Posted by BEAU | 7xRos Ely 1st gen 9k Slender | CLOSED

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2020-04-16 05:47:17

Feel Beau's Stunning Strike!

H A P P Y _ H O L I D A Y S !
Hullo all! This here is Beauregard - 9k stat g1 Slender and 7x Rosette Elysian and my pride n joy. Usually Beau is a private stud - however late this December (date TBA) she'll be open to the public for one day! Plan your pon heats accordingly ;3

Annnd done!
The final 2021 tally's something like five pons, four Ferus, two quads, two nigh-quads, and her stat record was beaten not once, not twice but three times (and always by a Ferus)! And her stud slots were gone in four hours! Unfortunately I'm not offering traditional studdings anymore, I'm tired, it's been a day <3

Curious about how this hot piece of tail came to be? See her RMA log/levelling history here!


9800+ stats | Heritageless Slender | Elysian Base | Royal Ebony | Dawn


Slot 1: Noctis Soft Rosette (69%)
Slot 2: Inverted Rosette Saffron (1%)
Slot 3: White Crackle (69%)
Slot 4: Noctis Pelage (100%)
Slot 5: Almond Soft Unders (69%)
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (69%)
Slot 7: Noctis Soft Rosette (100%)
Slot 8: Celestial Speckles (100%)
Slot 9: Feline 5 Noctis (100%)
Slot 10: Noctis Heavy Rosette (100%)
Slot 11:Noctis Soft Rosette (69%)
Slot 12: Inverted Rosette White (1%)
Slot 13: White Mottled Vents (100%)


I reserve the right to decline any request - namely if I suspect you are studding on behalf of blocked users, are blocked on my main or I just don't vibe. I do not mind passing up on stud requests for my peace of mind! Thank you for understanding <33
➤ Stud fee is 30
    → At this point the stud fee is heavily influenced by her being a nigh-10k stat G1, but all the other BO traits also contribute to her price. Price is non-negotiable.
➤ The public roll will occur on a specific date - rolling a statter takes up a lot of a day, so I need to plan half my week accordingly!
  → Public Roll:?? of December
➤ Only accepts females above 20% fertility
➤ Again, Beau is a PRIVATE stud 90% of the time! If you send a request any day but her December roll, I will reject it.
➤ If out of slots, I'll Bullrush if there's enough interest. However, if she gets down to traditional studdings I'll be charging an extra 4gb - to both cover the IBF and the time put into making sure all items are applied correctly. That's time not spent levelling y'know!
    → I won't deal with the hassle of reserving slots - first come first serve!
➤ Reminders:
    → As of 9.8k stats, when paired with NCLs, most of the resulting cubs are in the 1140-1250 stat range, with a few outliters! Pairing her with a statty NCL seems capable of producing 1300+ stat cubs!
    → In my testing, Rosettes seem to pass ~1-1.5% of the time if the corresponding slot is empty, ~0.5-1% of the time if it's full on the other lion, and it seems like something above 1.5% if both have the same Rosette in the same slot.
    → Marking Opacity has exactly no effect on how marks pass. The 1% marks will past just fine, I just hate how they mess up her blue look XD
    → Leopons can pass Mottled Rosette like a normal mark even if they do not have it, but are bred to a stud that does.
    → Piebald rolls before Lion Scrotum, so it may overwrite possible DUs/Dwarves/etc!


➤ If paying with items, please send them and then send a request using her 325sb fee. I'll refund it!
    → If you have NOT paid in items and try to slip by using the sb fee, I will likely not be amused and reserve the right to block you. The sb fee is only for those who have paid in items, period!
➤ Item payments are subject to change as needed! Current studding to item exchanges are guesstimates.
➤ If mixing and matching, just calculate how much I'm valuing items at and make sure it adds up to 25! (Say, any of the 2x items are 12.5gb, Dove Feasts are 0.625gb each, Feet are 0.25gb each, and so on)

➤ For one studding (~25gb value):

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Edited on 01/02/22 @ 08:35:43 by Agryo [Private Stud] (#70050)

vermax [frozen] (#55441)

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Posted on
2021-12-05 01:18:34
I have a question... if I wanted to stud to Beau when you roll on the 15th, paying in GB, could I send the request the night before to be accepted once you roll? I'd love to breed a high stat NCL (maybe with Mukombero), so I wouldn't need to do anything fancy

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Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2021-12-05 03:55:52
Yep! A very reasonable strategy to ensure you get a spot - I used to see that done a lot with my last (cheaper/less unique) statter ^^

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vermax [frozen] (#55441)

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Posted on
2021-12-05 11:14:24
Thanks! I'm definitely going to be studding to Beau this year. Just got to figure out who it's gonna be!

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Felinea (#226358)

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Posted on
2021-12-06 00:47:14
do you think she's a good lioness to stud to beau?
i also bought this girl to stud to beau, i will boost her so you can breed her, is there a minimum fertility value? and do you think shes a good fit also?
sorry i really want to do this right XD and what items would you recommend if its okay to ask?
i know i am being a bit annoying maybe, sorry again XD its just beau is so stunninnnng i wanna grab my chance to have one of her babies and not let it go XD

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Edited on 06/12/21 @ 01:05:27 by Felinea [Poop Me!] (#226358)

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2021-12-06 16:44:36
Minimum fert is 20%! ^^ I'd say the gon might be an okay fit, but p l e a s e don't use the double Rosette lioness, the cubs would be worth next to nothing compared to what would be spent on breeding them. The gon has decent odds for a clean gon with BOs + a Rosette if you Gnaw one.

The usual go-tos to maximize a hybrid breeding apply: Buffalo Scrotum, and use some items to ensure tasty valuable traits pass (in this case, Opal Saltlick on Beau's eyes and Ochre Gnawrock on one of her Rosettes - a multi-Rosette hybrid would be more suited to getting high quality cubs, buut natural doubles are still nice). Hope that helped a bit!

Sorry for the late reply, it's finals + I'm graduating next semester so I'm applying for grants/poking prospective labs + my research project just kicked into high gear. I'm very busy and might not have time for in-depth advice!

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Felinea (#226358)

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Posted on
2021-12-06 18:19:50
dont worry! please answer on your own time and if possible/if you want to :3
i thought the 2x ros would help me with better chances at a 4xros, i am actually thinking of kinging a 4xros next but cant buy one yet, so thats why, and i dont have any gnaws ,_, (i'll try to get some tho!) ill pay for the studs with event currency so im griding this event like crazy XD so it wont be thaaat expeeeensive, idk
bc the gon has no rosettes and the chance of having a hybrid is still too small so i prob wont get any hybrids, so im aiming more at the rosettes if it makes sense? bc a 4xros is still worth like 300gb :v
i mean if you could accept the 2xros girl i would be very glad :v i will obviously pay for both if there are enough slots :v
and good luck with your irl academic goals! <3

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Edited on 06/12/21 @ 18:23:35 by Felinea [Poop Me!] (#226358)

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2021-12-06 19:06:02
Ok, so without a pon + two Gnaws, the odds of a quad are ludicrously low. As noted in the thread, Rosettes pass at best 1.5% of the time if not Gnaw'd / Mott if a pon is involved. So if you want a natural quad, that's 1.5% x 1.5% x 1.5% x1.5%, ideal circumstances, which isss a 0.000005% chance per cub. Given these aren't ideal circumstances, it would probably be lower in reality ;; (this is back of the napkin math I gotta go take care of supper, apologies)

Every quad I've bred (must be at least half a dozen by now) has been bred with at least a double Rosette pon (Mott + another Rosette) bred to at least a double Rosette stud (Mott + another) with a least another Rosette between the two (so, day, a double x a triple ros pon). Then you Gnaw one non-Mott Rosette on each parent, hope for the 75% Mott pass rate and pray an extra, non-Gnaw'd Rosette passes (which is still fairly low).

You're more than welcome to use the double Rosette if your heart is set on it, I'm just trying to save you money that could go towards actually buying a quad or breeding one more effectively ^^; I'd feel really bad for you to pay 25gb to stud, only to get maybe one cub with a single Rosette ;;

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Edited on 06/12/21 @ 19:09:05 by Agryo [Private Stud] (#70050)

Felinea (#226358)

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Posted on
2021-12-06 20:48:45
ohhh now i get it, thank you so much for taking the time to explain! it does make sense
ill def stud the gon to beau then. again, thank you so much for taking the time :3
just 3 last questions (and im sorry if im saying/asking too much, please feel free to tell me to stop and i will): mottled rosette pass rates are higher for pons?
and does it make a difference which rosette i gnaw (like maybe one is more valuable?)
and should i use a mutation item on my gon? i know it doesnt increase hybrid chances but idk :v

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⭑ G1 FRAIL 1K+
ESKER RLC (#148878)

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Posted on
2021-12-08 06:43:59
Hello! Was wondering about this lioness as a candidate for studding?

I’m not looking for anything exactly king worthy- just some pretty lions to breed!

And how do you feel about double uterus being studded as well?

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Edited on 08/12/21 @ 06:45:36 by ⭑ busy patrolling (#148878)

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2021-12-10 18:23:05
Been busy in the lab!

- yep, pons treat Mott like a normal marking!
- if you're just Gnawing one? Not really. If multiple, people prefer matching combos (say Soft+Heavy of the same color, or two Heavies, etc.).
- probably not imo!

- like I said to Felinea, a double Rosette is probably not going to get your money's worth ^^; Beau's fee is 25gb, and you're unlikely to see that value in the litter! You're more than welcome to use her anyways if you like the scries or are gunning for clean, long-ish heritage muties, but I'd personally advise to use a cheaper stud for her!
- I don't mind DUs at all! Anything goes, if I'm down with you getting a slot you can throw anything at her n hope it sticks! Pie might overwrite Lion Scrotum if you're trying for DUs, though.

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⭑ G1 FRAIL 1K+
ESKER RLC (#148878)

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Posted on
2021-12-13 10:37:02
Goodness so excited for roll >:D

who would you think would yield more pleasing cubs? ive come to a cross rode when deciding which one to use!

both have the same gen but one has more BO than the other? and then with base genetics ehhh im not a pro!

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❅ Cara {G1 Bandit
RLC} (#213780)

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Posted on
2021-12-13 10:40:26
Hi Aggy! Just wanted to ask if you're gonna use egg yolks/dove feasts on the 15th, and if so, would it be possible for you to accept requests after getting stat boosts from those?

I will be using this Lady btw

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Edited on 13/12/21 @ 10:41:03 by ❧ Cara {G2 Albino F5L, QR} (#213780)

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2021-12-13 10:41:49
Ooooh clean DUs my vote would be Augur! Better chance for Slates (Slate DU mayhaps?) which are a factor in two combos, vs Elysian x Cherry Blossom that has a huge range of possible bases. They’re both gorgeous though!

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⭑ G1 FRAIL 1K+
ESKER RLC (#148878)

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Posted on
2021-12-13 10:43:44
Honestly that’s what I was thinking as well! As much as I’d love a DU i also have a muk! Everything is so tempting right now- you’re girl is so beautiful makes it hard to pin down a final decision!

Okay okay- I’ll have it all sorted before the roll! I’ll stop cluttering you’re forum now

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Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2021-12-13 10:46:10
Posted too early, but I eat Yolks first thing and do Dove Feasts once I'm at a multiple of 20 Impression so I don't miss out on any by using them, which might take a while.

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