Posted by Aetherclan (Warrior Cats RP)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-27 17:39:20
We have a discord!

Welcome to Aetherclan. Before you start, make sure you've signed up and read the rules!
Here's the Out of Character thread: Clicky!
This RP takes place by the lake territory.

Current Event: Check here!


A long long time ago, long before any of the elders were born, there lived five great Clans in harmony. Thunderclan, the Clan of fierce, and brave warriors, their heads as thick as the forests they hunt. Riverclan, the Clan of clever, and strong warriors, their minds as swift as the rivers they swim. Shadowclan, the Clan of cunning, and wily warriors, their hearts as dark as the shadows they were born out of. Windclan, the Clan of fast, and swift warriors, their loyalty as fragile as the rabbits they hunt. And finally, there was Skyclan. Skyclan, the Clan of determined, and agile warriors, their heads as strong as the oaks you climb. Their minds as sharp as the finest warrior's claws. Their hearts as pure as Starclan itself. And their loyalty as fierce as the fire that burns within.
These five Clans lived peacefully together, controlled by the very warrior code that keeps us safe today. But one day, twolegs decided to destroy Skyclan's home. Skyclan's leader pleaded with the other Clans to take them in, help them survive. But the other leaders' hearts were as cold a winter night. They refused Skyclan, saying that twolegs destroying their home was a sign from Starclan that there should only be four Clans in the forest, just as there were four great oaks in the heart of their shared territory. Skyclan was driven out that night. Our ancestors traveled for moons and moons on end. Many died along the way. Many got lost, and many gave up hope.
One day, an ancient medicine cat got a vision from Starclan. They saw the perfect place for our Clan to settle down and live. Overjoyed by their vision, the medicine cat ran to the leader and told him of the wondrous vision. Skyclan regained it's hope and pushed through all the challenges Starclan had laid out. More moons passed, but Skyclan finally arrived. Waiting for them, at the shore of the lake, sat a kittypet. She had deep, amber eyes, and fur softer than a moon old kit. Now before you start criticising the kittypet for being so far away from her twolegs, know that she is the reason we can live here today. Starclan had sent her to welcome our ancestors, help them recover from their dangerous journey. Her name, was Aether. By the time our Clan had recovered, the old medicine cat had died, and the leader asked Aether to become the new medicine cat. She already had a talent for healing, and her compassion was more than they had ever experienced in their old home. She accepted, and took on a new name to honour the Clan's way.
After a while of living by the lake, the small group of cats took in loners and other kittypets. Our Clan grew, and eventually it seemed insulting to our ancestors to call ourselves Skyclan. Aether, now Featherhope, passed away before the ancient leader could decide on a name, so he named us Aetherclan to honour her memory.
We still tell of the ancient times when Skyclan was still used, in honour of our ancestors who bore the proud name. But we use Aetherclan to show respect, and honour the medicine cat that saved our Clan.

NPC list: Check them out!


Admin: Sedrik
Admin: Ash [WCU]
Admin: Lightqueen
Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord)

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Name - Age - Rank - Health - Whereabouts - Mentions:

Starkit - 1 moon - Kit - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Stick-chan

This is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen

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Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:41:20 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-01 15:24:52

Cypresspaw|12 Moons Old|Med. Cat App.|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Rubynose|Mentions Indirectly: Stonekit, Ravenkit, Cherrykit, Brierrose|Location: Camp

Cypresspaw chuckled and looked after the two kit's, as Ravenkit and Stonekit ran off to find Cherrykit. The young tom shuffled his paws, kicking up some of the frost lying on the ground. The young tom's eyes kept wandering over the two young toms, he gave a chuckle once in a while.
Cypresspaw's eyes brightened, as he spotted Cherrykit's tail poking out of her hiding spot. Maybe he should join the two kits and sneak up on the young she-kit. The dark grey tabby tom's tail twitched, with the excitement of sneaking up on the she-kit. Getting to his paws, Cypresspaw's tail wiggled around more. He was about to head over and surprise the young calico kit, but stopped when he hear someone call his name. Cypresspaw looked over, to see Rubynose standing at the camp entrance. The medicine cat apprentice looked to the kits again, he could not just leave them unsupervised. Looking around, he quickly caught his mother's eye. Drawing her attention over, first to the two young toms and then too the hidden she-kit. Cypresspaw nodded his head, he wanted to make sure that all of them would be looked after. Brierrose returned the nod, she understood her son's meaning.
The young tom then walked over to Rubynose, all the while thinking that they might be heading out to stock up on herbs. "Are we going out, to collect herbs?", Cypresspaw asked, as soon as he'd reached his mentor. "No, not for herbs", Rubynose answered, being a bit mysterious. "Come on, time we head out", the medicine cat said, turning to leave the camp. "We'll be back in no time", Rubynose told his apprentice, as they started their journey, Cypresspaw still mystified.

{SemiNPC}Brierrose|34 Moons Old|Queen|Healthy|Mention(s) Directly: Cypresspaw|Mention(s) Indirectly: Cherrykit, Ravenkit, Stonekit, Fernstar|Location: Camp

The queen had been sitting still as a rock, beside the nursery. She had looked up, as Fernstar called the meeting to order. The large she-cat watched the meeting from the very back, with her impressive stature, she was able to looked over most of the cats, so Brierrose could still see well enough. Once the meeting was over, the she-cat shuffled her paws. She should probably get some work done, maybe clean out the nursery. Her eyes drifted over to the patrols, but before she could ask, if she could maybe join them, they'd already left.
Brierrose shrugged, well she was not that could at hunting or patroling any way. Getting up, the large she-cat turned to head into the nursery. Before she could though, he son looked over at her. Brierrose raised her eyebrow, was something wrong? Within a few moments, she understood, as Cypresspaw looked to the kits. The queen nodded her head and walked forward a bit. Now she was a bit closer to Cherrykit and could still keep an eye on the two young toms. If the kits did not find the small she-kit soon, then she might just grab something from the fresh-kill pile. The large she-cat wrapped her fluffy tail around her paws and had a smile on her face, as she watched Ravenkit and Stonekit search for Cherrykit.

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Elska (#140306)

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Posted on
2019-02-04 15:51:13
Cherrykit - 4 moons - Kit - Healthy - Temp Camp - Mentions: Ravenkit, Stonekit(ID), Open!

Cherrykit let out a cynical cackle as she shot out from the grass and pounced on Ravenkit. "Looks like I found you first! Looks like I'm the best at hiding." She boasted, stepping off of the dark pelted kit. "Now where'd Stonekit go....?" She narrowed her eyes, a small smile tugging at her lips, not paying attention to how Ravenkit might've reacted to her pouncing on him. She was more focussed on how she was going to surprise Stonekit next. Unless he heard her. That wouldn't be as much fun as scaring him.

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Edited on 04/02/19 @ 15:52:21 by Elska (#140306)

Cavadess (#166344)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-02-04 16:16:13
Wrentail - 30 Moons - Warrior - Healthy - Out Hunting - Mentions: Blazeshadow

Wrentail nodded quickly as Blazeshadow approached before heading out. He took a whiff of the air, trying to catch the scent of any nearby prey. Was there a hint of... thrush, perhaps? He parted his mouth slightly to get a better sense of the smell. His head snapped towards a rustling in the undergrowth. His pricked ears rotated to pinpoint the sound. A little left, a little more, and perfect! He could see the movement in the leaves. He crouched low to the earth, the muscles in his hind legs tense as he prepared to spring.

He pounced, pinning the chipmunk under his paws. Before the startled creature could sound an alarm to alert nearby prey, he dispatched it with a strong bite to the neck. He examined the small rodent. In size, it was closer to a mouse than it's larger cousin, the squirrel. This particular chipmunk carried some extra weight, but still would only be a meal fit for a kit. He stashed the chipmunk by a tree that he scent marked and covered the critter with upturned soil to disguise it's scent before continuing on his hunt.

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The skrunkly (#125714)

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Posted on
2019-02-05 13:17:10

|Name - Icestream| Age - 24moons| Rank - warrior| Health good -| Whereabouts -forest| Mentions: none|


She creeped around, scouting for a animal to hunt. After the lucky vole she could find anything. So much for being a good Hunter. She walked around and came to a particularly thick area of bushes. Maybe there is prey there! As she walked in, she almost immediately found a mouse scuffling in a blueberry bush. Slowly and silently, she crept up on the small creature.
She pounced, and quickly killed it. Well, that's two pieces of prey. She watched and scented for more. She heard a small noise . Curiously, she walked slowly towards the sound. She wasn't sure what the creature was, further fueling her curiosity.
That's not prey... Snake!
With a hiss she jumped back as the diamond backed beast lunged at her. that was close!
But the snake wasn't done yet. It quickly lunged at her, and she jumped, but not before itsssss (see what I did there? XD) teeth grabbed her paw. "Help!" She yowled. She shook it off and panickingly ran towards the patrol.

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Poison (#25603)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-06 10:00:24
Maplepaw - 11 moons - Apprentice - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Icestream, Owlflight, Lostsoul, open

Maplepaw had more luck than she thought she would hunting. Though the prey was still scrawny, she caught a good mouthful. The apprentice decides that one more should be enough before she heads back to camp, but before she can even scent for more, Icestream is yelling and running towards them.

The tabby glares at the chimera. Doesn't she know you have to be quiet to catch prey? Sighing, knowing she won't find any prey for a while now, Maplepaw focuses on Icestream. She feels like she's talking to the kits when she asks, "Did you step on a thorn?"

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The skrunkly (#125714)

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Posted on
2019-02-06 11:28:06
|Name - Icestream| Age - 24moons| Rank - warrior| Health injured gravely -| Whereabouts -forest| Mentions: mapleaw|
When she was running she stumbled and saw maplepaw.
"Did you step on a thorn?"
She groaned in pain " I was attacked... " At that point her leg was on fire. She collapsed, unable to stand anymore. Her leg was bleeding heavily, too.
"Get help..." She groaned quietly. Her vision was starting to fog up. The last thing she saw was maplepaws panicked face before she blacked out.

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Poison (#25603)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-06 11:59:36
Maplepaw - 11 moons - Apprentice - Healthy - Territory/Camp - Mentions: Icestream, Owlflight ID, Stonekit, Cypresspaw ID, open

Attacked? Maplepaw doesn't get an answer before the warrior passes out. "What attacked you? Where is it? Is it going to camp? Answer me!" Panic floods the apprentice's whole body and she bolts in the direction of camp, leaving the unconscious cat in the care of Owlflight. She can't let whatever attacked Icestream to get to Stonekit. To any of the kits. And while she is in camp she could tell the medicine cats about Icestream's injury too. But first, Stonekit.

In no time Maplepaw is standing in the middle of camp, panting. It doesn't look like anything is going on. Stonekit is still playing with the others. Everything is okay. Maplepaw lets out a relieved sigh. Suddenly remembering Icestream, the tabby scans the camp for Rubynose or Cypresspaw but neither one seems to be in camp.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-07 02:39:04

Ravenkit - 4 Moons - Kit - Healthy - Temp Camp - Mentions: Stonekit(ID), Maplepaw(ID), Cherrykit, Open!

Ravenkit let out a surprised yelp as Cherrykit pounced on him, bursting into laughter afterwards. "You got me!" He laughed, getting up and shaking out his pelt. He looked around with the she-kit, trying to spot that signature stoney pelt of his friend. However, he did not get to look long as Maplepaw ran into camp, stopping in the middle. He was about to ask her what she was doing, but a large tom ran through the barrier and yowled something.

(Camp has been attacked! The attack happens on this thread! Remember that your character should not be over powered, and we prefer if you used the bot we have on Discord for fights! Your cat is not oblivious to the fighting, but they are allowed to run away!)

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Edited on 07/02/19 @ 02:40:30 by Dionysus(Clean) (#117962)

Megatron (#126927)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-07 13:00:00
Owlflight || 32 Moons || Deputy || Healthy || Temp. Camp || Mentions: None directly but Maplepaw.

Owlflight stared at the unconscious cat he was unknowingly left with, before his ears angled and he scented the air. Maplepaw was here...and Icestream smelled like blood and...


His ears folded back and he hurriedly dug holes for the prey he'd caught, covering them up and scruffing the cat to drag her back to camp. The massive tom breathed evenly through his nose and pulled relentlessly until he cleared anything in his way, dragging the injured cat with him until he didn't need to anymore.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2019-02-07 16:21:08
(Just putting this here so I remmeber where he is)

He shuffled back a few paces, then turned and headed for the nest in the farthest back corner of the nursery. He curled up into a tiny shivering ball and hid himself in the unused moss as best he could.
He didn't like what was happening and didn't want it to continue, but it would. He could do nothing about it. He was just.. Just a kit... He shut down, even his own thoughts were wrong.
He decided then and there that he would grow up and be the leader of AetherClan and Terraclan. Then there wouldn't have to be so much bad in the world. His vision faded to black as he layed there as still as his namesake. Just a small insignificant ball of fur.
Not even Maplepaw could make him smile again right now.

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Chompchomps (#155830)

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Posted on
2019-02-15 09:30:31
Doesong - 20 moons - AetherClan Warrior - small injury on left shoulder - temp camp - mentions: Ravenkit

The she-cat yanks from Mintwhisker before heading towards to Ravenkit her ears pulled back. She looks back to the cats as they retreat. Doesong feels her stomach groan. Unsure if she's guilty or just wounded, the patched she-cat grabs Ravenkit and nudges him towards into the nursery before dropping herself into a nest and rests her head on her paws. Her green eyes look back to Sweetheart who's starting to ask if she's okay only to get a cold shoulder. The she-cat awaits for Ravenkit.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-17 13:14:34

Ravenkit - 5 Moons - Kit - Healthy - Temp Camp - Mentions: Doesong, Open!

Ravenkit stared at the dead body of Terrastar for a long time, before taking a breath and padding a little closer. He did not get far however, as Doesong grabbed him and nudged him towards the nursery. He looked back to the Terraclan cats retreating, before following after his adoptive mother. He saw Sweetheart inside, happy that the kind elder was unharmed. He went by her and settled next to Doesong, curling up close to her. "Who was that tom?" He asked curiously. "He looked a lot like me, why?" He continued on. "Do you think he could be my dad? Cause I never new him."

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Chompchomps (#155830)

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Posted on
2019-02-24 16:45:50
Doesong - 20 moons - AetherClan Warrior - small injury on left shoulder - temp camp - mentions: Ravenkit, Open.

Doesong's green eyes flick to Ravenkit. She sighs before responding, "yes, Terrastar is your father. But not anymore." Her meows are unsure and shaken. She sits up and the patched she-cat sighs again. "And he's my brother. Was. Is? I've known for a while and he told me about a she-cat. I pretty much knew or had a feeling you were his kit. I just. I think he mentioned she had kits maybe not. Most likely not. I. Im sorry Ravenkit," she mumbles before licking his smol head again.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-25 14:24:47

Cypressfall|12 Moons Old|Med. Cat|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Fernstar, Maplepaw, Owlflight, OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Camp

Looking up and after Maplepaw, he opened his mouth, as if to speak, but stopped as the ginger she-cat turned and headed off. He couldn't even tell her, that he's become a full medecine cat. A bit down trodden now, his multicolored eyes looked to the ground. Suddenly taken notice of all the cats still around him, Cypressfall shook himself. 'Stop that, you mouse brain', the medicine cat thought, scolding himself. He was a medicine cat and there were still injured cats around him, he needed to get it together again.
Looking up, the tom let his eyes move around the camp. Before he noted any of the injured cats though, he looked to Fernstar. The leader was still standing there, just standing there. Why was she not doing anything? Cypressfall wondered. Quickly walking over, his eyes were locked onto the large she-cat's face. Fernstar was just blankly staring into nothing, was she in shock? Had she also been hit by the lightning. Finely face to face with the leader, the smaller tom looked up into her eyes. She looked completely out of it, what had happened to her? He needed to get Fernstar into her den, it would not do the clan any good if they saw their leader like this.
"Come on", Cypressfall said, lightly pushing his side against Fernstar's. With no real resistance at all, the much smaller medecine cat was able to lead the large she-cat to her den. The small dark grey tabby tom quickly had lead Fernstar in her nest and not even a heart-beat later, was already leaving the den. As he stepped back into the camp, Cypressfall let out a sigh and shook his head. Looking back over the clan, this time he searched for one cat in particular. His gaze quickly found the large charcoal tom he was looking for, Owlflight was standing to the side.
"Owlflight!!", the medicine cat called to the deputy, to get his attention. Rushing over, he swiftly reached the large tom's side. "Owlflight, Fernstar is not doing so well, but don't worry, could you take charge for now", Cypressfall asked, although he was speaking to the deputy, the younger tom's multicolored eyes were darting around the camp. There were still a few Terraclan cats around the camp, one or two seemed to be quite injured, but most of them seemed to have left.

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Edited on 25/02/19 @ 14:45:53 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203)

Megatron (#126927)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-25 15:02:46
Owlflight || 32 Moons || Deputy || Healthy || Camp || Mentions: Terrastar, Fernstar

Owlflight was staring at the place where the enemy clan leader had taken his fall, struck by lightning and slaughtered on the spot. The burning filled his nose along with the scent of ozone as he looked to the sky. He'd heard of Starclan's interference in multiple places over the clan's history, and he could only guess that this was divine intervention.

Another evil that they had struck down before he could cause anymore chaos.

As the other clan took their leader's corpse and trailed out, his eyes trailed about the clearing, but time seemed to pass him without him registering. He knew Fernstar was the target of Terraclan's attack, if not then then now, and could only hope she would recover. He heard a name being called, not recognizing it as his own until Cypressfall finally approached him. Did the medicine cat just call Never mind.

He blinked slowly, but nodded his head.

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