Posted by Lower retirement age (at least for new players)

Shizuka (#24442)

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Posted on
2019-10-17 03:21:44
I really enjoy this game, and one of my favorite aspects about it that makes Lioden so unique is the king system and how your king becomes like your mascot as a player. And even though I caved and bought GB to retire my starter king and customize a new one (and I don't regret it one bit, I love my customized king to bits and plan to keep her appearance for many heirs to come), I would've done so anyway even if my next point were implemented:

I think 15 years minimum retirement age is far too harsh on newer players to wait with their ugly starter kings and should at least be brought down to like 8 years (or perhaps 5 years JUST for new players and their starter king). I believe the long wait makes the game less accessible to new players. (and if I may add, is the biggest complaint I see when trying to get my friends to play and not quit too)

Considering that your king is like your identity in this community, I think new players should be given just a little mercy and not be expected to wait the whole 5 months of daily gameplay just to experience one of the best features of Lioden that makes users feel more like they're a part of this game community filled with fancy looking lions. Of course it's on the user to either buy or breed a pretty looking heir of their choice, but otherwise they shouldn't have to wait so long to move on from their starter lion.

ps. I've done a little bit of skimming through different areas of the forums, especially this suggestion area, and even asked about it in chat, but I haven't seen much of what most people have to say about this topic, so I'm curious about if this has been talked about before, the retirement thing.

This suggestion has 345 supports and 86 NO supports.

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Percy the Ninth (#31767)

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Posted on
2019-10-17 03:31:04
It would make me enjoy this game a bit more if I could do this I won’t lie. It’s pretty frustrating just being stuck with my first King for the long haul when I have nicer heir options waiting and aging (I know I can dodge this issue by using a second account to leave them on, but just having to do that is kinda ridiculous.)

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2019-10-18 13:06:07
No support, sorry. I dont think this could be implemented; considering how admins lowered the started age of newbie kings from 3 years to 2 years, they purposedly want starter kings to stay for a bit longer.

There are lots of ways to earn retiring of your king, you need only to engage yourself in the game. I retired my rolled king within 2 weeks from joining simply selling event items - there is also a lot of various customisation items, that can be earned through gameplay and can be used to make a starter king, into a nice king. All it takes is to play the game.

If everyone can just easily retire their starter kings, the game's difficulty will drastically fall. People will achieve their dream kings far faster and loose interest in the game faster, as well, plus early retirement is a big part of site's GB income, and lowering the age would cut it. Lioden servers cost over 500$ per month - and it's JUST the servers, without any other expenses, Lioden simply cannot cut on paid features as it'd be a risk of not having enough funds to support such big game.

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Shizuka (#24442)

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Posted on
2019-10-18 17:06:54
Thank you for your input and no worries, I welcome nonsupport from the community if it wishes as well. ^_^ I had wondered if early retirement was a large portion of the site's GB income, and it's good to know that is the case.
To make starter kings a more valued part of a new user's experience is a valid intent for the game, I agree. I'd say that pursuit can be implemented into the development of the game alongside, rather than exclusive, to my suggestion.

I cannot think of any game of nearly any format where putting in sufficient effort nets you that highly desired 'pro player' status of having a cool account like everyone else only after no less than five long months of daily gameplay. For most games, the pay-to-win aspect (early retirement with bought GB) earns you significant benefits and progress well within a couple days of gameplay, but to, for example, level grind every day, always gets you to the game's more advanced content within about a month or two. Even lowering down the minimum requirements of gameplay to just logging in every day (rolling over) for five months just to enjoy the benefits of the game's slightly more exclusive content (retiring one's starter king so the player can use a chosen heir for the first time), that kind of gameplay is not truly enjoying the game how it should be enjoyed.

Thus my suggestion, not an argument or complaint to the devs, is to put a limit on how long new players are expected to stick it out for, just to enjoy Lioden to the fullest with its amazing king and heir feature, by only lowering the retirement age a little. I believe that even if the retirement age were lowered as much as to 5 years exclusively for new players, so that they will be expected to play Lioden daily for over a month, players like myself who didn't want to wait more than a week will still buy early retirement, while other players who give it their best shot to play the game for over a month will be given a small reward for their membership.

Since I do not expect drastic changes to gameplay features, however, I personally would find it wonderful enough if the retirement age were lowered to merely 10 or 12 years for a start. It's just that 5 months is well beyond the limit of expectation of new players to stay interested in the game. That negatively affects the accessibility aspect of Lioden for inviting new, long-term members into the community.

Not to compare Lioden to mobile games, but games which use daily login bonuses to suggest a rhythm of implementing that game easily into one's busy lifestyle work with little heavy time investment, but very rarely are in-game exclusive main features withheld from the player on a participation level over a month tbh, because it really isn't, in my humble opinion, reasonable to expect to hold someone's interest in a game for so long before offering them the main content that the game has to offer.

I agree it is very easy to earn GB through participation in the events and selling event loot. Here I would argue however that "diamond currency," or the exclusive currency that any game uses to bring in real world funds, should not ever count as a core aspect of gameplay, even in trading-based games with community-controlled economy. It exists as a boon to gameplay, but gameplay must be able to exist without it. Therefore I believe that it cannot be demanded of players to just find a way to earn their own GB in order to play the game. ^^ That can be expected of SB, the in-game currency, however.

I would respectfully disagree with the belief that people will lose interest in the game after achieving their dream kings because of a few points. The first being that the main issue I see which prompted this suggestion is that people are losing interest in the game because they are stuck with their boring rerolled king while everyone else in the community has an interesting king which they acquired and crowned. It creates a wall between newer players and longtime players, making the newer players feel alienated and less likely to become emotionally invested in making the game a part of their lives. And that leads to an extended feeling of detachment to one's own lioden account until the player loses interest and quits playing the game because simply acquiring a nice looking avatar for their account is too lofty of an investment. The second point being that having a king you like is such a core aspect of lioden gameplay that most players will do the opposite of lose interest in the game, and instead enjoy it with more vigor. The third point being the existence of veteran lioden players who've gone through several generations of heirs, most of which were nice kings they picked themselves, yet the chance to retire their kings and crown their next did not all those times lead them to lose interest in the game.

I believe Lioden is not a game where finally getting your dream king after 5 months is the end goal and then you quit, but rather a game where you should explore the game's aspects as a new player for a short time, then crown your pretty heir, and let the real gameplay start as you get into breeding projects, try to get mutations, enjoy the events to the fullest, and participate in the community with your pretty king as your mascot. At least, for me who bought GB to retire my starter king early, that is how it has been, and I have veteran players to look up to in this community who've been at it for many generations of heirs in their prides, and I am perfectly down for playing for a while into the unforseeable future until I have a couple kings in my dynasty as well. :)

So sorry for the huge walls of text! Just contributing some more of my thoughts to the discussion as they come to me. Thanks again for your thoughts as well! <3

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Edited on 18/10/19 @ 17:08:26 by Shizuka (#24442)

Robin (BLM) - Gen4
Cinnabar (#171993)

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Posted on
2019-10-18 17:25:09
I get where you’re coming from, but customization options through obtaining applicators is also an option that can cut down the time before retirement to achieve having a nice king. It may not be easy, and it would still take some time, but it can be done.
When I joined I definitely jumped at the chance I got to retire early using GB, and I don't regret it, but if I were more patient I would totally just look to use applicators and such to achieve a nice look until I could retire and king a nice heir.
That, and if the true joys of the game couldn't be enjoyed by a player without them having a nice king, I don't think this is the game for them. Aesthetic may play a huge role for players, but not being to have a customized and pretty king for awhile shouldn't be that much of a turn-off imo.

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Luna Amina (#5198)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-10-21 14:50:43
If I may add my 2 cents

I technically first joined way back in 2013. I don't remember much, but I do know that the game didn't hold my attention for very long. I only came back because I saw that my friends were playing it and it looked fun. I had to get a rerolled king as I hadn't touched the game in 6 years. While I have some form of attachment to my king as he shares a name with a character of mine, I can't wait until I can get rid of him in favor of my chosen heir whom is only a few years younger. With each passing day, he gets older and how much time I will have with him as king is getting narrower. As my next king, he is perfect for me. Far more handsome and double the stats. I do enjoy the game, but some things can suck the fun out of it and make it a little more tedious than it needs to be. The 5 month wait to boot your old king being one of them

My issue with GB earning and applicators is that you can't expect new players to know this right off the bat. I didn't until I saw it brought up. A new player comes in with next to no knowledge of the game, while a veteran or longstanding player would know a considerable amount. Some people, like myself, like to stick to a small trusted group of individuals to talk to and avoid talking to the wider community out of fear of trolls and less than friendly individuals. I'd rather stick to the safe few, rather than risk being chased away from the game

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Wychglade (#165875)

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Posted on
2019-10-21 15:19:40
Interesting! I'm currently on my starter king, started playing in December, ended up getting distracted by life in January and only came back this month and really jumped into the game so to say, so I've 4~ months left with my dude... I've also on my return decided I really like Primals, in fact ideally I'd like to crown a Primal boy next time. I do think that with the shorter time I'd probably not have figured this out, plus with only a month I've still not yet found a boy I really like enough to want to retire Terraria, what I have done is throw myself in with the event bases and applicators which I think (one of the charms of this game) are easily available to any player.

I think a later retirement date, than five years at least, also helps you dig around and have a look to see what you like on the game, plus as others have pointed out it keeps GB up for those who are wanting to spend on that (I'd rather spend far too much GB on buying lionesses I don't need and breeding to super nice studs in the hope that maybe I'll get something like them to keep for my heir), but wanting to change up my stud and having a look on the Wiki at the bases available this month has had me really invested in getting those blood beetles, I just hope next month doesn't have something I like more looks wise, also hoping I get enough blood beetles before we end to get another couple of event marking applicators...

I do think that it maybe having it slightly lower to say, ten years? Just for this first guy would not be the worst idea, you've had time to fiddle about with the game, get into and decide actually yeah this is really what I want, plus you're (hopefully!) invested enough that even though you've got that fancier King you're still doing other things such as breeding projects, really into exploring, beetle battles or what have you. However if I have this guy for five months so be it, I have enjoyed seeing how even though my levels rising up and up the battles are still becoming a bit easier what with the stat increase and perhaps just learning fight techniques? Although talking on exploring actually maybe early retirement would be best, then I can finally get someone with decent stats in and get earning more territory!

I will add though even if I couldn't have changed my King with applicators and he was still just a pretty ugly gold boy it wouldn't have really took anything away? I can still play the game, I just don't really want to use my King as a stud, in which case I bought a few GB (paying a tiny portion towards this server upkeep ;-) ) for using other peoples nice studs, which seems a big part of the game to me, acquiring good looking breeding outside of your own!

Sorry about the big wall of text that doesn't perhaps really add anything, I'll also add it's not really a support or a no support, I think the premise is alright but could maybe do with some tweaking.

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Polaris (#24909)

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Posted on
2019-12-15 09:10:28
No support at all for the reasons at all. Plus, then newbs would be so much more entitled. It's already bad enough.

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Jackalope (#241873)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2022-02-02 11:43:50
I agree with makeing it 5 years for your starter lion, I am i the same situation as Luna Amina and have a sub male that I would like to be able to breed, (I love his markings so I want him to be my lion king) but if I wait the 15 years for my starter king to to be retired he will only be able to be king like 2-3 years. Every day I wait to either earn SB (To buy reroll) or wait for him to get to the age I can retire him for free my heir gets older.

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Edited on 02/02/22 @ 11:50:34 by Sky (#241873)

Reset (#219558)

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Posted on
2022-02-02 11:48:23

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Edited on 26/02/22 @ 08:25:23 by Vinny ♥ G2 Pie ♥ (#219558)

Jackalope (#241873)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2022-02-02 11:55:26
Really the only thing I dont like about this game is the king. I love Wolvden and it is almost the same rules for retiring your lead, but at least you can actually create your lead the way you like and choose a max of 4 markings of your choice, exept for some like Merle and Cross.

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Before (#25066)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-02-02 17:47:51
I agree for a new player-only early retirement, but not for anyone else. A month of play seems fair - impatient people will still buy GB to crown an heir even earlier than that, so I don’t think it would affect GB sales too much. I suspect the biggest GB sink is when people stat-replace, heritage-replace, etc., anyway.

My 2 cents on how I started: I loved my starter king and kept him as long as I could - using the Primordeal Spring to age him down, even. But I know my case isn’t universal, and truth be told passing the throne from one lion to another is the thing that makes me so interested in this site. I don’t think that feature should be locked behind 5 straight months of play or a real-money currency. After the first king, you’re free to king old lions and change kings more often, but you don’t have that choice when you start out.

So yeah, I think newbies should have some leeway if they’re not in love with their starter.

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Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2022-02-06 04:24:21
Sky - Your heir would be around 13yo when your current male retires - so he would be aged down to 8yo. Leaving him with at least 7 years of ruling

Besides - all the markings (but one) your heir has are applicable through applicators from Oasis. Base is too. That would be 23gb all togheter. Sell at least 230 Heart Shells (February currency) for GB and you have your dream king. There you go. But really you can't see most of his markings so probably you would need much less GB to change your king's appearence to something you like.

February is the best to earn quick GB but almost every month has something desirable in event shop.

I'm glad that I had to wait that long (5 months that is) to retire my starter kings. It gave me time to learn the game. And to find a balance between what I like and what's desirable. Also what is the best strategy? There is a lot of choices and which ones are better as one time thing for few breedings (aka outside studs) and which are better for MY king/queen? Remember that regardless of the time your starter king retires you will be stuck with your chosen heir for next 5 months. So why not make sure that you won't regret it?

Plus - what have been already said - in almost every event shop (I think that even in EVERY shop) there are event applicators. You can make your king pretty before you decide on heir. In January event shop there is Primal MOD. You can make your king primal without retiring him!

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Edited on 06/02/22 @ 04:29:44 by Magnituda [G1 Bushveld 8BO] (#200075)

usNHR (#256680)

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Posted on
2022-04-03 12:56:28
I have no way of getting GB and I really don't like my starter king so I think it should be lower

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Khajiit {G1 Leonid
Magpie} (#68800)

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Posted on
2022-05-07 11:41:02
No support.

It is easy to get GB by buying and selling event items or by collecting Monkey Teeth and selling them (find a buyer, buy the app they want from the Gorilla and boom, GB). You can also buy GB you need for retirement by collecting sb and buying in the GB sales. And you can get event apps to use on your king and make him nice while you wait to retire him.

And it all boils down to what Mad Hyena said - you can easily get it if you play the game. I myself started in 2015 in August, by October I already had more than enough GB to retire my king, buy a good heir and also customize him if I wanted to. In October I got the base app from event and had that king for years until I decided to move to different base genetics. And I bought GB only twice in all the time I spent here, which is going into 7 years by now and with only very short breaks due to school/work.
There is no need for changing the retirement age for kings of newbies at all. Just play the game like everyone else, this is not a pay to win game.

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Aries (#281232)

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Posted on
2022-06-06 20:21:06
I agree! I still have my starter king but I have two heirs that will grow old before having any Cubs! It’s very annoying because one is a achro mutation so I agree to making the time shorter for starter kings

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