Posted by Elementals of Mior (Restart) (Open/Accepting)

(Brimstone Primal) (#136412)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-16 19:24:47
(When I can’t be on for long periods of time, EndlessOcean has the authority to accept characters.)

In space floats an empty planet, just a surface of cold, dead rock. It has never known life. Slowly, those mystical forces that create life are awakening. They are called Elementals. And they call this planet Mior.

The first to wake is Winter. She stretches her arms and blinks slowly. She feels as if she has dreamt a long dream, but she can’t seem to remember it. She remembers nothing before waking here. Where is here? She looks at the rocky landscape and frowns. She gets to her feet and begins to walk, and the first of the Seasons is known. Snow and ice cover the land.

~Elementals of The Planet Mior~
Winter (1/1) Female Character, Played by Belladonna
Spring (1/1) Female Character, Played by Mag W.
Summer (1/1) Female Character, Played by Endless Ocean
Fall (0/1)
Basic Elements:
Water (0/1)
Fire (0/1)
Earth (0/1)
Air (1/1) Male Character, Played by Endless Ocean
Intangible Elements:
Light (1/1) Male Character, Played by A Name My Computer Can’t Type
Shadow (1/1) Male Character, Played by ANMCCT
(To keep the gender ratio even, five males and five females only please.)

This RP is set in a world called Mior. In this RP, you play an Elemental. There are ten Elementals. These beings awaken in an empty world, and the first is my own character, Winter. Your character’s name will be the element it governs. As the Elementals work together and fight, they create the world of Mior. As the RP progresses, eventually your character will have the opportunity to create a race of sentient beings. These characters will not be available to be played, but they give room for creativity!
Please note that the Elementals are supposed to be human-like beings. They aren’t humans, but they do resemble them. No more than two characters per person, as there are only ten total character slots.

Element (this is also your character’s name):
Personality (optional):
(Everyone please post your forms to the character sheets thread after your form has been accepted.)

My Form(s)
Element: Winter
Gender: Female
Appearance: Winter has long, straight, silky black hair, dark as night. Her skin is white as snow, and her lips are bright red like holly berries. Her eyes are a clear pale blue, like the winter sky. They are almond-shaped, cold, and alluring. Her nose is straight and sleek, neither too large nor too small. She has high, pronounced cheekbones. Winter is of average height. She is neither curvy nor slender, but falls somewhere in between. She wears a dress that is made of snow and ice. It is long-sleeved and off the shoulder, and ends at her knees. She wears no shoes.

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Edited on 20/02/18 @ 21:12:27 by Belladonna (#136412)

(Brimstone Primal) (#136412)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-02-16 23:13:56
Winter’s dark hair fell into her face, and she smoothed it back in irritation, making an icy crown to hold into place. She walked the land, snow falling behind her, and sighed softly, and her breath was cold. She was alone still, and she did not know how long she had been walking this land. She left no footprints behind her. She was Winter, after all...
Winter sighed again, tired, and lifted her hand, creating a throne of ice. She sat in the large throne and looked over the land imperiously, waiting for the other elements to wake.

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|Çß| (#136555)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-02-16 23:37:03

A chill ran up Summer's spine and she awoke with a jolt, her green eyes blinking open to a gray world blanketed with snow. She instantly scowled, looking at the white powder and watching as it melted against her skin, giving her goose bumps. Her golden skin and hair stuck out like a sore thumb in this environment, bright and colorful in a desolate world. She could feel a pull, deep in her gut, and she frowned, squinting as she tried to identify it and finally a name flitted through her head. 'Winter'. Of course, the coldest and most boring of the Seasons was the first to come to this land. Why couldn't it have been her? Then it would be warm and bright with life, instead of so gray and white.

With a sigh, Summer rose to her feet and began to follow the pull in her gut towards Winter's presence. Maybe they could figure something out, and have it be her time soon. The cold made her cold and weak, wanting to fall back asleep until the snow was gone and it was warmer.


'What is this insufferable substance?' Silver eyes opened up to a blank sky as white lashes batted away at the white powder that stuck to them and the skin around them. With a grunt, the being sat up, bringing his hand up to his forehead as the world spun. Hands... He had hands? Pulling the appendage away he looked at it and examined it, the long fingers and broad palm that all curled and flexed quite easily. His arms were long and thin, but felt strong and light. He examined himself and ran his hand through his hair, shivering as he found more of the white powder in his hair. With a huff, he shook out his hair and glanced around, noticing how flat and utterly blank the world was around him. With this strange white powder covering everything in sight, it was as if the world was a blank canvas, waiting for an artist to come by with paint and a brush to add some life to it.

Tilting his head he continued to examine the world around him and squinted, realizing that the feeling reverberating in his chest was the feeling of his siblings, similar Elements to him, and he scratched his head rather thoughtfully. It would take awhile to get used to this body, and now he had to figure out how to follow the feeling of his siblings and their presence in this world. Maybe he could find them, and make some sense of what it was they were to do. He rose from the white covered ground, groaning as his limbs were being used for the first time. He dusted himself off and gave another huff, his breath clouding in the cold air around him and a small breeze making the loose powder on the ground swirl up into small little flurries at his feet. 'Hmm,' he thought as he watched the breeze died down. He gave another small huff, and smirked at the breeze that danced around his legs. 'Neat.'

He began to walk, with no destination really, just enjoying the feeling of his new limbs moving and his air dancing and swirling around him. His bare feet moved silently across the ground, leaving small prints that his wind blew over, smoothing out and covering with the loose powder so that the land was flat and blank once more. The feeling of the wind ruffling his hair made him sigh almost in relief, as if it had been ages since he had let loose his wind was allowed to roam free. A slight change in the breeze had him pause and tilt his head, looking off in the distance. Someone else was awake, but the feeling was a little different than an Element. Curious, he followed where the breeze had come from to see who was there.

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(Brimstone Primal) (#136412)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-16 23:41:15
Winter gasped as she felt Summer- as well as one of the Vital Elements- wake, and her red lips twisted into a bright smile. She leapt from her throne and raced in her sister’s direction, her dark hair streaming behind her as she ran. She laughed, the sound released into Air’s domain, as she finally saw her sister. She launched herself at the golden figure, wrapping her arms around her.
“Summer,” she said happily, squeezing tight, “I’m so glad you’ve finally woken up!”

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|Çß| (#136555)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-02-16 23:54:36

The golden haired Season yelped as she was embraced by Winter. "Well, this makes it easy finding you," She said through chattering teeth as she wrapped her arms around her sister, hugging her back. Her dress, made of ice and snow, chilled her skin and had a chilly bite that almost made her wince. As her sister pulled back she noticed her crown and gasped. "Oh!" She said, admiring it. Though she preferred bright, vibrant colors, her sister's crown of ice was still beautiful in this gray world.

She looked around, wondering where everyone else was. "Are we the only ones awake?" She asked, looking back at Winter, her green eyes searching blue ones.

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(Brimstone Primal) (#136412)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-17 00:08:22
Winter gritted her teeth in pain... of course- she was no match for Summer’s heat. She stepped back a bit, away from her sister.
“No,” she said slowly, when she could think again. “One of the Vital Elements woke when you did.”
Winter took in a breath, pulling snow into a cape that she placed around her shoulders. She took not of Summer’s shivers and smiled gently.
“You can use your powers to warm yourself. Without Earth or Spring awake, there aren’t any plants yet, but you can still warm the area around you.”

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|Çß| (#136555)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-02-17 00:23:48

"It's taking a minute to warm up," Summer said as her breath puffed out in front of her. "It might be because I just woke up, I'm just a little sluggish and foggy." She shivered again but could slowly feel her core temperature rising and warming her body, but she still shivered and goosebumps still covered her arms. She watched as Winter created a cape out of snow and sighed, trying to figure out what she could make herself as her powers slowly began to wake and stir inside her. Maybe because it was so cold out was why it was taking her so long.

(Sorry these are so short! And 'll bring Air in soon, just kinda figuring out what to do with him at the moment and how to have him come in)

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(Brimstone Primal) (#136412)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-17 00:35:05
(It’s okay. I need to think for a bit on what to have Winter do next, and we need more people to join and fill the spots before it can really get good.)

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|Çß| (#136555)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-02-17 00:37:00
(True, Also if I random'y stop replying it's because I fell asleep and left my tablet open xD)

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Mag W. (#136537)

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Posted on
2018-02-17 14:04:56
((Is it okay if I join this again with the same character?))

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|Çß| (#136555)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-02-17 17:23:11
((Yes Mag it is! :D))

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(Brimstone Primal) (#136412)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-17 22:42:00
(Mag you can join in now if you like.)

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Mag W. (#136537)

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Posted on
2018-02-18 15:26:26

Spring slowly opened her blue eyes to a gray sky that was filled with a peculiar, falling, white substance. She let out a soft giggle as the strange powder tickled her face. It was cold, but the chill soon subsided. When she sat up, Spring noticed the slim outline around her where the flakes didn't tough. Instead, little blades of grass and small flowers grew there. Oh, you're so pretty! Spring reached out and plucked one of the flowers from the ground. Looking at the flower, the Season somehow knew its name; it was a Sweet Pea. Sticking the flower behind her ear, Spring looked at the ones. There were Snowdrops, Winter Jasmine, and more Sweet Peas. This plants must enjoy the cold.

Spring sighed, growing a little bored. With nothing better to do, the Season decided to stand up and stretch. After returning her arms to her side, Spring felt a strong tug at the innermost part of her being. Could it be another season? If it is, then Spring thought it best to go find them. Following the pull, she steadily made her way through the world of white. Behind her, she left a trail of grass and budding flowers in her wake. A few minutes later, Spring saw the faint outline of two others standing in front of her. "Hello," she called out meekly, trying to get their attention.

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(Brimstone Primal) (#136412)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-18 16:15:36
Winter nodded in response to Summer’s comment, thinking that she’d likely be the same if she woke in Summer’s season, rather than waking and bringing about her own.
She suddenly felt the presence of another sister, and her eyes flew open wide.
“Spring has woken,” she said, just as the other Season appeared.
Winter stepped forward, pulling her cape around her in the presence of a more powerful Seasons.
“Good morning, sister,” she said softly, voice like falling snow. “Welcome to Mior. I am Winter, and this is Summer, another of your sisters.”

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|Çß| (#136555)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-02-18 20:44:05

Summer was slowly warming up, her shivering had stopped, but the goose bumps remained as she smiled at Spring, glad there was someone else who was around to make it warm. She blinked when Winter spoke the name of the world they had woken up on, and tilted her head and quietly mouthed it to herself, feeling how it formed on her lips. She shrugged and smiled at her sister, watching them with her leafy green eyes. "Now all we need is Fall," She said as she looked around, trying to feel for their other sibling but unable to solidly identify anything.

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(Brimstone Primal) (#136412)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-18 22:39:08
(This is so gonna die if we can’t find more people.)

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