Posted by The Lions RP

Ember Leap (#140576)

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Posted on
2018-06-23 18:05:17
The gods have changed their minds and decided to help Aphophis rise. The lions have no choice but to fight against them. The war is approaching. Everyone needs to work together to help save the world.

Current event: Gods siding with Aphophis

1: keep swearing to a minimum
2: breeding scenes will be “and so they bred”
3: be nice to everyone
4: you can leave when ever you want to
5: This is a LGBTQ+ friendly role play. If you don’t like it then leave.
6: keep things clean. By this I mean nothing bad or inappropriate


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Edited on 06/08/18 @ 00:21:28 by Ember Leap ~Anubis~ (#140576)

Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-06-24 11:59:59
Cinis let out a loud roar and chased after the vultures on the fresh kill pile.

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Spotted (#107202)

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Posted on
2018-06-24 12:39:39
Twilight began to pace mumbling about how he should have a strong roar if he ever wanted to be a worthy heir to the pride. Twilight looked around and began to roar again but was cut off by the strong roar of the pride healer.

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-06-24 12:43:25
"BEAT IT UOU DUMB BIRDS!" Cinis chased after them.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-24 12:45:45

"Nobody can hurt me without my permission."
1 Year and 5 Months Old | Male | Submale or Heir | Lion | Dark Legacy Pride | Location: Camp | Mentions: None, Open.

The male was on top of a cool and cold rock, hiding in the shadows. His amethyst colored eyes were glowing in the dark and all he did was lick his curved whiskers eagerly. He perked his ears as he heard the roars and just laughed before laying on his back on the rock. He could roar twice as loud as that if he really wanted to but right now he felt too lazy to do anything but sleep.

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Edited on 24/06/18 @ 12:54:09 by FearedLion (#TeamSeth) (#67784)

Spotted (#107202)

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Posted on
2018-06-24 13:03:20
Twilight turned his head to the male on the rock. Hed been too nervous to approach Lucifer but it waz his last hope. Faking confidence, Twilight aproached the stocky male. "Hey, Lucifer? I dont mean to be a bother or anything, but I really cant figure out this whole roaring thing and could use some help" he asked against every instinct

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-24 13:10:56

"Nobody can hurt me without my permission."
1 Year and 5 Months Old | Male | Submale or Heir | Lion | Dark Legacy Pride | Location: Camp | Mentions: Twilight.

The oddly colored male perked his large ears and turned his attention to the other young male in front of him. He looked at him with a raised eyebrow before getting back onto his paws and sitting up, looking down at the male. "Hm. Sure. Why not?" He mumbled and stepped off the rock. Sure, he was still furious they decided to pick Twilight to be the heir and not him but whatever. "What I do is I take a deep breath then let everything out. I put everything I feel in my roar. I put in confidence, sadness, rage, and etc. Let me show you." The male leaped off the rock and took a deep breath before letting out a furious roar that sounded like thunder. It was bold, deep, and full of confidence alongside a bit of jealousy but it was loud enough to warn other prides. "And that's basically all. Every lion has their roar." The primal shrugged before sitting down to lick his broad shoulder.

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Spotted (#107202)

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Posted on
2018-06-24 13:17:23
Twilight nodded with respect and studied the male. He knew that Lucifer didn't like him very much, but he still made a point to help him. Twilight took in a deep breath, following the primal's suggestion and let out a roar barely louder than his ones early, and very high pitched. Suddenly filled with embaressment the male stuttered out "I.. I g-guess I'll have to w-work on that"

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-24 13:22:07

"Nobody can hurt me without my permission."
1 Year and 5 Months Old | Male | Submale or Heir | Lion | Dark Legacy Pride | Location: Camp | Mentions: Twilight.

The primal immediately perked up his ears at the roar. He did everything in his power to keep from laughing but all he did was shrug. "Try a better stance." The male suggested. He stood up straight up and tall, raising his head high. He spread his front paws from each other and did the same for his back ones. Lucifer then took another deep breath in, going so deep in he felt the liquids in his stomach move before he roared out yet again, this time it was louder than the other one. Lucifer cleared his throat and sat straight up again. "Now it's your turn." He said with a blink. The male still couldn't believe this was Dark Legacy's heir. The future. What was Lucifer going to be? A dumb submale that just strut around the borders, peeing everywhere and forced to ignore the delicious and sweet scent of lionesses in heat. Not only that but he would have to fight for the pride's life and just receive a zebra leg for his hard work while the king would lay down lazily and eat all the elephants he wanted.

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Edited on 24/06/18 @ 13:24:50 by FearedLion (#TeamSeth) (#67784)

Spotted (#107202)

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Posted on
2018-06-24 13:28:00
Twilight nodded again, thankful the lion didn't laugh at him. Twilight stretched all of his muscles making him at least a bit taller and spread out all his paws, his thick claws piercing the ground and let out a loud roar, or rather more medium pitched, but about twice as loud as his last one. Even though he still sounded like a squealing cub in pitch, and Lucifer's roar was still much stronger than his own he was ecstatic. It wasn't nearly good enough, but he was learning. "Hey! that was better!" He smiled, his white teeth glistening in the sun.

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-06-24 13:33:23
Cinis watched the males and laughed. "Wow. So that's all they do all day? Wow." She thought to her self.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-24 13:37:18

"Nobody can hurt me without my permission."
1 Year and 5 Months Old | Male | Submale or Heir | Lion | Dark Legacy Pride | Location: Camp | Mentions: Twilight.

Lucifer flicked his ear. The other adolescent's roar could definitely use a lot of work but he was getting there. "Uhuh." He muttered and turned around with a flick of his bobbed tail. Maybe he shouldn't have taught the future king how to roar. The primal just walked off with perked ears. He had to kill something, anything to get rid of what he felt right now. The male usually helped out with hunting even when males weren't supposed to hunt. Maybe it was just in his blood, he was born outside with no pride and hunting was what he did to survive. He didn't have a soft life like the lions here did.

As the male trotted off, the delicious scent of zebras hit his nose. Already, he felt his mouth start to water. He decided to hide behind the trees and into the shadows where he was unlikely to be seen. There was a herd of zebras near a waterhole and all the male did was lick his curved whiskers eagerly and walk forwards, hiding in the tall grass. Sadly, he couldn't blend in it and immediately the zebras noticed and started running off. Lucifer growled and stood up, racing after them but not at top speed. He scanned the herd until he saw an old and weakened zebra at the very back. The male grinned and immediately tackled it, dropping it to the savannah floor. The zebras didn't even care and continued running.

The striped animal just scrambled around and kicked him. Lucifer let out a pained grunt but didn't budge. He dug his fangs into it's neck as deep as possible. He then shook viciously, causing the animal to start struggling to breath. The primal then began to hit it's head against the savannah floor several times and almost immediately he felt limp. After Lucifer had killed the weak zebra, he stepped off of it with a bloody muzzle, his amethyst eyes narrowed. He began to drag it back to camp. Lucifer stunk of confidence as he dragged it back, a smirk on his facial features.

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Edited on 24/06/18 @ 13:39:27 by FearedLion (#TeamSeth) (#67784)

Spotted (#107202)

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Posted on
2018-06-24 13:40:11
Twilight watched he male leave and approached Cinis. "Hey!" He purred still proud that he could roar louder than he could before.

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-06-24 13:45:09

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Spotted (#107202)

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Posted on
2018-06-24 13:47:35
Twilight shook his developing mane which had yet to fill out. "How is everything doing" He asked in a kind voice. He knew that he was destined to be the heir of the pride, so he wanted to make sure everyone liked him.

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-06-24 13:49:42

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