Posted by [Jun] Stronger Gods

πŸ’Žβ­ Kiita
β­πŸ’Ž (#85179)

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Posted on
2018-06-05 21:22:29
So first of all, I want to say that I completely LOVE the new event that has been added for June! After going through the comments on the event news post, (and yes, I did read ALL of them, it was exhausting lol) I couldn't help but notice that a lot of people are struggling to defeat the snake demons in explore. And I'm certainly not the only one who has noticed that whichever God you side with doesn't actually help you very much, if at all. I think these things are a shame and it could be made better and more enjoyable for everyone if that were changed a bit.

Basically, my idea is to make a few adjustments that would make things a little more reasonable for the majority of players. How do we accomplish this? Maybe Bast could heal you more than just a lousy 3HP, for starters. She's an ancient Goddess, for crying out loud! I'm sure she could heal you more than 3HP, which barely even makes a difference, like come on now... And I didn't play their sides yet but I'm sure the same could be said for whatever Seth's powers are and for Anubis doing only a small amount of damage to the snakes as well.

Honestly, I haven't noticed any difference at all in my King's ability to defeat them since he got Bast's help. It's working the same as before and it is not any easier, at least not noticeably. What is the point in having the 2nd tier of the story line unlock on June 5th if it really makes no difference? I thought the whole point of making us wait until the 5th to get event currency was to have the Gods help us (and I mean actually help us) defeat the snake demons? I know it's supposed to be a challenge and I want it to be a challenge too, but I just think in order for the lore for this event to work, they would need to make more of an impact in battle. I don't even think the snakes would necessarily need to be weakened, if the Gods were able to help us out more than they currently do.

Also, side note- I hope the shop prices are super cheap this year to make up for the long wait without being able to earn any currency, and the difficulty of gaining Khepri Beetles. Just saying.

Anyway, thanks everyone for hearing me out on this! I really hope they change it. Vote support if you agree with me, and whether you do or don't, I would love to know your reasons why. Thanks.

Please note: I am NOT suggesting that it suddenly be increased a lot or anything like that. I think a lot of people are misunderstanding what I'm saying here. I'm really not suggesting that the Gods should carry you or give you an easy win... I don't want it to be easy either. All I'm saying is that they could gradually increase it over the duration of the event to make it more realistic and make sense for the story they've put in place. Not by a huge amount but a small amount would be nice. Not to the point where it's easy, but to the point where it's not as weak feeling anymore.

This suggestion has 69 supports and 33 NO supports.

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Edited on 16/03/19 @ 03:31:16 by a Moderator

Jasper (#113446)

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Posted on
2018-06-06 08:03:49
I definitely support this. The snakes are really difficult, and Bast really doesn't do much to help. She only heals when if I get attacked that turn, which is a letdown when resting or if the enemy misses. If she healed every turn, I think that would help a lot more, or if she healed by more than three HP. Even in the Temperate Savannah I'm getting my ass handed to me by the snakes. I've managed to gather up 31 KB, but it isn't easy. I definitely agree that I don't want these battle to be super easy, but they're just too challenging for me. I think it would be fitting with the storyline to have the gods increase in power as the event progresses. Since you're supposed to be helping them to gain power, it would fit well to have them slowly grow more powerful as time goes on. The point of the quests is to strengthen them and yourself, so maybe after a certain number of quests being completed they could get a boost?

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xXDruidXx (#74535)

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Posted on
2018-06-06 08:12:30
There is a technique to killing the snakes XD Normal biting etc rarely works, pretty sure I saw something mentioned saying you had to grab then pound the snakes!
I tried it and it's definitely more successful ^_^

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Pain and Suffering (#93497)

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Posted on
2018-06-06 08:15:20
Yeah, technique, skill, strategy!
All the things that don't exist within combat "system" of lioden. Its random and random isnt fun

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πŸ’Žβ­ Kiita
β­πŸ’Ž (#85179)

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Posted on
2018-06-06 08:17:29
Thanks Jasper, I love that idea! If people had to basically earn a way to make the Gods perform better for them, I think that could be a good compromise actually. ^_^ And it would be more consistent with the story as well. Do you mind if I add that to the main suggestion and credit you?

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Edited on 06/06/18 @ 08:21:29 by βœ­πŸ’Žβ­ Kiita β­πŸ’Žβœ­ (#85179)

Sparrow (#130681)

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Posted on
2018-06-06 08:18:46
It's really not that random. I alternate pound/claw and strangle them if I get desperate. I almost never lose. If you think it's random and out of your hands then the problem is probably you and whatever you're doing.

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πŸ’Žβ­ Kiita
β­πŸ’Ž (#85179)

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Posted on
2018-06-06 08:19:48
Also, we know there is a strategic (although kind of random) way to defeat them more easily but that is not the point of this suggestion. If there are Gods helping you, then they should be of actual help.

Thank you all for your input.

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Edited on 06/06/18 @ 08:21:58 by βœ­πŸ’Žβ­ Kiita β­πŸ’Žβœ­ (#85179)

xXDruidXx (#74535)

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Posted on
2018-06-06 08:28:37
Anthrax, I never used to think there was any kind of strategy but there is some! That technique is a sure improvement to killing the snakes, I've won almost every time like that, the other way was an almost certain loss.

I don't "don't support" but I feel the gods are strong enough from my experience (I think Anubis could do with a slightly more consistent hit rate though)

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EcksπŸ„Dee (#136445)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-06-06 08:56:41
Umm I think this is a great idea! I'm struggling with this too and the snakes are really hard to defeat. It's supposed to be hard, but I feel like the difficulty is especially excessive in this case. I've also noticed the large number of people voicing their concerns about this on the event news post, there are dozens of people speaking up about how much it bothers them and I wish they'd come to this thread and say the same thing. Thank you for posting this, it's about time someone did something about it.

I don't see where all the hate is coming from because it would be MUCH better if the gods actually did their thing as gods and helped like they are supposed to. The very point I see most people arguing against this can also work the other way. What if the admins have NO plans in place at all to make any changes to their power levels over the course of the event? Would you want this to be implemented then? I will also point out that they have made no indication of that being the case whatsoever, so the most likely and logical conclusion is that they were not planning to change it, based on the info we were given. (They normally hint at things like that quite heavily from what I've seen.)

It would be especially great if they actually just made the gods stronger for the people who want it, and for the people who are against it, they can just make do with the crummy little tiny advantages that essentially do next to nothing. I mean, since you're so content with that and it's sooo easy, then it shouldn't be a problem, right? lol

Also we understand there is a technique for killing the snakes (WE KNOW already jeez) but that doesn't mean the gods shouldn't have to help more in order to the make the story itself more believable and consistent. If you base an event around a story, then shouldn't the event, I don't know, actually MATCH the story???? The way I take it, Kiita is basically doing this to point out a major plot hole in their logic. And for the people who worship these gods, don't you think it is more than a bit insulting for them to be portrayed as so weak?

TL/DR- I support the heck out of this.

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Edited on 06/06/18 @ 08:59:56 by Ecks Dee (#136445)

πŸ’Žβ­ Kiita
β­πŸ’Ž (#85179)

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Posted on
2018-06-06 09:22:09
Thanks for the support and feedback Ecks Dee... I get what you're saying, but if they changed it for some and not for others, that wouldn't be fair. And Lioden is supposed to be fair for everyone, so I'm sure they won't do that. But yeah, basically I just feel like the event should be consistent with the story all the way through. Which, so far it is, but only if the Gods do indeed get stronger later on as the event progresses. Otherwise I have no issues with this event. I think it's completely amazing.

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Sparrow (#130681)

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Posted on
2018-06-06 09:28:33
I don't want to be rude, but Ecks Dee, you have a level 6 king with 84 stats. Of course it's gonna be difficult when you're using a king like that.
And it's not a plot hole just because the gods aren't overpowered. Especially when the whole event is based around the fact that the gods are weak and only need your help in the first place because they're not at their full potential and they need to work to get back there.
Any event in any game has to find a balancing point between what's realistic for the lore and what's practical for the gameplay. If everything was based 100% on following lore then the game would be a mess. I think it's fine where it's at right now and if it's still difficult for you, you should be working on improving your own gameplay rather than begging the mods to make the game easier for your sake.

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EcksπŸ„Dee (#136445)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-06-06 09:35:40
But we aren't? We're asking them to change it for everyone's sake. I'm not the only one struggling with it. I'm not the only new player on the site who is having difficulty you know... Going "Lol it's 'cause you're weak!" really doesn't accomplish anything either. And if it's supposed to be fair for everyone, then it should be actually fair. For everyone.

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πŸ’Žβ­ Kiita
β­πŸ’Ž (#85179)

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Posted on
2018-06-06 09:40:33
I realize they need our help too, that's why I'm not suggesting they be overpowered or anything. Whatever you say, but I still hope they change it or at least have them become stronger later on, otherwise it's very inconsistent. I get that they're supposed to be weak in the beginning, but if we help them, then by any logic they should be getting stronger as time goes on.

And... I have personally seen people with Kings who have stats in the thousands still struggling with this event, so their stats don't even appear to affect it very much.

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Edited on 06/06/18 @ 09:44:02 by βœ­πŸ’Žβ­ Kiita β­πŸ’Žβœ­ (#85179)

Crossflare (#56198)

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Posted on
2018-06-13 12:47:54
I would say maybe we should make anubis and basts abilities more frequent and possibly give seth a small boost o-o he needs to bulk up lol

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πŸ’Žβ­ Kiita
β­πŸ’Ž (#85179)

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Posted on
2018-06-13 12:50:28
Sounds good to me...

Oh and I think, since we're about halfway through the month now, that it's safe to say they aren't planning on making them any stronger. Sadly.

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