Posted by The Hunted|Gifted RP|RP Thread

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 18:43:22

This board is for Roleplaying only. Thanks!
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The basic Idea
In the city of Asbury, a war wages beneath the neon lights and abandoned streets. A revolution of Gifted rebellions, against an elite force of Hunters trained in capturing these peculiar humans. 
The Gifted are recruiting, trying to grow their numbers in order to strike the heart of the Hunters, and show the city they deserve to exist. 
The Hunters are tasked with quelling such types, capturing or disposing of any Gifted they find. 
Yet underneath all the hate, their is a place known about only in rumors, called Oasis. It is a place where Gifted, Hunter, human all live together in a semblance of peace. The last sanctuary in a broke world. The only clue to its existence? A coded message on a secret broadcast.
Some choose war, some choose peace, in a world where each decision can be your last there is no safe play.
The Gifted
The Gifted are people born with a unique abilities which usually manifest around the same time as puberty, but can, although rarely, appear sooner or later. These abilities are vast, and range from control over the elements to physical changes. While these abilities give them an edge, over use often causes great fatigue, due to the excess of energy it takes on the body. 
The Hunters
Hunters are trained in many physical and mental ways to make themselves the perfect hunting machines. Using both advanced equipment and sheer strength of will, these humans make it their task to capture or eliminate the Gifted. Many face mental repercussions of the sheer training they undergo, which can lead to mild to severe insanity.

The Resistance
The Resistance is a group of Gifted, currently residing within the Outlands. In Asbury, they are led by a girl named Ash, although no one knows who the true leader of the Resistance across the multiple cities is.
They are a small group having had several of their numbers go missing at the hands of Hunters in the past few months.

Their base is currently located inside an abandoned building, in a lower partial basement level which provides cover and sanctuary from prying eyes. It still has running electricity and water, though its poor quality and unreliable. In it they have quarters for the members to sleep, a common area with a small assortment of items for physical training, and a kitchen all where the members relax in their off time. A smaller old office room contains all their important equipment and notes; including spare phones for when they go exploring, as well as minor weapons and 'armor'.
they move base every few months or so depending on Hunter activity.

Player characters
Ash AKA Leader (Peachie)- Runs the Resistance in Asbury. Teleporter.
Hedge (Peachie) Resistance Member, makes maps of underground networks. Spines/Senses.
Grey/Fauna (Forest) New Resistance Member, helps with exploration. Animal communicator.
Viktor/Chernobyl (Vespertine) Radioactive Powers, Newer Resistance member.
Lina/H20 (Star) Water Powers, Older Resistance Member

Maria (Allo) Energy manipulation. Gifted in Hiding, non recruited yet.

NPC's, Usable as needed
Specs- A lanky 16 year old boy with the gift of Technology- warping signals and wave lengths, as well as intelligence with repairing equipment. Brown hair and blue eyes.
Fate A young girl with the gift of extreme senses, to the point she seems to be able to predict events. Black hair and black eyes.
Agent Steel An older Hunter, who specializes in the use of electric based weapons to subdue and capture his quarries. Recognizable by his grey hair and scar across his cheek. Seems to suffer mild insanity, which manifests in the inability to stop his pursuits until escape is made, or he is unconscious. Doesn't care for civilians.

Unusuable NPC's unless specified
Vera Sin'Clair- One of the heads of the Agency, she almost never leaves the offices located within the Inner City. Despite this she has training as a hunter, even if she spends most of her time in business wear. Tall, fierce, with black hair and green eyes she emits a rather icy aura.
Codex The leader of the Resistance, no one has seen him in person, though he has a deep rather scratchy voice. Runs the Resistance from an unknown location.

Current weather: Late spring. 60 degrees roughly, and cloudy.

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Edited on 16/04/18 @ 20:12:25 by Peachie 👌 [Penumbra Primal] (#121220)

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 20:16:46

Ashleign "Ash", AKA Leader|25 Female Gifted, Teleportation|Location: Middle Ring| Mentions: [id] Hedge, Maria [d] Open
It was too bright, despite the clouds. Ash turned her gaze upwards towards the offending sky, the distant sun low in the sky and casting a orange haze over the skyline. Frowning, her gaze twitched away from the sky and towards the cracked phone in her hand, letting the sleeve that covered it drop down her forearm a bit.
'You said around 8th street right? ' She pressed the little envelope in the corner, waiting as the message of 'sending' flickered over the screen before confirming the interaction. She watched the small icon of a hedgehog as if in doing so, it would reply faster.
While doing so, she leaned against a street pole, looking down the street. She was in an alley just off a main road, little shops lining the street, people wandering past without a second thought. Her pale gaze narrowed faintly. What bliss it must be, to be normal. Lost in thought, the vibration in her palm caused Ash to jump slightly, bringing the phone up to her eyes once more.
U know it. I heard there was a Gifted who was workin around there. Maybe. Her brow furrowed at the little emoji attached to the message as the screen gave a sad flicker.
"Helpful Hedge." She mumbled once more, before tucking the equipment back into her pocket, returning her hands into her sleeves and pulling the brimmed hat she wore closer down over her face as she emerged to blend into the small groups of passer-bys.

Hedge|19 Male Gifted, Back Spines, Senses|Location: The Resistance Camp| Mentions: Open
The phone clattered to the table as Hedge leaned back in his seat with a groan, hands laced together and stretching above his head for a moment. It had been an uneventful day, and while that was a good sign it put him on edge. Tipping back forward as his arms thudded against his legs he turned his attention away from the phone and towards the kitchen, where he could here the slightest sounds of shuffling.
"Oy, Specs if that's you, you know Ash said no snacking today until we get another raid!" There was a moment of silence, then the distinct sound of a chip back being crunched and the soft rapid steps of someone running down the hall. Hedge shook his head, but a grin was across his face.
"Kids." With a sigh, he rose to his feet, giving a slight shake to loosen the spines across his back from being pressed down so long. Looking at the clock that gleamed from across the hall, he began to shuffle himself towards where the chip thief had ran from, looking at the schedule on the wall.
"Whoops. There, his name was scrawled across the 'make dinner' chore, along with Grey. So much for a night raid, though if he worked fast there would still be time.
"Oy, Fauna!" His yell echoed through the hall, clearly hearable in any of the rooms.
"Cooking time!" As he waited for his summons to be heard, he began to pull out an assortment of items. If he had to eat canned food another night, he might prefer going hungry so with a determined edge, he began to sort.

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🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 20:27:13
•─────⋅☾Maria|17| Female|Gifted |Psychic Energy Manipulation|Location: Middle Ring| Mentions: Open☽⋅─────•

"Maria, are you sure you're eating right?"
"Huh?" She half sputtered, setting down the checkbook in hand while turning around. Just across the counter stood Olivia, a short red headed woman with green eyes almost reflecting off emeralds with every blink; her dearest co-worked. "Yeah, of course I am." Maria smiled, absently wiping her hands across the black apron she wore over an even darker black dress. "What makes you ask?"
The coffee shop was small and square, cozy in its own way as the floors were bright mahogany giving contrast to the black walls outlined with various artworks and long, framed windows. A handful of people sat at the table, already enjoying their orders while the two waitresses stood behind the long black counter.
It took a few seconds for Olivia to respond as she rose a judging eyebrow towards the girl before her. "I don't know," She huffed, turning back towards the counter to collect a plate with a meal still halfway finished upon it. "Seeming more pale than usual." Remarks of such decent usually just had Maria rolling her eyes with a defining sarcastic comeback, but this time, she felt the bit of truth reaching down. There was no hiding that she was malnourished; not from consumption of food, but of using her abilities. Yet, what would be the cost of such an outcome? To lose her job, her friends? Olivia?
"Just tired, really, it's been a long week."

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Edited on 15/04/18 @ 21:01:07 by 🌺α ℓ ℓ o (#134696)

Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 20:47:06
Grey "Fauna" Reid|18|Gifted: Animal Manipulation/Communication|Location: Resistance Camp|Mentions: Hedge

Grey sat on the floor of the sleeping quarters next to her bed. There next to her sat Alder who watched the girl curiously as she spoke with a mouse. As the little guy was telling her about how he had once managed to outrun a cat, she heard the yell of Hedge coming from what she assumed was the kitchen. "Ugh, cooking is so boring." Throwing her head backwards onto her bed she sat the mouse back down on the floor. "When I finish, I'll bring you back a snack and you had better finish that story!" The mouse agreed happily and ran under her bed to avoid Alder's piercing stare. Pushing her small frame off the cold floor, Grey started walking towards the kitchen. The familiar soft thud of her bare feet on the concrete floor and the clicking of Alder's nails signaled Grey's appearance in the kitchen. "I had better wash my hands first, Mikey that mouse under my bed was crawling all over my hands." She chuckled lightly as she turned on the tap to begin washing her hands."Last time I looked around in the kitchen I think we had stuff for spaghetti. I don't know if we do anymore though." Drying her hands off on her jeans she turned to see Alder lay in the doorway leading to the kitchen look very unenthused. Grey walked over towards Hedge to help him sort through what little food they had. Finding a can of diced tomatoes she threw the hand grasping the can up into the air. "We're practically a third of the way to spaghetti!"

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Edited on 18/04/18 @ 15:12:00 by Forest (#41430)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 22:06:27

☣ [ Viktor Kurylenko ] ☣
23 • Male • Gifted • Resistance Fighter • Nuclear Manipulation
Location: Beach place thing I just made up for this intro • Direct Mentions: None - OPEN / Indirect Mentions: Hedge

The wooden planks of the pier creaked loudly with every step he took, but Viktor paid the noise little mind. Creeping up on some poor, unsuspecting hunter wasn’t on the agenda this morning. At least, it wasn’t yet. He’d slipped out of the resistance camp at the first hint of dawn with only a quick word of farewell to Hedge that his friend likely wouldn’t remember now considering he’d still been half asleep. He gazed out to the soft swell of the ocean, watching the foaming water bob back and forth along the shore.

It was peaceful out here, and despite the fact he expected the rotting wood to eventually give out beneath his feet one of these days he still always came back. Viktor raised a hand to remove the sunglasses covering his eyes, folding them onto his shirt for safe-keeping. Without the dark lenses hiding his eyes they glowed impossibly bright in the early morning light, an unnatural shade of green. Humans didn't seem to venture here very often, this place wasn’t especially well-kept and kind of a disaster area, and even if they did what could they ever hope to do to someone like him?

He leaned against the railing, picking at pieces of white chipped paint to reveal rusted metal underneath. A seagull settled on the railing beside him, head tilting in curiosity. The bird knew he was different, but unlike people animals rarely felt so inclined to judge. “I don’t have anything for you today friend. Try elsewhere,” he told the pestering gull, shooing her away with a wave of his hand. The bird eyed him suspiciously as if she didn’t believe his claims before letting out a raucous cry, abandoning her perch to glide over the beach.

Viktor’s gaze followed her for a time before something on a retreating wave caught his eye. A shell with bright pink stripes floated along back to the ocean and Viktor found himself reminded of something he couldn’t quite remember. Hauling himself over the rail, he landed with a splash on the beach below, chasing the shell down to the shoreline before snagging it just in time. Examining it, he conceded after a few seconds of observation maybe it was just a shell with no significant value and he was going crazy. That wouldn’t stop him from bringing it home with him. A flicker of movement beneath the pier had him glancing in the newcomer’s direction almost lazily, clearly unworried by the potential danger of another person being in the area.

((I have no idea if this setting would have a beach-ish area, but uh...I made one apparently. This is admittedly somewhat of a pre-used intro because writer’s block is hell and I don't want to risk falling behind. Hmu if you want me to change anything.))

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-04-16 17:40:23

Ashleign "Ash", AKA Leader|25 Female Gifted, Teleportation|Location: Middle Ring, coffee shop| Mentions: [id] Maria [d] Open
Ash felt herself wandering for some time, every flash of movement causing her hands to tighten under her sleeves, anyone in dark clothing being watched with an unblinking stare. She hated being in such open areas, it was to easy for someone to catch oneself off guard, and her way of escaping wasn't exactly quiet.
"This is ridiculous. " For a moment, Ash felt a tinge of sadness well up in her chest as she thought about Tracker, a gifted with the peculiar ability to find others of their kind. She wondered if he was ok.
Huddling into the scarf around her neck as if to bury the thought, she turned abruptly, the tiny sound of a bell signaling her entry into a small shop. It seemed less busy but still had an assortment of patrons. Even still, it was welcome from the openness of the outdoors. Making her way forward, she glanced at the girls manning the counter.
She did not speak, but jumped as the bell behind her jingled once more, a man entering, and standin g a few paces behind her. The hairs on the back of Ash's neck prickled, but she ignored it, the sensation was typical to feel in such an area.
"Coffee, Black please." She spoke to the dark haired girl, a hand escaping from her sleeve to pull out some wrinkled bills from her pocket, previously hidden under the lengthy sweater. Again, the sensation of being watched went through her, and almost absent mindedly Ash peered at the series of numbers written across the underside of her forearm. A frown crossed her face for a moment, she was running out of distance. Hopefully however, a bit of an energy boost would get her back.

Event for Maria
Behind Ash, a man entered the coffee shop. His hair is short and grey, a plain black sweater and pants giving him a slightly mobbish appearance. He seems to be holding something in his hand, that looks like a phone but with a different type of screen that emits a soft beep every once and a while, flashing a red light just barely noticable in his palm. He seems to be watching Ash with a suspicious edge, though he shares that same expression when looking at Maria, and Olivia and almost everyone in the room. He orders a coffee, though seems rather disinterested and instead opens up a bag he's carrying, pulling out a small book and beginning to flit through the pages, while looking around the room as if to try and find someone.

Hedge|19 Male Gifted, Back Quills, Senses|Location: The Resistance Camp| Mentions: Grey/Fauna

As Grey entered the kitchen, Hedge gave a twitch of his hand in greeting. An rather flowery apron was already tied around his torso, the bands carefully tucked between his quills.
"Anything but the canned stuff I can deal with." He chuckled, half joking half serious as he made his way to the sink, the water sputtering a few times before working. Tapping on his phone, he was siolent for a moment before returning the apparatus to the counter.
"that and Spaghetti is fast, and relatively healthy so Ash can't get mad." Swiveling on his feet, the tall boy began to open cabinets, talking to himself lightly under his breath.
"Well, we have every noodle except the one we need. So It'll be a mystery noodle night!" He held a few slightly crushed boxes up, grinning as he tossed them towards Grey.
"I think there was a little meat in the fridge, otherwise canned it is." He himself turned to the stove, getting a match from nearby and starting the gas. He was glad Specs had known what to get and how to rig the previously broken machine, or it would be fires and cold food for them.
"So how have things been?" Now that the water was boiling, and cans were being acquired Hedge slowed, turning a closer attention to the girl who had so recently joined them. Though they had gone on a handful of missions, Hedge still felt there was plenty to learn about the girl.

Event for Viktor

Location note: The 'beach' is a large patch of water at the edge of the Outlands, extending to the Wall itself, with a bridge running from a deep, protected opening in the wall, and curving over the water towards drop location stations through the Rings. Perhaps once it was a nice destination, but due to being in the Outlands has fallen into typical disrepair.

With a rumble like thunder, the metal guard wall to the bridge begins to open, the unmistakable hissing of one of the supply trains rumbles its way into the City. Its oddly sleek, and moves like a snake as if containing more joints than normal. It's silver form comes across as impenetrable, especially from a distance. As it makes its way in, there seems to be a pause before the metal doors that guard the Wall close, averaging about 30 seconds after the train gets through before they start to close.
During this time, a small beep can be heard from your pocket, or wherever a phone would be kept. If the message is read, its from a small symbol of a Hedgehog.
Ayy while ur out get some brown sugar. Dunno where you'll find it, maybe a grocery store so hope ur in the Middle Ring.
A series of emojis follow, but its hard to tell what they're meant to convey.

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Darker Morning (#126688)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-04-16 19:06:07

Catalina "Lina" Hendril/19 years/ Water Form Manipulation/ Location:Residence Camp/ Mentions: Hedge, Grey
Lina lay in her uncomftrable bed, struggling to go to sleep. It was rather late for a nap, but she couldn't sleep the night before, nightmares, terrible ones had plagued her mind.
Finally giving up on the idea, the woman sat up, idly focusing on the room around her. It was barren, with no ounce of decoration. The only item that even gave a clue to the fact a human being was living there was an open water bottle sitting on a small, old night table. And even the water bottle was full, not a single sip taken from it.
Lina was about to draw some water out to practice with it when she heard voices coming from the kitchen. Now, Lina was all about practice, getting better and having more control is important, but well, practice could be boring.
Pushing her hair back, Lina grabbed a pair of old boots, sliding her foot inside. She tied it tightly, before opening her compartment door and walking out. Her boots made clicking noise as she walked, and Lina gave herself a mental reminder to snag some new shoes when she got the chance.
These boots were about a year old and stained by so many different materials that the original fabric could barely be seen.
Lina got to the kitchen in no time, watching as both Hedge and Grey started a conversation about spaghetti. Not wanting to be an odd one out, the woman pasted a soft smile on her face. It was fake, but real smiles were rare with her, so rare that other Gifted's thought that those smiles were real.
Leaning up against a wall, Lina decided to make her presence known.
"Hello." She announced rather quietly, "Do you need any more help?

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Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2018-04-16 21:54:40
Grey "Fauna" Reid|18|Gifted: Animal Manipulation/Communication|Location: Resistance Camp|Mentions: Hedge & Lina

Grey put the canned tomatoes on a nearby countertop that had a few chunks taken from the edges. A thin layer of dust had settled on it not from lack of cleaning, but from the air itself. After so many years of abandonment the place had gained an eerie air as thick dust motes could always be seen floating through one’s vision. ”Yeah, I have to agree with you there. The taste of tin will forever haunt my memories.” Grey chuckled a bit, though her words rung true. ”But yeah, I really don’t want Ash to be upset with our meal choices since she has for every other meal we’ve made.” This time the girl’s soft laugh filled the kitchen as she thought of the meals that her and Hedge had attempted to make. Most either ended up like a horrendous gruel, or in flames. She had a good feeling about this meal though, as she really wanted to make it up to Ash for so happily accepting her into their little family of sorts. Grey caught the noodles tossed her direction and set them next to her slightly dented tomato cans. Walking towards the fridge to looks for any meat, Grey kept her eyes away from Hedge’s. ”I’m doing well so far, I just feel as if I haven’t exactly been pulling my weight around here. I feel like me and Alder get left out of a lot of runs and the like because we aren’t as strong. But I’ve been practicing everyday with all the mice and roaches and I feel like I could be helping more outside the camp.” This was the most Grey’s mood had ever faltered since she joined the resistance and it was quickly masked with her usual goofy smile. ”Not to say that I don’t like spending time here, I just want to go out and help to keep this camp running. You know?” While she was going on about her own worries, she managed to find a small amount of a mystery ground beef hidden in the battered fridge. Lina’s presence made Grey jump as Alder had failed to mention her approach. Looking towards the lazy dog she saw him fast asleep comfortably sprawled out near the doorway. ”We could always use help! I tend to make more fires than food it seems.”

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Edited on 18/04/18 @ 15:12:36 by Forest (#41430)

🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-04-17 05:33:03
•─────⋅☾Maria|17| Female|Gifted |Psychic Energy Manipulation|Location: Middle Ring| Mentions: Ash☽⋅─────•

"Ah, of course." Maria smiled softly, turning towards the machines and grabbing a medium-sized cup. If the dark feeling hadn't tumbled in with the grey haired man, Maria could definitely sense something dubious radiating off him. Like shivers, she could practically feel the physic energy ooze through her back like a snake trying desperately to remove itself from a cage; eager to fly from her body and evaluate the man in ways the eye couldn't, but Maria would try to keep it down, like she had for three years. Still, her eyes glanced at him from the corner, lowering towards his book and strange contraption.
Once the machine's small button flashed green, she nicked the red knob and a stream of long, dark coffee came down with a similar consistency to water. It filled the cup quickly, sputtered slightly, and Maria capped it with a lid before returning to the counter. The whole time, Olivia had wondered back into the kitchen to bring out the freshly done baked goods. "Order, ma'am," Her voice was soft and low, as she caught the woman's attention again. "WIll that be all for you?" Her small hands placed the coffee onto the marble counter towards her, but Maria couldn't help but glance towards the male figure again; the curiosity could often be mistaken as simply a barista eager to get an order placed, but for a Gifted, it was much more than that.

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Edited on 17/04/18 @ 05:35:04 by 🌺α ℓ ℓ o (#134696)

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-04-17 16:04:50

Ashleign "Ash", AKA Leader|25 Female Gifted, Teleportation|Location: Middle Ring, coffee shop| Mentions: [id] Maria [d] Agent Steel

Ash had kept herself huddled in her attire, nearly her whole face hidden until Maria pushed the coffee forward, and spoke. Relaxing her shoulders briefly, she reached forward, her silvery gaze watching Maria with a new attentiveness. There had been something in her eyes, her posture that had made Ash think just for a moment, there was something more to the girl. Yet it passed and as she reached for the cup, she merely smiled a rather thin smile. As she did, her head turned slightly, and the man waiting seemed to pause, his eyes sliding slowly from book to girl as a rather grim smirk began to form across his face.
"That's it, thank y-" the rest of her words were cut off as a new voice joined them, heavy footfalls giving little time for reaction as a hand grabbed her wrist, stopping it just a sliver from the cup.
"Ashleign. Or do you prefer Leader I hear?" His voice was oily, filled with satisfied contempt. " I knew I was onto something." His hand gripped tighter, as Ash's eyes widened in surprise, trying to jerk away instinctively. His loud voice had caused a slight quiet to emit across the shop, and in that silence Ash could here the small sound of something powering up, a small apparatus embedded in the mans hand. Surprise and momentary fear flashed across Ash's face, it was rare for her to be taken off guard an it had shattered her focus. Yet it did not stop her instincts as she lashed out with her other hand, a quill stabbing into the mans arm at the same time as a jolt of electricity, like that of a taser rippled through his hand and into her arm, causing the girl to thud to the floor. Chaos seemed to erupt, the Hunter caring little for his surroundings as he surveyed his work. His attention turned towards Maria, who was still in the front.
"Agency business." He growled, in case the girl got any ideas.

Hedge|19 Male Gifted, Back Quills, Senses|Location: The Resistance Camp| Mentions: Grey/Fauna

At Grey's words, Hedge paused slightly in his work, a frown across his face. It was true, Ash was slow to let new recruits go off on to many missions, especially as of late. He knew it came from a place of caring, but they had to learn somehow. He glanced as she turned to Lina, who had appeared in the doorway. She was one of the oldest current members, though Hedge still found it hard to get a read on the woman.
"Sure. Anything we can throw into a sauce will work." He gave his usual grin, though turned back to Grey, pondering her words once more.
"Hey. I know you're skills are crazy useful. I think Ash is just a bit nervous, with all the disappearances before you new guys came along. " A glint of anger, and sadness flashed through his eyes before vanishing as quick as it came.
"But I do need to run a mission into the Inner City, I don't know if you've ever been there. Almost no one has. But we think we found a way to access it without much trouble. I'm sure you could come along. I mean, technically no one is stopping you but..." He shrugged. It was true that the Resistance did not force anyone to comply with their tasks, and Gifted were free to leave, even if that meant them moving camp. However, it seemed to work best when schedules were followed, and tasks were taken care of in a more structured manner, least they fall into anarchy or worse, into the hands of Hunters. His eyes twitched back towards Lina.
"Whatcha think about that?" Knowing Lina had nearly as much say as Ash when it came to deciding on the best tasks and groups.

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Edited on 17/04/18 @ 16:06:51 by Peachie 👌 [Sunset Primal] (#121220)

🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-04-17 16:36:21

•─────⋅☾Maria|17| Female|Gifted |Psychic Energy Manipulation|Location: Middle Ring| Mentions: Ash / Agent Steel☽⋅─────•

A short, inward gasp escaped Maria's lips the instant the man grabbed upon the woman before her, almost immediately trying to rush towards the end of the counter before his words trembled into the open air. The agent had questioned the woman's name, calling her 'Leader," which only added onto the swarm of information Maria was trying to take in; what exactly was going on? When the shrill sound of what she imagined to be a taser penetrated into her ears, she knew this wasn't just an act of assault, but now a hate-crime. It only got worse when the man turned towards her, then it all became crystal clear. "Is that so?" Maria suddenly growled, her fingers latching onto the counters while her face slowly transitioned into a darker gaze. "I don't think we can have that here,"
Behind her, Olivia had quickly appeared from beyond the counter, as the commotion starting inside the shop had begun to rise with the young girl now on the floor; most customers were quickly exiting the restaurant.
"It against our policy." Like a puppet springing from a box, the steaming coffee that still held place on the counter came shooting out of the styrofoam cup like wind had forced it out, and flung itself towards the agent, hoping to land between the eyes and cheek. Maria, although appearing small from behind the counter in her black uniform, had a dangerous glint in her dark eyes as they relaxed.
That felt good...

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-04-17 18:11:10

Ashleign "Ash", AKA Leader|25 Female Gifted, Teleportation|Location: Middle Ring, coffee shop| Mentions: [d] Agent Steel, Maria

As the hot liquid splashed across the mans face and to the ground, Ash's both gave a shudder and her eyes shot open with a gasp. Rolling onto her feet, she was about to flee when she saw the barista standing there, the cup still in its place but its contents having been flung. Her eyes flickered towards Maria rapidly, narrowing in thought. If this girl had something to do with this, she couldn't just leave her. The Hunter, thankfully seemed mildly surprised at the second Gifted, or perhaps the searing liquid that he was frantically mopping from his neck and cheek. taking advantage of the distraction, Ash quickly freed her previously engaged hand as it slid from its sleeve, a second quill gripped in her palm. Her feet slid into an aggressive position, muscles quivering slightly, but her stance firm. Taking a breath, she steadied herself and grinned, a dangerous glint in her eyes.
"Oy Hunter. How fast are you?" At the words, Ash swiveled on her feet and with a sound like shredding metal and a gunshot had vanished, leaving behind a plume of black smoke. A moment later with the same chaotic array of sound she reappeared behind the man, lashing upwards with the quills towards his back, the spiky weapons emitting a scree as they skidded along his protective armor.
Damn A streak of crimson as thin as spider silk began to appear on her cheek. This was a bad area, and a bad time to be engaged in a fight. Though the sun had just dipped over the horizon, there was still plenty of activity on the streets. Thinking rapidly, she back-stepped towards the door.
"Get out of here! She shouted towards the girl, not knowing if she was even one of them, but having more care for civilians than the Hunter, who was pulling out what looked to be a cattle prod.
Well crap.

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Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2018-04-17 18:59:55
Grey "Fauna" Reid|18|Gifted: Animal Manipulation/Communication|Location: Resistance Camp|Mentions: Hedge & Lina

When Hedge mentioned the people who had gone missing before her, Grey felt her stomach turn slightly. She had never met them, but they all had their gifts in common. It bonded them in a way she couldn't quite describe. This reminded her of the day when Lina found her. Alder was stressed from a recent encounter with a group of rather nasty tom cats whom he insisted must have had more diseases than he could count. So the dog sat watch while she casually slept, when Lina had approached them. Of course Alder made a big fuss, but when Grey heard Lina's words of a resistance that fought for their lives, she insisted they join them. The grump, rather vocally, didn't agree but followed after the happily skipping Grey as she tailed her new family member. Grey couldn't stand solitude and now she was never alone! It made her hope that all the lost members were together in some way where they could go on more comfortably than they ever did in this life.
Pulling herself from her thoughts with the help of Hedge's words, the pale girl's gray-green eyes sparkled. A run! This could be her first mission ever if Lina agreed. "And I could send some rats or maybe even a cat through to make sure it's okay for us! That way we'd have a bit of an edge on any hunters." Grey thought aloud as her mind raced with all the possibilities. When she was a girl she had dreamed of living in the inner city with the rich and famous. Though her ability put a stop to any of those dreams, it didn't stop her from wanting to see it all. Turning her eyes pleadingly towards Lina, the girl put on her best, cheesiest smile she could muster.

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Edited on 18/04/18 @ 15:13:19 by Forest (#41430)

Darker Morning (#126688)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-04-18 09:44:40

Catalina "Lina" Hendril/19 years/ Water Form Manipulation/ Location:Residence Camp/ Mentions: Hedge, Grey
Lina walked into the room calmly, heading straight for the spice cabinet. The spices were pretty old, but still usable, and from experience, Lina knew they made almost everything taste better. The spice cabinet smelled like bay leaf and sage, probably from that one time someone spilled them. Lina had gotten so angry. Wasting food, even spice, was not an option, due to the Resistance barely having enough funds to supply everyone. Rummaging through the cabinet, Lina half-focused on the question both Hedge and Grey asked her.
It was true Grey had an amazing gift, one that would be useful in the situation, but, well, Grey was new, and Lina didn't feel completely sure that Grey would handle it well.
"Hmm..." She mumbled carefully, while finally finding the spice she was looking for.
Tossing it over to Hedge quickly, Lina concluded quickly,
"This spice makes everything taste good. Strongly recommend adding it in."
As she talked, Lina made the mistake of sneaking a glance at Grey, who was obviously trying to convince her. Dang it, Grey had a hell of a convincing face, and...sending an animal to scope out the Inner Ring would be a good idea. Breathing out exasperatedly, Lina opened her mouth again.
"Maybe. I think that we would need to see you in action first, since you are rather new, but...." Lina trailed off.
It was safer to say maybe than yes, due to Ash not being in this conversation, but in Lina's mind, maybe,almost certainly meant alright.
"Hey Grey," Lina said, trying to make conversation, "Does Adler want a snack? I'm pretty sure there's a piece of stale bread around here nobody will eat...."

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Edited on 18/04/18 @ 14:39:41 by Star (#126688)

Vespering [SIDE] (#33365)

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Posted on
2018-04-18 12:43:45

☣ [ Viktor Kurylenko ] ☣
23 • Male • Gifted • Resistance Fighter • Nuclear Manipulation
Location: Outlands Beach - Middle Ring • Direct Mentions (well, sort of): Hedge

Perhaps it had simply been an animal, or maybe something far more sinister hiding in the darkness cast by the bridge. Whatever had been there, Viktor couldn’t spot anything to be particularly concerned about now, and the rumble of the approaching train had him shoving the odd shell into his pocket before racing back to stand on the metal overpass. What came next would have to be planned carefully or else he might be stuck out here for quite awhile longer, or else have to take a more risky way into the city.

His sunglasses were promptly placed over his eyes as he moved swiftly to stand near the impassable wall that enclosed the city, preparing himself as the supply train came hurtling toward it. The moment the glossy machine rolled through he made a mad dash after it, the ping of his phone ignored until he skidded to a halt on the other side, the gateway slamming shut with a sinister clang as the train continued forward on its own journey.

Taking a moment to catch his breath, he reached into his pocket, quickly reading over the message that popped across the dimly lit screen before offering a quick response; You got it porcupine. Followed by a similarly incoherent string of emojis.

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Edited on 18/04/18 @ 12:47:05 by Vespertine [SIDE] (#33365)

Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2018-04-18 14:06:19
Grey "Fauna" Reid|18|Gifted: Animal Manipulation/Communication|Location: Resistance Camp|Mentions: Hedge & Lina

“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!” Grey immediately understood the maybe as a yes. The small girl ran towards her superior and threw her arms around her waist. She pulled Lina’s body closer to hers as she hugged her tightly. Turning to Hedge she nearly did the same to him before remembering his quills. Instead she opted for a soft punch aimed at his chest. The goofy grin she had gained at Lina’s words made her face appear even younger than she already was. “Not only do I actually get to go out, we also have Lina’s help cooking so hopefully I won’t burn anything.” Grey laughed at her own comment as she wondered what Lina wanted to do with the spices she had found.
Grey’s mother had always done the cooking at her house, while Grey often found herself helping her father out with his daily chores. While this was good for helping her to learn new things about the inner workings of tractors and cars, she lacked any knowledge of cooking. It always amazed her that there were people who could cook well with seemingly no effort on their part. When Lina asked if Alder wanted a snack, Grey turned her attention quickly to the dog. He laid out on his back with his front legs folded neatly on his chest. Calling out his name, Grey waited to see the familiar ear twitch as he slowly woke up. As one of his eyes opened, the amber color stood out against the black of his face. “Do you want a snack bud?” The girl spoke softly to the dog as he sprang up quickly. His tail started to wag slightly as he adjusted his posture. “I mean, if you’re offering a snack I can’t really deny it.” He tried to say more nonchalantly than what he had portrayed a few moments earlier. “He said he’d love a snack.” Grey translated sugar coating her dog’s words.

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Edited on 18/04/18 @ 15:13:58 by Forest (#41430)

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