Posted by Pon Heats

🌊 [G1 Unholy Rift
3x Ros (#196725)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-02-04 23:06:25

UnBarked Heats
- Pons

1. My Pons will not leave my den. Also please do not ask if I will be selling them. None of them are for sale at the moment.
2. You cannot switch to a full heat after the litter is born. For example if multiple hybrids or muties are born you cannot demand a full litter.
3. I will not be using the reverse breeding system for their heats.
4. If I do not receive any responses from you 3 days before the heat is due I will move onto the next person.
6. If you want to use Aging Stones you can otherwise I will transfer them over when they become the age.
7. Both of my studs (#196725) and (#196774) are free to use. You can use your stud or any other stud on the site, but they must be online when its your breeding time , and you must provide the studding fees for the stud in question.
8. You may cancel you reservation at any time, but only before the breeding.
9. By agreeing to the terms above and buying one of my pons heats. You are therefore agreeing that you are aware Hybrids are not a guarantee in every litter.

- 1 Instant Cub Delivery
- 1 Black stallion or 3-4 Chasteberries (Eden doesn't need this item)
- Stud fee for the stud

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- Buffies or Grains of Paradise (highly recommended)
- Lion Meat or GMO Cow
- Crunchy Worm
- Opal Saltlick
- Ochre Saltlick
- Ochre Gnawrock

- Price various per pon.
- Need all required items.
- This means the cubs are split between us. This goes for all hybrids/muties/multi rosettes/ and normal cubs that are born.
- If one is born it is yours. You always get first pick!
- If two is born you pick one and then I get the second!
- If three is born you get first and third pick. I will get second pick.
- If four is born you get first and third pick. I will get second and forth pick.

- Prices vary per pon.
- Need all of the required items!
- All cubs born in the litter will be your's.

*Instead of GBs I will accept monthly currency, RMAs, or Marking Removers, Applicators, and items that equal up to the price of the heat.

HTML by Quake#69866

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Edited on 21/03/21 @ 18:12:39 by Ocean 🌊 [ Unholy Rift 3x Ro (#196725)

🌊 [G1 Unholy Rift
3x Ros (#196725)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-02-04 23:06:54

🌊 [G1 Unholy Rift
3x Ros (#196725)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-02-04 23:13:21

🌊 [G1 Unholy Rift
3x Ros (#196725)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-02-04 23:16:02
User Id: #
Split or Full
Time: (When would you like to breed her)
Additional Items: (List any if you wish to use some)
Stud: (please list a stud that you may be using)



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FaeTheHusky (#230219)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-05-13 21:46:39
would 15 gb be good to buy a split/full heat from eden?

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Shiro (#128392)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-05-17 06:39:39
Hey! I’d be interested in Eden but if I’d be able to purchase her heat depends on the Price

User Id: #128392
Payment: Depends on the price^^β€˜
Time: (When would you like to breed her) When she is in heat (in two ROs)
Additional Items: (List any if you wish to use some) Buffalo scrotum, ibf
Stud: (please list a stud that you may be using)
Just a ebony or divine MR stud that is online

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