Posted by Dawn Of The Dragons

MORTALI. (#111475)

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Posted on
2018-05-08 08:44:13

Main Roleplay Thread








•Appearance•|Even if you a picture, please give some type of physical description|






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Edited on 08/05/18 @ 11:08:37 by Sherlock & Watson (#111475)

MORTALI. (#111475)

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Posted on
2018-05-08 12:07:45
Name - Celestial

Meaning - positioned in or relating to the sky....

Gender - Female


Species - Sea Serpent/European Dragon|Hybrid|

Appearance - Celestial is a large beast with a slender body, her scales are a dark blue mixed with midnight black, light Green, and a very dark purple. At her chest their are white spots that give off the feeling of stars. Along Celestial's neck there are dark blue fins that go all the way up to her head before they stop, along the top of her fins are black and small white spots. On her tail there are four large spikes, each bigger then the other, there more like blades tho, very sharp blades. Unlike most Sea serpents she has limbs so she move on land go faster underwater, Celestial has small wings that she can use to glide with but not "Fly" with. Her chest glows indigo when she’s about to breathe fire as her fire is a dark indigo color

Height - Stands around the same height and size of a Bull Elephant

Weight - 800-900p

Personality - Celestial is a very curios animal, even for her age. Celestial may come off as hostile due to her size and the way she protects her territory but she truly is a big teddy bear. Celestial hates loneliness even thou she's always lonely, she spends her days talking to the rabbits or to herself, she's always alert about the hunters, scared to death about dying or worse, being taken away from her home. Humans scare her, she often becomes Hostile when their around, she'll lash out at anyone and will often kill anything around her.

History - Celestial was alone from the day she hatched, her parents had either been taken or hunted down, her other brothers and sisters had already left the nest while Celestial stayed, the nest had been a safe place for her.... Celestial was nearly killed at age two thanks to some Elves, luckily she escaped with a few scares. Celestial was one of the few dragons to escape the bloodshed of the war...She's lived with the few who have escaped for the last three-hundred or so years..

Mother-Cerberus- Sea serpent-Deceased
Father-Nebula-European Dragon-Deceased
Siblings- N/A

Mate/Crush- //OPEN//

Other- This was one of my older bios that i made for an RP that never got off the ground))

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Edited on 08/05/18 @ 16:18:14 by Sherlock & Watson (#111475)

Andie (#112823)

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Posted on
2018-05-08 13:44:03
Welsh meaning war leader
432 years
European Dragon
•Appearance•|Even if you a picture, please give some type of physical description|
Cedric is a large onyx colored european dragon. He has large wings that are lined with onyx scales, but the membrane is a beautiful iridescent color. His horns, teeth and claws are white while his underbelly and spines along his back are iridescent as well. He has two large horns a top his head as well as sharp spines along his jaw that are a onyx color. Cedric’s form is large and muscular, but not overly. He is very pleasing to the eye. His own are a violet shade.
Cedric like his name is a leader. He takes things head on and is not afraid of a fight. He may not win all but as long as he or his family isn’t messed with again is all that matters. He is very protective of those close to him and will lie down his life for them. Cedric is very smart, but stubborn and can have a bad temper at times hindering his outlook or how he deals with certain situations. He isn’t perfect, but then again no one else is either. He tries to be understanding but often finds it hard to see things from others perspectives. Although his leaderistic personality Cedric is more reserved and is often quiet and alone with his thoughts.
Cedric was born into the time the war was going on and participated at a young age alongside his parents and siblings. After his parents passed it was only him and his siblings fighting for their little territory and before long his siblings were struck down as well. Cedric had tried to move them to the mountain, but got caught in an ambush and was taken away. His siblings brutally murdered before his eyes caused the large male to lose his temper completely and decimated the entire area leaving it in flames and smoke. He then left the war and went to the mountain alone where he found little dragons he was close to.
Father-European Dragon-Deceased
Mother-European Dragon-Deceased
Siblings 3-European Dragons-Deceased

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mangrove (#130338)

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Posted on
2018-05-08 14:05:48

Dragon of the apocalypse of Abraham

Not much is known about his age. All that can be said is he was one of the few lingering Nordic beasts which were believed to have gone extinct hundreds of years ago.



European Dragon

•Appearance•|Even if you a picture, please give some type of physical description|
Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Azazel is an obsidian beast with enlarged horns and pearly ivory teeth with a stunning emerald and blue stare. His body holds a large and muscular structer with a thorned appendage which nearly holds the length of his actual body. He is seen to be much larger than several with many scars of Ancient tongue which seared his flesh.

Azazel is cold and frosty, hostile to newcomers.

He is very intelligent and knows where not to steer by.

•Quick Thinking
Azazel is a hardy and quick thinker when push comes to shove.

He may be silent, but knows when to speak.

He has been known to take in fledglings, often raising many until they are old enough to leave.


•Mother- Mira- Deceased

•Father- Unknown

-Adonis - Adopted son- Unknown

-Aviel - Adopted Daughter- Deceased

-Many more.

PM me//Open


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Edited on 11/05/18 @ 20:30:40 by azazel (#130338)

Simon (#101538)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-05-08 14:07:44
Name - Angaar

Meaning - Spark of Fire; Flash of Flame; Glint of blaze

Gender - Male


Species - European Dragon

Appearance- Angaar is a red fire dragon with a dark amber underbelly. His horns are black and his claws are sharp. His tail is long like a blade that has the power to cut down trees. He is very tall for his age too.

Height - About 12 feet

Weight - 800

Personality - Angaar is young (For a dragon) but tall, and loves to explore. I can sometimes get him in trouble though. Once he was captured and force to work for hunters. He escaped but is still weary. He is kind and smart but when you get on his bad side he can be as mean as he pleases.

History - Angaars' father died due to the war. His mother on the other hand died to natural causes. He was captured during the confusion of the war by hunters. Seeing his age he though they decided to spare him. He was but to work and treated like a tool. To carry dead dragons to hideouts. And to try to be ridden. Of course he didn't allow them to but it was very hard. One day he escaped and heard from a wounded dragon that they were hiding in the mountains.

Mother-Flame-European Dragon- Deceased
Amber- European Dragon-alive

Mate/Crush- TBA


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Edited on 11/05/18 @ 02:39:56 by Luna (#101538)

Darky (#144488)

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Posted on
2018-05-08 14:12:20
•Name• Shadowwalker

•Meaning• He named himself that after what his mother told him

•Age• 316 yrs

•Gender• Male

•Sexuality• Bi with a male lean

•Species• European Dragon

•Appearance• He is a black dragon with large wings. He is as big a a Mastodon and as heavy as a humpback whale. The under sides of his wings are a deep purple with lighter swirls throughout it making look like a galaxy.

•Personality• A solitary dragon who wants nothing but a close friend and a mate. He loves to look at the stars

•History• When he hatched his mother said the he would need to walk in the shadows to get to their birth lands. He crawled away while his mother was slaughtered my humans. He became reclusive after that only talking when it warrants him to.

•Family• None alive to speak of
Female European Dragon- Deceased
Male European Dragon- Deceased
Siblings- N/A

•Mate/Crush• Open


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Simon (#101538)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-05-08 14:34:48
Bright or Shiny

•Appearance•|Even if you a picture, please give some type of physical description|
Lucus is a young hunter who wears a one sleeve, black shirt and light brown pants. He has many bruises and scars but the only one viable is a long scar on his left arm.

Kind and Mistreated. He has a different range of personalities and they come out based on his mood.

He never wanted to become a hunter, but he is. His father made sure of it. He kills dragons for money, loot, and satisfaction. He did capture a red dragon once and decided to keep him alive. When the dragon escaped though he thought he could tried to capture dragons again and domesticate them.

Father- Alive- Human
Other- N/A

Has a horse mount named Midnight

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Edited on 08/05/18 @ 17:19:48 by Luna (#101538)

vickynp1226 (#141356)

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Posted on
2018-05-08 14:47:57


to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom or a sight of unusual beauty




East Asian

•Appearance•|Even if you a picture, please give some type of physical description|
Black with white under belly and gold/silver accent scales. She has spines along her tail and back, curved horns (Yes curved not crooked) that match her curved claws. Her eyes are green and she has a long scar on her right side.

She can be feisty but when she doesn't know someone she is shy. She loves to go flying especially with a friend. Sort of has a short temper but is also caring, kind hearted, and protective. If she loves someone she will gladly kill or die for them. She is so loyal that once she's on your side she's attached.

When the war began she was very young and her parents left her without a warning. Although they did this out of love to keep her safe they didn't return, at least before their home was destroyed. She tried to find out what happened to her parents (No HatchMates) but it almost seems they just disappeared. She simply figure out how to live by trial and error gaining many friends along the way. The Scar on her side is from a fight with another dragon that attacked her.


(Open but she seems to fancy European Dragons)

She loves to watch the tiny humans, especially when they make things, She even tried to copy some of their coverings!
(I'll try to draw her later)

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Unahwi (#100777)

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Posted on
2018-05-08 16:23:51

"White" or "Older brother", sometimes meaning "general"




East Asian Dragon

•Appearance•|Even if you a picture, please give some type of physical description|
Haku |Source: | is a silver East Asian dragon with a long, serpentine body, long flowing whiskers with dear-like antlers on the top of his head along with a lupine face. His mane is a majestic aqua color with sharp, grey-blue eyes.

Haku is known to be extremely possessive, especially when it comes to a close one or a mate but he has a genuine sweet side. He's almost like a parent figure. He is willing to take in anyone and anything that needs his care. He acts careless and playful like a baby but he is known to be wise and serious when thought to be needed.



N/A [Seeking??]


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Edited on 14/05/18 @ 19:15:04 by Devil's Litterbox OC (#100777)

Unahwi (#100777)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-05-08 17:01:01

"Like a hawk"





•Appearance•|Even if you a picture, please give some type of physical description|
Astoria is a young elf whom has light fair skin, her eyes a bright hazel; sometimes mistaken for a liquid golden color. Her long blonde hair falls to her lower back as she only stands 5'6". She is often seen in her hunting gear while on other days she wears an elegant silk gown hand-sown by her mother. She has an athletic build from her activeness so her muscles are well built but not bulky to frighten everyone off.

Astoria is a stern, stubborn elf who acts like a typical teenager despite her age. She is also mischievous and deceitful, making her hard to trust as well as her being a huge tomboy. With the way she grew up, she always thrived for attention. It didn't matter what attention she got or how she got it, even if that means her and her canine partner causing chaos in the town.

Astoria grew up without a father to be around, but always had that boy touch to her. She preferred to hang out with guys typically older than her since she felt that girls were too feminine and carried too much drama around them. Her mother was kind of the (excuse meh language) whore of the town and would bring a different guy over almost every night, neglecting her of the affection she needed as a child. It was even believed that she wasn't full elf.

Mother: Nina (Elf)
Father: Unknown
Only child

Astoria is currently single and is of interest of possibly finding someone to join her on her adventures.

Weapons: Small silver dagger, hunting bow, handmade arrows
Astoria has a wolf partner named Sirius that she found and raised on her own when she was only 19 just when she first started to teach herself how to hunt. Now they are inseparable and love to cause trouble with everyone.

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Edited on 20/05/18 @ 10:41:30 by Devil's Litterbox OC (#100777)

WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

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Posted on
2018-05-08 18:16:24

• Name •
Lilja [Lila] Viah

• Meaning •
Icelandic version of the name Lily, after the flower that represents birth and innocence.

• Age •
29 Years

• Gender •

• Sexuality •
Bisexual & Biromantic

• Species •

• Appearance •
Lilja stands at a simple 5’1 with an angular framed body. Her torso is slim, but balanced well by her full hips. Lilja’s features include forest green eyes and near white hair. The style is chopped short with uneven edges, all sticking up in various directions. Her most common outfit is comprised of thin black trousers and a loose deep green tunic that tends to hang off one of her shoulders. Lilja is usually seen sporting dark brown lace up boots that end just below her knees and a long black string necklace looped around a small white crystal resting below her sternum.

• Personality •
Lilja is nothing if not a planner. She goes to an extreme extent to gather all the available information as the one thing she despises in life is rash decisions. Lilja is the kind of gal to sit back and watch a scenario unfold for a few moments before leaping into action. The few times that she does neglect to consider consequences is when she is doing so for the sake of others. Essentially, she has a reckless streak when it comes to being protective of others.

• History •
Lilja was born and raised in the village, only encountering the occasional story of a dragon sighting. A handful of moments throughout her life she could have sworn that a dark speck in the sky was undoubtedly a winged reptile. But, she’s never actually laid eyes on one up close. Her parents were horse breeders, specializing in the Icelandic Pony breed. She lived a comfortable life, but wanted more risk than reward. Lilja left the village for a short few years and trained to be a soldier. Being a woman, her skills were not appreciated within most armies. Eventually she took up more illegal means of getting by, even if it meant selling her skills. She returned to the village just last year to find that her parents had passed away. Currently, Lilja lives in the small cabin they used to share surrounded by acres of open horse field.

• Family/ Mate/ Crush •
Brother(s): OPEN [PM Me!]
Sister(s): OPEN [PM Me!]
Significant Other: OPEN [PM Me/ Develop in RP!]

• Other •
Her mount is an Icelandic Pony, but don’t let the breed fool you, these creatures get more than big enough to carry humans as they grow up. Lilja’s is a light fawn color with white splotches. She prefers to leave him unnamed.

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|:Smilus:Demonic:| (#144994)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-05-08 18:54:09

•Meaning• Dark or devoid of light in latin.

unknown, (younger 250-350)



Eastern/Western Hybrid

[Artwork (c) me]
Atrah has a long, snake-like body of an eastern dragon but has the bat-like wings and head of a western dragon. Her color has an irridecent quality to it that she looks purple and red, giving her the color scheme of a sunset.

Stubborn and a bit naive. Her parents were not involved in raising her, she was raised by her much older brother, Rowin, a striking gold dragon who has a similar body to hers but takes after the eastern dragon genes with his long, flowing mane. Atrah is good at her core but was not really involved with others as she was fairly isolated growing up. In reality this was because Rowin was very involved with the war, but was adamant she remained out of it which resulted in him leaving her alone for long periods of time while he handled war business. Atrah did not know much of the war's proceding and the little time she spent with her brother, she knew better then to ask questions about it. Atrah can be stand-offish and at times not the best with social skills, but she is a very good judge of character. Atrah prefers a small group of loyal friends then to be in a crowd, however she is surprisingly adaptable when she wants to be.

Atrah's parents where not around from what she can remember. Her older brother, Rowin, raised her, but often had to split his time between caring for her and his work with the war. Rowin kept Atrah out of the war and away from most dragons as he didn't want her to be apart of it and conversations about it where limited. Atrah is still very naive about the war and knows almost nothing about it other then it is over. Now an adult she doesn't have as much communication with Rowin as even though he raised her, he is an extreme loner himself, traits of which did rub off on her but she is not to his level with it.

Brother - Rowin

None atm

Considering all the alone time in her youth, Atrah is very skilled in the work of magic, particularly illusionary work. She can do minor attacks, but her ability to deceive the eyes and the senses is her real talent.

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Edited on 04/07/18 @ 04:44:04 by Rowana (#144994)

sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2018-05-08 21:59:11

A nymph loved by Zeus, changed into a she-bear by Hera, and subsequently changed into the Great Bear constellation




East Asian Dragon

Being an Asian dragon with a slender, serpentine-like body, the male has long, light-grey flowing whiskers. Black feathers run down his back and down to the tip of his tail, with pale-white scales. Pale-blue antlers rest on top of his head, with clear blue eyes.

Though silent and reserved to those he doesn't know, and a tough nut to open, he's more friendly to those he does know better than a dragon he had a quick-chat with. Calli isn't one to hoard 'valuable' objects, and is most likely to drop it in a random place, or give it away to some dragon who could care more.

Calli had been born in his nest alone with his brother, Sirius, who were both almost identical other than the difference in their antler colors and Sirius' larger size. Though, they both had left the nest together, not knowing of the dangers that lived out there. A few weeks after they had left the nest, the two had gone together in search of food, though got chased away from each other as a few elves found them. It was his brother who held a few scars, as Calli had ran when Sirius tried to defend him. Though, he did take a last glance back, and did notice his sibling manage to escape, though the two never did find each other again.

Plume - Mother - Deceased
Viveri - Father - Deceased
Sirius - Brother/Sibling - Unknown Status



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Edited on 11/05/18 @ 19:58:54 by Nami the Smol Bean (#112820)

NoodlesDoodles (#128997)

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Posted on
2018-05-09 14:10:19

“sand” in Swahili

unknown, but near the age of a young adult




•Appearance•|Even if you have a picture, please give some type of physical description|
Iyanrin is an averagely sized wyvern. Her scales are colored a dusty beige with deeper colored diamonds lining her sides, while a bright turquoise colors them in, as well as her eyes. Nub-like horns protrude from the sides of her face and where normal horns would be, forming a frill. These line her back in a row of three down her neck, back, and tail, which ends in a long whip for her defense. Iyanrin’s long, bat-like wings are marked with the same diamonds towards the ending fingers, and a similar pair of prectoral

Iyanrin is one of those stereotype, independent people who don’t need anyone at all. She’s quite stubborn and solitary, so she doesn’t mind being alone, as she has been for the majority of her adulthood. Because of this, social skills aren’t her strongest point. She usually seems a bit stand-offish or comes off as an arrogant diva with a pretty face, along with a vindictive side. Iyanrin is one to adapt quickly and roll with the punches.

Iyanrin lived in a large family of 7 before she parted ways after decideing she’d have better luck with survival alone. Iyanrin became a nomadic individual, moving from place to place, but soon found that much of the occupied world was horrible and cruel. Because of this, she now inhabits the Eragorn Moutains, as most do.

Iyanrin has two other brothers and three other sisters, though she knows not about her family’s whereabouts or status, though she presumes them all to be dead, as she hasn’t seen them in many, many years.

none, but open

- Iyanrin can also breathe a blueish fire

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🌩️Wish🌩️ (#134425)

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Posted on
2018-05-10 16:01:02
Wish Khione

A strong want for something, the goddess of snow and ice in mythology

28 Years old


Pansexual, but it takes her a while to get into emotional relationships

Elf, technically 3/4 elf and 1/4 elemental human

•Appearance•|Even if you a picture, please give some type of physical description|
This is her WIP, it's on my tumblr.

A fairly tall (5' 8") elf with wavy, arctic blue hair and pale skin. Her eyes are wide and bright green with flecks of yellow. Shallow but plentiful burns cover most of her face, her right shoulder and her right forearm.


She's full of energy and determined to do whatever it is she has on her mind. She has a love of cold temperatures and high altitudes with an, almost fear, of fire and fire based creatures. Emotionally charged, she'll do anything if she simply feels like doing it, with little thought of consequences. However, she's receptive with other people, realizing that if she's with a logic driven person they will require reasoning.
Basic Personality things: With a birthday on October 16 she's a libra, ESFJ, Slytherin with a combo house of Slytherpuff, Neutral good/True neutral.


She grew up in the mountains in the north in a large tribe of hunters and gatherers with the nearest actual city about a day's walk from their base camp. Wish's mother, Fadwa, raised her until she was 5, then she disappeared into thin air. Her father, Wal, raised her until she was 16 when tragedy struck the tribe. A fire breathing dragon attacked the camp, killing most people and giving Wish her burn scars. She developed a fear/hate of fire and fire elemental people/animals. On her own she trecked the snowy forests until she was 20, hunting for herself and building shelters in trees when she camped. She still wonders for the most part, sometimes visiting towns and cities for supplies she can't make. Generally she makes friends in those places, but never trusts anyone.When she was 22 she visited a town, a kitten living in the streets followed her after she gave it a bone. She kept the little kitten and named it Haey.

Mother- Fadwa (Dead)
Father- Wal (Dead)
Pet- Small snow cat named Haey (Pronounced Hey) (Living, with Wish)

PM me :)

Her mount is a giant elk, mostly light tan/white in hue with large antlers and icy eyes

PM me if you want to develop a relationship with Wish

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Edited on 12/05/18 @ 10:09:04 by Wish (#134425)

Simon (#101538)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-05-10 16:15:41

extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.

Unknown (But very old)




•Appearance•|Even if you a picture, please give some type of physical description|

Has very dark blue scales and a cooled, silver underbelly. He also has a golden strip which was gifted to him by his father. His white horns and claw are distracting from his natural colors, but the main thing is the little fluffs of fur on his ears.

He is very wise and sleeps a lot. He can be aggressive but is kind most of the time. He is over protective for younger ones but gives them a chance to explore.

Being a elder he always has stories to tell. Some about war while others are just about casual days. When he was younger he was a fighter that never gave up.

Like Super Old!

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Edited on 11/05/18 @ 17:34:34 by Luna (#101538)

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