Posted by Officially closed! Thanks everyone!

AstroRey (#125443)

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Posted on
2019-01-07 15:24:14


The idea was to create the most amazing creature you can, colored like my OC.
It could be ANYTHING you want it to be.
A spider with camel legs? Sure!
A human dressed like an Egyptian God? Hell yas!
What about a giraffe with 9 legs, eyes all over the neck, and crocodile tail? That too ;)

If you take the writing route, please make sure to be as specific as you can, I have great imagination and feed on descriptions to create a good image in my head.
You can use images of animals, clothing, painting, backgrounds, etc.

You can ask me all you want, and if I believe your question might help others, Ill post it on this same thread.


- Writing: Complete description.
- Drawing: Full body w/ background - Full body alone - Half body.

- Writing Custom decor with your creation drawn by me + 50 GB + GMO cow + Any app of your choice.
- Full body w/ background: Custom decor with your creation drawn by me + 50 GB + GMO cow + Any app of your choice.
- Full body alone (Delivered prizes): 40 GB + 2 Black stallions + Any decor of your choice (Up to 2)
- Half body (Delivered prizes): 20 GB + 1 Black stallion + Any decor of your choice (Up to two)

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Edited on 27/07/19 @ 06:06:38 by AstroRey (#125443)

AstroRey (#125443)

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Posted on
2019-03-26 16:22:18
Cant wait to see it n.n

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MoonBeam (#91711)

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Posted on
2019-03-28 14:32:30
ohoho White is so rad! Im so in!

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Ry (#167515)

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Posted on
2019-03-28 18:20:27
Quick Background(I could write an essay on this idea)~ Callum is fae. He’s from a world unlike this one. A tyrant king keeps criminals or anyone who opposes him in work camps that are near impossible to escape but Callum did it.

Callum had no idea where he was...and it was starting to get cold. He needed to get out of the open. Fae are weather resistant, but just’s not like he could be out in the middle of a snow storm and not freeze. Especially with his current garbs.

Callum wore a brown, thoroughly worn tunic and bronze pants. Not jacket. His feet were cut up and bare. The young man rams a hand through his Snow White hair and hugged himself. The wind was howling by, tossing snow onto the left side of his lithe body.

His steps were beginning to slow as he got colder and his feet ached more. Inside the camp they had been kept in warm enough caves, mining the coal and diamonds and whatever else down there that the kind had interest in.

Callum Saw a bit of black in the pure white landscape an started toward that. He was limping faster, you could maybe call it a jog, if you were being generous.

Callum reached a cave soon enough. It was dark and it went back pretty far. There were a few tunnels leading off to in different directions.

“Hello?” His voice echoed back but there were no growls or hisses or any human response so he entered and went to the farthest back point without going into a tunnel. He was still freezing but at least he might be able to warm up.

He sunk down to the floor and curled up. He pulled his knees to his chest and closed his eyes. The young mans teeth chattered as he started to drift off.


Callum woke with a start. He felt something watching him which had pulled him from his warm sleep. In front of him stood something massive. He has never seen anything like it.

It was standing, hunched over on its hind legs. The thing was mostly scaled with a bit of fur on its face and at the end of its long tail. It was massive. It looks sorta wolffish but also like some giant lizard or snake.

It’s head was bigger than Callum’s whole torso. His body was long and the tail was whipping around behind it, hitting the walls and making small rocks fall loose.

Callum scrambled up and pressed himself against the wall. The creature pushed its head closer, its hot breath bathed callum in an odd smell. Was it carrion? He gagged.

It hissed. It was truly an embodiment of the cold, deadly, icy plains around. It must’ve been placed here by some ancient god to keep humans from destroying the terrifying beauty of this land.

Callum met its eyes and knew his fate was sealed. Within those eyes he saw unimaginable wisdom and curiosity. But it also showed some ancient animalistic aggression and an insatiable hunger. The same hunger he had seen in all those people who had been in the camp for years. ‘What a shame...’ he thought. ‘It could really benefit this world, if it were able to speak and control its hunger.’

He felt something cold and dark slither into his mind, poking and prodding at his thoughts. Then came a voice. It echoed inside his mind
‘We would never help humansss...’ its voice was old and young. Male and female. Animal and human. Melodic. If he talked on and on he either would be lulled to sleep for he’d fall into some state of insanity.
He almost asked how it knew what he was thinking but the cold dark in his head lashed out making him double over and clutch his head.
‘We owe you no reasons for anything.’ He gasped as the thing withdrew slightly from his mind. But not entirely.
‘You know what awaits you.’ It said, knowingly. ‘And all of those wretched humans behind those wretched walls, taking apart this land from below.’

Callum realized it was talking about the work camp and all the mining slaves.
“Don’t! There are innocent people there!”
‘We do not spare any humans who hurt the land.’ Callum noted how it continued to say “We”. Were there more than one? Or was there multiple souls inside the body?

He clutched his head tighter. If felt like his brain was literally spinning. It’s eyes wouldn’t let him break contact.
“They’re being forced to work!”
‘We do not spare and humans who hurt the land.’ It only repeated it’s self.

Before Callum was able to protest there was a snap of powerful jaws he was gone. The creature had been able to unhinge its jaw like a snake and swallow him whole without a problem.

It let out a hiss and rolled its shoulders. The thing snaked around and moved gracefully, silently towards the cave exit. It stepped out into the snow.
“We do not spare the humans who hurt the land.” and in a blink, the beautiful terror was nothing but a flurry of snow, blowing in the direction of the work camp.

~~~~Heh...sorry...i might’ve gone a little over board...and sorry if it’s a bit darker than you wanted. I get carried away lol~~~~

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Edited on 28/03/19 @ 18:24:43 by Serquin-Chan (#167515)

AstroRey (#125443)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-03-28 18:51:41
It is such a nice piece of work! And the creature you described is really interesting OwO
Kind of out of character, but I loved it :)

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Cocoa 🌸
[G1|Leonid] (#169847)

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Posted on
2019-04-02 11:19:08
I wanna join! Fullbody + background entry here. uwu 🐍💕

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Ferian King of Ferus (#102836)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 08:31:09

Hope I can still enter <3 I have a really nice idea for a written piece. I havent done creative writing in awhile but this seems fun.

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AstroRey (#125443)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 08:37:30
This is still going, no worries n.n

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Ferian King of Ferus (#102836)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 08:39:41
It isnt the longest and probably I messed up somewhere but I hope you like it ! I called the species/creature Beasts of the glade.

Picture this , your lost in the wood. Your phone? Out of power. Your map? On your phone... Then you hear movement. Heart pounding you turn around and see...a flower? No. No. This is something else. It twitches and moves. You stumble back when you are approached by a beast of legend and lore. Its eyes are cold , the colour of lavender petals frozen in winter frost look you up and down with a sense of intelligence , the eyes are feline in shape. It moves again and now you see more then the eyes which seem to almost...glow.

The form of this beast reminds you much of a cat...but its the size of a horse. The flower you noticed twitching lays on its tail tipping off what looks like a vine covered in flexible branches which intertwine across it. The vine and branches , like most of the beasts body , are stitched together by moss . The entire body of this great creature seems alive with almost moving vines , branches and moss as its hulking form bears down over you. Looking closer at the creature you see its broad shoulders which carry the heavy head of the creature are covered in a darker green moss then the rest. You notice that along its back are small delicate white flowers. Almost like daisy's but the petals are wider , softer and the centre is a rich blue , it mimics the flower tipping its tail but rather small in comparison. It huffs at you , a tiger like chuff coming out of the muzzle of the beast that spells of calm forest air and moss.

You avert your gave looking down and you notice the creature seems incredibly strong. The vine like muscle under the branches and moss look thick and strong , no doubt it would easily overpower any normal human. It has huge pad like paws that flex under it weight , tipped with thorn like claws easily the size of your little finger. The claws remind you of the glimpse of teeth you saw in the beasts maw. Again they were like thorns , sharp rose thorns but much bigger then any you have seen and polished white. Deep in thought you manage to notice small firefly's seem to dart around its paws as if drawn in by the beasts strength .

Standing back away from the beast once more as it draws closer and closer to you , drawing your view to meet its eyes once more. You hold your breath as the beast moves to sniff you , its nose has a texture almost like bark..its ears cat like but held back against its head as if it was sensing you a threat. A voice enters your mind , like a whisper centred between your ears. "Do no harm to where you tread." The voice sounds aged with time and yet you cant place a gender or anything besides the fact it sounds strong and powerful. The beast turns from you and brushes itself against you leaving you with a green mark on your chest from the moss. As it walks away you notice that in each paw print it leaves small plants and moss begin to grow. Fireflies follow in its wake except for a few which seem to trail off in another direction. Something deep inside of you urges you to follow the second trailing firefly's and soon you find yourself back on the path , the only thing showing your meeting with the Beast of the glade is the green stain on your clothes from the beasts pelt.

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AstroRey (#125443)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 08:45:30
This one is very interesting!
I love the plant like features you added <3

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Ferian King of Ferus (#102836)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 08:46:31
Thanks! It was fun doing something creative.

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AstroRey (#125443)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 08:55:20
I really need to update the thread XD
Ill be adding all today (probably)

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AstroRey (#125443)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 08:11:54

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silvester (#153710)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 08:35:01
was my entry added? I don't see it up there.

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AstroRey (#125443)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 08:46:45
Hi :)
Im sorry, but the character you drew looks nothing like my alien. I could add it to the list if you want me to, but it wont really participate.

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silvester (#153710)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 14:26:59
oh. i suppose it doesn't really matter whether it's added or not then. sorry..

edit: was the coloring the issue? i can change it if it was

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Edited on 04/04/19 @ 14:44:05 by silvester (#153710)

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