Posted by Big Cat RP🐅Fang and Claw🐅SunPride

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 10:02:04

Time of day:

Weather: Sunny day, with some clouds

Snow Covered Mountains in France by

Rank- Name (RPer)

-King- SunStar - Smallish white male atlas lion with a cream mane & silver eyes {Lightqueen}

-Head Queen- Light - Strawberry tigress with one ice blue & one deep blue eye {River}

-Deputy- OPEN

-Healer- Moed - Male Leopon with Dawn eyes {Skye}

-Healer Apprentices-
Kazuma - Male white Serval with green eyes {CottonCaat}
AmorGlow/Glow - Slender Male Litigon with red tips on his mane {Wish}

Umbra - Male Jaguar with green eyes {Susurrus}
Winema - Reddish Female Jaguarundi with yellow-green eyes {Fokushi}

Lilja - Female cream snow leopard with sage eyes {Ladyseer}
Iphys - Female Amur Black Leopard with golden eyes {Resiax}
Wren - Female Primal Black Jaguar with blue eyes {Sparrowflight}
Kwaai - Female Leopon Hetero Blue/Green eyes {Skye}

Marik - Gray/Brown Male Bobcat with Yellow/Green eyes {Devin} Mentor Winema

Adaka - Black Female Panttah with bright green eyes {SharkDog}

-Den Mothers-
Kanari - Female Cougar with pale green/yellow eyes {Becsameme}

Niklaus/Nik or Klaus - Male Black Pangar with blue/green eyes {Mwanga}
Upenda - Female Black Panttah with teal eyes {Mwanga} Mother Adaka
Lutalo - Male Black Panttah {SharkDog} Mother Adaka
Tiergan - Male Black Panttah with blue eyes {BlueFire24} Mother Adaka
Aldrid/Al - Strawberry male liger with black stripe and white/ice blue blind eyes {Lightqueen} Mother Light
Sunlight/Turtle - Male white liger with blue eyes {Devin} Mother Light
Cloud - White ligress with cream points, one brown & one blue eye {River} Mother Light
Cosmo - Female Jaguarundion with Moon Colored eyes {Narvala} Mother Lillith


-Future Cats-


Sukul|SunPride Guard|3 Year Old|Male Clouded Leopard||Open For Guarding
Tarina|SunPride Elder|18 Year Old|Female Lynx||Open for Elder Stuff
Yuri|SunPride Apprentice|Female Snow Leopard|10 Moons Old||Open for Apprentice Things
Isis|SunPride Den Mother|Female Caracal|10 Years Old||Open for Den Mother Things
-Benched Cats-

Lekahn ♂ (DarkFire)
Lillith - Light brown maned Lioness with Ice blue eyes {the-gray-ace}
Enzo - Small Male Jaguarundion with deep green eyes {the-gray-ace} Mother Lillith

Description of Territory
SunPrids territory is a mountain. Climbing up a steep almost perpetual snow covered mountain, lays a big cave almost hidden from view behinde a gathering of large boulders. Once you come closer you notice a clearing before entering the cave, where cubs are trained to become full fledged members of the Pride.
Description of Camp
Source: This is my own. For bigger picture go Here
Prophecy: A great shadow will soon spread over the land, only one thing will be able to stop it. Bright Stars, born in the dark and cold, will defeat the darkness.
Previous Snowstorm
Prophecy: Only if the two stars are brought together, will the Sun and Moon be saved from eternal darkness. While one will lead with claw and fang, the other will lead with kindness and wisdom. Only when they are united, all will be saved.
Death of an Apprentice
Moed will go and meet with MoonPride


Character Sheets

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Edited on 04/07/18 @ 09:30:50 by {~LightQueen~} [WCU] (#59203)

Fokushi (#144216)

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Posted on
2018-06-02 22:52:26
Winema|Sunpride and Guard|3.5 years|Female Eyra Jaguarundi|Location- Guard Pillars |Mention(s)- NPC Male Lynx

Winema stretched languidly, her body stretching out long across the forest floor. Rolling over onto her paws she stretched again her tail flicking. Looking down at the sleeping male lynx she smirked as she sat to groom herself for her duties. As she was cleaning her face the cat beside her yawned though he stayed laid out on his side looking up at her lazily looking smug. "Hmm where are you going?" His deep voice tickled Winema's fancy reminding her why she went off with the lone male in the first place. Not that it was hard to forget when the handsome male was looking at her like he was tempted to... persuade her to stay.

"I am going back to my pride." Winema stated calmly scratching her shoulder as she stood and started on her way. The male wrapped a paw around her back leg gently pausing her movements. She looked back at him with a raised brow. "is there any way I can convince you to... stay for a little longer?"

Winema pretended to think for a moment as she pulled her foot out of his grip. "Mmm no. I have duties to attend to. Though I may be back this way... Eventually. Thanks for the night stud. I had a great time." Winema ran her tail under his chin before she jumped up onto a boulder, leaving the male behind.

Winema walked back to the Pride, enjoying the morning sunlight filtering through the canopy of the woods. She stopped for a moment taking in her surroundings realizing that she was at least an hour away from the edge of SunPride territory. Sighing she kicked up to a light trot hoping to make it to her post before someone realized that she was gone though she was sure that her absence was probably already being questioned. She had left shortly after receiving her new apprentice. She had left in the middle of the night just after the other guards went to sleep. Slipping out of the camp she had decided to go exploring. That was when she had met her night beau and spent the night with him. And what a night it was. Climbing a tree to reach a ledge she spent her time walking just reminiscing about the night before. Eventually she made it back to the camp and she didn't even bother with eating having missed her opportunity, instead just climbing her favorite guard pillar and settling in to keep guard until it was time for her to be relieved.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2018-06-02 23:00:47
Moed|M|3y,6m|Leopon|Sun Healer|Guard Pillars|Mention(s)- Marik, Winema

Tilting his head, the healer twitched an ear. "No, actually. I'll head over there now." bumping his head against Marik's shoulder affectionately, he purred in gratitude. "Thanks anyway. Also, Marik, mind heading over to my den? Since you will be coming to MoonPride with me, you need to have some herbs to keep you strength up. There are a few bundles of them, eat only one bundle of herbs." he instructed, twitching an ear. The light-footed male loped off then, graceful and lithe in his movements. Weaving around the felines speckled around camp, he soon reached the guard posts. Sure enough, Winema was perched there, attentive and alert. "Winema!" the leopon called, peering up at her. "Sunstar has decreed you, Marik and Sukul are to accompany me on a journey to MoonPride to arrange a peace meeting." tail flicking slowly, the healer curled it around his hind leg. "Would you mind coming with me to my den?" his tone, while fluid and warm, was not leaving room for denial. He was anxious to get going.

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Fokushi (#144216)

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Posted on
2018-06-03 00:01:21
Winema|Sunpride and Guard|3.5 years|Female Eyra Jaguarundi|Location- guard Pillars/ Healer's Den|Mention(s)- Moed

Winema flicked her ear as the leopon spoke to her, nodding,"Of course." She had barely been at her post for more than 30 minutes before she was summoned. She felt slightly guilty that she had missed Sunstar's decree but resolved to not worry to much about it, as long as she was still there to perform her duties. Jumping down from her post she gestured for him to lead the way.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2018-06-03 00:50:23
Moed|M|3y,6m|Leopon|Sun Healer|Camp>Healers den|Mention(s)- Winema, Sukul, Amorglow, Kazuma

Spinning around, he trotted briskly back into camp. Tail waving in his wake, the male's fluid stride soon lead them into the healers den. Perking his audits, the leopon observed Sukul, Amor and Kaz for a moment. Turning to face the jaguarundi guard, Moed nodded towards the herb bundles at his paws. "Eat one bundle for the journey." he meowed, rolling one towards her. The tangy, musky scent of herbs permeated the air and clung to his dark pelt, comforting the healer as he stooped to retrieve his own herbs. Licking them up, Moed chewed and swallowed quickly, wanting to hurry up. Glancing at Sukul, he straightened his posture. "Sukul, have you eaten your herbs?" he inquired, tailpipe twitching.

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Fokushi (#144216)

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Posted on
2018-06-03 01:20:32
Winema|Sunpride and Guard|3.5 years|Female Eyra Jaguarundi|Location- Healer's Den|Mention(s)-

Winema grimaced slightly as she stared at the herbs. She was never one for taking medicine though she didn't complain as she ate the herbs the strong flavors mixed in her mouth making a thick mush in her mouth as she chewed. Swallowing viscous mash quickly she shuddered lightly, her tongue sticking out a little. The taste itself wasn't too bad but the texture definitely put her off. Shuddering one last time Winema sucked it up and waited for the rest of the cats to be ready though she was secretly hoping for a stop by a river to wash the taste out of her mouth.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-06-03 08:22:16
Yuri|SunPride Apprentice|Female Snow Leopard|10 Moons Old|Location- Healer Den|mention(s)- AmorGlow, Kazuma, Sukul

Yuri looked up, as he heard the young healer apprentices words. "SunStar and Sukul...", Yuri said, pointing to her mentor, "Directed me to guard you and Kazuma, while you make your rounds and gather herbs", Yuri explained. Placing the two squirrels on the ground in front of the Litigon, she added, "These are for you and Kazuma to share, I thought you might be hungry."
The young snow leopard apprentice smiled up at the healer apprentice, she wanted to help. Turning her blue eyes too her mentor, as Moed came in and spoke with the large male, a thought came to her mind. Turning back to Amor, Yuri offered, "Do you want me to help with anything? I might not be able to tell the herbs apart, but I could through the old ones out for you."

Sukul|SunPride Guard|3 Year Old|Male Clouded Leopard|Location- Healer Den|Mention(s)- Moed, Winema, Sukul

The large guard looked up, he had been eying the bundles of herbs on the floor suspiciously, as Moed came into the Healers Den. The large guard begrudgingly nodded his head, at the healers orders. Leaning down, Sukul gingerly grabbed the herbs. Milling them around in his mouth for a bit, Sukul made a disgusted face, as he swallowed.
'Why did herbs always taste so disgusting?' The male clouded leopard wondered. Lapping the last of the green leaves up, the guard sat back. Drawing his rough tongue over his muzzle, Sukul tried to get rid of the sharp taste on his lips. After several moments of useless attempts, Sukul gave up. Looking up again, he watched as his apprentice was speaking to the younger of the two healer apprentices. Seeing Moed also taking the herbs, Sukul started to clean his thick fur.
Hearing the healer address him again, Sukul looked up. "I have, Moed", the large clouded leopard answered. Getting to his paws again, Sukul stepped closer to Winemas side. A sympathetic smile on his face, the tom said, "Don't worry, no matter how hard you try, the taste never gets better." A slight chuckle was spreading over the guards face now.

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Edited on 03/06/18 @ 08:24:25 by {~LightQueen~} [WCU] (#59203)

Devin (#141123)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-03 12:49:39
Marik|SunPride - Guard Apprentice|1 Year|Male Bobcat|Location - Training Cave|

Marik nodded at Moed, trotting over to the Healer's Den excitedly. Although he was not a fan of herbs, he saw them as a true sign of his importance to the.. mission. Selecting one of the bundles he attempts to swallow them all quickly, withought chewing. He knew of their awful taste and texture, having had an infected wound a little while ago. After eating the practically dried twigs, he sat patiently, waiting for Moed to find his mentor. Of course, he wanted to help, but he thought it be best to just wait for them to return, rather then extend the time by him nosing around as well. As he thought this, Winema and the Healer arrive, his mentor glancing warily at the herbs. Her wild spirit was obviously not too keen on having to eat a bundle of health. He smilies and nods in respect at Winema, averting eye contact momentarily at her rank above him.

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🌩️Wish🌩️ (#134425)

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Posted on
2018-06-03 18:36:50
Adorglow|SunPride - Healer Apprentice|8 Moons|Male - 2nd Gen Litigon|Location - Healers Den|Mentions- Kazuma [ID] Yuri, Moed [D]

Glow couldn't think back to the last time he ate, it was only when he saw the kill in front of him that he realized how hungry he really was, "Ah, thank you." He took one of the squirrels and pawed it away from the other cats in the room, pulling apart the carcass and biting into the torso. He tried to be polite about it, but the hunger was more than he thought it was.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2018-06-04 05:04:33
Moed|M|3y,6m|Leopon|Sun Healer|Healers den>Camp|Mention(s)- Mocha, Sukul, Winema, Marik

Finally, all three of the older cats had eaten their herbs. "Alright, we're about ready to go." seeing Mocha had managed to eat her herbs too, the healer padded over, sniffing the small cub. She seemed healthy enough. "Sukul, carry Mocha for a bit. If you get tired, pass her off to one of us." swinging his head around to flick an ear at the guard, Moed stepped back. "When we get there, I want all for you to be polite and civil. We aren't looking for a fight." a hint of teasing laced his tone, softening the stern instructions. Eyeing each feline in turn, he cracked a small grin before trotting from the den. "Let's be off!" he called, tail swishing side-to-side as he moved.

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Mwanga (#139340)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-06-04 05:47:57
Mocha || F || Snow Leopard || 4 months || MoonPride Cub || Location - SunPride Healer's Den || Mentions - Sukul, Moed, Winema and Marik

The small snow leopard simply nodded and allowed Sukul to pick her up. She wanted to go back home, but she was puzzled as to the fact of why none of her pridemates even bothered to come out and look for her. Did they really hate her that much, or did the just figure that she would eventually make it back on her own. Neither of those two things came to pass. Mocha couldn't help but feel a little betrayed and angry with her family. She knew that they meant well, but how much did they really care if they couldn't even take the time to sent out a patrol to find her ? As the small group walked along, Mocha was starting to get restless. She wanted to walk on her own for a while. She hated being treated like she was a helpless cub. As politely as she could, she cleared her throat. "Excuse me, would it be possible for me to be able to walk for a while ? I promise I won't go far, I would just like to be able to stretch my legs a little bit, that's all.." The small cub said, afraid that the adult cats would scold her for speaking when she knew that she wasn't supposed to. But Mocha couldn't help herself, she had to walk. She wanted to show the cats of SunPride that she still retained her independence, even though she was in rough shape for quite a while, she could take care of herself.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-06-04 08:38:49
{NPC}Sukul|SunPride Guard|3 Year Old|Male Clouded Leopard|Location- Moving out of Territory|Mention(s)- Mocha, Moed, Winema, Merik

The large gray tom glanced down at the small MoonPride cub, as Moed directed him to carry her. Getting to his paws, the large clouded leopard walked over to Mocha. His rounded, fluffy ears twitched at the cubs question. Sukul thought for a moment, seeing the others start to leave, the large tom let out a sigh. "Aright, but don't leave my side", Sukul said. Starting to walk out of the healers den, the experienced guard automatically took up the rear.
He was the biggest and strongest out of the group, so it would be only natural for him to guard the rear. Casting his eyes down once in awhile, just to make sure that the small MoonPride cub was really by his side, Sukul really started to study her. She was small, yet she looked to be about the same age as Nik was. It appeared that both prides had young cats that where slightly unhealthy, could it be that they were siblings? Sukul shook his head, that was a stupid thought.
Could it maybe be that there was some bad pray out there and before the cubs joined their respective prides, they both happened to eat it? Sukul let out a sigh, his head was hurting. The muscled tom was not one to think so much, usually he just followed orders or fought his way through something. "What's your name?", he suddenly asked the small MoonPride cub, to be honest he surprised himself with his question. Looking ahead, the guard noticed that they were making good headway. It would just be a bit more before they reached the edge of SunPride territory.

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Devin (#141123)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-04 08:50:40
Marik|SunPride - Guard Apprentice|1 Year|Male Bobcat|Location - Leaving SunPride Territory|

Marik nodded at Moed's words. Of course they aren't looking for a fight. He shudders at the thought. How many would die? Shaking his head in defiance against the memories, he gets up, onto all fours, ready to depart. He was now excited, practically hopping from one paw to the other. With a quick few words from the Healer, the group of cats all head out, some with excited, some with bored, and others with nuetral or nervous expressions on their faces. Following the crowd out of the den he nods at various cats that they pass. Trotting now, he gets to his place behind Winema, his wide paws quickly finding the best spots to walk along the earth floor. His striking yellow eyes scan the forest, his ears straining slightly to pick up any danger as they traveled. His whiskers twitch as Mocha breaks the silence. Hmm... He thinks as she hops down to the ground, obviously thankful to be using her own limbs. He appreciated that in her. Once again they pick up the rhythmic padding of paws, Marik's curiousoty peeked at Sukul's questioning.

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Fokushi (#144216)

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Posted on
2018-06-04 09:36:52
Winema|Sunpride and Guard|3.5 years|Female Eyra Jaguarundi|Location- Leaving SunPride Territory |Mention(s)- Marik

Winema Stretched quickly before following the procession of cats out of the den. Her stomach growled slightly as the passed the kill pile reminding her that she hadn't eaten that day but she ignored it. Noticing her apprentice behind her she lagged a little bit wanting to have a quiet conversation with him.

"So little one, are you excited that you get do do things like this so early into your training?" She said teasingly, her tail flicking in amusement. Even still her disposition changed quickly growing quietly serious. "I know that Moed has already told you that we are not going looking for a fight but he didn't mention that we are here to protect him. Whether that be from threats on the path to our destination or from the other Pride. We don't start anything but we finish them." Winema growled that last part. Sighing she relaxed some. She had gotten too serious and maybe she was being overly aggressive about it. "But with all of that said I am sure everything will be fine. Hopefully all of the cat in that pride are reasonable. Just be calm... but be ready."

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Devin (#141123)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-04 09:46:02
Marik|SunPride - Guard Apprentice|1 Year|Male Bobcat|Location - Leaving SunPride Territory|

Marik smiled slightly at his mentor's words. "Yes, I am excited." He admitted, his tail twitching slightly as he said so. Listening, his ears twitched at the sudden ferocity in Winema's voice. He hadn't known her long, but he knew that the Jagurundi was a passionate, wild spirit. He respected that, and, after being under her teaching's for a little amount of time, had gotten used to her sudden snarls and aggressive words. He knew she only me at good by it. "Yes, I'm alert. Honestly, it's sort of hard not to be. Have you patrolled around here before?" He asked, hoping that the Guard would have some insight on any danger they could run into.

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Mwanga (#139340)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-06-04 09:50:02
Mocha || F || Snow Leopard || 4 months || MoonPride Cub || Location - Moving out of Territory|| Mentions - Sukul, Moed, Winema and Marik

Mocha knew, as she obediently trotted alongside Sukul. She felt oddly safe, even though she was surrounded by cats that were not even of her pride. Mocha seemed just as surprised as Sukul did at the question. “Oh my name’s Mocha ...” She said dully, suddenly casting her eyes down on the ground, as if there was something that broke into her thoughts. She was still trying to wrap her mind around why her pride had not yet come for her. She looked back up at the large muscular Tom. “D-do you have any idea why my pride has yet to come for me ? Do they not need me anymore ?” She asked Sukul, although she already knew that he did not have the answer to that question, but she couldn’t help but ask anyway. She wanted answers and she was going to get them, no matter how long it took. She wanted to know why her pride had not sent someone to come get her. Tears threatened to run down the cub’s cheeks, but she forced them away, willing herself not to cry in front of her companions, because that could possibly be a sign of weakness, and she knew that she was not weak, just .... unhealthy. She glanced around at the group of cats surrounding her, and she cocked her head as she realized just how big her companions really were. It kind of scared her, but it also made her feel safe at the same time. As Mocha realized that they were close to the boundary of SunPride, her heart skipped a beat, and she let out a soft cry, hoping her companions would not hear. She was almost home. But how would she be able to face her pride, after she had run from them, and been away for so long, and more importantly, how would her pride react at the sight of her with SunPride cats ? That was a question only Mocha and MoonPride could answer.

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