Posted by The Lost Souls rp OPEN

rosette* (#190011)

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Posted on
2021-05-07 18:08:10
This is a role play based on the old Legends of Ireland where the Fae people were a magnificent race that came to this world aboard ships, ships that were far more advanced and far More beautiful than any human of that age had ever seen. This strange race tall, pale skinned, clear eyed, soft-spoken were clearly very different from their human counterparts. They had the gift of magic. They could control the elements and new already how to forge weapons of iron and many other things that the humans had not yet learned. The Fae, being innocent and trusting, taught the humans everything they knew therefore giving the humans ability to create fire and weapons and better their civilization, but the magic was strictly theirs to protect and to wield. The humans, being jealous and green beings used all the weapons and everything that the fa e had taught them to wage war against the unsuspecting race, eliminating them completely.. or so they thought. Many of the FAE, upon dying, used their magic to lift their souls out of their bodies and mix it with whatever human being was near to them, and so the Fay hybrids were born. These people were unusually more beautiful than the common human, and had special gifts of which they learn to hide for fear of being burnt at the stake. These hybrids sought company of one another and begin forming covens, living life is normally as they could, suppressing their powers and practicing them only in secret and now in this day and age, a secret Church has learned about their existence and has set out to eliminate these hybrids. They're called the witch hunters.
There are two known covens, and it is their duty to save their race.... Or will they perish in flames like their ancestors? Or...will they rise up against the humans?

This is set in modern times.

Pregnancy is allowed, and if a character has a child or a child character is being planned, please pm me first.

Only the four heirs to the Fae people can awaken the true magic that will wear thin the line between this world, and the magical one, therefore allowing magical creatures to awaken from their slumber deep.within the earth were the.secret of magic is strictly hidden.

Your character can be:
Fae hybrid
Witch Hunter

Animals.that can be seen, or rped after the.hidden world of magick is awoken by the heir of the Fae kingdom, there are four heirs to the Fae Kingdom. Two Male, Two female. But Morgaine is the High Queen, and in counsil has the final word.

After.the veil.between this word and.the magical is weaked, these.creatures can be seen, mentioned, or.roleplayed. must pm me first.

Talking animals
Dark Fae
Pm me if you have any you ad.

Pm me if you are wanting a leadership role.
High Queen Morrigan: MagicShadow #190011
High King: Open
King: Mailier Ceilince (polygoespurr (#230307)
Queen: Arinya |{|GWolf|}| (#206934)

Here is to sign up.

Arinya |{|GWolf|}|
MidKnight (MidKnight (#222934)
Mebh (⚔Murderthistle⚔ (#230278)
Atlas (Valorpride (#192643)
Elena (Lionlvr (#146607)
Mailier Ceilince (polygoespurr (#230307)

Mountain Manor:
Kari (MagicShadow #190011)
Liam |ArtemisRose|| (#193151)
Rosette (Scorpioness (#225561)
Talon (Darkness (#107499)

Forest Hill:
Morrigan (MagicShadow #190011)
High Priestess Lía Ellesmera (#236564)

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Edited on 09/08/21 @ 05:49:57 by MagicShadow*triple rosette* (#190011)

rosette* (#190011)

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Posted on
2021-05-08 08:50:22
Okay, we have three characters. Waiting for one more and we can start.

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rosette* (#190011)

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Posted on
2021-05-08 11:55:53
Great,at any moment we can begin.

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rosette* (#190011)

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Posted on
2021-05-30 16:59:02
But we do still need more people.

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rosette* (#190011)

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Posted on
2021-05-31 18:22:30
(Will be starting now.)

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MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-06-01 04:04:43

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murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

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Posted on
2021-06-02 19:40:03
Eeee yay :D

Mebh wrapped her clawed hands around the tree and skittered up to a low branch. She heard a crunch of a foot being put down on leaf mulch. Her heart racing, the little Fae hybrid used her tail to hang upside down from a high-ish branch so that she could see whoever it is, but they couldn't see her.

(next person be the one in the forest ^^)

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MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-06-03 01:22:32
(Sure) MidKnight was running with her back through the forest. She howled and they joined in. She was comeplty black with feathered wings and gold eyes.
She stopped under a tree to look for a scent of a deer.

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rosette* (#190011)

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Posted on
2021-06-03 06:01:21
The night was calm like a velvet soft blanket as it fell around mountain manor. The large wooden cabin house looked a beautiful sight, built in a clearing in a deep forest of the colorado mountains. It was summer, but it always cooled a bit in the night time and in the morning. Warm golden lights shone from the windows of the large mansion like log house. Smoke floated out of various chimneys, making mountain manor look like a comfy, warm, and safe place to be. And it was, for now.

Kari sat in the large red carpeted living room, on a sofa built of expensive brown leather close to the fire place. Her long red curly hair was pulled up in a loose bun, with tendrils of red curls falling around her pale freckled face. Her large, stunningly green eyes stared into the flames of the fireplace as they danced and popped. She frowned delicately. She could not sleep. She could nit get the image of the woods out of her head for some days now. The vision was always the same. It was as if she was she was running through the woods, and at the same time she felt danger.
"Your tea, Mrs. MacMarrow..."
Kari startled at the gentle voice and looked up, but then calmed immediately seeing it was only Trudy, one of her trusty employees. She was an older woman, with grey hair and sweet warm brown eyes. Kari smiled sweetly as she extended her long delicate arm to accept the tea cup made of fine china.
"Thank you, Trudy." She said in a hushed voice. "That is all for now, and please go about turning off the lights."

"Yes ma'am," Trudy said politely and went off to do as she was told.
Kari turned back to the fire, sipping her chamomile tea, knowing it should calm her and help her sleep. But change was coming...she could sense it, almost smell it...and it wouldn't be the first time...

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Lionlvr (#146607)

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Posted on
2021-06-03 10:45:36
"See you tomorrow Alice," Elena called out before exiting the restaurant. She had made it through her first Friday shift at her new job. Though it wasn't her first choice of work, she couldn't deny the money wasn't useful. She walked until she hit the edge of the city that unfolded into a vast forest. She shifted into her wolf and started padding deeper into the forest towards her small cabin. She had gotten lucky with this move and had managed to find an abandoned cabin to stay in while she was in town. It wasn't anything special, but she had to admit the place was much nicer than some other places she had stayed in. She reached the small porch a quick 20 minutes later and sat down near the stairs. 'It's so peaceful-' She thought and was interrupted by a loud howl. She instinctively sniffed for any trace of a scent but it was too far away. She smiled sadly and shook her head. "You can't stay forever. If stuff hits the fan, you have to be able to leave." She reminded herself aloud. Shifting back to her human, she opened the door of the cabin and walked in. She got dressed for bed and laid in her room staring out the window. 'Maybe one day people will accept us and things will change.' The thought comforted her as she drifted off to sleep.

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MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-06-03 11:00:59
MidKnight sniffed around the tree still in her winged wolf form. She was looking for a scent of deer. But this smealt funny do she investigated it. Her pack stayed near by watching for danger.

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rosette* (#190011)

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Posted on
2021-06-03 14:56:46
Kari lay in her velvetly soft king sized sized bed. She could not get the forest out of her mind! It was frustrating, but she knew that when something or a certain image stays in her mind, it meant something, and the sense, almost smell of danger lay thick in the air. Unable to lay still any longer, Kari gently threw aside the covers and got out of bed. Light footed, but quickly, she tiptoed to her large bathroom sized closet. She quickly dressed in a velvet green dress with long gold.embroidered sleeves, that matches her eyes and made her long curly hair look like fire. She.slipped on a.pair.or her best riding boots and threw on a long velvet green.cloak, hood.down.

If there was something going on to Mountain Manor, it was her reaponsibilory to find out. She traveled along the long hallway, lit now only by lamps on the walls that contained candles, passing many doors very quiety as to not wake the others. She went down the stairs light the breeze and reached the heavy wooden double.doors of the enterance. With a gentle swipe.of her hand, using her power.of telekinesis, she unlocked the doors, but she opened and.closed.them.physically with her hands. She threw her hood over head and and went down the porch steps. She walked bliskly over.the soft.grass, casting.cautious green over the looming forest around.the mansion. A nice horeback.ride.migjt make her feel better.and.shake.this.feeling.of.foreboding. the large.stables, she.found the.stable.keeper, Gordon, sweeping.the floor of the stables. He looked up when he her her footsteps.

"Mrs. Sullivan!" Gasped.the.elderly man, a strand of long gray hair fell into his face, his sky blue.eyes full.of surprise. "I,d be asleep by now ma'am."

Kari forced a smile at her beloved employee of many years, but.she gave no.information of her actions to her employees, and they knew ask.
"Gordon, dear, could you please"

"Of.course ma'am" replied.Gordon, his face.etched.with worry as the dappled grey Arabian mare's stall. He.tacked her.up in her best english saddle and.bridle.with.a beneath the saddle. The.bridle, harness, reins, and.saddle.were.encrusted.with crystal turquoise. He led the spectacular mare towards Kari and held her place. Kari grabbed.ontonthe.mane.of her beloved mare and mounted, the saddle. The.took.the.reins.up in her hands.and.looked.down.on Gordon.
"Thanks.dear,," she.saod sweetly, dismissing him. "You are tired and Talon can finish.the. sweeping tomorrow."

With that said, she.turned the the.woods, frowning slightly. As she.meared.the forest, her.foreboding.grew. something definitely was up.

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Edited on 03/06/21 @ 17:05:09 by MagicShadow (#190011)

murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

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Posted on
2021-06-03 15:48:52
Mebh bared her teeth and wrapped her claws around the branch, then swung down in front of the wolf creature, landing in a crouch and hissing furiously. 'Get out of my forest, wolf thing! I bet your working for the witch hunters!' She sprang from side to side, tail lashing.

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Darkness (#107499)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-06-03 16:09:31
Hope this is a decent start... :)
The sunrise was as gorgeous as ever. The colors as the sky turned dark to a golden yellow blended beautifully. Mixed hues of blue yellow orange and a slight pink. Talon leaned against the rake she held her gloved hands crossed her head held high. She'd been awake since dawn rose as per usual. Her golden gaze flew bright as she released the top hand and swung the rake to hop to a walk. The light breeze ruffled through her lightly colored hair as she neared the stable on the land.

Entering the rustic looking building she placed the rake in the nearest corner. The young women leapt a step to a closed stall a gentle smile crossing her features. "Morning Atlas." These words were aimed towards the black and white speckled stallion within the stall. The creature stirred lifting his head with a grunted reply. "Time to get the day started dude." Leaving him before he could react, Talon turned walk to the supply room. Besides taking Atlas out, she was in charge of cleaning the stall and feeding the pigs. The rest was left to Austin, the farm owner who took her in.

Snagging the bridle and a bucket, Talon switched back. She was quick to unlatch the stall and place a hand on Atlas' shoulder. He was easy to lead out to the corral due to his upbringing, well trained. She left him in the corral promising Austin would be out soon the fetch him as she left the bridle hanging on a post. Leaving him to his business, Talon happily trotted towards the nearest pump.

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murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

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Posted on
2021-06-03 16:14:33
Mebh growled, flexing her claws, then leaped into a tree above the wolf creature. She wrapped her tail around the branch below her, baring her teeth. For a nine year old, she was pretty scary.

Could we say that Mebh's forest is next to your farm thingo, bc MidKnight isnt online and they're the one Mebh is hissing at ^^//

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Darkness (#107499)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-06-03 16:54:15
The scowling sound came to her when she reached the pump near the back of the barn. The darkness of the trees hid anything that might bicker which meant if curiosity pulled, she'd have to go in after. Setting the bucket under the faucet her gaze snapped back to the woods as the growling got worse. Instinctively she felt her hand slip to her back fingering her carried weapon. A hunters bow carefully crafted to fit her alone. What could be out there? A feral wolf, or worse, a group of witch hunters hanging up on an innocent fae?

Either way, her curiosity did in fact peak and she felt her feet pulling her closer to the shadows. Ever so smoothly did she activate her specialized weapon snapping an arrow from the pouch at her side. Luckily she kept these tools on her persona. You never knew when a wolf might grow near. Among the trees, her gaze was sharp, ready. This was her roaming ground at night, this fact played with her advantages. Her eyesight had always been better in the midnight hours.

Talon felt before placing each step. She halted when she saw the Fae creature standing her ground. A winged wolf could just barely be seen before her as the fae sneered. Deciding to keep her weapon low, Talon narrowed her gaze leaning herself against the nearest tree. She fiddled with the arrow in her hand as her gaze slipped back to the angered young fae. "What's the hassle here?" Her tone was low but loud enough to be heard. Assess the situation, of course she couldn't shoot before she knew the trouble.

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