Posted by ~Free to join RP~

Khoshekh [Side] (#69056)

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2020-03-18 17:01:58
What is this?
A free-for-all roleplay of sorts. You can simply join and slowly build upon the story as the roleplay goes on. No need to send your characters in or anything, we can describe them or post pictures of them as we go.


I. No mary sues, powerplay, godmodding or metagaming.
II. Mind Lioden's roleplay rules regarding mature content and keep this as pg-13 as possible.
III. You can use any characters you want to use. Canon or OC, doesn't matter. Just be mindful with the powers of certain Canon characters who may be considered OP.
IV. (( )) for OOC, "" for dialogue, no symbols for actions.
V. Semi-lit to literate or above, no one-liners.

OOC Thread:



Like two beacons in the darkness, the eyes of the blue-skinned man opened suddenly. They glowed, giving out a dim, orange light. It wasn't enough to light up the place, but it made him apparent in the blackness. The shock of the sudden cold now embracing his body must've brought him back from slumber, and it didn't take long before he quickly got up from the snow. It was nighttime, it seemed. He was unsure of what time, exactly-- How long had be been here? Where had he been before? These were only two among the many, many things he did not remember about himself. But one thing was for sure... It was cold as hell out here, and he didn't like that.

The Awoken quietly stepped through these unknown woods, struggling a bit as his feet sank into the snow. He found himself leaning against a tree for support after a small while. He felt... tired, his breathing heavy. It formed a cloud of mist with each exhale. It fogged up his vision a little, but even the littlest of misty breaths was enough to burden him, seeing how dark and difficult the area around him was. "Where... Where am I?" he mumbled out to himself, not expecting a response at all. "Ghost?... Are you with me?" he asked shortly after, unsure why his small... friend?, hadn't popped up yet.

I havent written this much in ages oop

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Edited on 20/03/20 @ 09:35:08 by Derelyct (#69056)

Wintersolstice (#38121)

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2020-03-18 21:11:04
Meanwhile, another male was waking up as well.. a little further into the snow covered forest. He was a rather short guy- covered head to toe in black robed attire. A signature trade mark of a dark mage- and the pointed ears sticking out from fluffy, maroon colored hair the mark of an elf. The pale man let out a small groan- before opening his green eyes- simply staring up into the darkness and the tree tops. His breath was visable as he wheezed and rolled over onto his side.. sore from.. well, whatever brought him to this place. Snow stuck to his eyelashes as he wobbled to his feet- the guy coming to an oh so intimidating 4'11". His entire body ached as he slowly took a step forwards.. great. This was gonna be a long day.

For the first time he came to realize- his stuff was missing. He thought, perhaps, that this could have been the result of some misfired spell but.. that wouldn't just cause an up and disappearance of his satchel and other items would it? Hell, now that he thinks about it, he couldn't even quite place where he.. came from. His name, his items- all things he could easily remember but.. this place? Nothing came to mind. Even when he tried to think about his old home everything was all.. foggy. It was just giving him a headache. If matters couldn't get worse- he could hear footsteps approaching him. He would just.. have to prepare himself for anything.

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DragonBoss (#185656)

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2020-03-18 21:26:59
Deeper in the dark forest a non human stretches opening his one blue eye he came to realize he covered in leaves he shakes his black fur finally taking notice to his surrounding "What th-"he say half way before being interrupted by a howl in his panic he climbs the tree closest to him.But the tree was weak and couldn't handle the big, tall demon and it fell under his weight he groaned in pain than the cold hit him in the face he curses under his breath why couldn't he have been born with fur on his face his paws go to touch his cold white face than turning his attention to surviving he sighs and walk deeper into the snowy forest hoping to find someone who can help him.

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Edited on 18/03/20 @ 21:38:29 by DragonBoss (#185656)

Khoshekh [Side] (#69056)

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2020-03-19 04:09:15
As the alien-looking man began to quietly attempt to continue walking despite feeling weak and tired, he froze as he heard noise coming from nearby. Like steps? His sensitive hearing picked those up, and the howl that sounded shortly after was also amplified by his heightened senses. It was loud enough to actually hurt his ears a little. He let out an audible groan, quickly raising his hands from the tree and falling against the trunk instead. He pressed his hands against his ears to block out any more possible noise, teeth bared in pain. What the actual hell was that?!, he thought, scrambling to stand properly shortly after.

He intended to try and approach the stepping noises he heard, but now, the Awoken was more so considering the escape option. And soon enough, he took off, forcing his currently frail body to run. If struggling to hop through the snow and trying not to fall with each heavy, energy-consuming step could be considered running at all.

It wouldn't be long before he fell on to the snow yet again, his body giving up to the cold and the weakness that overwhelmed him.

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DragonBoss (#185656)

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2020-03-19 13:04:19
Sadly the non human doesn't find anyone but trees so he start randomly screaming he kept screaming till he tired himself out he than proceed to pass out. Far from him was a white bird with a shocked expression she than proceed to fly over to a branch closes to the demon and checks on him "he probably passed out from lack of oxygen",she mutters to herself before sighing to herself this gonna be a long night she thought.

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Wintersolstice (#38121)

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2020-03-19 13:21:40
All of the sudden noises around him were.. alarming. The howl of wolves in the distance- the screaming from the opposite direction. It was all very overwhelming and only really made his headache worse. He instinctively went to reach for his staff- his hands only instead grabbing at air. Thats right.. he was without weaponry. Many would laugh at the usage of a staff as a weapon- but even with the amplifying of magic that it provided.. metal HURTS when you bash it against someone's head. Ah well, he'd have to make due for now. Muttering under his breath- the man casted a simple spell. "Ignis." A small ball of firey light appeared in front of the boy- beginning to swirl around him. It didn't provide much light considering its size and the lack of a magic amplifier but.. it provided enough to at least see what was in front of him.

Thus he began his trek further- feet sinking into the snow and causing his pants to cling to his leg. It was at least a good few inches deep- and came to above the short man's ankles. He cursed under his breath as he continued- only to be startled by the sound of much quicker footsteps in another direction. How many people were out here? He took his chances- following the sound of however seemed to be running.. generally from the direction of the wolves. He didn't want to be caught up in.. whoever or whatever was closer. If someone else was scared.. it was probably a better bet than running to whoever brought him out here. So.. he took off. It didn't take him long to come to a clearing- though his lungs ached from the running.. unable to bring in too much air with how cold it was out here. It just stung his lungs more.

Honestly, only his adrenaline is what kept his small and frail body going. He sank to his own knees when he found whoever it was that was.. running before. The creature had fallen into the snow it seemed- exhausted from the running. He could honestly claim he was the same but.. that surely wasn't the safest thing right? This guy was strange too- the grey skin and all. He simply gestured with his hand to the body.. its breathing was weak. It took him a moment to realize whoever it was.. was well, still alive. Though he figured his small fireball could help warm the body. At least until he could figure out what was going on. He simply moved to lean up against a tree and rest. If that wolf came for them now.. or that person that was following him earlier- he probably wouldn't be able to put up with much of a fight. A tired, weakened elven mage- and a stranger who was passed out cold.. what a fight they would provide.

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DragonBoss (#185656)

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2020-03-19 13:30:10
The non human wake up looking around quickly his eye froze on the she bird in front of him he than proceed to scream so loud the bird non existing ear almost bleed she raise her wing to her beak the non human doesn't notice and continue to scream and passing out again the she bird groans but stays because she know he wont survive without her and because from what she seen him do he lucky he still live in this forest.

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Khoshekh [Side] (#69056)

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2020-03-19 13:54:17
He was still somewhat conscious, although definitely not in condition to actually move. The screams were distant enough not to torture him further, but whatever muscles hadn't given out from the exhaustion definitely recoiled a bit at the noises. Gods, he did not want to know what was happening out there at all.

He was about to simply give it up and allow himself to drift away in his tiredness, hoping his Ghost was still functional and would bring him back to life the moment he passed so he could finally just push onward and find shelter, when the noise of steps grabbed his attention. He summoned whatever strength he had left to stay awake, to try and focus once more on what was coming ever closer to him.

His eyes slowly opened, once again casting a faint orange light on to the snow, as he tried to glance at the other person-- or thing-- that had arrived to his location. Maybe running and making a ruckus wasn't the best idea, but given the distant screams? Perhaps it was his best attempt at escaping alive without having to struggle too much against the wolves or whatever was howling away beforehand. He felt something begin to slowly warm him up. Admittedly, it was comforting, but he wasn't sure he could trust this other stranger, who he could barely even make out in the darkness.

After a small while, he slowly tried to raise himself up from the snow using his arms, only to collapse back into the figure his body carved in the snow. "Who... who is there?" His quietly toned voice croaked out, eyes momentarily falling on the small orb of fire that warmed his freezing body.

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DragonBoss (#185656)

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2020-03-19 14:20:32
The non human eye flutters open" what who are you ?" he ask the she bird who rolls their red eyes "finally got some common sense after all the screaming and fainting well I am Rose and you are?"the she bird said the non human titled his head at Rose "I am Alistor where am I?" he questions the bird Rose sighs " I don't know I woke up here than heard your screaming" she spoke clearly agitated by his questions.

Alistor stood up and gesture to Rose to follow "Come on let find some shelter it too cold for a bird like you" he spoke softly Rose snorts "really than what about you"she say sarcastically Alistor raise his one brow and gesture to his black fur clearly not understanding her sarcasm the two creatures head off deeper into the snowy forest.

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Wintersolstice (#38121)

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2020-03-19 14:25:13
He watched as the stranger slowly regained his strength- he even watched as the stranger attempted to raise himself out of the snow, only to fall back down into it. His green eyes locked on the stranger, who seemed to be simply staring at his fireorb. It was taking quite a bit of energy from him just to keep that thing going, but it would be worth it, wouldn't it? Some time had passed- and he had at least managed to catch his breath at this point. His anxiety was through the roof but.. if the stranger was awake than that was a good sign right? Maybe they weren't doomed to die after all. The maroon-haired elf inched his way closer to the stranger again. He wasn't fully aware of the fact this could be seen as suspicious- everything that was happening around him was crazy in the first place. Ah well, surely the stranger would realize he was no threat in time.

" Hey, hey. Calm down. You need to rest, if you're feeling anything like me- your body will thank you for it. " He had finally found himself closer to the stranger again- his features probably illuminated by the small flames at this point. God it was cold without that fire. He was.. happy to be closer to it- even if it didn't provide much warmth. He was cold.. and wet. From the melted snow. " The name is Ortaja, if you have to know. I could ask you the same question. Now that you're.. alive I guess? I have so many questions, though I get the feeling you don't know the answer to them either. Well, considering your running and collapse or what not. You seem.. scared. As scared as I am. Which, frankly, is a surprisingly good sign. " He knew he wasn't the most.. expressive guy. He wasn't shaking- well out of fear anyway. He was more shivering from the cold. He was just.. used to locking his feelings inside. Figures he probably didn't come across as being very scared but.. he was terrified none the less.

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DragonBoss (#185656)

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2020-03-19 14:38:32
As Alistor and Rose went further in to the forest they stumble upon a abandon house Rose hums as Alistor walk toward the house window checking it out suddenly his paws cause him slip he screams and faints on the poach Rose sigh as walk over to the side of Alistor "Really how clumsy are you?"Rose questions.

Rose walk to the door and open it with ease even though she doesn't have hands she than proceed to drag the unconscious body of Alistor into the living room she drops his foot panting "dang Alistor lose some weight why don't you" Rose whispered sarcastically to herself than flop on the floor taking breath of relief before standing up to close the door Rose walks over to a chair and flops on it closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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Khoshekh [Side] (#69056)

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2020-03-19 15:07:33
With the orb's light, Ortaja would've also been able to make out the Awoken's features. His hair seemed to be in a half-and-half style, with one side of his face having the longer part of his raven hair draped over his face slightly while the other side remained awfully short, but not entirely shaved off. Also, the long part of his hair seemed to be starting to turn gray. Perhaps from age? There was also a sort of marks on his face, on his nose's bridge and angled from his nose and over his cheeks. Seemed like just some sort of tribal tattoo though. However, his skin, apart from the gray tone, had a sort of odd, flowing glow to it... It was hard to describe. Like, the rippling of shaken water? It was mystical in a way. Whatever this man was, he had magic in him for sure.

He allowed himself to lay there after the other spoke. Not that he really had any other choice given the circumstances. The man was silent for a moment after the other spoke, just trying to focus still. He wasn't entirely warmed up, but whatever heat was available from the ball, it was helping even if just a little bit.

Though when the elf asked for his name, the guardian found himself in a bit of a problem. He'd been brought back for the first time only a small while ago, and the memories from his original life were completely gone. He didn't know who he was, or what he did before he died. However, he had heard the other guardians scream a name when they saw him. Before they attacked and killed him, over and over. He did not know if that is who he was, but even if it wasn't, that was the only response that the Awoken could give the elf. "...Uldren. My name is Uldren." The man replied, although he didn't sound so sure. "I don't- I don't know what is happening. I don't know how I-" he paused for a second, "I don't know how I got here... I'm afraid." The last bit honestly sounded more like a guilty acceptance of the fact he was, in fact, scared shitless of this situation rather than a normal statement. Let's be honest, he found this to be embarassing and just a whole lot more vulnerability than he would appreciate showing anybody at all.

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Edited on 19/03/20 @ 15:22:50 by Derelyct (#69056)

Wintersolstice (#38121)

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2020-03-19 15:31:55
Ortaja's looks weren't.. the conventional means of attractive. His elven heritage was certain due to the very pointed ears- but otherwise he didn't seem to sport many of the common features of his species. He was scrawny, sure, but he was by no means tall or elegant. His hair wasn't the classic blonde- nor was it long and kept in fancy braids and attire. Instead his hair was naturally the maroon color it showed. It was rather messy- and only came down to about chin length but.. it was fluffy at the very least. It appeared soft to touch. His facial features were almost the exact opposite of soft. The dark circles under his worn green eyes.. his features as sharp as his usual expression. He was pale- very pale.. the long gashing scar that went from his ear, down his neck, and to his collar bone was rather obvious due to that factor. Though another obvious trait of an elf did exist in him- he was completely clean shaven despite being an obvious young adult.. even despite his height being that of perhaps a childs when it came to elven standards. Of course, elves did not naturally grow facial hair.. or hair at all apart from eyebrows and the hair on their head.

Yet, for Ortaja anyway, it seemed to work. His appearance was his appearance.. and he wasn't going to change that. He clearly appeared to slave away for nights. Brushing his wild fluffy hair wasn't high on his list of priorities. Though Uldren.. as he called himself certainly had his own.. charm to his appearance. Ortaja could only really swallow.. the stranger was, funnily enough, strangely attractive to him. Though that was likely more due to the interest in his almost magical nature- and not necessarily any sort of romantic attraction. More just.. an intrigue in his newfound companion and.. whatever the hell he was. He never saw anything of his type- but it sure was beautiful. The magic portion of him, anyway. The odd rippling that would scare many others simply put Ortaja at ease. It was unfamiliar form of magic- but at the same time magic was something he studied.. something he could come to terms of understanding even if not yet. Therefore.. it was familiar in a way- and a calming one none the less. This even Ortaja knew about himself- his mage abilities and type.. even if he didn't quite remember his home.

" Yeah, uh- I'm in the same boat as you are really. I don't know whats going on either.. nor do I know how I got here. I thought maybe one of my spells went awry? I don't think thats the case though, all my stuff is gone. My satchel- my staff. All gone- vanished into thin air or.. stolen from me I suppose. I guess thats a possibility but I'd rather not have to go hunt someone down for a useless staff and scrolls. If you aren't.. attuned to them like I am anyway. " He gave a very.. shaky smile- an attempt at being comforting. Social efforts weren't exactly his strong suit by any means. Running a hand through his hair and out of his eyes he gave a small hum. " I like your name though, Uldren. Holds a sort of weight to it. Nice to fall off the tongue. Thats.. a weird statement but you.. get my point I'm sure. " Ortaja takes the moment to glance around in the darkness again. Everything had fallen silent since his conversation with Uldren.. he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not..

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DragonBoss (#185656)

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2020-03-19 15:37:36
Alistor eye open he slowly scans the room he spot a sleeping figure on a chair he quickly realized it was Rose he stretches before standing up he than noticed the fireplace a nice fire was going "that wasn't there before must been Rose " he reassured himself before walking over to the red she bird Alistor eye scanned the resting she bird hearing soft chirps coming from her he chuckles than proceed to lay on the floor trying to recall what happened before he woke up in the forest a flash of memory came to him he stood up quickly "NO"he shout angry Rose woke up and quickly stood up " IT MUST OF BEEN HER SHE BROUGHT ME HERE!" he shouted Rose than whisper "who ? Alistor went silent "no one"he said with no emotion and sits on the floor.

Rose than sits beside him "guess you don't want to talk about it so I'll just thank you for lighting up the fireplace"Rose said gently Alistor turned to her confused "I didn't light the fireplace" he whispered Rose face turn into to confusing "Hello Alistor"a voice spoke Alistor quickly stood up and turned to the direction of the voice but he saw noone he turned to Rose but she wasn't there and the fire was no longer going Alistor eye widen" ROSE !?"he screamed confused than laughter was heard all around the room Alistor ran out of the house in panic "ROSE" he yells worried for his feather friend.

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Wintersolstice (#38121)

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2020-03-19 18:01:41
(( As a side note- I realize my wording could be taken very wrong for Ortaja even though I tried to bystep that.. He is by no means attracted to Urlden in a romantic or anything manner. While I am a sucker for romance, and I wouldn't mind it should you want to take that route as Ortaja has no preference in gender for his partners... granted he's never had one... it wasn't really what I was intending. Its more of just a set up for a statement I'm gonna make later that gives my boy a reason to travel with yours and keep the rp going. well.. other than poor dragonboss who is just doing his own thing right now. XD He's just.. not very socially adapted nor a very normal character so I felt the weird wording would suit him best ahah. c; Hopefully I haven't weirded you out or anything by it. ))

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Khoshekh [Side] (#69056)

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2020-03-19 18:30:10
Uldren was definitely perplexed by the other man's appearance at first. Not because he found him beautiful or ugly-- he'd just never seen such a... particular "human" before. Not that he could recall at all. Because where he came from, creatures such as elves did not exist at all. Same went for this magic stuff he was talking about. Staffs? Scrolls? All Uldren knew were guns, magic used in the form of grenades and, in the case of guardians, their Charged Light abilities. But who knows, really? Uldren wasn't all too sure of how long he was dead for before his Ghost brought him back, he could've seen such a creature or such magic before and just not remember he did so. Either way, 'What are you' and 'what are you talking about' were questions that are not high on his list of priorities at this moment.

He carefully turned himself around to lay on his back, breathing slowly now that he was calmer than before he collapsed. Uldren stared emptily at the night sky above. It didn't look like it, but his focus was on the man's words. "This is bizarre..." He spoke, before looking back toward the other. "I'm not sure what happened... At all." After that, he was quiet for a bit, before giving the elf a slightly awkward but well intending smile. "Um. Thank you. You have a, uh... pretty name too." Uldren stated, definitely showing that he wasn't great at the whole social thing either. He was used to getting attacked on sight, after all. Speaking of which... he was wondering where the wolves went. Had there been wolves at all?... He was not sure. "We should probably find shelter soon."

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Edited on 19/03/20 @ 18:45:33 by Derelyct (#69056)

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