Posted by Day and Nights of clan | Groups

BoB_ZakoHe (#215843)

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Posted on
2020-10-31 04:56:44
Links: discord(when us will be 100) | BRANCHES | rolelplay (soon) | general story (fanfices(Rus-eng))(soon) | activities (soon) | Original post |(caps - you here)

it was hard to translate, but welcome in our general activity!
what is that?
in future i think we will need to checking activity
what is that day, night and etc?
night - they dont need very much activity in branch
day - they will check your activity, so... you should be afraid of not activity
dawn - not need activity, just need to check - you alive or nu?
dusk - not need activity or checking
what is that branches?
groups, not sellings
There english mistakes in word
i would like to correcting mistakes!
And mine english is not good

Our branches

Hunter branches (DAY)
Leader: me (time)
Helping with food. For big giveawaying carcases - having a plus SB
money agent - he is accepting new members, giving SB for lions, which do big "donate", controls the asset
members - hunting
format for plus activity:
screenshoot what you catched and hoarded (if not screenshoot paying not will be)

Branchers of breeders (DAY)
Leader: me (TIME)
They know about breed, will help and guide or find lion or lioness
Leader: he is doing big breedings
breeders: breeding for Sb or GB or for free
Mass-breeders: They reg up in big breeding
Format for guiders:
which person you helped? And what about
Format for mass breedings:
which type of breeding? (bases, markings etc):
Format for mass beredings:
which lion kittens you breeded? (Links)
And who owned they

Beetles branches (DAY AND NIGHT)
Leader: we will find...
knew about beetles, they have a league's and secret arena
the hardest branch?
Mafia leader: answering for ALL branch. Doing league's and rules for it
Right paw: Answering for the highest league's and secret arena
left paw: helping with paying and general league's
Guiders: have big chance be oen of paw. Knowing ALL about beetles
Members: just members
Format doing leader
But for league's here one:
screenshot of the participant who was defeated + type of battle (member beetle run, attacked but lose and etc)

Branches of players (DAY)
Leader: me (TiME)
claiming toys, can help with mood or event (like october)
Can do games, storie's and etc
Holders: responsible for their bracnh
explores: searching toys
players: can do history, games and etc
format activity for explorers:
which toys you leave in our clan hoard
format activity for players:
who spent game|history|etc
who played? or listening, pls ID of their discord and url for their accounts

Writers (NIGHT)
Leader: leader of family (ALWAYS)
no one can be here, because it very seriosly branch. Here we writing general history
Writers: writing history in their language or language which they 100% know (or VERY MUCH GOOD know)
translators: translating in another language
they dont have format

Day demons and night angels (????)
Listed players: no
they say they serve the lost two lioensses-sisters - Dusk and Dawn
There only leaders, discord admins and etc members, which having good reputation
format for admins: screnshoot of all discussions, which brokes rules

Patrool days (night)
leader: me (time)
They have ONLY ONE lion for patrolling
Bankers- paying for members, answering for changing lion
patrools members: having one lion for patrool, which can help with food or decor
format: screnshoot patrool (if here will be food or decor which you donate - will be pay)

artists (dawn(all)) and NIGHT(general story fan arts, references))
Leader: need
they do arts for free or not
All say they writing art like gods!
Leaders: answering for that branch. They solve problems!
format of activity:
choose leader

Branch of dodoue's (Dusk)
Pro gamers, which not like to playing alone
only bracnh without leaders

30 members - one leader + 1-4 paws
We dont have a cap for maximal members

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Edited on 31/10/20 @ 05:01:32 by BoB_ZakoHe (#215843)

BoB_ZakoHe (#215843)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-10-31 04:59:33
here will be members

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