Posted by -LOCKED - Heritage Wiping item?

Ely | Cocytus [G1
Wine] (#106865)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-26 07:44:54
So, we all know the heritage glitch was fixed, which left the clean breeder community without many lions. Lionesses who were perceived to be clean were not due to the glitch, wiping out entire lines. What I propose, and this could be a November thing due to ancestors, is an item that wipes a lioness's heritage, essentially making her a chased lioness. It would substantially lower her stats to around 150-ish, similar to a chased or custom lioness, without the risk of completely losing her in explore. And it would be limited, only ten lionesses between both a player's accounts. Kings would have a similar option, wipe their heritage at the cost of their stats, dropping them to a rolled kings stats. The item would be non-transferable and only usable during November after a teir unlocks. Kings can knly have heritage wiped once per year!
Something like:
The ancestors hear and heed your lioness's decision to leave her heritage behind. The scroll burns, her heritage and stats burning as well.

If you don't support, please tell me why.

Edit: removed the mutation staying bit. She would basically be a chased lioness, one that you don't have to worry about completely losing.

This suggestion has 176 supports and 99 NO supports.

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Edited on 26/10/18 @ 11:15:06 by Elydritch| Π…ama'el | L Off (#106865)

πŸ¦‹ Trotter the
Otter πŸ¦‹ (#27811)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-26 15:52:12
This kinda takes away from all the work that clean breeders go to in order to keep their heritages clean....

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Ely | Cocytus [G1
Wine] (#106865)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-26 15:53:37
Not really, as many clean breeders lost their clean lines. This would help fix a few lines, and isn't completely overpwoered or gamebreaking.

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kittenlily 🐈 (#50738)

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Posted on
2018-09-26 17:18:25
as a previous clean breeder, I no support :( the fun of the challenge is that it's just that, a challenge

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Ely | Cocytus [G1
Wine] (#106865)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-26 17:42:32
Did you lose any of your pride/lines due to the fix? This is to help remake some of the lines clean, not remove the challenge. As I said, it would only be 10 lionessesbetween both accounts and it would be no different from having claimed a chased lioness.

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πŸ‘½ Gaylien πŸ‘½ (#122287)

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Posted on
2018-09-27 07:04:02
I support.
I spent a lot making sure that my studs were clean as well as mutation reps. (Around 50+ GB per account)
I did not know, personally, that heritages were bugged, at all. Now I have two studs that are dirty as fug.
However, the "10 per" seems like over doing it. Single use items would be better. A personal unlock tier, perhaps, like the Celestial Stone.

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Ely | Cocytus [G1
Wine] (#106865)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-26 11:15:55
The 1o per is 10 single uses meaning 10 lionesses can be wiped.

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Lelouch (#316)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-20 22:33:03
Honestly I don't see the issue with heritages being wiped if it's easily doable. It doesn't hurt anybody. Maybe make it a GB purchase item available only occasionally like MODs or a rare item to find or just in the oasis. If people don't like it because it isn't challenging enough they don't have to buy it. I don't see why it would have to have a stat penalty but maybe it could. Since there aren't any inbreeding mechanics it isn't like players are avoiding that by wiping heritages. I thought that chased/killed/nature reserved lionesses were completely removed from the game but they aren't.

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Aredy1974 (#166030)

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Posted on
2019-04-21 01:32:17
No support, clean breeders work hard.

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KalikaRoo31 (#89224)

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Posted on
2019-08-16 19:23:48
I personally would like to see an item like this in game but I do have to agree with the clean breeders. Some of them don't want cubs from certain kings or some players just want to see their lions history.

I don't think this item will work in a way that won't effect a large number of players.

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Slade (#36600)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-08-18 06:39:19
I can see this item for a single use, Id buy it. I hate breeding a beautiful king, be so proud of his markings, but when I stat change, I get some other heritage, some other person gets the glory for my hard work breeding a certain base or marking. If I had this item, Id clean my stat replacer, or at least an item to choose which heritage I want displayed.

Im tired of "Clean" and "Dirty" I dont care if my king is dirty. I interbreed all the time. I breed because I like my lions to look a certain way. I dont care if someones king is clean.

Seems really prejudice to wave a label over the head of a king or reject another due to heritage. Its labelling, and Ive dealt with labelling of many kinds in my life, its sad to see it happening here with such angst between so many people.

Heritage has been broken forever. Personally, Id like to see heritage wiped after page one. But thats me.

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kel [x3 rosette gen1
duat] (#135068)

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Posted on
2019-09-02 08:07:59
I can see this item happening if it technically just turns a lioness into a NCL with the lowered stats and wiped heritage, however I feel like 10 uses would be overkill and the male lion aspect wouldn't really work. Like mentioned previously, clean studs will always have more appeal so of course everyone would end up flocking to clear the heritage of their king and it would pretty much completely remove the challenge of clean breeding with studs. Even with the once a year cooldown, most kings don't really last longer than a year so technically (with timing) a user could continue to clear the heritage of their new king when the moment arises. Lioden is a sim mainly focused on breeding new lions with special mutations, markings or, with the clean 'mode' implemented, special heritages. The item itself just seems like a cheat rather than a boost or an add-on. After all, clean breeding is suppose to be a challenge without those types of luxuries.
Maybe if the tier is made to resemble something like the pool in April where one lion could take a sip to either age up or age down, then it could possibly work, with the limitation of only one or two female lions. But then it most likely wouldn't take much interest as clean breeders already have a pride full of clean lions and 'dirty' breeders like myself couldn't really care less for clean lions, with the exception of a select few clean breeders that hold one or two mixed heritage lions that they like the look of and wouldn't mind keeping. Still then, I doubt they'd really be all that bothered.

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xerofly (#206643)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-08-02 06:53:06
i dont really know everything (i literally started three months ago with lots of help from irl friends) but maybe there could be an option for breeders to lock their cubs from heritage wipes? like the secure lion toggle and sex changing but only the breeder can change it

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Posted on
2021-05-16 08:34:39


This has been suggested here already: Link.
If you'd like to, please pledge your support on the thread linked above!
To avoid having duplicate suggestions within the Development Boards, we'll lock your thread.

We hope that you'll understand!

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