Posted by GB Stock Market (800+)

Sickn3ssX [Clean
Aufeis Felis] (#101327)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-08-12 17:13:56
I've been thinking about this for some time and finally decided to make a post about it
Have you ever bought GB for a certain price, then came back to the sales page to find it was a way lower price? I know I have. And it started making me think of GB sales as a stock market, the highs,,, the lows,,,

My idea is to create a graph that shows the current lowest price, like how google shows what the stock is for the day, over 5 days, 1 month, 6 months, a year, 5 years (which would be the beginning of the site?). I don't think we would need any farther back than a year. I know during certain months GB sales are always super low (1k sb), while other times they can get a lot higher (1.5k sb).
This would help out players who work hard but can't buy gb with real money!

I'm not entirely sure how it would work, it if would take the average low gb for each day, or the highest price, or even the cheapest one for that day (but only for the ones that sold)

For the day stock, it would do it hourly, again, either as the cheapest, the average, or the highest (again, only for the ones that sold)

Please give me suggestions an why you do/don't support!

This suggestion has 888 supports and 67 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/10/21 @ 03:10:09 by Sickn3ssX [Clean Aufeis Felis] (#101327)

Serval (#1933)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-08-20 15:49:26
I can't support due to the fact that a player can do that on their own time mapping out the highs and lows. You stayed yourself the time frames in which months ate higher than others which means it is a learning curve. Coming back to LD after a long hiatus I did not understand when it was highest vs lowest. I made mistakes which in tien lost me profit,however I learned why some months GB is easier to get than others. In the summer is really was because no one is spending money on the holidays this they buy gb which eventually floods the market. People but gb wanting to sell resell if, but if a lot of people have that mentality the price of gb stagnateShaded until it's not as really available

Right now gb is super high in price, so I sell all my gb and stalk the market buying it when it is a bit cheaper to sell it for a little extra. I male sure to turn that profit and buy all gb I can once that market dips. The thing is I carefully calculate it and I watch if I can learn to do it others have the ability to do so as well. I just don't think we should add to what the coders have on their Platte when they could work on such awesome in game features.

I hate to smack down ideas with no positive adding on how it could work just my opinion it is a sim not a stock market :/ it could hinder the players who do play the stock game in the long run to turn a profit but should not be a feature.

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☆ alkaid ! ☆ (#124557)

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Posted on
2019-08-20 16:23:24
Not a bad idea, interesting. I support.
Once I bought gb for 1300 sb then I came back and it was 1000 sb and now it's 1500 sb?? Not cool.

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sparrow (#166791)

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Posted on
2019-08-21 14:18:59
Agree, agree, agree! I cannot for the life of me keep track of GB sales and this would help tremendously when selling or buying GB!

@ Serval

I understand that it may not be necessary to have something like this as it might not benefit those people who can calculate everything by themselves (like you), but users (like me) have trouble buying/selling GB cause we can't/don't know how to calculate everything owo

I've also lost profit to not knowing the lowest/highest prices and stuff, and it just really puts me down.

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Edited on 21/08/19 @ 14:19:59 by Sparrow - Divine (#166791)

[G1 Goridhe Primal]
ausgoth (#45717)

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Posted on
2019-08-23 15:25:52
I looooooove this idea so much.
I would really appreciate being able to see simply, how GB prices are fluctuating.

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Sickn3ssX [Clean
Aufeis Felis] (#101327)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-08-23 15:28:09
I mean mentally I can understand it, but it's hard for me. Being able to see visually where it's at will help me so much

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Lynx (#1885)

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Posted on
2019-08-27 16:08:55
Tertiary me when I say I am not very good at calculations I guesstimate based off of day
2.are people buying things? Christmas/back to school=less likely to purchase gb= decrease gb available which allows for people to buy it and buy it until only expensive gb is left.
3. Will the market suddenly fluctuate? Should I buy that gb set of 20 at 30k or should I hold off due to someone else potentially coming in and dropping the gb value for the day.

I have had my losses where one really dumb decision kept me from buying anything the rest of the day. It was a bummer but I learned from that ;) I think it's a crucial part same when buying certain items get it when it's cheapest and sell it a month or 2 later. Gb just stalk the market because it fluctuates so often that is a huge reason why I'm against it I have seen process go from 1.5k to 1k in the snap of a finger T.T usually that means financial loss for me bit that's why it's a game.

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flyteck [G2 Hibiscus
Frail] (#40496)

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Posted on
2019-09-07 07:47:18
I'm not sure if this would work the way you'd expect it to. The way the GB market fluctuates is based on the need for SB, for the most part. So GB prices drop during wet season and spike during events where SB is used in shops, or during things like last month's long dry season.

So it would be interesting to see, but that being said, if every player had an easy way to check, then it's possible the fluctuations would change or stop. People who realize that prices dip during the long wet season might try to avoid selling GB and only buy, while during months where the prices go up people might only try to sell and not want to buy at all.

I can't say how much of an impact it would have because people can still figure these things out now, but its possible that making the information so easily available to everyone would actually skew the results in the future. It's possible it wouldn't have this effect either, but I think its a possibility and I'm not sure if I really like that. It would make getting GB much harder for people who don't spend money on it.

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coffeebean (#149567)

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Posted on
2019-09-07 15:15:35
I agree with what flyteck said

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rjsunshine (#184968)

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Posted on
2019-09-07 15:52:42
I haven't supported or not supported this idea yet mostly because in theory, I think it's an interesting concept, but I'm not sure how well it would transfer to reality. This is mostly going off the idea that knowing you're being watched affects your behavior... players would be aware that GB trends would be tracked, which may change how the market fluctuates entirely. The current fluctuations aren't problematic-- it's how currency works-- so it would be sort of fixing something that isn't broken and potentially making it worse.

... But then again, nothing could change, too. There's no telling. If this did get accepted as a new implementation, it would be a risk either way that has the chance to not end up being worth it. Just some food for thought for other people who are on the fence like me.

EDIT: Just realized I basically man-splained everything flyteck above me said, woops.

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Edited on 07/09/19 @ 15:53:24 by Sunkeeper (#184968)

Rook (3vit, 2ros,
g1, 1.1k!) (#91384)

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Posted on
2019-09-09 15:19:15
"The Oasis Crash of Interstellar Remnants" Out now

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Little-Coyote (#166259)

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Posted on
2019-10-20 14:40:11
I'm confused about how it would work.

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It's a Paradox (#40791)

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Posted on
2019-10-28 11:05:39
I agree with what Serval/Flytech/Sunkeeper have said and, for this reason, I think we're better off without this.

As it is now, it isn't terribly hard to grab a couple random item/lion/art sales threads, see what people are valuing their SB:GB ratio at (which most people put at the top of their threads) and then check what the trade prices are if your looking to buy from the TC (which you shouldn't; those prices are terrible 90% of the time; stick to threads). I feel like this would be an unnecessary risk to the value of gb (which has stayed at approximately 1200sb:1gb since about 2014 without much fluctuation) when it isn't hard to just quickly look at the approximate price range. It personally takes me about 5 minutes.

If your really that interested in seeing detailed info on how the GB prices fluctuate on a daily/monthly basis - which I doubt most people are and I feel like this thread was made more for the sake of 'I'm kinda curious about that' - maybe just check often, in more detail, and just keep a private chart? Otherwise, gather a bunch of threads up, write down everyone's ratio and decide for yourself what you think their value is and don't budge on that when purchasing things from others unless it's to your benefit. This is what a lot of people do now which is how GB value has stayed so stable.
I really would rather not have GB, potentially, become completely unobtainable for the players who don't pay to play, like a lot of other games, and I feel giving people easy access to this info would cause just that.

tl;dr if you care, figure it out and learn because handing this kind of info out to people on a silver platter is not a good idea. No support

I realize this reply might make me sound like a raging asshole but I really don't know how else to word it while still getting my thoughts across. I'm sorry to anyone who might feel insulted/irritated because of it!

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Edited on 28/10/19 @ 11:25:17 by It's a Paradox (#40791)

Sickn3ssX [Clean
Aufeis Felis] (#101327)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-10-28 16:27:30
I mean not everyone really has the time or memory to be able to do that. It's more for the sake of buying/selling GB rather than doing transactions in which someone only has GB or only SB. It would help players who are unable to pay to play, as they could start making an in-game profit for it

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Pip (G1 Aufeis) (#190556)

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Posted on
2019-12-22 08:19:12
SUPPORT. i literally thought about this exact thing yesterday

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Deixis🐁 (#184153)

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Posted on
2019-12-24 18:00:35
Supporting just because I want it to evolve into investments, and the idea of a lion Wall Street with a bunch of fancy lions lugging beetle bags and monkey personal assistants around to keep track of their portfolio is funny to me.

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