Posted by Pride Evermoon

♑Siren(G2 Artic
Ferus)♑ (#125626)

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Posted on
2018-09-11 07:27:21
Pride Evermoon

Pride Evermoon has a long history, they were once a proud and powerful pride, with kings that invoked hope and Peace among the pride lands.
They held unions under the night sky, that would please the gods and rain prosperity down upon the lands.
That was until King Demarix took the life of the Luna Priestess Amella.
For years after the incident the pride lands where inhospitable. All the pray had left, droughts killed the majority of the pride and the lions that were left were filled with madness.
Year's went by with only a few surviving off of little food, one year on the night of the eclipse a female cub was born, she looked exactly like the old Luna priestess Amella and her first word was "Reborn."
A little while later the cub explained that she was the priestess reborn, the gods had decided that they punished the pride enough for killing their favored daughter and gave her back to them, restoring the beauty that the pride lands once had.
Pray soon flocked back to their old home and the once dried and drained lakes filled with glimmering water again.

The Luna priestess awaits her new Pride members.

Land description

In the day the pride lands is a bright savannah with large swaying trees and lakes filled with wildlife. We live in deep caves on the side of a towering mountain that touches the sun.

At night the sky shines with stars beaming down on to the land, the moonlight shimmers on the deep lake running through the mountain all the way into the desert. It is a stunning sight.

A large cave sits at the top of the mountain along with the tribute stone, this is where the Luna priestess and King live, and where the priestesses work.
Every month while the full moon glows in the sky the pride gathers around the tribute stone and bring their blessings for the goddess, this includes the prettiest rocks and the biggest pray they can find.

Most Lions/bigcats work and live in caves near the lake but some travel up the mountain when they are needed. The great Galaxy tree, a place for lions/bigcats to admit there love for another sits at the edge of the lake, this is where most lions will ask to be mated with someone.

The hunting grounds are not too far away, they are just beyond the Galaxy tree, it is an area filled with foliage, many prey wonder around here making family's that will eventually become one with our stomachs.

Luna Priestess(Queen): Amella (me)
King: Chi tsuki (#51172)
Heir: Moon (#152976) Sakura (#112820)
Chief warrior: Avis (#140739)
Warrior: Echo (#152250) Xavi(me)
Medic: Chervorge (#151162)
Sub Male: Kodak (#102788)
Sub Queens: Tamu (#154479)
Lead Hunter:
Brood Mothers:
Apprentices(Will pick what they want to do after their training):

The King and Queen(Luna Priestess) Are in charge of leading the pride, they do not hunt unless starvation is occurring. The king is mainly in charge of the sub male and leading warriors to battle, he makes decisions about war and things like that.
The Queen is mainly in charge of making sure everything is going well within the pride, she also trains the sub Queens. She has the power to speak with the gods and is in charge of making sure the pride listen to and respect Luna.

The heir is the child of the king and queen they are going to be the next in line, they can be related but must have separate mates. They spend all of their time training until adult hood then they help with hunting and helping their parents with their work.

The Adviser is in charge of helping the king and queen they give them advice on what to do if there is a situation and help the king and queen make decisions. They also help run the pride.

Cheif warrior is similar to the king, they train all of the warriors and are second in command to the king when in battle, they can make decisions in battles and relay any information back to the king and queen.

Priestesses live on top of the mountain with the Queen they help train the female heir and make daily prayers to the gods. They work under the queen and spend most of their time at the tribute stone, which is this prides form of temple.

Warriors fight in battle and keep the Pride safe, they spend most of their time patrolling and fighting off enemy's, they also scout out other prides and relay info back to the chief.

Medic is the healer of the pride, they help lionesses give birth and are on hand whenever someone is hurt. They work a lot of the Queen and priestesses as they have some healing training and can work as nurses for the medic if needed.

Sub male is trained under the king, if anything happens to the king and there is no heir they will take over until one comes about. They are in charge of keeping the peace and patrolling the territory, they do not often leave the territory unless there is a battle, they are the third most important cat in a battle and can make decisions. They may take a sub queen as a mate but only if the king allows it.

Sub Queen, they are similar to the Sub males in that if anything happens to the queen they take over until an heir is available. They are similar to brood mothers in that they take care of the royal cubs and help train the heirs. They may not leave the pride as they are special and are usually the most attractive cats in the pride. They may only mate to the king or a sub male in special circumstances.

Lead huntresses are in charge of the hunting party, they make decisions when hunting and train adolescents if they chose to become hunters when they get older.

Hunters hunt with there leaders, they go out in groups and try to bring down big game. They tend to live together in groups as they become very close.

Broodmothers take care of everyone's cubs excluding the Royal cubs. They are in charge of protecting them from predictors and train them. There is a specific cave for brood mothers and cubs.

Explorers spend a lot of time wondering the deserts they bring back treasures and can be used as scouts for the warriors. They are often given missions from the medics and priestesses to bring them special herbs and gifts for the gods.

Cubs and adolescents spend all there time with the broodmother training and being evaluated for the rank when they grow up, they are heavily watched for special talents and are not allowed outside of the prides main camp site.

Please be nice, try not to be rude.

Please do your job in the pride, we are gonna need food XD

When an adolescent becomes an adult they can choose to take a mate or not, Males may seek out females, the female has a right to say no. If you do take a mate, ask if you can have some cubs and who would like to play the cub/cubs.
This rule is not really a rule, more like a suggestion but we would like it if most cats would take a mate at some point, and if they wish not to please say so it is not against the rules to be mateless so no worry's. You will then be joined in union under the night sky by the Luna priestess(like a wedding XD) You may also take a mate when older, but it is part of the pride's history to have most cubs mated as soon as they become adults, again not really a rule.
(If a female becomes older and doesn't have a mate yet they may seek out one.)

If you chose to become a Sub Queen you can only be mated to the King.

There must be two heirs, male and female, they will become the next Luna Priestess and King. They can be related and the female must be related to the current Luna Priestess. If it is the case that they are siblings they will rule together and be mated to separate lions. Heir's are chosen by strength, wisdom and looks.

Lions/other big cats can breed outside of the pride if they are not mated, but the cub will be given a lower rank(Hunter, Brood Mother) You must also have someone who agrees to be the cub when they are born.

All the usual roleplay rules are used here to.

Try not to power play, The King , Luna priestess and heirs can be a little bit powerful but no magic powers.

Time will go by in this roleplay. Every two weeks is a year.

No killing inside the pride, unless that Lion/big cat has asked you to.

You can have as many characters as you like.

You don't have to have fantastic grammar or writing skills (I don't) But your writing needs to be understandable.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions, or if you don't know what things a certain rank does.

Please fill this in and post it one the character sheets post linked bellow :D <3

Rank Wanted:

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Edited on 18/09/18 @ 20:22:39 by Paigie (#125626)

neonthehusky (#90463)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-12 22:50:23
"the sun pride" he whispered softly he swiveled his head around knowing it was useless he flicked his ears "they brought us all out here... but Thea told us to stay quiet and they wouldnt know... and then dad got loud..." he whispered softly his clouded eyes growing sad.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2018-10-12 22:51:09
"I'm sorry. You dont have to tell me if you dont want to"

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neonthehusky (#90463)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-12 22:58:07
shiro shook his head as he gently layed down, "what about you?"

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2018-10-12 23:41:40
I'm from Pride Evermoon, as is Nazi."

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saminating energy (#151162)

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Posted on
2018-10-13 09:11:50
She flicked her tail lazily as she finally stood up, weakly shaking her fur until she stepped out into the morning light, wincing her eyes shut. She lowered her slightly as she trailed along to a small heap of prey which hunters had gathered. Grabbing a large rabbit for herself, she heaved it along until she stood at the entrance of her den.

Finishing her meal slowly after she kept thinking about what had happened recently, she felt the sting in her hind leg and back where the rogue had attacked her from before. Heaving herself up as she gently nudged the rabbit bones away, she pushed into the den, her lithe body moving silently.

She picked up the scent of what she needed and grabbed the herbs. Marigold, Horsetail, and cobwebs...
After chewing up the flowers and stems, she lapped it onto her wounds, not minding the sting much. After she finished, she grabbed some cobwebs with her fore-paw, rubbing it onto the wound next.

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♑Siren(G2 Artic
Ferus)♑ (#125626)

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Posted on
2018-10-13 09:42:19
(Hi guys, sorry I've been busy, whats been happening here, catch me up :D)

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2018-10-13 09:47:44
(Nazi and tamu found a battle ground and 2 cubs, one blind and another normal. Tamu is hanging out with them)

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Mottled)❄️ (#124856)

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Posted on
2018-10-13 09:52:38
(Oh cool :))

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Edited on 13/10/18 @ 10:02:16 by Paiga (#124856)

♑Siren(G2 Artic
Ferus)♑ (#125626)

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Posted on
2018-10-13 10:02:30

Queen Amella stepped out of her cave, she had been busy for awhile with her thoughts focused on the rival king planning to over take the pride. She had no idea what had been going on and had left the worry's of food and safety to her king and fellow pride members. Her eyes scanned the land before her wondering when the rival king would begin his attack. She made her way down the mountain to speak with the pride.

"Hello, is anyone around? Hello?"

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neonthehusky (#90463)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-13 14:09:34
Nazi dipped her head as she walked up to the queen limping she dipped her head, "i have to report the findings" she said her whole body still in shock from what she witnessed, unsure of where to start she just blurted it out witch was rare for the advisor who was usually calm and collective, "the sun pride had been slaughtered, tamu is with the survivors.. she needs help carrying them back.. i-its a mess, they were so strong.. but but" she whispered her eyes closing as she huffed and layed on her hip,, her body tired from walking, it was obvious her injury was slowing her down.

shiro gently got to his paws and looked around even though it was no use, "there back!" he called out at the vultures were cawing over head, he hissed softly, his whole back was covered in pecks and claw marks from what little flesh wasnt hidden by thea"

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♑Siren(G2 Artic
Ferus)♑ (#125626)

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Posted on
2018-10-13 14:55:53
Amella's heckles became ridged, the sun pride were incredibly strong fighters, she could never imagine them being practically wiped out. Her heart began to pound if they could do this, they had almost no hope in defeating them.

"Gather as many lions as you possibly can we need to go bring back the survivors and asses the situation." Amella's eyes filled with worry, "I will go ahead meet me there as soon as you can!" As soon as she had finished talking Amella darted towards the Sun prides land. Hoping that the carnage was not as bad as she heard and that there would be many survivors.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2018-10-13 15:01:50
Shhh you'll Ben ok, they won't get you." She murmured to shiro and mavi.

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neonthehusky (#90463)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-13 15:35:35
shiro hesitated but nodded, he gently layed back down and softly asked, "i think.. its scary? " he said softly. "being blind..."

nazi nodded and gently looked around her voice loud as she called out to the pride, "all those strong enough, head the the sun prides border! they need our help" she said turning and gently searching each den for those that were strong enough before she gently limped after the queen, she was still hesitant about helping the blind cub, but there had to be some reason they let him live.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2018-10-13 15:57:05
Yeah I don't doubt it. It's scary enough to be blind to one eye." Tamu agreed grooming shiro gently

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neonthehusky (#90463)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-13 17:50:45

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