Posted by SELLING ART ON LIODEN - a guide

๐ŸŒพ honey (#30473)

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Posted on
2020-05-23 15:58:55

a guide by honey


hi everyone! i'm honey, and i've been selling art on lioden for 8 years. before lioden, i took commissions on deviantart, other pet sites, and real life. i've been doing art for as long as i can remember!

over the years, i've learned a lot about selling art: what works, what doesn't, etc. while looking through the art sales forum here on lioden, i often see tons of mistakes related to selling art (i'm not talking about mistakes in the art itself!) and i always want to help. hopefully this guide will be beneficial to those who are considering selling art on lioden, or are struggling with getting customers!

as a disclaimer: my tips are just that -- tips! you don't have to follow them, and you can still be successful without them! there are tons of possibilities when it comes to selling art and designing your thread and whatnot; this is just what i've found works best in my experience. :)

the standard conversion of currency on lioden is
1200 = 1 = $0.50 USD

i often see newer users selling full art pieces for extremely low prices because they're unaware of how much beetles are actually worth! while you might feel like 1 GB is a lot when you have none, keep in mind that you're putting time and effort into an art piece for the equivalent of 50 cents!!

i've been selling art since i was in elementary school, and i know that no matter how low you price your art, it will always feel like you're overpricing. unfortunately, our society makes us feel as if art is "lesser" work and shouldn't be paid the same as "real" work. and that's a load of bullshit!
"but honey, i enjoy doing art, so it's not work!" that's wonderful, but you don't really hear other professions saying that. there are tons of people who LOVE their jobs, LOVE going to work every day, but definitely wouldn't settle for less than minimum wage. so you shouldn't either!

if you're having trouble coming up with prices for your art, think of it this way:
if a shaded fullbody takes you roughly 3 hours to complete, then you should not price shaded fullbodies below minimum wage x 3.
here's a formula:
[minimum wage for where you live] x [# of hours it takes you to complete art] = MINIMUM price for your art.

don't forget that underpricing your own art can hurt other artists as well!
when people see art that is priced extremely cheap, they believe that other artists' art should be priced the same way. while one person's underpriced art might not ruin the market, when it becomes commonplace it can make selling art in a market almost impossible. i won't namedrop other sites, but there are many sites where selling art for minimum wage is considered overpriced because the market has been saturated with people underselling themselves. if you won't price your art correctly for yourself, at least do it for the sake of not hurting other artists!

before you open your art thread, make sure you have examples prepared for every item you are offering! not only are people less likely to buy something that has no examples, but providing an example for every item prevents clients from buying something and then complaining that it "wasn't what they were expecting". of course, there can always be clients like that, but it's far more likely when there's no example for them to go off of.

now, html is not needed to have a successful thread, but damn does it help. there are tons of free html layouts available here on lioden, and guides to using html if you're new! it doesn't have to be showy, in fact it's better if it's simple. too much craziness happening in your html can detract from your art and even turn people away if it's too busy/cluttered.

here are some tips for your thread:

โ€ข don't use crazy fonts! seriously. if we can't read your thread, we won't buy your art. also, many copy-paste fonts don't work on certain phones, and mobile users will be left in the dark wondering what โ˜โ˜โ˜โ˜โ˜ โ˜โ˜ โ˜โ˜โ˜ โ˜โ˜โ˜โ˜ means.

โ€ข don't use flashy/animated backgrounds or obnoxious colors. if your thread gives people a headache, they probably won't want to do business with you.

โ€ข put a favorite art piece at the very top of your thread! that way, when people open your thread, it's the first thing they see. this will draw them in!

โ€ข don't hide your examples behind links! when your examples are just a list of links, you drive away tons of potential customers just because opening links is annoying and time consuming and we humans don't like to work any harder than we have to. you can put your examples in a spoiler if you'd like to save space, but i highly recommend having IMAGES on your thread, not just links!

โ€ข when adding images to your thread, make sure the width is set to a decent size, or your pictures will break the page! i usually use width=500 or 600 max.

โ€ข i'd say put your prices at the top, but my prices are literally the first thing listed on my art shop and people still ask where my prices are, so don't even bother. expect people to ask for prices no matter what.

so now you have an art shop set up and you're ready to take commissions!
every artist takes commissions a little differently, but the most important thing is to make it very clear how you will be doing it. people like to be sure about where their money is going and when it's going, and how it's going, and at what intervals, and are there refunds? make sure your process is very clear to the clients.

here are the main methods commissioners use.

payment upfront - client pays full amount before artist starts working.
pros: pretty much impossible for artist to get scammed.
cons: if you don't have a good reputation selling art, clients may not feel safe paying in full without seeing some evidence of work taking place.

payment after - client pays full amount once artist has completed the work.
pros: pretty much impossible for client to get scammed.
cons: most likely for artist to get scammed, especially if they don't heavily watermark the piece before sending it to the client.

half and half - client pays half upfront, and the rest once the artist has completed the work.
pros: makes both client and artist feel comfortable with the exchange.
cons: client may "lose" the other half of the payment ("oops i forgot and i spent it on applicators!").

some commissioners have more complex methods of taking payment, but it's completely up to you and what you feel most comfortable with!

i hope this guide helped a bit! if there's anything you'd like more information on, feel free to comment or dm me and i can answer it!
this guide is likely going to remain under construction as i remember more things to add later on. i'm sure i didn't fit my whole lifetime of art selling knowledge into this little post, so i might have to come back and add some more stuff as i remember!

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Edited on 25/06/22 @ 15:56:55 by ๐ŸŒพ honey (#30473)

DreamSkyDragon (#250718)

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Posted on
2022-02-13 18:14:07
i am kind of confused on how they transfer beetles to you? i am new and need to earn some so im thinking about art

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โ˜… (#264098)

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Posted on
2022-05-10 16:03:24
Tysm honey! I love your art btw, :3

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slow [she/they ๐Ÿฆ–] (#233675)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-05-24 12:01:53
hi! i have a quick question, what are some ways i could send finished products to clients?
tysm, and this guide is awesome <3

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๐ŸŒพ honey (#30473)

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Posted on
2022-05-24 12:27:16

hi yall! i accidentally unsubscribed from this topic and forgot it existed ;o;
i'm subscribed now and will try to answer questions as they are posted! i know these are late, but here are some answers to the questions i've seen so far:

"How do you know if your art is worth it?" - Catalina (The Rat Queen) (#179820)
unfortunately this one doesn't really have an easy answer because art as a whole is incredibly subjective (beauty is in the eye of the beholder!). I would say if you want to try selling commissions, then give it a shot! the worst that can happen is nobody bites. imo, all art is "worth it" to someone, and you should also remember that money isn't the only indicator of an art's worth! sorry this answer isn't as cut and dry as you might want, but the worth of art is super subjective. just know your art has worth no matter what! <3

"How do I make 150x150 icons clear / not blurry?" - Ungabunga [G1 Flint Mod.RL] (#98033)
somebody else already answered this but i second that it's probably the program you're using, if you've tried drawing on a bigger canvas and sizing down already. I personally use ezgif's resizer to resize icons and haven't had too much of a problem with blurriness!

"How do I manage rude/unwanted critique?" - Mots - RP Loved๐Ÿ’ (#5378)
this one is tough because people can be incredibly rude and entitled when it comes to art. for some reason non-artists (and some artists, too) believe that you must be open to criticism at all times or else you "won't improve" which is absolutely NOT TRUE! unwanted criticism can have the complete opposite effect and actually discourage artists, and, this is kind of a hot take, but improvement is entirely subjective and art doesn't have to 'improve' at all. i think that people need to keep their noses out of artists' business unless they've ASKED if the artist wants critique, and even then, it needs to actually be constructive. it's common courtesy (that lots of artists don't actually seem to know) that you need to ask permission before giving criticism! it's like a hug -- hugs are great and hugs aren't bad things but you still should ask people before you hug them. <3 I'm sorry people have been unkind to you and i hope they haven't discouraged you completely. art is precious and mean people's comments shouldn't stop you! i know that's easier said than done but just know that for every rude person there are tons of nice people whose words are far more important. <3

"When you say minimum wage, you mean USA's minimum wage, right?" - Ella (#169475)
I mean whatever the minimum wage is of the place you live in! but like i said, that should be the MINIMUM you charge. i know minimum wages can be ridiculously low in some places, don't feel like you have to undercharge yourself because of that! <3

"How do clients transfer beetles to you?" - DreamSkyDragon (#250718)
There's a transfer tab in the trading center, this is usually what is used to transfer beetles!

"What are some ways i could send finished products to clients?" - patchesgottaken (#233675)
You can post the image on an image hosting site (imgur is the best in my experience!) and then link the image to them. you can also send the file to them on discord, email, etc if they agree to it!

once again, i'm so sorry for the late answers! i hope some of these are helpful!

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JaeBird (#291195)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-07-07 11:07:40
When I raised my prices it seems no one will buy :/
I lowered my price for headshots and full bodyโ€™s as the felt like to much.
I know I shouldnโ€™t just lower my prices when ever my art wonโ€™t sell but i donโ€™t even know if I have my art at good prices

This is my art shop:

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๐ŸŒพ honey (#30473)

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Posted on
2022-08-10 09:02:25
@JaeBird (#291195) - i checked out your shop and i wouldn't lower the prices any further than they already are, they're pretty low! if customers aren't biting, and the price isn't the issue, sometimes you just gotta keep working on your art/products and keep advertising your thread. it's not always easy, i won't lie. the beginning is the hardest because you have to get your foot in the door of the market. just don't give up! <3

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JaeBird (#291195)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-08-12 15:10:13
Ok Iโ€™ll keep practicing

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mxbeast [10k blazing
primal] (#57797)

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Posted on
2022-08-18 22:28:46
thank you for this, though i honestly thought there WASNT a guide like this given how low art appears to still be sold for, it's driving me insane, please dear god raise your prices

re-stating the minimum wage x hours it takes thing (and honestly shoot for at least twice that)

(admittedly if you draw fast, this doesn't exactly work the same way + im still figuring that out)

there's no 100% foolproof guide but keep in mind that you're not just charging for the art itself, or the time it took to make it, you're also charging for your experience in art - have you been drawing since you could hold a pencil? lioden is 16+, so at minimum you should have 11 years of experience if u started as a kid

do you want to sell 11 years of experience for less than a cheeseburger?? you are not a multi-corporation printing stolen images and selling them at walmart for 2 bucks, you're a human being with goals, needs and experience


--affectionate psa from disillusioned furry artist who is probably STILL undercharging relatively speaking

edit: this was apparently my 100th forum post, woohoo

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Edited on 18/08/22 @ 22:29:59 by mxbeast (#57797)

Truz ๐Ÿˆ [G1 Rift
Blood Moon] (#59701)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2022-09-05 22:16:45
I wasnt sure if my art was overpriced because I see so many talented artists price their stuff lower... but this is extremely helpful and the comments too

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Levi (#355765)

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Posted on
2022-09-29 13:07:14
If I was selling art and someone said they don't
have the other half they are only getting one half of the art XD

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Blizblick (#366860)

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Posted on
2022-10-07 20:15:07
Thank you

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isabela (#380187)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-10-24 17:34:16
i wanted to start making comissions but i dont know how to even do it, can someone say how i can post photos and how to get clients?

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๐ŸŒพ honey (#30473)

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Posted on
2022-10-28 09:22:33
@ isabela (#380187) - are you doing traditional art or digital art? either way, to post photos you'll need to upload the photo to an image hosting website like to get a link to the image.

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rosafine (#407227)

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Posted on
2022-12-11 08:31:50
I was wondering, do I have to take how people get the Gold beetles into consideration on how I price adoptables/commissions? I'm aware that GB is kind of hard to get so I don't know if that changes how I should price them

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๐ŸŒพ honey (#30473)

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Posted on
2022-12-28 11:17:11
rosafine (#407227) - honestly, gold beetles are not that hard to get. while you can buy them at the equivalent of 50 cents each, they're actually worth less than that because you can acquire them just by playing the game and selling items. i would still keep the conversion rate of $1 = 2 GB *minimum* even for adoptables. <3

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