Posted by S O A R! An equine role-play.

Kataklysm Reborn (#142200)

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Posted on
2018-04-23 20:15:27

Main Roleplay Thread


PLEASE DO RESEARCH FOR YOUR EQUINE BREEDS STANDARD HEIGHT! Especially if you are using a mixed breed. If your horse is a mustang, they do not go over 16hands at MAX. They all average at 14-ish hands.

If I see a problem with your horses height or standard, I will PM you about it. I know this is semi realistic (semi being where MIXED breeds and Legendary Lineages are involved) but we are being realistic about height and weight here with their coloring. I know there can be flaws, uncommon occurrences like Secretariat, Bold Ruler and Man'O War where they were large horses, but please.. do your research so I don't have to be a dick about this.

Please answer the form to the following:


Call Name:







Description: (Add photo for reference if able.)



Team Colors:


Role: Racer/Worker/Mentor

Note: All horses will born to one horse plantation but will have separate Trainers, Jockeys, and team colors. All horses will be born out of: Eagle's Point Ranch. Also, please keep this as realistic as possible when designing your horse. Not every horse will have incredible speed, stamina and endurance. It's a give and take. The only true horse to possess all three qualities was Secretariat. I will also keep legendary lineage's to a minimum. I.E: You cannot have several great race horses in your lineage. One or two, yes.

Also note that most race horses begin their careers right before they turn two as that is when they only qualify (at age two) to run in the triple crown and greater races beforehand.

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Edited on 25/04/18 @ 00:22:25 by Crowned Insanity (#142200)

Kataklysm Reborn (#142200)

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Posted on
2018-04-23 21:42:55
Source: This was created by Amadi on DeviantART, HOWEVER, I adopted this beauty. My page is here. Click.

Name: Spirit

Call Name: Wind Walker

Breed: MUTT-> Friesian, Thoroughbred, Akhal-teke, Mustang

Sire: Whispers to the Breeze -> Thoroughbred x Akhal-teke x Mustang

Dame: Ocean's Depth -> Friesian x Thoroughbred

Age: 2

Height: 16.3 (Will max at 16.9 hands)

Weight: 1450 (Will max at 1600)

Description: TBA

Personality: TBA

Backstory: TBA

Team Colors: Silver and Purple

Jockey: Micheal Brooks

Legendary Lineage: Man'O War -> A hidden progenitor

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Edited on 25/04/18 @ 00:15:29 by Crowned Insanity (#142200)

august ⭐ G2 Echo (#119511)

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Posted on
2018-04-23 21:54:13
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Name: Remington

Call Name: Excalibur

Breed: American Thoroughbred

Grand-sire: Secretariat

Grand-dame: Unknown

Sire: Risen Star - Thoroughbred

Dame: Silver Havana - Thoroughbred

Age: 4

Height: 17.2 hands

Weight: 1,378

Description: A large, muscular, dark bay horse.

Personality: Remington has no problem speaking his mind, and is always straight to the point. Though, that point can be rather harsh. He is very open minded, a hard worker, and a great listener. He knows his worth well, and uses it as motivation for the young greats he mentors. His great leadership skills and ability to bestow greatness onto horses make him a go-to mentor, especially being well known through out the racing community, as one of the fastest race horses, Excalibur.

Backstory: Remington, or as he is professionally known, Excalibur was not always thought out to hit the races. As a young colt, he was very violent to others his age and even older horses, but his spirit for running was always unwavering. He would spend hours a day just running back and forth through the many acres, adrenaline pumping. He trained from a young age, focused on perfecting his skill. His violence only grew worse, though. He was often locked away. His father, Risen Star (a colt born of Secretariat and a racing champion), often kept his distance from the colt, too embarrassed to claim the young one as his own. His mother though made sure he was loved and cared for, making sure the young colt knew his worth. As a juvenile, he began to calm down, maturity sinking into his growing bones. Being a rather handsome lad, he often received attention from mares that he was totally oblivious to. His mother always brought it up, and he shrugged it off. Continuing to train himself, it took a while before his owner began to see his promise. Immediately upon recognizing it, Remington was sent off the the center where his real training would begin, mentored by his very own father. His father was pleased with how quickly the young male learned, and by the time he was only a year old, Remington was an excellent racer, almost topping his father's speeds! Within time, he smoked the horses's in his first unprofessional race, earning the name Excalibur, named after King Arthur's legendary sword known for it's magical powers. They thought it magical how the young horse, only a rookie, has beaten horses who had been racing for years before himself. Well into his professional career, Excalibur had a serious injury, with no sign of recovery, and was forced to retire early.

Team Colors: Red and Blue

Jockey: Steven Johnson

Role: Mentor

Lengendary Lineage: Secretariat (Sire) Bold Ruler (Grand-sire) Nasrullah (Grand-grand-sire)


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Edited on 10/11/18 @ 19:27:38 by Flabs #Icon (#119511)


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Posted on
2018-04-24 09:58:02

Name: King

Call Name: Flash

Breed: ~Mustang~Appaloosa


Dame~ Pure bred Appaloosa




Description: N/A

~never give up [ type personality]

Will be made during RP

Team Colors:
Cyan and black

Jockey: a tall male with brown hair And blue eyes: his name is John


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Edited on 25/04/18 @ 05:01:24 by [#WCU]🦈SharkDog🐶 (#128606)

Stryker (#102101)

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Posted on
2018-04-24 16:39:41
Name: Oricle

Call Name: Zodiac's Luck

Breed: TB

Sire: La Ville Rouge

Dam: Dynaformer

Age: 2

Height: 15.3 hh

Weight: 1050

Description: (Add photo for reference if able.): Dark bay with a long black mane and tail

Personality: She has a lot of energy and is very lovable. She loves to run and lovesother horses and humans.

Backstory: She is Barbaro's full sister.

Team Colors: Aqua and white

Jockey/Handler: Layla Hunter

Role: Racer

(I don't know how to post photos)

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Espenfalls ✧ 13/15
BO G4 (#127995)

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Posted on
2018-04-25 12:26:29
Name: Cowboy

Call Name: diablo

Breed: American paint x mustang x gypsy vanner

Sire: Splash

Dame Honey

Age: 3 years

Height: 16 hands

Weight: 1800 pounds

Thinking of something

Personality: Cowboy is gentle but also very proud and believes he is handsome. He flirts a lot with the females and is never really loyal to just one female.

Cowboy was a surprise to his parents due to his odd colors. He was never that strong so his mother dislikes him. He has no siblings and always wanted to have one.
( Sorry it is short for now xd )

Team Colors:
Blue, gold, silver

John silver

Role: Racer

Name does not fit him as it tribute to my past horse cowboy who was my very first horse!

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Edited on 25/04/18 @ 13:43:50 by Snow (#127995)

EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

Badland Strider
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Posted on
2018-04-25 19:52:11
Name: Little Bite

Call Name: Consequential Morality

Breed: Akhal-Teke x Knabstrupper x Appaloosa x Friesian

Sire: Jaded Flame (Knabstrupper x Akhal-Teke)

Dame: Meradi (Friesian x Appaloosa)

Age: 1.11 years

Height: 15.2 hands (max 15.9 hands)

Weight: 1480 lbs (max 1580 lbs)

Black-and-white piebald mare.

Little Bite constantly swings between being sarcastic, playful, and serious. She only really pays attention to anything when she's racing or training, although when she does actually act serious, she is an incredibly hard worker. She can generally bring others out of their shells. She tries to be amiable towards everyone and considers almost everyone a friend, but she is quite competitive.

Little Bite has changed handlers several times due to her previous handlers becoming frustrated with her short attention span and habit of stealing things from them when they weren't looking and hiding them in her stall. After three handlers gave up on her, her parents' handler took her in and she did better with her parents there to chastise her when she goofed off. She has since become a lot more bearable and better at paying attention to instruction.

Team Colors:
White, light gray, and red

Emy Farro

Role: Racer

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Edited on 26/04/18 @ 17:26:56 by Entity404 (#107570)

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