Posted by Heritage "Fix"

lowercase elfijah
santaski (#130713)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 12:38:56
Look, you know how this whole heritage "fix" made a whole bunch of clean breeders angry?

Admins, can you at least EXPLAIN to us how this bug WORKED so we can try to salvage our previously-clean lions?

This suggestion has 48 supports and 53 NO supports.

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Gahlu [HM | Clean] (#155415)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 15:05:17
Yeah it looks broken to me still, just looking at my own den.

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Rappadapa (#105921)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 15:06:49
Same, but oh well.

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Kit in a Box
~⚙️~ (#61637)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 15:06:57
I don't understand the want for a heritage wipe item, really. The lion would still be unclean, but you just wouldn't be able to see it. (Much like the bug prevented you from seeing dead and chased lions in the heritage.) He'd still have parents and siblings out there.
What would the point be? Just not being able to see the heritage? I'm curious about this as I don't actively clean line. :,D
Edit: I don't think it would be the same as a heritage replacement or chased lioness, but maybe I'm wrong?

But really, it was a bug, that had been know about for a while now (it was in the bug forum often, and people talked about it in chat sometimes, but I'm not saying everyone knew about it), that's finally been fixed (mostly >.>). Bugs take time to fix, coding isn't easy.
I understand lots of people are upset by this fix, but these things happen, unfortunately. :(

And the staff shouldn't have to compensate players. Game companies rarely do, honestly, so I don't see why Lioden should either.

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Edited on 20/09/18 @ 15:26:28 by Kit ~Ebony Addict~ (#61637)

Ely | Cocytus [G1
Wine] (#106865)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-20 15:06:57
Then talk with the admins. See if there is a way to manually reset the heritages of certain lions. Make it fair, like ten lions per clean line player and no heritage wipes of kings over 1.5k stats. Fix your prides ypurself if you must, use the heritage wipe of the chasing system. But don't constantly complain over the glitch fic. Better it be done now then later with even more lions affected and entire prijects thrown off-course.

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Zero [G2 leonidx2
ukamex2] (#133967)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 15:12:10
Ely | Ѕama'el (#106865) I am currently trying to fix my lion's pride thankfully my king is new so i've only lost 3 dozen clean heats, 30some odd vulture eggs, a couple giant tortoises. But what do I do about pie cubs sold as clean?

I've also made a ticket asking for heir kinging fee refund, so the gb im now spending to get a clean pie heir can be kinged, but they won't even respond to my ticket beside a copy paste "its not our responsibility for your play style" only to be told in chat by xylax its not my responsibility either. Seriously WHAT DO I DO?!

This also hugely affects other users more than me where their king + heir and lions produced already grown and breeding are now unclean. How would you even begin to fix all of that? My king is new but has already produced over 100 cubs do I have to reach out to them and mail them about me not being clean anymore? what about all their cubs produced, and food wasted on these lionesses? Do you not understand how far reaching this problem is?

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JaxHammer [Retiring] (#103364)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 15:13:08
The Admins have already told us they intend to do nothing about it. We got angry and the shrugged at us, sent some Copy paste response at us, told us 'getting loud will do nothing', locked the post with the matter at hand so we cant even HAVE a talk.

"Talk with the admins" They dont want to talk or have any kind of conversation about this issue, they've made that ABUNDANTLY clear so stop trying to act like we aren't using all our options. We did. We have a right to complain. If you don't like it, just leave thread. Don't tell us what we can and can't do.

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Ely | Cocytus [G1
Wine] (#106865)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-20 15:31:27
Maybe don't be hostile? I know how much of a pain clean breeding can be. I was a cleanline and a hard mode player. But you have to look at it from their perspective as well. They fixed an issue that if left unchecked would cause even more problems. Now the player sub-base that the fix impacted is getting loud and huffy over the fix. Of course they wouldn't want to talk! You need to see both sides, not just yours. I submitted a ticket asking to talk wih an admin directly, and I am waiting for a response now. For now, see what you can salvage and see if the hardmode players have an decent lions they'd be willing to sell to you.

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Kate (side) (#153465)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 15:36:39
This is honestly terrible. I keep my lines clean on this account , but it is just my side account and I haven’t sunk any money into this. I don’t know how this issue could be fixed, and I feel really really badly for anyone who was severely affected by this bug. If it hasn’t affected you, try to find some empathy and not complain about people complaining? They have a right to be upset since this whole thing isn’t their fault and is a big deal.

I hope everyone who was screwed over are alright and still find some enthusiasm for this game, somehow.

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Edited on 20/09/18 @ 15:38:07 by Ayla (#153465)

Deku (#117676)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 17:46:47
Considering that clean lined breeding is entirely a self imposed challenge I don’t feel that the coders have any obligation to ‘fix’ anything. They didn’t even change anything, they simply fixed a bug to show what was always there.

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Edited on 20/09/18 @ 17:47:41 by Deku (#117676)

-Zodiac- [G3
Interstellar Pie] (#11145)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 19:19:20
It was a bug that needed to be fixed, and you can't expect a development team who took effort on the coding side to fix a bug that was causing unclean lions to show up as clean to just revert it back to being a bug. I agree with Deku. Clean lined breeding is self-imposed by some members of the community. Its not a requirement for the game, so the coders and staff members have no obligation to 'unfix' something that was fixed. Coding is time and labor intensive, and its not simple to go back and fix something in a line of code when you have hundreds and thousands of lines of code as Lioden likely has. I do feel for the people who's projects were messed up, but the clean-lined breeding community seems to be very aggressive and hostile towards the staff team. Perhaps that's why they locked the thread. They didn't want to be yelled at and have people snapping at their throats over something that was a bug fix. The heritage was bugged, and they fixed it, as is their job. The coders are meant to fix bugs that arise within a game, and asking for the fix to be reverted seems like you are just throwing the hard work of the coders back in their faces with no regard for how hard they work.

Plus, in regards to compensating the players who did lose something, you do realize that it would take a long time, and would tear the development team away from other projects to go digging through the player database (of nearly 160,000) and find who was affected. It would be a waste of time, and not an effective use of the development team and coding team's time.

As Deku said, they didn't change a thing. They just fixed a bug that was causing something that wasn't show up to show up. The heritage was always there. Its not like the admins and staff team just decided "Oh so and so is a clean breeder, lets mess up their king/lion's heritage". Fixing the bug revealed heritage that was already there. That heritage wasn't added to them just willy-nilly.

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Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 19:27:09
Basically anything I's want to add has already been said by Zodiac, but I'm gonna say something anyways.

I feel for you guys, I really honestly do. I understand what it's like to find out you wasted money.

However, it was your own choice to play the way you do. You did it knowing that websites have glitches, that's a fact of life. Inbreeding or not has no effect on gameplay, so there's nothing that they did that actually harms players' ability to play the game, thus they're really not obligated to compensate anyone.

You chose the way you play, and I really feel for you that y'all wasted money, but getting mad at the staff for doing their job is only going to make you sound immature and entitled.

Nobody forced you to play with clean lines, it was your own choice. It sucks that a lot of people are finding out that their projects have been ruined, but that's the breaks. You chose to take the risks, knowing things could change at a moment's notice.

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Yce (#422)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-09-20 21:49:51
Feels like I’ve scammed people now with my NOT so clean lion. I’m sorry to everyone who studed him, I did check his parents several times sorry! Im not sure how I feel about this, Im happy they made it easier and fixed it. But at the same time.. this was a bomb

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Lunar (#68898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-20 23:30:13
I wasn't affected by this because all my lions are descended from NCLs/rolled kings only, but jeez this really, really sucks for clean breeders. As a possible compromise regarding the heritage-wiping item thing, maybe it could be an event feature rather than an item, similar to the Fountain of Youth in April? (Maybe in November, since it would fit with the ancestors theme?) That way it would be exclusive enough that the challenge of obtaining heritageless/clean lions wouldn't be removed completely, but people who've sunk real money into lions that are now non-clean could still attempt to salvage their kings/mutie replacers.

It wouldn't necessarily have to completely wipe heritage, either. Maybe it could erase only the heritage further back than the grandparents? Idk, it's just a suggestion, I don't really see any easy fixes to this situation.

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Edited on 20/09/18 @ 23:34:58 by Lunar (#68898)

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