arbitrators are now in charge of the heritage of each lion within the pride. Their job is to find out who is related to who, and inform the young adults of the pride of their most beneficial 'pairings' which would create the greatest survival rate for any potential offspring. Unfortunately, if our numbers continue to dwindle the former practice of polygamy might have to be reinstated. Additionally, Arbitrators must keep track of any genetic mutations, health issues, or injuries that pride lions might have or acquire.

| Medens | 0 / X |
The medical professionals within the pride, Meden's make use of herbs and their knowledge of the body to heal any wounded or diseased pride members. They are in charge of keeping the pride happy and as healthy as possible. Usually, there are up to three Medens, but the with the onset of the Great Calamity the former Medens were lost, presumed perished.

| Party | 0 / 5 |
Usually made up of four females and one male (for muscle), these lions are experts in the hunt and use teamwork and communication to take down medium to large prey. Pride hunts (in which the whole pride works together to take something down) are usually led and coordinated under these lions.

| Horde | 0 / 2 (X)|
These lions are the guardians of the pride, the individuals who make sure potential predators, rivals, or even prey don't attack or harm any of the assorted members of the pride. These individuals scout ahead and behind of the pride while they are on the move, as well as take turns working as sentries as the pride sleeps.

| Tutors | 0 / 1 (X)|
These individuals teach the young (and the newcomers) the law of the pride, social norms, manners, how to hunt, how to fight, and pretty much anything else they can think of. These lions are traditionally older lions and serve as secondary parents for a cub after they reach 5 months of age.

| Broodmother | 0 / X |
A female lioness who is heavy enough with cubs that she is unable to effectively perform her duties or a lioness who is nursing cubs and as a result cannot dedicate a nearly as much of her time to the rank she had before becoming a broodmother.

| Adolescents | 0 / X |
These individuals are still some of the weakest within the pride but now hold the ability to start their training to be a part of the community.

| Cubs | 0 / X |
The youth of our community, cubs are the weakest link of the pride yet hold our future in their small paws. These individuals are 0 to 5 months old.

~Misc. Ranks~
| Loners | 0 / 5 |
These are strangers who were not originally a part of Horizon, and who were either loners before the beginning of the great calamity or were separated from their original pride when the Great Calamity started.

| The Lost | 0 / 2 |
These are lions who survived the beginning of The Great Calamity but were separated from their original pride, Horizon.

X's refer to ranks that were totally wiped out during the initial part of the Great Calamity, or ranks that had a decrease in numbers. Ex: The Horde usually has more than two individuals. X's that are not crossed out refer to ranks where there is a high need....a place where lions will likely be placed into right away (at the beginning of the rp) no matter their level of skill for that particular job.

| Example | 0 / X | Refers to a rank that not only has been wiped out, but likely won't be available for awhile and will have to be unlocked via rp (usually in-depth rp).

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Edited on 26/02/18 @ 00:50:36 by MoeMoe (#65000)

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