Posted by wip

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-05-20 00:42:16

Main Roleplay Thread


[ Image Here ]

Your character's given name.

How old is your character? It's been three years since the fall of humanity so keep in mind any cat younger than 3 years and a few months won't remember humans.

All welcome.

All welcome.


Rank & Allfialtion
What position does your character hold within their group?

Write a concise description telling us what your character looks like. Remember to source all photos and don't use art that doesn't belong to you if you choose to add a reference.

Write at least one paragraph describing your character's demeanor.

Write at least one paragraph detailing your character's history.

Important friends, family members, enemies, love interests, etc.

Theme Song

Anything extra you might want us to know about your character goes here.

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Edited on 17/09/18 @ 12:28:04 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-05-20 01:11:38


"I'm not the villain despite what you're always preaching."


5 years old.


Demiromantic Lesbian.

Maine Coon.

Rᴀɴᴋ & Aғғɪʟɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
Current: Outsider | Former: Wild Claws General.

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Octavia’s presence alone is intimidating even without knowledge of her former occupation. Her large oval-shaped eyes are like chips of orange ice, forever cold. As with all felines of her breed, she is fairly large, towering over many cats within the colony, reaching a grand total of 15 inches tall and 40 inches long. Her thick pelt is heavy and water repellent; adapted to harsher climates and an asset during colder moons while a hindrance in the warm seasons, the fur around her throat lengthening into an impressive ruff.

Her coat is quite glossy, a dusky black tipped with white creating the illusion of smoky stripes, falling smoothly around her massive frame. Octavia's ears are notably tufted, a trade-mark of the Maine Coon, and riddled with tears. Her chest is broad and build well-muscled. Octavia's talents lie in combat and durability over speed, though she appears to be a decent swimmer. Her scarred muzzle is somewhat squared, her nose dark without a hint of any other color and split down the middle. She undoubtedly looks the part of a battle-hardened general.

Once kind and full of compassion, there are few left who remember a time when Octavia was brimming with warmth rather than wrath. While her punishments had harsh tendencies and she was infamous for her lack of forgiveness, Octavia's cruelty was rarely unprovoked. Calculating and vindictive, she was fairly predictable in her reactions, quick to stamp out signs of resistance, putting those who would challenge her reign in their place. Her laws, while keeping the colony organized and thriving, were strict and she expected them to be followed without question. A failure to follow such rules often resulted in unpleasant consequences.

Sarcastic and abrasive, she proves hostile to any feline brave enough to approach her, but may in fact value such bold personalities as these days her snark is often worse than her bite. Idealistic and stubborn, she still believes her way is the best way. Whether or not she's learned anything from her demotion or experiences regret over her actions is yet to be seen. If she will prove an ally to the rebels is equally inconclusive, as Octavia seems more than anything to desire solitude, uneager to trust others, the feeling likely being mutual. It's clear the whole ordeal has seen her lose some of her former fire.

Raised beside her sister Annabel, they were intended to be household pets until they ended up on the streets when their irresponsible owners could no longer afford to feed them. They adjusted to life as strays, becoming fairly well known to both cats and people alike for their pleasant, level-headed demeanors. After the humans disappeared, Octavia gathered all former pets together, soothing their fears and teaching them how to live without their housefolk.

All was well for a time, but the lust for power drove some to rebel against her. A coup was had, an attempt made on her life. Octavia survived, but many others perished in the battle, Annabel's first and only litter of kits caught in the crossfire. Their deaths sent Annabel into a depression she barely recovered from and crossed the line of what Octavia could bear. From that day forward she was harsher and more guarded, trusting no cat beyond her sister.

The colony rebelled a second time, undoubtedly for better reasons, as Octavia had become a tyrant. Dethroned and banished, a new cat quickly took her place in the aftermath. If only they knew then how much worse things could get. She now spends her days along the outskirts of Wild Claws' territory, lingering in the ruined part of the city the colony abandoned and avoiding the cats she once ruled.

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[ Annabel ] - [ Litter Sister ] - [ Adoptable ]
Formally quite close, the depression Annabel experienced after the death of her kits combined with Octavia's savage new outlook on life saw the sisters drift apart. Never given a chance to repair their broken bond, Octavia is left with only memories of the sibling she once held so dear to her heart.


Tʜᴇᴍᴇ Sᴏɴɢ
Dynasty - MIIA.
Monster - Paramore.
Natural - Imagine Dragons.
I Will Never Die - Delta Rae.



"Is there a method to your madness? Is it all about pride?
Everyone I know, they've got a demon inside."


3 years, 6 months old.



Ragdoll Mix.

Rᴀɴᴋ & Aғғɪʟɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
Wild Claws Overseer.

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A decently large tom, his build sturdy and imposing thanks to his Ragdoll heritage. Bane's body language makes it clear he is a volatile and violent individual, prepared to lash out at any cat who ventures too close uninvited, his pale blue-gray eyes carrying an intense light and a hint of inconsolable rage. His pelt is thick and white but possesses an almost grayish hue that leaves him appearing permanently unwashed. His disheveled looks don't help matters any, the tom seemingly forever scruffy and unkempt.

A fluffy ruff is created by longer fur surrounding his neck and under different circumstances, this cat would be absolutely adorable. A giant, gentle fluffball. Things being what they are, however, he's more along the lines of a gigantic puff of fury. Patches of seal black fur cover his long-furred tail, shoulders, and ears while creating a mask over his eyes. His nose is a pale shade of pink, lightly freckled. Various scars and tears mark his face and ears.

Bane is not well liked among his people, at least not anymore. Since taking the role of an overseer all of his negative traits have intensified to the point of being almost fanatical, desperate to win the war against the rebels and make the leader he adores proud. Irrational and narrow-minded, Bane is not unintelligent so much as impulsive and hot-headed, preferring to solve his problems with brute strength over reasoning. He is quick to resort to violence and his punishments are often painful as he is quick to lash out at others.

The only surviving kit of a feral mother and a housecat. While Bane, born under the name Fluff, and his mother struggled to survive on the streets his father lived a pampered life indoors whenever he wished and this knowledge ensured Bane grew up with a deep set grudge against pets. While born beside a brother and a sister, both perished before the litter reached five months of age, his brother growing sick and withering away within a matter of weeks while his sister was picked off by a hawk when they began exploring the city without their mother's guidance or protection. The latter death often serves as a recurring nightmare.

Bane changed his name shortly after reaching his sixth month, determined to make a name for himself and gain respect among his fellow street cats, tired of living a life crawling through the dirt fighting for even a scrap of nourishment. When the humans disappeared he had little interest in helping any of the former pets, turning his back on his own father when the cat came to him asking for help. When Octavia rose to power he accepted her reign without much issue and was content to live under her rule until a certain cat began whispering promises of something greater in his ears, this cat's words believed wholeheartedly by the young tom. The rest is history.

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Nᴏᴛᴀʙʟᴇ Rᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘꜱ

Tʜᴇᴍᴇ Sᴏɴɢꜱ
Indestructible - Disturbed.
Jekyll and Hyde - Five Finger Death Punch.
For The Glory - All Good Things.



"Fight for all you know when your backs against the wall. Stand against the liars."


4 years, 8 months old.


Graysexual & Panromantic.

Domestic Longhair.

Rᴀɴᴋ & Aғғɪʟɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
Rebel Healer.

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A cat of mixed ancestry, the only breed Reiner might even loosely resemble is a Persian, his broad muzzle notably a bit shorter than most cats, the long scar slashing across the bridge seemingly enhancing this feature. He possesses a wide skull, his ears set wide and round eyes a dark shade of amber. His fur is semi-long, thickest along the belly, tail, and ruff.

His coloring is unusual, black with gray tipped hairs on his chest, back and sides as if he were born with a fever coat that never faded. He's slightly above average height for a feral cat, reaching roughly 10.8 inches, his build more on the cobby side, stocky and heavy-boned. Tufts of gray fur extend from the insides of his ears and his whiskers are long and white, contrasting against his dark belt. His nose is black as coal. He walks with a limp due to a previously broken right hind leg.

Aloof and easily agitated, Reiner preferred life as a loner. Or so he claims. The truth is beneath a disgruntled exterior he cares a lot more than he lets on. His manner of speaking tends to be blunt and sarcastic, pulling no punches. Reiner is more likely to offer insults over anything exceptionally friendly. He is not above provoking or belittling those around him should they prove aggravating, and with so many sharp comments lingering on the tip of tongue ready to be flung at just about anyone, it's a wonder no one has ripped it out yet.

His sense of humor tends to run on the dark side, and overall any joke you might hear from him will likely foster feelings of unease over laughter. Beneath the icy surface is an individual with far more empathy and compassion than one might expect, rarely shown, but frequently felt. Most of his demeanor is a facade, cautiously upheld for the sake of appearing indifferent. Despite taking on the role of a caretaker he's no stranger to a brawl and is very capable of defending both himself and others.

Reiner was born on the streets of Hamburg, Germany, living life as a stray until he was picked up by a sailor. Brought to the cargo ship the man worked on, he served as a resident mouser alongside four other cats until he abandoned his post at a foreign port when the only human he had grown attached to never returned. His reasoning was to find him, but unfortunately, he never learned what became of his owner and upon returning to the port found the ship gone. Accepting this place was his home now, he once more acclimated to life as a feral.

Shortly after, he met a young kitten named Luna, left by her mother to fend for herself so she could raise another litter. While initially reluctant to be responsible for another life, he eventually gave in and adopted her as his sister. Even under Octavia's rule Reiner and Luna chose to live a solitary life in the park away from the colony despite Luna desiring a more social lifestyle. He relented once he realized her lack of friends was leaving the young cat lonely and depressed.

It was here his knack for healing was discovered, an innate trait he possessed since young kittenhood that covered more than simply tending to wounds. It is said every few seasons a kitten will be born with a rare quality known as the sight, the ability to speak with the dead, receiving omens and special knowledge from cats of the past. Reiner is one such feline. He agreed to serve the colony as a medic, but things changed once Octavia's behavior took a turn to something more twisted. Once she was overthrown Reiner left with Luna and Rush, his apprentice at the time.

Fleeing back to the park, the trio lived peacefully for a time before the Wild Claw's new leader began showing what they were really all about. Reiner and Rush were sought out, and when they refused to return willingly Rush was abducted and forcefully brought back to the colony. Reiner received a thorough beating, and a slash to his face for his insolence, one of his hind legs broken in retribution. Luna thankfully had missed the entire attack as she was out hunting. Upon returning to find Reiner near death she spent several moons caring for him and doing what she could to help him heal.

Reiner was determined to get Rush back, a deep-set hatred for the Wild Claws now blinding him to any consequences. The rescue attempt didn't go according to plan and Rush's throat was slit before Reiner and Luna's very eyes once they came to retrieve him, as apparently, the young tom had not lived up to expectations and they had wanted Reiner all along. Rush, as talented as he was, hadn't been born with the sight, and as such was useless in the leader's eyes. Reiner might have been forced to stay if a few cats who disagreed with the colony's new morals hadn't helped him and Luna escape during the morning's early hours, these cats soon after leaving the Wild Claws altogether to form the rebels.

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Nᴏᴛᴀʙʟᴇ Rᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘꜱ
[ Luna ] - [ Adopted Younger Sister ] - [ Adoptable ]
American Shorthair Mix - Silver Tabby - 2 Years Old

Reiner met her shortly after being transported to his current location, Luna no older than three months. After dealing with the spunky kitten following at his heels no matter what he spat at her he reluctantly took her under his wing. Their bond grew over time and he seems to have few regrets over adopting her as his family in the present, becoming fiercely protective of her.

[ Rush ] - [ Former Apprentice ] - [ Deceased ]
A young tom Reiner had taken to mentoring. Their bond was close, like a father and son, and Rush's death weighs on him heavily.


Tʜᴇᴍᴇ Sᴏɴɢꜱ
Dear X, You Don't Own Me - Disciple.
Hold On For Your Life - Sam Tinnesz.
Set The World On Fire - Black Veil Brides.

Reiner has what we humans would recognize as a German accent.



"Are you deranged like me? Are you strange like me?
Lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?
Do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me?
Pointing fingers cause you'll never take the blame like me?"


3 years old.



Devon Rex.

Rᴀɴᴋ & Aғғɪʟɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
Wild Claws Chaser.

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A somewhat odd looking cat. Some of Iris' most noticeable features are her curved profile, huge bat-like ears, arched back, egg-shaped head, and curly whiskers. Her build is lithe and graceful, but trying to lift this molly would prove her to be surprisingly heavy. Dense bones and wiry muscle make her much stronger than one might initially expect. She doesn't have fur so much as down, lacking the outer coat most felines are born with.

Instead, a thin layer of velvety curls falls in waves down her back and sides. The hairs on her face, throat, chest, underbelly, tail, legs and paws are straight and short in comparison, just barely concealing skin. Her eyes are large, round and a bright shade of gold while the rest of her body is covered in thin ginger fur. A single scar curves around her left shoulder, at times, causing her to limp, but otherwise doesn't appear to hinder her performance while hunting.

Iris is perhaps the opposite of her breed's typical temperament. While retaining the Cornish Rex's quick wit and intelligence she tends to leave others feeling a bit cold. Her demeanor is icy and caustic with a sharp tongue and even sharper claws. Iris likes to think herself in complete control of her emotions, but the reality is she has a rather fiery temper. Iris has very few friends as a result and even around them proves fairly aloof even if less sarcastic. She does surprisingly have a healthy sense of humor so long as a joke isn't at her expense and a soft heart for youngsters.


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Nᴏᴛᴀʙʟᴇ Rᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘꜱ

Tʜᴇᴍᴇ Sᴏɴɢꜱ
Madness - Ruelle.
Gasoline - Halsey.
Elastic Heart - Sia.




"Scream if you wanna, shout if you need, just let it go (take it out on me). Fight if you need to, smash if it helps you get control."


2 years old.




Rᴀɴᴋ & Aғғɪʟɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
Wild Claws Dirty Paw.

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Finch is a slim tom with a medium length, glossy white pelt. Chocolate fur mottled with patches of reddish-cream covers his face, ears, bushy tail and paws. His figure is somewhat extreme when compared to other cats, his build elegant, lithe, and rather long overall. Despite his fragile appearance, he is strong and hardy, though his talents appear to lie in running rather than fighting.

Bright blue almond-shaped eyes are set in a narrow, wedge-shaped head tapering into a fine muzzle with fanned, forward tilting ears. Finch could never be considered a large cat, but he is decently tall, long legs leading down to small paws with long, slender toes. In profile, his muzzle is a straight line from forehead to nose-tip. His nose is a deep brownish-black.

An anxious sort, given the unfortunate nickname of Twitch after his nervous tick. His talents include running and hunting, but he's an absolutely awful fighter and prefers to leave the brutality of war to the larger, stronger cats. A pacifist at heart, he will always recommend peace and compromise over violence. While friendly he is both introverted and unsure of how to interact with other cats, a result of his secluded upbringing and current position.

He tries his best to fit in all the same and do his job efficiently, but often ends up a victim for the higher ranks. Compassionate and thoughtful, the young tom doesn't appear to mind lending a helping paw to others, always with a shoulder to lean on and ear to listen should any cat need to vent. His level of self-deprecation may prove shocking to anyone who might have any fondness for him as he'll go so far as to believe he deserves any cruelty aimed his way.


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Nᴏᴛᴀʙʟᴇ Rᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘꜱ

Tʜᴇᴍᴇ Sᴏɴɢꜱ
Dream - Imagine Dragons.
Take It Out On Me - Thousand Foot Krutch.

Finch has Klinefelter syndrome. As a result, he's sterile, smells similar to a female cat over a male, and also lacks the muscle and fat found in a typical male of his breed


All images are linked to their sources.

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Edited on 30/11/18 @ 00:12:55 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

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