Posted by The Hunted|Modern-Fantasy|Selective Openings|

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-04-10 20:19:32

Welcome to The Hunted, a Gifted Humans based RP!
***This is a rather selective Roleplay, so for those interested please note that activity is extremely important, and that only a handful of people will be accepted based on literacy, and ability to stick with this story. This is about exploring characters, events, and how a story can grow an evolve with multiple minds. It will be a slower, more thought out RP with anyone able to move and alter how the story plays out.*** That isn't meant to scare anyone away though! Just noting that activity will be important.

You've been hunted all your life. Ever since you discovered what you were, when your abilities manifested, they started coming. Perhaps they tried to steal you in the night, or perhaps you were walking to work or school. Either way, you've managed to escape for now. You are one of the Gifted, someone born with abilities unlike that of the average human. Some call it magic, others call it science. Regardless if you are one of the kind that try to help, or harass, it doesn't matter. Whichever it is, it paints a target on your back that means your life can never be normal.

1. All Lioden rules apply. 
2. This is literate, so at least a paragraph (5 sentences at least) is expected in a post. More is preferred. 
3. No God-modding or Power-playing.* (Powerplaying is allowed in light doses in fights etc, as long as characters have an out from any situation they're put in. Unless otherwise stated.)
4. Violence and romance is fine, but keep it to acceptable levels.
5. Please be active. If a hiatus is needed, please let me know so if you're involved in an important plot point, it can be shifted to keep things moving. 
6. Characters must be 16+ per Lioden rules.
7. No drama between players. Your characters may not get along, but in-fighting won't be tolerated. 
8. Character Limit is 2 for now, as several NPC's wil be controllable by all.
9. This is a selective RP, so do not be offended if you are not accepted. It is extremely important that literacy and activity are prevalent in this. 
10. Razz (#18166) Is a co-admin, so may be contolling Special NPC's or characters, as well as has say in things as well as myself.
The basic Idea
In the city of Asbury, a war wages beneath the neon lights and abandoned streets. A revolution of Gifted rebellions, against an elite force of Hunters trained in capturing these peculiar humans. 
The Gifted are recruiting, trying to grow their numbers in order to strike the heart of the Hunters, and show the city they deserve to exist. 
The Hunters are tasked with quelling such types, capturing or disposing of any Gifted they find. 
Yet underneath all the hate, their is a place known about only in rumors, called Oasis. It is a place where Gifted, Hunter, human all live together in a semblance of peace. The last sanctuary in a broke world. The only clue to its existence? A coded message on a secret broadcast.
Some choose war, some choose peace, in a world where each decision can be your last there is no safe play.
The World
A similar, modern world to our own, but with more of the population focused on cities, with many towns being left as ruins. An increase in natural disasters have left many places abandoned, with the major cities being the safest havens from the outside forces. However the cities are alive with Gifted 'Heroes' and 'Villains', Hunters, and a massive gap from abandoned outer limits, to ritzy inner hubs. 
The city is made up of 3 'rings'. The Inner City, the Middle Ring, and the Outlands. Each layer is protected by a high wall of concrete, making it difficult for people to get between the rings except by the official roads and gates.
The Inner Ring is almost entierly buildings, with only small parks and ponds stuffed in its outter edges. They do have a surplus of artificial hubs for 'getaway experiences' and the like however.
The Middle ring is more middle-class to average family houses, apartments, and the like with ponds and parks and more open space within it. The entertainment, while not at the Inner rings Level is still very much there.
the Outlands are the forgotten edge of the City. While some people still etch out an existence, it is almost 70% abandoned warehouses and buildings, some destroyed while others still retain a flicker of power, connected to the few functional power grids. Phone signal is nearly impossible to get unless using a rigged line, as with most technology. There are a handful of stores, but most things need to be scavenged. While it is a safe place to hide, it means traveling further, and usually into the Middle Ring to maintain a living.
The Gifted
The Gifted are people born with a unique abilities which usually manifest around the same time as puberty, but can, although rarely, appear sooner or later. These abilities are vast, and range from control over the elements to physical changes. While these abilities give them an edge, over use often causes great fatigue, due to the excess of energy it takes on the body. 'The Gifted' Starting appearings roughly 30 years ago, with the oldest recorded being 30.
(See first post for more info!)
The Hunters
Hunters are trained in many physical and mental ways to make themselves the perfect hunting machines. Using both advanced equipment and sheer strength of will, these humans make it their task to capture or eliminate the Gifted. Many face mental repercussions of the sheer training they undergo, which can lead to mild to severe insanity.
(See first post for more info!)

The Resistance
The Resistance is a group of Gifted, currently residing within the Outlands. In Asbury, they are led by a girl named Ash, although no one knows who the true leader of the Resistance across the multiple cities is.
They are a small group having had several of their numbers go missing at the hands of Hunters in the past few months.

Their base is currently located inside an abandoned building, in a lower partial basement level which provides cover and sanctuary from prying eyes. It still has running electricity and water, though its poor quality and unreliable. In it they have quarters for the members to sleep, a common area with a small assortment of items for physical training, and a kitchen all where the members relax in their off time. A smaller old office room contains all their important equipment and notes; including spare phones for when they go exploring, as well as minor weapons and 'armor'.
they move base every few months or so depending on Hunter activity.
(See first post for more info!)

Tech and Other Things
Technology is largely dependent on location. In the Inner city, it is high tech, with almost any unique item for trivial use you can think of. Holograms, an advancement in robotics, and even gimmicks such as 'hover boards' and the like.
In the middle ring, things are far more normal, everyone existence as average as it can be. Phones, computers, and all that are common place, though service isn't always the most reliable. Those more well off in the Middle Ring may visit the Inner City, as well as ocassionally have some of the more gimmicky types of tech at their disposal.
(See first post for more info!)


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Edited on 17/04/18 @ 16:24:36 by Peachie 👌 [Sunset Primal] (#121220)

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-04-10 20:19:40

World tidbits!

The World

Asbury is one of several Cities remaining after a great war changed how the country governed itself. Now, Cities are under their own jurisdiction, each vying for power in their own way. Asbury is the City who's main focus is technology, and is the main hub for the specialized militia known as the Agency. their neighboring city is Grane, which is a city based around agriculture, making their trade market extremely viable.
The Inner Ring consists of the 1%, and those luck enough to have made it into the high class ring. It is well protected, and those who live here have it easy, with little worries to plague their days. If you can imagine it, it is said to exist in the Inner City.
The Middle ring contains almost the rest of those living in Asbury. and is the widest ring. Here you can find anything you would in a middle class existence, with life in the Middle ring a peaceful existence for some, and a way to reach the Inner City for others. Security here is more lax than it is in the Inner City, but is still very active.
The Outer Ring, or Outlands is a free for all. Little tech that uses signals work here, and many locations still bear the scars of the old war. It is dangerous, and difficult to survive here, though some make it. It is a thin ring, but long around. A large portion of the inner ring has been consumed by a watery 'beach', making the only way out of the City near impossible.
On that note, no one leaves the City, no one knows whats outside the walls. Trains that transport people between the Governing cities are usually non-windowed, to dissuade curious eyes, and for protection from raiders in the more unsavory parts of town. It isn't uncommon for people to visit between cities, but it is expensive and takes extensive paperwork.

The Resistance

The Agency

Rumors and Other

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Edited on 16/04/18 @ 20:22:55 by Peachie 👌 [Penumbra Primal] (#121220)

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 13:36:38
Open for anyone interested~ You can see the character posted for an idea of what to make.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 13:41:23
Is there a character limit or are we allowed to make as many as we can handle? I assume we should start out applying with just one and wait to see if we're accepted before creating more, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

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🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 13:43:23

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 13:44:11
Whoops forgot to say! Two max to start, as this will also rely on people being able to play NPC's at times hopefully lol.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 14:51:41
Added just a few notes to the character sheet info that may help.

@Vespertine- I like Viktor only a few notes: He can keep that power (its super unique), but going to power him down just a hair. He can keep most of it, except the 'destroy a city level of power.' It could be the further the distance from him the less it effects people up to a certain radius, and if he tries to go further it could do irreversible damage to him. His regeneration will have to be toned down, as in he can only regenerate injuries based from his power not from others? If that sounds fair~

Otherwise I like it and he fits. He would have been recruited by Hedge, who I'll be adding up shortly!

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 14:53:19
Got ya! I'll go edit him now.

Edited. Let me know if you need anything else changed. Now to decide on a second character...

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Edited on 15/04/18 @ 15:11:00 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 15:19:11
Maria is done!

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 15:22:55
@Vespertine sounds good!

@Allo- She sounds great! She'd probably be currently existing in the Middle Ring based on her info. (will also add more info on the different rings asap~)

I'll also get a RP board up too~

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Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 15:25:45
Okay, so I'm extremely interested in this! I was just wondering if an animal manipulation/beast master-esque gift would be acceptable. If not I'll be totally fine picking something else, but animal manipulation is my go to.

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🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 15:27:59
@Peachie Alrighty!

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 15:35:20
@Forest- Animal manipulation would totally work! The animals would just have to be appropriate for a city. Ie: Mostly birds, rodents etc, but could also be towards pets etc.
If you want to run the whole idea by me you can as well~

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Darker Morning (#126688)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-04-15 15:38:56
Hi! I'll get my character sheet in tommorrow!
By the way, would water manipulation work as a gift?

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 15:45:14
@Star Sounds good, and yep that can work.

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Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 19:09:04
I finished my form, and as soon as I read Viktor's I had to add that Grey makes bugs dance for him to cheer him up

Edit: Scratch that, I just realized I completely forgot my roleplay sample.

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Edited on 15/04/18 @ 19:21:18 by Forest (#41430)

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