Posted by Help me make my heir a reality! :D

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CyberLife (#68801)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-06-09 15:35:51
Hello lovelies! I'm attempting to pretty up the first heir I have ever had (as my starter king is sloooowly nearing retirement) -- and I need some things in order to do so! What are those things? Feel free to take a gander at the list below, but please make sure that you read this first: I cannot afford to pay in pure gb at the moment. I can afford to trade stat items, breeding items, decor, lions, Monkey Teeth, Chaos Scales, Khepri Beetles, applicators, Flood Pit items, and free studding.

This is what the lovely lady will look like fully customized. Her piebald pattern is subject to change (haven't decided what I like best), but rest assured she will be both stat and mut replaced.

With Piebald.
Without Piebald.
Korat Base, Hetero Black-White Eyes, Hellraiser(?) Ardor(?) Mane, Black Skin
1. Celestial Cover (49)
2. Under White 6 (100) - Oasis Applicator [3gb]
3. Celestial Shine (96)
4. Maroon Coat/Sable/Shell/Pelage (100)
5. Ardor Feline/Shepherd/Feline Unders/Inverted Brindle (100)
6. Feline 6 Ebony (100)
7. Celestial Speckles (81)
8. Glacial Points/Frosting/Lace/Glaze (80)
9. Onyx Wisp (100) - Oasis Applicator [3gb]
10. Onyx Frontal Spotting (100) - Oasis Applicator [3gb]
11. White Inverted Cheetah (100) - Oasis Applicator [3gb]
12. Feline 6 Ebony (100)
13. Onyx Paw Spotting (100) - Oasis Applicator [3gb]
14. Onyx Facial Spotting (100) - Oasis Applicator [3gb]
15. Onyx Quarter Spotting (100) - Oasis Applicator [3gb]
16. Onyx Back Spotting (100) - Oasis Applicator [3gb]
17. Onyx Limb Spotting (100) - Oasis Applicator [3gb]
18. White Skull (100) - Oasis Applicator [3gb]
19. Onyx Face Carving (100) - Oasis Applicator [3gb]
20. Tail Banding White (100) - Oasis Applicator [3gb]
Oasis Eye Changer [3gb]

Total cost: 39gb

Which means I need:
Oasis Marking Applicator x11
Oasis Eye Changer x1

Let's get to the part you're interested in, however. I can offer these things in return for your help:
[Hoard 1]
[Hoard 2]

- 109 Chaos Scales (always gathering more)
- 476 Khepri Beetles (always gathering more; I collect 100 to 150 beetles a day)
- 211 Monkey Teeth (always gathering more; I complete 2 monkey quests every day)
- Free breedings (dependent on the cost of the item(s) you give me)
- Flood Pit Applicators/BGs/Decor (within reason, as I do not have much sb)

Please look below for a list of things I am either not selling, or am only selling a certain amount of:
- Adult Sex Changer (unless a cub sex changer is provided before the cub I'm heiring reaches 2 years old)
- Aging Injured Persian Deer [selling 1]
- Appolyon's Grace
- Ardor Floof
- Ardor Splendor
- Black Wings
- Claw Extensions: Gold
- Claw Extensions: Silver [selling 1]
- Custom Decor Creator
- Glacial Special
- Hunting Arrows [selling 1]
- Hollow [selling 1]
- Invocatio [selling 1]
- Jewelry: Hematite Bodywear [selling 2]
- Laharu [selling 2]
- Lich Eyes
- Maroon Four
- Mechanical Leg UNLESS I get a very good offer
- Mutie On Demand: Primal [selling 2]
- Pachyrocuta
- Pheonix
- Rain Shelter
- Rain [selling 1]
- Trance
- Turritopsis Jellyfish

I would also like to include a little pole for those interested:
1. What variation of piebald do you like best?
2. Are there any changes you would like to see in her design? I'm looking to create an heir people will like, so any and all suggestions/constructive criticisms are welcome!

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(*G1Jelly Primal)! (#49097)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-09 16:20:08
personally i loved without pie for a chnaged

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