Posted by -LOCKED - Making dwarves have a low natural pass rate

🍷Savva🍷 (#129264)

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Posted on
2020-07-20 14:28:32
Hear me out!

In my opinion, there are MANY benefits to giving dwarves a pass rate similar to many current mutes in game! Somewhere between a 0.50-1% natural pass rate! How would this help you say?

Dwarves on their own are extremely expensive. and ESPECIALLY the breeding cost, not only do you have to buy a buffy ball or GoP for a decent chance at them, but you also have to buy a lion scrote; which is super expensive for a lot of players. Currently, dwarves are at their lowest point economically, and many players don't breed them anymore for that reason.


If they introduce a 0.50-1% pass rate, players would be way more encouraged to breed dwarves, since the initial cost of breeding them goes down by almost 30GB! This would also greatly help the economy in MANY ways.

1. First of all, by introducing a natural pass rate, people will be encouraged like stated before to breed them. This means that MORE players would be willing to buy dwarf heats for a larger price since they have about 30GB free'd up that would've gone towards a scrote. This patch would bring another reverse heat option back into the light!

2. Second of all, a natural pass rate would make dwarves way more buyable. Players won't need to spend more then the dwarf itself each heat! And they STILL have a chance of getting a dwarf! This would greatly emphasize the profitability of dwarves and the market would have a higher average cost for them!

3. Failed heats won't discourage players as much as they do now. You get a failed dwarf heat? Thats nearly 40GB wasted in some cases, however a failed dwarf heat with a natural pass rate would not be as much as a financial blow. As in some cases people may not even waste GB in the first place!

4. Another little point I'd like to make! If dwarves had a 1%-0.50% pass rate, that still would not harm the market! Thats still a very small chance of a dwarf, even in a 4 cub litter! Which means that the price of lion scrotums wouldn't plummet and dwarves would not sink into that 'abyss' of common cheap muts!

5. In real life, dwarfism IS a genetic mutation that can pass down in humans and most animals! When parents with two copies of the same dwarfism gene mix n mingle, they have a chance of having a dwarf child; although small! Adding the small pass rate would NOT take away from the realism, because in real life, dwarfism is a genetic disorder that is passed down from parents!

Anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk, don't mind me; I'm a little stupid- this may be a terrible idea, but I'm just spitting my thoughts out there! If anyone has critique I'd love to here it <3

This suggestion has 168 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 20/07/20 @ 23:24:14 by 🍷Savva🍷 (#129264)

Allen 🐾 (#130883)

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Posted on
2020-07-20 23:42:45
Again, with a natural pass rate at .50% - 1% it wouldn't be worth using a buffalo scrotum to increase the chances of breeding them. At most it might be 'oh, hey if I don't use items I might get a surprise breeding them like a regular lioness' but the likelihood of them passing their mutation once in their lifetime at a 1% chance, without using lion balls, is extremely low. For someone wanting the dwarf mutation to pass, relying on a natural chance of 1% is unreliable at best.

I'd consider supporting if it were 5% like hybrids, but I feel like it would also lead to the misconception of 25% + 5% = 30% when that's not how it works. I wish I was good with making charts to show the math but I'm not, rip. I just don't want newbies wasting their money trying to get a natural pass with these numbers when they could just buy another outright :(

Also, Queen, I love your icon :)

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Posted on
2020-07-20 23:55:55
Hello there,

While we appreciate your suggestion, we would like to encourage everyone to pledge their support for this idea on the Original Topic to avoid multiple topics regarding the same suggestion. As this topic is a duplicate, it will be locked.

Thank you! ♥

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