Posted by Aetherclan (Warrior Cats RP)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-27 17:39:20
We have a discord!

Welcome to Aetherclan. Before you start, make sure you've signed up and read the rules!
Here's the Out of Character thread: Clicky!
This RP takes place by the lake territory.

Current Event: Check here!


A long long time ago, long before any of the elders were born, there lived five great Clans in harmony. Thunderclan, the Clan of fierce, and brave warriors, their heads as thick as the forests they hunt. Riverclan, the Clan of clever, and strong warriors, their minds as swift as the rivers they swim. Shadowclan, the Clan of cunning, and wily warriors, their hearts as dark as the shadows they were born out of. Windclan, the Clan of fast, and swift warriors, their loyalty as fragile as the rabbits they hunt. And finally, there was Skyclan. Skyclan, the Clan of determined, and agile warriors, their heads as strong as the oaks you climb. Their minds as sharp as the finest warrior's claws. Their hearts as pure as Starclan itself. And their loyalty as fierce as the fire that burns within.
These five Clans lived peacefully together, controlled by the very warrior code that keeps us safe today. But one day, twolegs decided to destroy Skyclan's home. Skyclan's leader pleaded with the other Clans to take them in, help them survive. But the other leaders' hearts were as cold a winter night. They refused Skyclan, saying that twolegs destroying their home was a sign from Starclan that there should only be four Clans in the forest, just as there were four great oaks in the heart of their shared territory. Skyclan was driven out that night. Our ancestors traveled for moons and moons on end. Many died along the way. Many got lost, and many gave up hope.
One day, an ancient medicine cat got a vision from Starclan. They saw the perfect place for our Clan to settle down and live. Overjoyed by their vision, the medicine cat ran to the leader and told him of the wondrous vision. Skyclan regained it's hope and pushed through all the challenges Starclan had laid out. More moons passed, but Skyclan finally arrived. Waiting for them, at the shore of the lake, sat a kittypet. She had deep, amber eyes, and fur softer than a moon old kit. Now before you start criticising the kittypet for being so far away from her twolegs, know that she is the reason we can live here today. Starclan had sent her to welcome our ancestors, help them recover from their dangerous journey. Her name, was Aether. By the time our Clan had recovered, the old medicine cat had died, and the leader asked Aether to become the new medicine cat. She already had a talent for healing, and her compassion was more than they had ever experienced in their old home. She accepted, and took on a new name to honour the Clan's way.
After a while of living by the lake, the small group of cats took in loners and other kittypets. Our Clan grew, and eventually it seemed insulting to our ancestors to call ourselves Skyclan. Aether, now Featherhope, passed away before the ancient leader could decide on a name, so he named us Aetherclan to honour her memory.
We still tell of the ancient times when Skyclan was still used, in honour of our ancestors who bore the proud name. But we use Aetherclan to show respect, and honour the medicine cat that saved our Clan.

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Admin: Sedrik
Admin: Ash [WCU]
Admin: Lightqueen
Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord)

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Name - Age - Rank - Health - Whereabouts - Mentions:

Starkit - 1 moon - Kit - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Stick-chan

This is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen

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Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:41:20 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962)

Moonwing [Cherry
Blos 2RosPie] (#136372)

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Posted on
2018-09-13 16:24:28
Fernstar | 26 moons | Leader | Smoke inhalation, coughing up blood | Mentions; Leopardblossom

Fernstars deep emerald gaze blinked in surprise as the queens statement registered in her mind. She dipped her head, a frown on her muzzle. "I'm sad to see you live, Leopardblossom. However, I respect your choice." The ends of her charcoal-tinged lips curled down into a frown. "Why are you only taking Honeykit?" She asked, curious. "You don't have to answer this question if you don't want to." She followed up, her ear flicking.

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Bloodblossom (#131214)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-13 17:52:17
Leopardblossom - 22 Moons - Queen - Full - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Fernstar

A small smile curled itself on her muzzle as she looked at the larger she-cat standing before her. She figured she would ask this question. "I thank you for understanding and as for taking only Honeykit... she will keep me company, I don't want to get lonely. I think Stonekit would do better here as a warrior than cooped up in a house. He reminds me of his father so much..."

Sighing she shook her head before glancing up at Fernstar. "I'm going to bury Silentkit, here in the forest. So I know Starclan will look after him. Then I will be on my way."

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Moonwing [Cherry
Blos 2RosPie] (#136372)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 13:23:30
Fernstar | 25 moons | Leader | Coughing up blood from smoke inhalation | Across Stream | Mentions; Leopardblossom, Stonekit

The titanic tabby nodded her head. "Thank you for telling me. I'll make sure Stonekit is well taken care of." She meowed softly, blinking her green eyes kindly. "Again, the Clan will not be the same without you. I'm sorry to see you go." She meowed. "You can bury Silentkit in the forest, would you rather do it alone, or with someone else?" Her long, feathery tail waved behind her.

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Bloodblossom (#131214)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-14 13:43:05
Leopardblossom - 22 Moons - Queen - Full - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Fernstar

" I would prefer to do it myself. Thank you for everything Fernstar, keep my son safe for me." Picking up Silentkit she padded off into the forest to bury him. She chose a small clear spot not covered in thick brush or rocks. It was bordered by honeysuckle and ferns, you could still hear the stream even from this distance. Laying her son to rest and saying a small prayer to Starclan she made her way back to pick up Honeykit.

She decided that it would be easier for her to leave quickly so she nuzzled Stonekit before picking up his sister and leaving. She kept her eyes forward because if she looked back at her young tom she would break and stay. She made this choice for Honeykit, and herself but leaving Stonekit was her giving him his best chance at life. Nodding at Fernstar in passing she picked up her pace, soon her dappled pelt disappeared into the foliage and then she was gone.

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Moonwing [Cherry
Blos 2RosPie] (#136372)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 14:00:38
Fernstar | 25 moons | Leader | Coughing up blood from smoke inhalation | Temporary Camp | Mentions; Leopardblossom, Stonekit, Tinybird

Fernstar nodded, her head rotating to follow Leopardblossom. Her milk-dipped paws lead her to Stonekit, and she picked him up by his scruff. She watched the femme leave, and sighed softly. She gently placed him in a nest, frowning. She would need to get Tinybird to nurse him, and then she had a million other duties to do as well. She heaved another sigh, then padded off to find the queen.

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 16:01:26
sootstep ; 26 moons ; warrior ; smoke inhalation ; forest across stream ; mentions - maplekit

He nearly rammed into the small frame of Maplekit as she came to an abrupt stop. Charcoal hued feet skidded on the forest floor as he stopped himself just short of her, shoulders protesting the amount of pressure cast onto them. VVithin moments of stopping, he could feel his throat coming tighter and he began to cough furiously. The outburst slammed his chest with a terrible pressure and he could barely stand upright. Soot attempted to smile to himself out of pity, but a smirk barely creased his features for a moment before a cough swallowed it whole.

After what felt like an eternity, steady breaths squeezed into his lungs. Now, he could deal with whatever this fox-brainedkitten was doing.

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Poison (#25603)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-14 16:10:30
Maplekit - 5 moons - Kit - Healthy - across stream out of temp. camp - Mentions: Sootstep

Maplekit's ears flick at the sound of Sootstep coughing. She turns to the warrior and tilts her head. "Is Aether Clan the only cats that live around the lake," she asks, unable to understand what she's smelling. They don't smell like Aether clan, but they don't smell like kittypets either.

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 16:21:54
sootstep ; 26 moons ; in territory ; smoke inhalation ; mentions - maplekit, fernstar

Sootstep had let his svelte frame crumple to the ground in a half-seated, half flattened-roadkill position as raspy breaths struggled in and out of his body. You fox-brain. At the sound of the kitten's voice, a look of diluted anger came over his face as he looked up at her. VVhile choking on his own air Soot had considered the fact that she didn't know any better for leaving camp, and he did the same thing as a kitten. At the thought of wandering paws he shook his head slightly as the gnarled scar on his neck began to smart.

His brows furrowed slightly at her words. "Even if there were cats living in their own territory, we're deep in our own, I think." Either the winds are strong as Starclan, this kitten is crazy, or somebody's here that shouldn't be. The first thought made him shiver with fear, the second with interest, and the third with anger. VVhat a time Aetherclan had been having recently. He'd have to mention it to Fernstar.

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Poison (#25603)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-14 16:30:34
Maplekit - 5 moons - Kit - Healthy - Lost outside of temp camp - Mentions: Sootstep

With her question answered, Maplekit nods and turns to look at the warrior. "Are you okay? You should see Cedarfur for your cough," she meows as she starts walking then she stops and looks around. She takes a step in another direction then stops again, looking around. Her ears pin back and her tail goes between her legs as she turns to Sootstep with an embarrassed look. "I'm lost."

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 16:46:05
sootstep ; 26 moons ; smoke inhalation ; outside temp camp ; mentions - maplekit

Sootstep nodded slightly to the kit as he sat for a moment more. "Yeah, probably." A light snort came from his maw as he thought about what was happening. Backwatery cobalt eyes watched as the little kitten wandered around aimlessly. He knew where they were, as this is where he had lived for his entire life, but of course the kit didn't. The ashen tom stood up and raised an eyebrow at Maplekit.

"Are you going to run away again?" He inquired with a rasp, taking small yet fluid steps towards where their temporary home was.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 17:02:42
Stonekit - 0 moons - Kit - Healthy - across stream at temp camp - Mentions: Fernstar

Stonekit wiggled against his mother's nuzzle and woke up. He mewled plaintively when both the scent of his sibling and mother left. He was cold, and hungry. He pushed against the ground, trying to follow his mother, mewling.

He gave a pitiful excuse if a hiss as he was picked up by a strange cat and deposited somewhere else. He struggled for a moment until he noticed how much softer this place was. He yawned and gave one more mew before falling back into a fitful sleep.

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Edited on 14/09/18 @ 17:12:01 by Snowkit (#23944)

Poison (#25603)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-14 17:02:50
Maplekit - 5 moons - Kit - Healthy - lost outside of temp camp - Mentions: Sootstep

Maplekit shakes her head quickly. "No I'm good," she says, immediately following the tom. She is still plagued by the thought of other cats living by the lake. She knew kittypets lived around with the twolegs. After all, her mother was a kittypet, but she thought Aether Clan was the only clan. What will happen with another clan close by? Maplekit purrs at the thought. Maybe she'd get to meet these other clan cats someday?

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 19:14:07
sootstep ; 26 moons ; in forest / temp camp ; smoke inhalation ; mentions - maplekit

The pair had been walking through the forest for a little bit of time. Sootstep periodically would glance backwards to see if the kit was keeping up. He knew she would, with that little chase proving his point without words needed yet he could not stop himself from making sure she was still trotting along behind him. Hmph. After a while, his nostrils began to pick up on the scent of lots of cats. The ashen tom concluded that they must be near camp and, lo and behold, found himself at the edge of the clearing after a push through a particularly thick bush.

"Don't run off again. You'll get lost and get eaten by a fox, and you don't want that." He murmured as soft as he could force his tone to be with the little one before slumping in a patch of sunlit dirt a few steps away. The feathery fibers of hair that covered his body would be rasped over by his tongue, smoothing them as best he could.

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Megatron (#126927)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-09-14 19:22:24
Owlflight | 32 Moons | Warrior | Healthy | Stream | Mentions: Dustclaw, Brightrunner, Stormwhisper

The massive, dark warrior nodded to Dustclaw, even though Stormwhisper and himself literally just returned from hunting themselves. But he was always available, though he usually slunk away from the group to hunt larger prey. He briefly wondered if he'd be able to find a goose or a duck downstream. He spared Brightrunner a brief glance with those large orange eyes, before standing next to Dustclaw.

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Poison (#25603)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-14 19:51:24
Maplekit - 5 moons - Kit - Healthy - temp camp - Mentions: Sootstep, Cedarfur, Tinybird, Stonekit

Maplekit puffs up at the mention of foxes and furiously shakes her head no. "No! I don't want that!" She shivers and watches the tom. "Weren't you gonna visit Cedarfur?"

Before getting an answer, a flash of memory hits her and she remembers that she was looking for Tinybird before wandering off. She walks off and looks around for her foster mother. After a few moments, she gives up. Eventually the queen will find her, right?

The kit yawns, the chase with Sootstep catching up with her. She goes to find an empty nest and spots Stonekit alone in one of them. Hmm. That's odd. Where's Honeykit and Leopardblossom? Maplekit glances around, but doesn't see them anywhere so she gently climbs into the nest and lies down next to the younger kit, her legs folded underneath her body. Just until Leopardblossom comes back.

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