Posted by Whispering Plains Pride Rp (open)

Mizuki's Main (#95941)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-03-05 16:15:26
Pride traditions:
Scout aging ceremony - occurs every half moon
When light and darkness are evenly displayed in the night sky. A small fight between a scout and the scouts chosen lion is to happen. After the fight is over which is called upon the king's roar. The two butt heads and the scouts sit just behind the king in a straight line. Once all battles are over the king approaches each scout and gives them a rank before butting heads with them. Once done the king and newly ranked lions look out to the pride and let out a proud roar, which is usually joined in by the rest of the pride. Signaling the end of the ceremony.

Pride history:
The pride has held this new land for for awhile now, this new pride was founded by King Kaz with the last survivors of the cursed midnight pride. They made the plains their home and formed an alliance with the riversnake and stonefang prides located to the east and west.

Territory map:
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(created by RedEclipseWolf #96769)

The other prides:
StoneFang Pride
StoneFang Pride makes it's home in the desert. They are a very hardy and rowdy bunch. They find comfort in the extreme heat and have a keen sense of smell that helps them locate water and food in their territory. The pride is full of colorful and explosive personality. StoneFang is often associated as being hotheaded and stubborn. Many members have scars from fights, hunting incidents, and just overzealous rough housing. Yup just some rowdy lions having some fun in the sun.

RiverSnake Pride
RiverSnake Pride is a very large pride. With two kings, three queens, and a pride consisting of thirty other lions not including them. They are a very humble pride and like to have good relations with other prides. The pride is very laid back seeing as the wet lands has plenty of food all year around. The Kings are a father son duo. They are a very tight-knit group who just adore one another.

Pride Ranks:
King: Male leader of the pride stands with his Queen, both are capable of leading the pride.

Queen: Female leader of the pride stand with her King, both are capable of leading the pride.

Hier(Pm me if you want this role):
The future ruler of the pride may or may not be offspring of the current rulers. They spend their time learning from the king and Queen about how to rule a pride.
Odon, Amias

These lions or lionesses are the prides healers and spiritual advisors. Though they may travel from the densite to gather herbs one must always remain at the den site incase of an emergency.
Spark, Kusa (in training), Lilac Snow

Warriors(10 to start):
The main objective of these lions and lionesses is pride defense, they train heavily as fighters. Warriors are responsible for patrolling the borders and dealing with any trespassers.
Marrow, Suntail, Bloodclaw, Birch, River, Choma

The Hunters of the pride, these lions and lionesses are solely responsible for feeding the pride. If there is a threat of war they maybe called on to assist the warriors in defense of the pride, though chances for this are often quite low as there is an alliance of sorts.
Safiya, Lotus, Revvi, Manyoya, Locust, Cadmus, Chui, Ophelia

They are adolescents that are given many different tasks. Ranging from cub sitting to patrolling with the warriors. They get to see what rank best suits them, a rank that is choosen by the king.
Jambia (hunter in training)

The prides youngest members, they may stay with in the nursery until ready to venture around the den site and meet the pride. Cubs tend to spend all their time under the watchful eyes of their mother's, scouts and Elders, it is from these lions and lionesses they will learn.
Crocosmia, Moonwind, Kanzi, Nyota, Vervloek, Zara, Juniper

The prides eldest members usually retired Hunters or warriors, as the Elders generally hang around the dens it falls to them to teach and watch over the cubs or help out around the densite. Elders can leave the den site ofcourse but there must always be a pair of watchful eyes on the cubs.

Lions and Lionesses that live in the prideless lands or who have yet to join a pride.
Midknight, Delilah, Camro

Past pride members:
Dead members of the pride, just so we can keep track of those who've passed in the rp.
Hani, Abuela, Marrow

Remember these rules;
• Please be respectful at all times, if you have any problems please tell me and/or anyone I make admin of the RP.
• Do NOT kill of other people's characters or start fights without their permission.
• Do NOT force a romance onto any characters without the owner's permission.
• Any and all characters are allowed to have a crush, but please as the owner of the character. They might not like it.
• I encourage any and all drama in the RP. Though when it comes to natural disasters or things of the sort please inform me, and we will make a vote as a group.
(Please keep the drama in the RP, none of us want unnecessary fighting or fighting at all.)
• Gore, is fine, encouraged even.
• No character is perfect, nor are the immortal/invincible.
• Keep swearing to a minimal.
• Have fun

Mizuki's main #95941
RedEclipseWolf #96769


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Edited on 09/03/22 @ 16:49:40 by Mizuki's Main (#95941)

Mizuki's Main (#95941)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-03-05 18:44:55
((I believe I'm done setting up please do check out the OOC for suggestions announcements and general chatter))

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-03-06 01:51:43
Nomasu | Queen | Mentions: No One(open)
Nomasu padded out of the royal den and let a yawn escape her mouth. She looked up to see the that the sky was clear without a cloud in sight. "Another hot and dry day, how lovely." She spoke in her soft and sweet tone. She stretched out as the sun began to warm her fur. The plains were cooler than the desert land she had once called home. It was always nice when the days were hotter than usual. She looked around the pride's den site. "Wonder if my mate is awake?" She purred as she licked her paw and ran it over her face in an attempt to clean it.

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-03-06 02:10:18
Mifupa | Elder | Mentions: Nomasu

Mifupa was up earlier than usual the heat was good for his joints and made walking less painful. Mifupa looked towards the royals den not surprised to see that Nomasu was outside. He wondered where the king was though, Rift was never far from his mate in the mornings. Mifupa moved towards the Queen with curiousity in his mind, that and he needed to say good morning. "good morning Nomasu" he greeted the lioness as he approached her. "you looking for Rift?" the Elder asked softly.

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MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-03-06 02:29:41
(I am gonna just copy across my sheet I have it done in a sec)

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MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-03-06 02:37:20
MidKnight rank: Loner Mentions: No one
MidKnight wandered the plains. She spotted a river nearby and headed over there. Hopefully she could hunt something there.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-03-06 03:02:14
Nomasu | Queen | Mentions: Mifupa
Nomasu ears twitched when she heard a familiar voice. She looked to see a old piebaled male looking at her. "Mifupa! I am great thank you for asking. How about yourself? It's nice to have someone who wakes up as early as I do for once." She chuckled softly as a sweet smile crossed her face. She. Mifupa asked about Rift she gave a small nod before answering. "Yes I wanted to speak to him about something." She says with another flick of her ears. Her ears usually did that when she was in deep thought.

Safiya|Hunter|Mentions: Mifupa, Nomasu(both indirectly)
Safiya padded out the hunter's den and looked around. It was already pretty hot for it being morning. She hated hunting when it was so hot. "Aw man, it's going to be difficult to hunt today." She moaned before seeing Mifupa and Nomasu. "Wonder what those two are talking about?" She says before slowly making her way over trying to see if the conversation was a serious one or not.

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-03-06 03:50:06
Mifupa | Elder | Mentions: Nomasu, Rift

Mifupa smiled "I am doing alright a bit achy but what elder isn't?" he chuckled softly. "Rift probably went out patrolling though I'm sure I over heard him speaking with Spark earlier, but it could just be my ears deceiving me" Mifupa responded, he wanted to help if he could. The large elder settled down beside Nomasu and took in the view from the Royal den. "I didn't realise just how much you can see from here" Mifupa purred looking a little excited. "Hey there he is" Mifupa said squinting at the entrance to the den site.

Rift | King | Mentions: Mifupa, Nomasu and Safiya.

Rift limped into the den site having some how injured his leg. He knew everyone would be starting to emerge from the dens but when he glanced towards his den he was surprised to see Mifupa and Nomasu and Safiya up. Rift tried to think of away to explain what happened and why he was limping to them knowing they'd have questions.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-03-06 11:14:31
Nomasu | Queen | Mentions:Mifupa, Rift
Nomasu looked towards the entrance and saw Rift limping in. She tried to force a smile but her tail flicked back and forth with annoyance. First he leaves with out a word and now he returns with an injury. "Rift my love, seems like you had an eventful morning." She said in a sweet tone as usual. She looked at the old red male and gave a small bow of her head. "It was a pleasure talking to you. Thank you Mifupa." She says before walking towards Rift.

Safiya|Hunter|Mentions: Mifupa, Nomusa, Rift
Safiya watched as Nomusa walked passed her looking a little annoyed. She let a small chuckle escape her lips before looking back at Mifupa. "Hey Mifupa!" She says excitedly as she bounced up towards the lion. She looked like an overgrown cub running towards it's mother after she'd been away hunting. "Look while I was out hunting yesterday I found this really weird rock." She said shown Mifupa a rock that had a pattern of a few shells in it.

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MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-03-06 11:19:59
MidKnight Rank: Loner Mentions No one (open)
MidKnight wandered by the river.

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OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2021-03-06 11:36:06
Abuela| Huntress| interactions: none
:She awoke and climbed out into the open stretching as her sore muscles absorbed some sunlight:

Lotus| Huntress| interactions: none
:Lotus had been up and about. . . padding and pacing waiting...

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MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-03-06 11:38:52
MidKnight rank: Loner Mentions no one (open)
MidKnight laid down she watched the river in the bushes. She hoped something will come here for a drink she could hunt.

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-03-06 13:58:34
Rift | King | Mentions: Nomusa

"I'm sorry Nomusa" Rift apologised knowing she was annoyed with him. He knew when she was hiding her feelings or at least trying to as she did with him. Rift nuzzled her as if asking her for forgiveness. "How can I make this up to you?" he asked his mate softly.

Mifupa | Elder | Mentions: Safiya

"Safiya" he called in greeting finding her excitement contagious. Mifupa looked over the rock and chuckled softly. "it's an ancient rock, you are very lucky to find something like this" Mifupa purred softly almost as if he was proud of her little discovery. "why don't we go for a walk and you can tell me all about what your hunt was like yesterday?" he asked as he padded away from the royal den with an energetic bounce in his step that he rarely had these days.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-03-07 00:33:59
Nomasu | Queen | Mentions:Rift
The queen gave a small sigh of defeat. She knew she couldn't stay mad at Rift for long. She rubbed her head underneath the king's chin as purrs vibrated in her throat. "Come back to the den so we can take a look at those wounds." She said as she gazed into her mate's eyes. "I have some wonderful news to tell you my king." She could barely hold in her excitement.

Safiya eyes widened with curiosity. "That is amazing." She said happily as she looked at Mifupa. "Yes it is a halirous story." She chuckled before she turned and ran off suddenly. "Let me put this back first." She called out as she ran into the hunter's den and put the rock back in her little nest. She smiled happily as she stared at it for a few seconds before turning to return to the old red lion. "I am ba-aahck" She found herself tripping over her paws landing nose first into the ground. She laid there rubbing her snout as she looked at Mifupa. "Hehe, opps didn't mean to do that." She chuckled embarrassingly before standing up and shook her fur. "I'm fine, ready?" She said happily as if she just didn't take a hard fall just seconds ago.

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-03-07 01:51:46
Rift | King | Mentions: Nomusa

Rift gently rubbed his head against her shoulder with a soft smile. "I'm not going to say no to spending time with you my love, even if you are just taking care of me" He chuckled happily. "you look excited, I can't wait to hear the news" He purred. He walked along side his mate and returned to their den so they could have some privacy.

Mifupa | Elder | Mentions: Safiya

Mifupa moved like a concerned parent when he seen Safiya face plant the ground under her feet. "Oh you scared me, are you sure you are ok? We could see Spark if it hurts" Mifupa voiced his concerns to the young lioness. Though was relieved to see she was ok. "I'm ready when you are Safiya" Mifupa laughed finding it amusing when she acted as if nothing had happened. Mifupa walked out of the den site with Safiya. He felt like walking to the waterhole for a change.

Marrow | Warrior | Mentions: No one (Open)

Marrow huffed as he patrolled the borders, He knew Rift would have his hide if he caused any trouble but Marrow was itching for a fight, he had way too much pent-up energy and nothing to use it on. Marrow was hoping to bump into some Rogue dumb enough to be on the wrong side of the border. Marrow didn't care about the size or strength just as long as they put up a good fight.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-03-07 18:14:11
Nomasu | Queen | Mentions:Rift
Nomasu gave a small chuckle before leading the way to the royal den. Once inside she sat waited til her eyes adjusted to the darkness before facing Rift. "I went to see the shaman yesterday and they confirmed that I am expecting cubs." She said excitedly as she lifted her paw so Rift to get a good veiw at her lightly swollen belly.

Safiya|Hunter|Mentions: Mifupa
"Hey Mifupa?" Safiya said as she walked next to the red piebald. "Were things diffrent when, what was his name? Shujaa I think his name was. King?" She asked suddenly curious about the pride before her time. "I heard it was called cursed by the other lions not associated with us."

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