Posted by Adjustment to Gorilla Enclave Rewards

[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2018-11-26 05:17:09
[ Support My Other Suggestions? ]

More Tail + Leg Banding Colours
Alter Stat Change to Giving Tree Cubs
Making Sub Males More Useful
New Event Title Ideas!

✪ Summary:

This suggestion is being pushed along with this one to improve cub trade-ins.

When the Gorilla Enclave was first implemented, it was new and it was exciting! Shiny and neat! The dev team faced a question, I imagine. "What do we include as prizes?" Back in these early days of the Enclave first being open, it was stuffed with all manner of items that you can find across Lioden. Perhaps the most tempting was the Applicators and Raffle Backgrounds. But with the addition of more and more Enclave exclusive items, the rest of the things in there not only seem superfluous, but also ... over priced?

Seriously, did this get glossed over? Let's do a breakdown.

In the Enclave, you can buy every single Pose on Lioden.
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You can also buy Random Marking Applicators (henceforth "RMA").
dd9ee49f6aadbc450f5203ffbd5d6bfb.png versus 30462aec36f24a643f036062cee60f07.png

But how does 120 Monkey Teeth compare to the value of a GB?

Well let's take a look at the next lowest item, Eye Applicators. Here's the Nebula Eyes Applicator.

Okay so what's the current (at the time of posting this) going price?

Oh... that's a bit more expensive than 1 Gold Beetle... Okay how about the Zoisite Eyes Applicator?


So we've come to establish that some things in the Enclave are a *bit* overpriced (a lot overpriced, actually). Why is this a concern? Well, new players, mostly. New players often do not know the value of items, and might forget that Oasis offers a fairly decent selection. A player coming in here might see that they can get a pose for their lioness for 120 MT and think that's great!! ... Until they finally do, and realize they have wasted WEEKS of effort on something they could have very easily gotten for very, very little effort by comparison. What's more, it may potentially be upsetting to learn that they could have spent it on an item worth far more and that chance is now lost, instead having to do all of that work over again.

The prices of these items need to be severely adjusted. Here's some others that are overpriced.


On Branches at the time of posting this:


On Branches at the time of posting this:


On Branches at the time of posting this:

Literally nobody wants Human Liver if your name isn't Hannibal Lecter. The 60 MT vs 50 SB price on this one is probably the most offensive one out of the bunch. Ew!

✪ What I Am Proposing:

[+] A price overhaul of several items available in the Gorilla Enclave, or outright removing them from the list of available items.

I've supplied my thoughts on where a more appropriate price for each would be.

➤ Black Stallion: 50 MT
➤ Random Marking Applicator: 40 MT
➤ Poses: 25 MT
➤ Lion Meat: 100 MT
➤ Roasted Vulture: 50 MT
➤ Shamanic Stew: 50 MT
➤ Human Liver: 20 MT. The community considers it worth barely 200 SB at the time of this edit.

If you don't support, I'd like to know why. I appreciate constructive criticism over a simple "no".

This suggestion has 486 supports and 6 NO supports.

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Edited on 11/04/20 @ 16:10:33 by [△] Jensen (#108458)

Xathina[main] (#70238)

Epic Fail
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Posted on
2018-12-06 11:59:38
support! i have always thought the prices on some shit in the Enclave were insanely priced, especially the poses and liver!

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Flumphy (#153858)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-06 13:05:02
Support. I have no problem with stuff like the human liver and black stallion being sold in the Enclave on principle, as I'm sure there are people who have all the higher ticket items they want from there and would prefer to use the quest rewards for cheap consumables. But right now, they can hardly be considered "cheap."

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Sanu Incense Torn (#95758)

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Posted on
2018-12-12 20:39:56
Yes I beg of thee!

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2018-12-13 02:40:10
I'm sorry, but I have to no support this one. I agree items's prices seem kind of umbalanced, for lack of a better term, but you have to bear in mind that it makes sense to have it this way: items available in Oasis are pricier in the Enclave and Referral Shop because, that way, most people will probably favor the Oasis - spending Golden Beetles, which in turn gets them "out of the game" and players will need to buy more with real money which, in turn, keeps the site going.

The rest of the items' value vary greatly, as it depends on the playerbase's demand of them, the amount available, how long ago were they available in an event if they were, ect., so the fact that they might seem overpriced isn't as set in stone. To me it makes perfect sense to have them priced as they are, otherwise you could get a Black Stallion every 3 days average instead of the 12 average it takes now, RMAs and poses would take 6 days and 3 days average respectively instead of the 17 days average it takes now, ect.

The way I see it, you either spend the currency that supports the game, invest more time to get the items - either by giving a cub everyday to the enclave or hanging around the event that those items are featuredin - or get more public to the game to get the referral points, things as they are seem a more than fair.

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Brimstone Baby (#162908)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-13 04:20:13
@Berelf I honestly don't think that people will turn away from the Oasis as much as you think. With the December event, I am finding many "kings" having the Lab Test Frog used on them. Now I don't know if the following are in events, but I have no doubt they are popular in the Oasis- Mane Changer, Mane Color Changer, Marking Remover, the contacts, the backgrounds, Cub and Adult sex changer, cotton root bark, Turritopsis Jellyfish, not to mention the custom lion or lioness is costly in itself.

If I am wrong about some of the things above, I had no idea.

Personally, I don't want it to be so easy that I can get Lion Meat after 3 days of giving that gorilla Cubs. I also don't want it so hard that it's impossible.

However, right now if you completed the hardest difficulty every day to earn the 7 MT, it would take you about 6 weeks in order to earn the 300 mt. That's crazy!

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2018-12-13 04:43:49

That there are other things available at the Oasis doesn't change the fact that the players buying those available in the Enclave from Oasis instead make a huge impact in the game's... economy? I'd prefer a thousand times better to have these "overpriced" items removed from the Enclave than have them become so cheap as the OP proposes.

Before the Gorilla Enclave was a thing, the only way to get Lion Meat was to get it during January or get lucky in the Slots Machine, so no, it doesn't seem so crazy to me the fact that you need to give a cub the equivalent of 6 weeks to the Enclave to get the needed currency for one, because in the past you could only purchase it during 31 days out of the 365 a year usually has. You're taking something featured in a single event and making available to purchase all year around, of course it has to be pricier!

Something similar happens with Human Liver - this item is featured in March's event only, and it makes you stronger in PVE battles during a whole rollover so no idea why players are saying it's useless. And Black Stallions? You either win those in game or get them as a rare drop from a September's event encounte. Before the Enclave you either hung around their event to get them, got lucky in games, or purchased them from other players the rest of the year - now you have the chance to purchase them all year around, so I strongly think that to make them so, so cheap would be detrimental for the game as a whole :/

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Brimstone Baby (#162908)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-13 04:54:47
@Berelf Hey, no need to be so snappy. I've been here for not even a whole 2 months. I have no idea how it was in the past. All I know is the 6 weeks is if you select the highest difficulty, do it every day without fail, and are actually able to complete it. I've managed to do only 1 quest for the gorilla. I spent 150 sb in order to do it because I don't have the Cubs waiting on a shelf for when I need them. That's not me saying "omg I spent so much to get 2 mt".

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2018-12-13 04:58:11
If I appear snappy it was not my intention, I have a tendency to be blunt in my explanations because otherwise I fear I won't get my point across :'D

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Brimstone Baby (#162908)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-13 05:11:29
I hear ya. I was also unjustly terminated from my job today, so my emotions are raw af right now. I gotta go to HR to fight this thing and keep my job.

Btw I do see your point. Albeit, I have always been one to "sit on the fence" and see both sides. Many times the grass is THE SAME DAMN COLOR!

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[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2018-12-13 08:25:34
To be completely honest, the money alone going back into the community buying enclave cubs probably far outweighs the detriment this would have on the game. And if you're concerned about money going into the void, we should take a hot second to consider how many times people have taken difficult or even medium quests from gorilla only to have to skip it. That's, on the daily, potentially tens of thousands of SB going into the void depending how badly the gorilla decides it just *has* to have a cub that simply isn't for sale or perhaps doesn't exist at all. That amount far outweighs what is lost by adjusting these prices.

In that same vein, one of the major points of this is that this has the potential to colossally screw new players over. After all, I don't think many people want to be that player who ground for six weeks on hard quests to get a lion meat worth maybe 10 GB max only to find out how vastly more valuable the applicators at the 300 MT mark are. Or to get a pose for that matter only to find out the eye applicators are much, much more valuable.

The point of this is that they are *overpriced*.

Now, you worry people won't buy from Oasis? I beg to differ. Most folks who need these items want them *now*, which Oasis provides. If you want these, you still have to grind. You just don't have to grind for a hilariously disproportionate amount of time. These items become things which, if you happen to have spare Monkey Teeth, you can buy in a pinch, rather than put off what you're doing to grind for them.

Need them now but don't have MT? Buy from Oasis or other players.

This changes very, very extremely little that will impact the market in the long run, but what it DOES do is make it more viable to actually have any desire at all to buy these items.

On the front that Human Liver is pointless and nobody wants it, all it takes is a cursory glance in the branch listings to determine it's effectively worthless. When I made this listing, it went for 50 SB. That alone tells you the community doesn't value it. Maybe there *are* some players who do, but they are the vast minority here. And either way, they'd benefit like fuck from this if it was made a paltry 5 MT, so I wouldn't actually see the complaint here.

I do want money to go back into player's hands and for people to buy GB, however understand that Gorilla Enclave rewards are an 'invest now, get rewards later' feature in Lioden, whereas the Oasis and Branch Sales offer instant needs being satisfied. They serve two different purposes but both need to be balanced.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2018-12-13 09:29:30
I concede that there's currency being spent in the cubs used for the Enclave, but that doesn't make up for the potential loss that could happen if the prices lowered as much as you suggest, because there are people that would save up their GB for other things and pick the patient way of waiting x days to purchase the item in the Enclave instead - because the Gorilla Enclave works in term of time and, as I already mentioned, you propose a dangerously low time of waiting, a change that surely would be harmful.

Setting the Oasis items aside, and using only Lion Meat as a reference, you propose to go from 43 days average to gather the currency to buy it to 14 days. You take almost a month away from it from an item that you either win in the Slots Machine or buy during January. Black Stallions come from a rare drop during a single month or a rare reward from games, and you want to be able to get it in 4 days instead of the 13 it takes right now. Shamanic Stew is exclusive from November, and Roasted Vulture is only available during January and April.

I really think that to drop their prices so much can only harm the game, so if a change needs to be done I support the removal of those items from the Enclave. I'll stop hogging the thread now :')

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[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2018-12-13 09:48:10
If you were to suggest a middle ground - because these prizes are overpriced, that's about the bottom line at the end of the day - what would you suggest for each, personally?

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2018-12-13 10:43:28
Now that's a tricky question

I'd say... 60-70 MT for Black Stallion - 8 to 10 days instead of the 13 it takes now, but more reasonable than the drop to 3-4 days it'd be with only 25 MT - then 50-60 MT for Shamanic Stew and Roasted Vulture and have Human Liver priced as 40-50 MT, and as I said before, I'd remove Oasis items from the Enclave instead of devaluing them.

I apologize for the lare reply, I'm currently having internet issues due to a storm.

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[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2018-12-13 18:28:18
It's alright, I'm patient and I understand that entirely.

I'll re-write it to the prices for everything you listed here with the exception of Human Liver, which I'll bump to 20 MT. Since I bought out every Human Liver under 200 SB just for the sake of having a dumb collection, the price seems stable at that point. It's the one item that I'm just not willing to budge on much because it's in such low demand already. March will restock the...


...four pages of unwanted livers.

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springacres (#424)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-12-23 00:27:45
100% support, and I say this as someone who's only ever spent monkey teeth on black stallions and poses - and then only for my own use.

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