Posted by Snowy Basecamp || At Dusk

-TheCelest- (#131669)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-05-08 01:47:59


The camping grounds is encased in serenity. It's quiet, but the Pokémon give each other warm, friendly glances, it is a harmonious community united under the stars of twilight. The valley harbours cold air, better set off for the day before you freeze solid...

Where do you go?
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> Bewear's Security Post
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> Decidueye's Treasure Tent
Decidueye is looking to collect LCs, he can trade you rare items and secret information in return!

> Roosting Tree
Rookidee needs training to evolve, you can let her do some sidequests in exchange for LCs and other stuff!

> Moonlit Clearing
A mysterious place...

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Edited on 09/05/21 @ 02:16:18 by -TheCelest- (#131669)

Beans :HM: (#86868)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2021-05-12 23:33:21
[vibrates loudly] New! Main! Quest!!

Main Quest #2 - Glimmering Shadows - Peanut takes interest in the story abut the Aurorus

"A pokemon that's been around for centuries sounds like someone we could get a lot of info from." While chasing legends is a longshot, an opportunity to glean some information about the odd storm was too good to pass up. If such a pokemon exists, maybe they could finally figure out nature of the storm itself? "What other kinds of information do we have on it?"

Peanut would also like to take Side Quest #2 - Spirit of The Spring please!

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-TheCelest- (#131669)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-05-13 08:28:01
Ninetales only nods in response, "Ease your mind, Lavender, this has been done before. Good will prevail." They turn to point their snout west. "Not far from here, there is a river, we'll follow it to Crescent Falls. Umbreon resides beyond its waters." Lavender didn't quiet catch that. Water? She wasn't looking forward to getting her fur doused in water, especially now in the middle of this blizzard. But before she could ask, Ninetales was already walking far ahead her. Lavender motions to Mimikyu to follow suit and the three began their trek west.
The litten, even after two days of exploring these lands, had never noticed how 'un-barren' it actually was. There was no Pokémon around, for sure, but the plant-life and rock formations dotting the landscape made it easier for her to picture a couple of Rock and Ice-types wandering around. At that, Lavender shuddered, reminded of the lycanroc she was bound to face soon. "Lavender, what do you think Umbreon's like?" Mimikyu whispered, "They're kinda small, don't you think?" The litten didn't take too long choosing her answer, "Well, they're very persistent Pokémon. Plus, when they're not healers, they can take advantage of their opponent's strength. They wield it like its their own, I've seen it in action before, believe me."
Mimikyu shrugs, "I suppose every Pokémon has their own hidden strengths." Lavender smiled mischievously, "Well, you certainly don't seem too tall yourself," she whispered back. The two of them share a quick laugh before they settle back into their rhythm of shuffling through the snow. Ninetales occasionally looked back to check on the two, "Not much farther," but all the constant shivering made Lavender feel like she'd been walking for days.
Fortunately, they eventually spot the river. It snaked between tall cliffs that hindered it from view, though the moonlight bounced off its waters, painting a stunning light show on the stone walls surrounding it. Ninetales let the two rest a bit before proceeding. With the river in sight, Lavender felt like she had something to depend on. Unlike the endless white expanse of the hills, here where it was enclosed, with a clear path to follow, she felt much more reassured.
"Ninetales, have you met this umbreon?" Mimikyu asks, their voice echoing around them. Ninetales shakes her head, "I do not rely solely on faith. They have upheld their duty for many moons past, surely they are capable of assisting us in our time of need." Then the three continue in silence. Lavender could feel nervous energy building up in her stomach, she really hoped it wasn't fire instead.
Ninetales turned a corner and finally announced their arrival. Lavender trotted up beside them, curious as to why she couldn't hear the familiar sound of a waterfall. Well, the litten should've guessed sooner, because before them was an enormous wall of ice, sheets of frozen water overlapping one another to create an effect that looked unreal. Mimikyu and Lavender had to stop and gape at it for awhile before Ninetales urged for them to hurry. The party made their way up to the falls, hopping onto small stone platforms scattered across the river. When they gotten close enough, Lavender spotted an opening just behind the falls, how very typical of this umbreon to hide their lair behind a waterfall. The litten could count at least four times she had discovered something cool hidden behind waterfalls, at that point it had developed into a habit for her to check behind every wall of cascading water she came across, in case of treasure.
The Ninetales went in first. As soon as the last of her tails disappeared behind the ice, Mimikyu and Lavender hopped up onto the ledge and into the cavern.
It was dark, of course, but tucked in the smallest crevices in the walls were clumps of small, white crystals, emitting their own light. If she just squinted, Lavender could imagine she was on a hill, peacefully stargazing. But a sudden scraping sound snapped her back into reality. Ninetales pointed her snout forward, "There!" And then she ran off, pursuing something in the dark Lavender couldn't quiet make out. The litten calls to her friend and joins the chase- but only after she caught them picking off some of the crystals off of the walls.
Thankfully, the glowing white speckles on Ninetales' coat made sure Lavender had no trouble keeping them in sight, but they were making sharp turns and leaps in the dark that the litten wouldn't even risk blinking.
And then, in a flash, Ninetales disappeared downwards into a pit, chasing after what Lavender assumed was the umbreon they were looking for. Lavender was much too winded to yelp in shock, instead she hissed out sharp breath of air. Mimikyu hurried up to the ledge and peered down, "Do you see that?" Lavender walked up to them and looked for herself. On one of the pit walls, there was a hole that looked like it led further into the cave, but unlike Ninetales, there was no way for them to jump and make it.
Mimikyu spoke first, "I think I know what to do," they stretch out dark, ghostly tendrils from beneath the yellow silk of their disguise. They wrap around some stalactites near the hole on the wall, forming a sort of bridge. Though, granted, it looked more like two pieces of flimsy ribbon that could snap in two at any moment. "Go on, don't worry I can hold you up just fine," though Lavender had her doubts. Strong doubts. But there was no time to lose, so she had to believe in Mimikyu. Carefully, she grips on tightly to the makeshift bridge and, before she could have second thoughts, let her hindlegs drop into the pit. The tendrils drooped downwards, giving Lavender the fright of her life, but Mimikyu thankfully held firm. One paw at a time, Lavender slowly makes her way towards the hole. The cold air below her feet was making her tail lash around wildly, and Lavender was shaking so much she was afraid she'd accidentally let go. But slowly and steadily, she made her way onward until her legs finally reached stone. The litten frantically climbs into the whole and turns back to call to her friend when she realises Mimikyu couldn't exactly tag along if she was planning on climbing back up. "Go ahead! I'll be right here," Mimikyu calls out, letting their tendrils retreat beneath their disguise, "Good luck!"
Lavender nods and runs off, forcing her legs to reach full speed. She focused herself and sniffs the frigid, dry air for any signs of Ninetales and catches their trail immediately. The litten ran through the tunnel, her path illuminated only by the few crystals wedged on the walls, which were growing sparser and sparser deep into the cave.
Then, she burst out into a small, open chamber where Ninetales was at a standstill. Not with an umbreon, but a zoroark.
Ninetales' tails were splayed out like a fan, looking like rays of light haloing them. Whilst, unfortunately, Lavender was eye-level with the back of the zoroark's knees. Lavender locked eyes with Ninetales briefly and took her chance. With a quick pivot, Lavender shot out her hind-legs and knocked the stunned zoroark off their feet.
The zoroark couldn't even cry out in alarm as Ninetales dashed in to land the last critical blow. The zoroark slumped over the stone floor unconscious, leaving Lavender to wonder if they’d been chasing a lie this whole time. Lavender turned to ask Ninetales but followed their gaze instead, letting her eyes land on an umbreon. Not an illusion this time, she was sure of it.
Umbreon looked very much like Ninetales, with crescent moons on their shoulders and upper hind-legs that glowed in the dark like a pair of widened eyes. Their ears and tail faded into mist though the rest of them looked very much in one piece.
“Umbreon,” Ninetales regarded, “I suppose you are aware of my intentions?” The umbreon nods, “Yes. I apologise on behalf of my zoroark friend here, since the pack came he has grown wary to strangers, you see.” Lavender kept to the shadows, but the umbreon spotted her instantly, “You are one stubborn litten, for that alone, you have my respect.” Lavender wasn’t sure wether to be offended or not, but she couldn’t bother protesting. Ninetales went to help Umbreon check the zoroark for any injuries whilst discussing plans and tactics, which left Lavender to her thoughts.
Well, there were four of them now. She kinda regretted knocking the zoroark unconscious, but nevertheless, her chances at victory weren’t as slim now. She was starting to have hope at success when-
All three Pokémon turned theirs heads south. A cry for help echoed through the caves, and Lavender ran.
The litten barreled through the narrow tunnel back. She had caught a few scraped on her coat as the sharper crystals caught her fur, but Lavender was too panicked to feel much. From behind her, Ninetales pulled her up to climb onto their back so they could carry her faster. With a mighty leap, the ninetales easily jumped back up to where Mimikyu was supposed to be waiting just a brief moment ago.
The litten jumped off of Ninetales and dashed all the way out to the exit behind the falls. As soon as her eyes adjusted to the light, Lavender saw Mimikyu being carried by a lycanroc in the distance flanked by two others. The litten was about to run to them when Ninetales grabbed her by the tail, “Woah, please wait!”
Lavender turned to the Ninetales feeling distraught, but before she could say anything, Ninetales laid one of their tails between her shoulders, “Lavender, they’ll be expecting us to follow them. Once we reach their territory there must be some sort of ambush set in place. If we sneak past that, I’m sure Mimikyu won’t be as well-guarded. That way we’ll bypass the majority of the pack’s forces and get Mimikyu back no problem.” Umbreon hopped off the ledge to approach the two, “What we can do right now is to plan a path we can use to sneak past any potential ambush traps.”
Lavender nods, it was all a very logical conclusion to come to. The litten took deep breaths to calm herself, “Then there’s really no time to waste! I think I have an idea.”

It was very odd, being in the sun and walking on lush grass again. After a long while on snow, stone, and ice, this place should’ve felt kinder, more alive. But Lavender supposed the two snarling Pokémon on either side of her dampened the effect. The lycanroc led her through the terrain, headed all the way to Opal-point Precipice, or more specifically, the mountain it was perched on, Mt. Pike. Lavender was keeping her head down so she didn’t notice the lycanroc in front of her until she bumped right into her. It was a dusk lycanroc, snarling. The sun was out, which meant that she wasn’t in her full strength, so that at least gave her some comfort. “Who’s this?” She barked at the two Pokémon escorting her. The one on her right answered, “A litten, ally to the Ninetales.” The dusk lycanroc growled at Lavender, apparently attempting to intimidate her, which worked, but the litten defiantly stood her ground. The lycanroc turns away then, uninterested, “Take her to the clearing with the dry bushes, don’t let her near that Mimikyu, and don’t let her escape.” She says before trotting off.
The lycanroc comply and leads the litten off farther north. When they reach the clearing, the three Pokémon looked around once, twice, checking for any eyes. Then one of the two lycaroc rear up to their hind-legs, a dark, black mane tipped in red flowing down his back. The other grew smaller and with matching black-red fur, Zorua’s signature colours. Lavender nods to the both of them and they split up to look for Mimikyu.
Lavender heads north almost instinctively. She was warned not to approach Mt. Pike before she met up with Ninetales and Umbreon, so she goes around the base of the mountain instead. The litten kept to the bushes, especially the drier ones with lighter colours. And before long, she caught a scent of tea and old cloth, Mimikyu! Lavender peaked her head out of the shrubbery. Just behind some trees, she could see Mimikyu, guarded by a day lycanroc, though this one was definitely not another zoroark in disguise. Lavender wanted to jump out, snatch Mimikyu away, and run away, but that was definitely not going to work. So she was going to have to do things according to Ninetales’ plan.
Lavender walked out into the open and, slowly, she made her way up to the lycanroc. The Pokémon was dumbfounded at first, and so was Mimikyu in their tiny wooden cage, but then they turned their head up to howl. Before they could though, Lavender cried out, “Wait! I have a deal for you!” Mimikyu lashed out their tendrils to wrap around the lycanroc’s muzzle, stopping them from making any more noise than a pitiful whine. The lycanroc looked about ready to smash the cage into bits when Lavender spoke again, “Your pack leader, the Moonblight. I know what he’s promised you all. An alliance, lands unending for you lycanroc to rule over. All to be yours if you pledge your loyalty.” Lavender tried to repeat Ninetales’ words verbatim, she even tried to mimic her tone and voice, but her smaller litten voice was not doing it any justice. The lycanroc glared at Lavender, but kept listening, “But, that’s the problem, isn’t it? You have strength in numbers, but do you know your allies? Do you know the names of those lycanroc who stand beside you every day? Who can you trust?”
The lycanroc shakes off Mimikyu’s tendrils off their muzzle and snarls, “What are you trying to say?” Lavender stood her ground. Lycanroc were solitary Pokémon. They aren’t used to living and hunting in packs. Together, they might grow stronger in the short-run, but Ninetales had begged to differ. Lycanroc were also known as being sentimental Pokémon, basing most of their actions on emotion. They were loyal Pokémon to those they trust, but if they distrust someone, they were sure to return to their solitary nature. “You may think you have all the freedom and power you have now,” Lavender continued, “But do you really think your pack leader would think of you as irreplaceable? There’s twelve of you already, I’m sure one gone wouldn’t hurt, especially if he’s planning to expand his pack, then there’d be twenty of you, then thirty, then you’d basically be worth as much as a barking pebble to him.” The lycanroc stares at Lavender intently, the gears in their head turning. “Come on, see reason, what are you going to do with all this land. It’s empty! It’s just snow, snow, and more snow.” The lycanroc snarls, “If it wasn’t for your ninetales friend, it wouldn’t be. Besides, this one’s just for show. Once Pokémon find out we’ve managed to conquer this whole land ourselves, they’d cower at the sound of our howls,” their bark was a little too loud for Lavender’s comfort, but that just meant she had to hurry. “Pfft, what do you think will happen if they find out no one was here in the first place to defend it? You’ll be a laughing stock!” Wow, Lavender couldn’t tell where all this bravado was coming from, but she could feel her stomach twist in sheer terror.
The lycanroc’s eyes clouded with doubt. They turn to Mt. Pike, staring longingly at it. Lavender sighs, “Maybe you find comfort in numbers. I guess after a while alone, having others to stand by you must feel refreshing. But I assure you, this pack was built on false promises and greed. You will find no solace here.”
The lycanroc doesn’t turn to look back at her, but with a quick swipe of his claws, the door to Mimikyu’s cage was ripped clean off its hinges. The lycanroc bolts off into the trees, but it wasn’t anywhere near the other lycanroc patrols she knew of, so Lavender didn’t bother giving chase.
“Mimikyu!” Lavender was glad to see her friend safe and sound but they didn’t have much time to spare. Mimikyu dusts themself off, “Thanks, Lavender, I don’t think I could’ve made it out myself.” Lavender nods fondly in reply, but now that Mimikyu was safe and sound, there were other things to take care of.
Lavender and Mimikyu run together back to the clearing where Zoroark and Zorua were, waiting. The two of them report all the current locations the lycanroc were patrolling, all that’s left to do is to rig the trap. After another quick debrief to catch Mimikyu up, the four of them split up to take their places. Lavender with Zoroark, Mimikyu with Zorua.

Lavender looks up at the Precipice, something the Pokémon at camp were fighting so hard for to reach. It was ironic that she, the only newcomer, would be first to walk upon the stone path leading up to it. The lycanroc beside her, Zoroark, let his head droop down, unsure wether to act reverent or neutral before the Moonblight. At last, they climb the last step up onto the Precipice. On the very edge of it, looking upon the valleys before him, was the Moonblight lycanroc. She couldn’t be sure of what form he was in. The lycanroc walked on four legs, but his knuckles were bent over the floor like how a rillaboom walked. Lavender gulped audibly, this was it.
Zoroark nudged her forward to the Pack Leader, who was now looking quiet irritated. “Who is this, why have you brought this litten here?” He snarled and lowered his head down to take a closer look, then turned away, “I see. An ally to that blasted fox. Well, what are you waiting for take her away-“ He pauses. The lycanroc snaps his head back, his eyes blazing with rage. He roared and swatted away Lavender with such force she nearly tumbled off of the cliffside. She looked back in time to see the lycanroc launch Zoroark flying, jagged rocks lining the stone floor like bristled spines. “Trickery, I hate it most of all,” the moonborne spoke with a growl building in his throat, his eyes locking onto his next target, “I like myself an honest fight.” Lavender rolled away before he could pounce. Where her head was just split seconds ago was a dagger-like shard of stone. Lavender backed away slowly, making sure to stay away from the edges of the precipice. “You,” the lycanroc growls, “why do you insist on reclaiming this mountain? If it weren’t for your pesky, little moon obsession, you wouldn’t be here.”
Lavender had to admit that she wasn’t a part of this. She wonders now if all this time, if her endeavours would even be worth it. She was a stranger to this land, to these Pokémon around her. The litten couldn’t say for sure, but she also knew in her heart of hearts that this would be the right thing to do. Steeling herself, Lavender lowers into a fighting stance and readies her claws. The lycanroc watches in amusement but his snarl doesn’t fade the slightest bit from his face. This time, Lavender made sure to strike first. She charged right at the unsuspecting lycanroc, waiting until the very last second she had to roll over and dive to the right, clamping on her jaws on his bony leg as hard as she could muster. Before he could kick her off, Lavender was already a good, few feet away. The Moonblight settles on his haunches before, as quick as lightning, he dashes forward, his sharp horn not unlike a jousting lance. This time, Lavender couldn’t get away in time and took the full force of his attack straight on, which knocked her back, hard.
Her vision was dark, with white, blurry spots swimming around. Lavender could only thank her quick reflexes to save her in time, as the lycanroc wasted no time charging for her again. Lavender jumped out of the way, and this time, she ran to Zoroark’s side. As she did so, the lycanroc’s acceleration pushed him forward and cause his horn to wedge itself into a stone wall. The lycanroc looked absolutely mad, trashing and howling, raking his claws on the stone as if trying to dig out his horn. Lavender definitely didn’t want to be at the end of one those freshly-sharpened claws, so she started shaking Zoroark harder. “Wake up!” She begged, when Zoroark finally snaps back to consciousness. It was then when the rock around the lycanroc’s horn decided to give out, freeing him. “Run!” Lavender yells, and the zoroark, dazed but afraid, runs along. The litten was right on his tail, running down the stone path carved into the mountain wildly. The lycanroc was also giving chase, and he did not look the slightest bit tired.
Just then, a swirling, dark cloud formed just above the mountain’s peak and Lavender knew immediately that Ninetales and Umbreon had made it past the ambush teams alright. The three Pokémon were caught in a wild dash down the mountain, when suddenly, two lycanroc leapt before Zoroark blocking his path. The Moonblight, seeing his chance, tried to tackle Lavender. But he managed to miss something hidden right below his nose, quiet literally. A pair of tendrils snake from behind some rocks and latches onto his hindlegs, tripping him and sending him tumbling down over the ledge. The lycanroc landed roughly on a stone platform below him and was about to run away when Umbreon appeared before him. The two were immediately locked in combat. The lycanroc was viscious, but Umbreon was patient. They took hits head-on like they didn’t mean anything, and when a chance presented itself, Umbreon moved in to strike. Then, a strong light emitted from the lycanroc’s maw and he fired a concentrated beam of energy right at his opponent, blasting away Umbreon with the sheer force of it. Lavender quickly jumped down to help whilst Ninetales finally came upon the scene. Lavender ran up to Umbreon to see if they were alright, to which they respond to by jumping right back into battle. The two lycanroc above, one of whom was the lycanroc guarding Mimikyu, howled in warning. Lavender turned just in time to dodge a flurry of stone shards. The whole pack had been alerted to the scene, and they were raring to fight.
Mimikyu and Zorua jumped down to help, the latter disguising themselves as a lycanroc to confuse the pack. In the confusion, Lavender slowly made her way closer to the Pack Leader who had his claws locked onto Ninetales’ shoulder. Umbreon had used Toxic to poison the lycanroc it seems, but its effects took a while to grow potent. Lavender ran up to him, this was her shot. She bit onto the lycanroc’s tail, causing him to kick back in reflex. The litten quickly dodged them and with swiftly swept them off their forelegs. Ninetales took this chance to swat dirt into the lycanroc’s eyes, further confusing him.
In a rage, he headbutted Ninetales, which hurt to watch for Lavender. But Ninetales had been the perfect distraction, because at that moment, Lavender readied her own final move. She took a running start, and giving it her very best, Lavender twirls in the air, and with all her might, used her hind legs to kick the lycanroc right in the face. He wasn’t allowed a moment to recover, before again, Lavender uses her full weight to land another kick to his muzzle, finally knocking him out.
Watching their leader’s eyes flutter shut, lying on the ground unconscious, the rest of the pack stop fighting to just watch in awe. As a litten dealt the finishing blow to their so-called great and powerful leader. The two lycanroc who had been on Lavender’s side spared them knowing glances, and before long, all except those two scatter away in retreat. Lavender couldn’t believe it at first. She kept thinking she could hear the sounds of battle even when they all had long stopped fighting. When she shook it off, Lavender was about to pass out. From exhaustion or being overjoyed, she wasn’t sure. Lavender had won.

Twilight, she decided, was the best time of day. The cacophony of colours in the sky was mesmerising, watching distant comets streak by as she basked in the moonlight, it was the most at peace she’s ever felt before. Her heart was still racing. After the battle, she had returned to camp, aglow under a clear, blue sky. As soon as the news was spread around, the Pokémon immediately livened up. After days and weeks in wait, they were finally ready to finish their journey. To Mt. Pike, where Lavender sits now, on a ledge just above Opal-point. Below her were the Pokémon from camp, celebrating and feasting under the moonlight. Their rites and rituals had finished just an hour ago, and Mimikyu was among them, looking like they were having the time of their life. Lavender smiled, and looked up at the moon, the first time in a while she’d seen it completely clear of clouds, as if Lunala herself was smiling down at her. That reminded her of Ninetales and Umbreon, who had left earlier to deal with the lycanroc. She hadn’t quiet understood how they intended to send Lycanroc back to exile, but her farewells with Ninetales had been more of a celebration of their brief time together. It made her sad to know that she’d be leaving Mimikyu and the others soon, but for some reason, she had a feeling that they’d remain in her most precious memories for the rest of her life. That, that was probably what made it all worth it in the end.

Thank you so much for reaching the end of At Dusk’s storyline! I tried my best to emulate a Pokémon-esque story, but either way, I hope you had fun reading through it all. There’s still a week left for you to request designs for the Pokémon you have, but otherwise, that’s pretty much it for this event, thanks for joining in!

> Recruited: Moonblight Umbreon!
> Recruited: Midday Form Lycanroc!

I'll get to writing your quests as soon as I can! I might spend the next day writing Dawn's finale though, so it might take about a day or two, sorry for the inconvenience ^^;

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Edited on 13/05/21 @ 08:31:06 by -TheCelest- (#131669)

Beans :HM: (#86868)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2021-05-13 08:32:17
It's no problem! I don't mind a wait :)

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-TheCelest- (#131669)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-05-15 03:27:24
Beans - Main Quest
Sneasel taps their chin in remembrance, “Drampa said there used to be tons of aurorus here,” they gestured to the hills, “but well, eventually there were none left, and those Pokémon became a thing of the past. But Drampa’s apprentice, that other sneasel, said she once saw an aurorus here a few years back. She stumbled on one sleeping, but when they woke up, she ran away and they were gone before she could get Drampa to see for himself.” Sneasel handed them a sketch that the Sneasel had drawn up for them. The aurorus looked large, taller than even a tyranitar. Peanut vaguely remember seeing one depicted in some ruins they had been exploring a long time ago, but they definitely didn’t look like this one. Their vibrant sails that resembled the northern lights were shaded a darker hue, with white specks dotting them. The gem-like scales on their sides had elongated points, which made them look like stars. Peanut tilted their head. They had no reason to suspect an ancient Pokémon could live for centuries avoiding detection, but then again, they were also the first to discover Moonblights living in these valleys, and not to mention this supernatural snowstorm. So Peanut was going to have to take that sneasel’s story at face value.
Peanut donned a thick cloak lined with multiple layers of cotton and stuffed their bags with any emergency supplies. The two share a quick nod and set off.
Sneasel was always one step ahead of Peanut, already accustomed to running on snow and sand, while the breloom had to constantly hop out off the snow. But they made their way quickly back to the tunnel where Sneasel and Ponyta had fought the excadrill. Sneasel jumps down the slopes leading to it first and scans the area for any signs of that excadrill. When they’re sure no one else was around, Sneasel turned to look at the entrance, “So, you say there’s an exit on the other end?” Sneasel leaned their head down to peek into the tunnel, which definitely seemed like it was just an endless hallway of darkness. Peanut slid down the snow and finally caught up to them, “Yeah. Like I said, when I made it out it was all just grass, next thing I knew, the blizzard just…’followed’ me there, I guess.” The breloom left the snow into the tunnel and urged his companion to follow suit, “Come on, trust me.”
The two of them were stuck in the dark for a good while, with the only light to guide them emanating from Peanut’s bioluminescence. In the meantime, Peanut was running through their thoughts, wondering what all of this meant. Was the aurorus responsible for this blizzard? Peanut saw two silhouettes last night, so does that mean there’s more aurorus? Even if they do find out whose responsible for the storm, could they even stop them? Peanut shook his head, for now, they had to focus on finding this mysterious Pokémon.
They reached the exit eventually. Peanut helped Sneasel up, “This is it.” But Sneasel could only squint at the sight that greeted them, “You sure?” Peanut nodded, looking at the snow amassed upon the grass, “Here I’ll show you.” Peanut left the cave and dug their claws into the snow, which was definitely much thicker than it was yesterday. Sneasel came to help shovel it away, and what they find beneath all that was a few green strands left in between the other blades of brown, dormant grass. Sneasel stared in astonishment, and then looked puzzled, but didn’t question it any further. The both of them got up and continued their journey north.
“So, a storm that follows you wherever you go, you sure you don’t have some abomasnow lineage or something?” Peanut shrugs, “I’m a breloom through and through. Are you sure you’re not summoning these storms?” Sneasel laughs, “I wish! I’d be unstoppable back on the island.” Peanut springs ahead, trying in vain to out-speed the Ice-type, and just as they had expected, Sneasel darts past them with ease. They were about to look back and taunt Peanut when their head suddenly whips back forward. Peanut paused in their tracks, a small shiver building in their tail, “You okay?” Sneasel looked back at the breloom, then took a another look north, “Is that- is that the mountain you’re all looking for?”
Peanut’s breath caught in their throat. Slowly, the breloom makes their way up to the hill, and what do you know. On the base of the hill was a lake, but just a little ways beyond that, a clear line separates white snow from emerald grass. There was a vast landscape of plant-life, thriving beneath clear, blue skies, no storm, no snow. And then, looming over it all was a mountain, on its side perched Opal-point Precipice. The two of them could only gape at the scene, was this some sort of mirage? Sneasel bounded ahead and Peanut followed close behind, more eager to get out of the cold than anything else. They run around the lake and right into the line bordering the two sides of winter and spring. Peanut wanted so bad to run straight into the lush grass, but they knew better than to risk luring the storm into these plains untouched by the frigid grasp of the storm. Sneasel looks around, at a loss for ideas, “What now?”
And then, a howl pierces through the air. Sneasel jumps back, growling. From the taller patches of grass, slinked out a red-furred lycanroc, followed by another walking on all fours. The former glared at Peanut, his muzzle pulled back in a wide sneer, “Not a big fan of mushrooms, but I suppose I can’t be picky with food can I?”
The lycanroc in his midday form is settled into a battle stance, though his expression indicated that he’d rather fight his partner, “They’re on the right side of the border.” The one in his midnight form growled in reply, clearly uninterested in technicalities.
Sneasel took a small step back, “I’m not at all good up against lycanroc, Peanut.” The breloom leaned downwards, ready to pounce if needed, “We don’t mean any trouble!” The lycanroc looked on in amusement, but his eyes were focused, watching the two’s every move. Then, before Peanut could react, the lycanroc charged. Sneasel dodged out of the way, but Peanut held onto the lycanroc’s mane. Quickly, they leave a few Sleep Spores entangled into his mane and jump off, leaving him to dream about whatever it is lycanroc liked. Pebbles, maybe?
The other lycanroc joined in to help, now aiming for Sneasel. The Ice-type quickly takes their chance to launch a Fake Out, forcing the lycanroc to flinch and halt in their tracks. Then, with a graceful leap into the air, they point their claws downward and bounced themselves off the lycanroc’s back with a great kick. They land to the side with a pirouette to boot. Before the lycanroc could recover, Peanut jabbed him in the side of his face, effectively knocking him out.
But then, a series of howls fill the air, and more lycanroc approach. Peanut and Sneasel instinctively turn to retreat but not before they run right into the night lycanroc, wide awake and furious. Peanut considered their options. Tell Sneasel to run and get help? There was zero chance they could make the trip to camp and back in time. Peanut counted the lycanroc, about six in total. The breloom gulped and braced for impact.
Then, like some sort of twister, the storm clouds above swirled into one concentrated spot, spiralling down to the earth. The winds picked up, and snow flurried around them like startled bird Pokémon. The lycanroc backed off and Sneasel quickly grabbed Peanut’s arm to run and take cover. Safe behind a short, stone ledge, Peanut could see the storm launch the night lycanroc in the air. The rest of the lycanroc go to fetch him and immediately run off, having lost track of the breloom.
Then, Peanut heard footsteps, crunching the snow. The breloom peaked out to see a Pokémon, so tall that they had to look straight up to meet their eyes. The aurorus was just like Drampa’s apprentice had drawn out. Their sails glittered and their skin was speckled through with white markings that made them look the night sky. Their tail faded into mist, and every step they took left a smoky trail behind. Their voiced boomed through the area, though their tone was gentle, “Are you the breloom she speaks of?” Peanut left the cover of the ledge, Sneasel following close behind, “Who’s ‘she’?” Though they had a pretty good guess.
The aurorus hums, “A kirlia. She came to me in my dreams, speaking of a Pokémon that could be of great aid to my endeavour.” Peanut nodded, though they had one question buzzing around in their mind. “This storm, you’re the one who controls it?” The aurorus bends their head down to meet Peanut at eye-level. Their gentle eyes made Peanut think they’d answer no, but the aurorus confirmed it. “Yes. Please understand, it is in your best interest. Come with me,” With a flick of their tail, the two of them follow Aurorus. Despite their slow pace, Peanut and Sneasel had to hurry up theirs to keep up. “See, those lycanroc, they belong to a pack led by a strong Moonblight. We of moonborne vow to protect the peace, but this lycanroc, he is hellbent on power. Even among us, power-hungry Pokémon will always arise.” They reach the lake they passed previously at the base of the hill. Aurorus takes a drink from its waters, though Peanut was positive if they tried the water it would freeze their face off. Aurorus looks north, to the Opal-point Precipice, the setting sun painting the bottom of it a warm red. “I have summoned this storm to keep you from journeying any further,” Aurorus continued, “My storm is bitter cold, but trust me when I say the claws of a lycanroc hurt much more. This pack have just arrived to these valleys on the night of the last new moon, but sometime long, long ago, I recall a time where the very same pack first came here." Their eyes turn to Sneasel, "Even back then, Pokémon journeyed here every year to the Opal-point to fulfil their annual tribute to Lunala. So when those Pokémon returned here the year that lycanroc pack were roaming the land, they were attacked by the vicious Pokémon. Many were injured, and for many years, they were far too wary to return. It wasn't until a daring Pokémon chased away the pack when they once again paid their annual tribute to Lunala on the Opal-point Precipice, where it is supposed to be held."
Peanut followed their gaze, watching as the last of the sun’s rays faded away, the moonlight taking its place. Under the stars, Opal-point was alight with a pale sheen that made it look pearlescent. Peanut supposed that was how it earned its moniker. “I wish to spare this land of that lycanroc’s cruel reign. But even I cannot face him alone. Which is why, dear breloom, it seems I must ask you for an alliance.” Peanut turned back to face Aurorus, their face determined, and agrees. The aurorus’ eyes fill with gratitude, “The moon rises. Return here at dawn tomorrow, and we will discuss matters further. Together, we will reclaim Opal-point.”

> Recruited: Moonblight Aurorus

Beans - Side Quest
"A spring?"
"Mhm," Peanut mumbles. Together with Sneasel, they were making their way to the spring everyone's been talking about. "Water-types are pretty resilient in the cold, you know." Sneasel grumbles, "I'm pretty resilient in the cold." Peanut laughs and runs ahead. Not too long later, they reach the spring. It was large, ringed with a barrier of short rocks. The odd thing was, its waters were running just fine, clear of frost. It was connected to a river, which was flowing just fine, as if stuck in spring, oblivious to this raging snowstorm. Peanut scampered up to the rocks and took a closer look at the spring. "Hey Sneasel!" They called out. The other climbed up onto the rocks, "What?"
Peanut pointed to the bottom of the spring, which at closer inspection, looked it reached deeper down than they had previously thought. A shadow lurked in its depths, whilst other fish Pokémon frolicked in the waters.

Choose any Water-type you'd like! It can have a secondary typing, just as long as one of its types is Water!

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Beans :HM: (#86868)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2021-05-16 22:59:27
[vibrates loudly] plotplotplotplotplot!!
May I get a slowpoke for my water types?

Peanut will take Main Quest #3 - Wolven Vengeance, please!

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Edited on 16/05/21 @ 22:59:51 by Beans :HM: (#86868)

-TheCelest- (#131669)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-05-17 07:34:45
Beans - Spirit of The Spring
(takes place before 'Glimmering Shadows' XD)
Peanut knows for sure that it wasn't some sort of fish Pokémon. It had no fins and its tail looked mammalian. "What kind of Pokémon lives in water?" Peanut leaned down, trying to look past the moon's reflection on the water. "Uhm, milotic, I suppose."
That was not a milotic. The silhouette didn't look snake-like, and it was much too small to be a milotic. Sneasel hopped off the rocks and onto the water's edge. Sneasel taps their chin and looks at Peanut at a loss, and before they could stop them, Peanut jumps into the spring.
Just like they had expected, the water was nowhere close to freezing. In fact, it was pretty warm. If the breloom just closed their eyes, they could almost imagine sun rays piercing through the water. Speaking of which, Peanut looked to the bottom of the spring, where the silhouette was, but it was gone. Peanut did a double-take. 'Oh no,' the breloom quickly whirled around to see if that Pokémon might've been planning to ambush them, but no one was there.
Peanut quickly swam back to the surface and- they noticed two things.
One, jumping into the water was a mistake. As soon as they left the spring, the cold air nearly froze their sopping wet skin off.
And two, Sneasel. They were having a sort of staring contest with...something. Peanut could only describe it as an ice sculpture of a slowpoke. But instead of ice, imagine it was made out of water, liquid-y and all but intact. "What." Peanut approached cautiously, weirded out by the slowpoke's blank stare. "Peanut, what do we do?" The breloom could shake their head and continue watching in what felt eerily similar to sheer terror. "Who are you?" Peanut tried, though if this slowpoke was like any other they've met, it would take a while before getting an answer.
After a whole, five seconds, the slowpoke turns to the breloom, their friendly smile took so long to form that it felt more intimidating than friendly. "I am the spirit of this spring."
Another five seconds pass, "As you can see, I ward away the winter frost. If I don't, the Pokémon in this spring will freeze."
Peanut and Sneasel looked at one another. They've seen weird, mystical things before, like that excadrill, but for whatever reason, this awkward meeting freaked them out. It must've been the cold getting into Peanut's head or something. The slowpoke blinked, which took a second. Then Sneasel raised their claw as if they were some sort of student, "Slowpoke, I know you must be busy, but do you have any idea what this storm is? As in, what's causing it?"
Silence. One, two, three, four, "Oh, I don't know, I wish I could know myself. There's never been anything like this before, you see."
Then, Sneasel must've had a troubled expression, because the slowpoke hurriedly, or at least as quickly as a slowpoke could, said, "Oh, but I do know how to help you. Take this," And, to their horror, the slowpoke's tail fell off. Peanut knew slowpokes had the ability to do that, but seeing it in action made them clutch their own tail out of reflex.
The tail, now melting into a puddle on the floor, suddenly pulled itself back into a solid form. The droplets left in the snow all collected themselves into the solid, and altogether, they shrank and smoked until all that was left, was a bell.
"What." Peanut looked at Sneasel in confusion, only for them to repeat back, "What."
The slowpoke stared at the both of them for another five seconds before smiling, "Just ring it when you need my help, I have exceptional hearing if you'd believe it."
With no words that could encapsulate their feelings, the both of them could only stutter out a word of gratitude.

> Recruited: Dew Slowpoke
Dew Pokémon are made completely out of water.

Beans - Main Quest
Peanut shivered, even sheltered behind the cliff walls, the cold was nearly unbearable. Sneasel had lent them their own scarf, but the breloom was still shivering uncontrollably, drained of energy already. "Do you really think we could take them all on in combat?" Sneasel asks, though they were mumbling more to themself than Peanut. Peanut had been wondering that too. They had an advantage to Rock-types, but Sneasel and Aurorus was especially vulnerable to the lycanroc's typing. But besides that, lycanroc are known to be great fighters alone, it was hard to imagine what they could be capable of in a pack.
Peanut huddled their head into the scarf, maybe some semblance of a plan would appear if they just warmed up. The pair left the cover of the cliffs and continued their journey back to the lake, now totally exposed to the flurry of snow raining down to the earth. Peanut eyed their bag, which had a box of matches in it. Maybe they could start a fire somehow?
The breloom suddenly yelped, their wish coming true in the most ironic way possible. Sneasel snapped to attention immediately, turning to their companion, who had the tip of their tail in between a lycanroc’s jaws. It had apparently used Fire Fang, because Peanut’s tail looked like Aurorus’, sails of fire lighting it up. The breloom whipped around their claws and raked them across the lycanroc’s face, forcing him to let go and just as quickly, they whack their tail over and over again on the snow, trying to put out the fire. It was that night lycanroc, looking eager for a little payback. Without a word, he pounced again, aiming for Peanut. Quickly, they drop to their back and use their legs to kick the lycanroc with full force. Sneasel, seeing their chance, reeled back their claws to attack, only for the lycanroc to recover and rush at them at the last second, knocking them backwards.
Peanut felt like their next move was solely their instinct taking over, because in a flash, the breloom had their grip on the lycanroc’s mane, clinging onto it like a komala. The breloom tried to put the lycanroc to sleep with Sleep Spore, but was shaken off. Peanut tried to run away to put some distance between them, but the lycanroc snapped at their tail, trapping them. This time, however, Peanut hadn’t been caught off-guard. Breloom were known to be physical fighters, but of course, they were also quiet renowned for the multitude of effects their spores could cause on contact. Peanut loosened up the muscles in their tail, and could instantly feel one of the four seeds at the tip of it fall off. On second thought, maybe that slowpoke losing their tail shouldn’t have freaked them out so much. The lycanroc gagged. He let go and started choking, and how couldn’t he? The seeds on a breloom’s tail could’ve easily been the same size as his throat canal. With great effort, somehow, the lycanroc managed to get swallow the whole thing down, and smirks, “Nice try.” Peanut could only tap their foot impatiently, waiting for the effects to kick in. Suddenly, the lycanroc pauses. His eyes widened, realising his mistake. Peanut taunted him, “What’s wrong, feeling woozy?” The lycanroc snarled before he gagged, then before Peanut could witness lycanroc emesis, he turns tail and ran.
Peanut turned to see Sneasel, out cold in the snow. They make their way to the sneasel’s side and pulled out a vial of crushed up Reviver Seeds, “Don’t make me do this, Sneasel.” Sneasel’s eyes shot open, wether they were pretending or due to the pungent smell wafting from the vial, Peanut couldn’t be sure. They slowly get up, their eyes still fluttering, “I’m up.”
A large cloud of mist escaped Peanut, that was close. Peanut couldn’t imagine doing that with a whole pack of lycanroc, and Sneasel was out cold in a single shot. Peanut handed Sneasel back the Defense Scarf they had lent the breloom, “You’ll need this more than I do.”
Then, heavy footsteps rumbled through the valley. It was Aurorus, though their eyes clouded over with guilt. They lower their head down to meet Peanut at eye-level, "I don't believe it, I let one of those lycanroc evade my watch, I cannot apologise enough." Sneasel shook their head, “We made it out okay, it’s fine.” Though Peanut wasn’t so sure, considering the sneasel-shaped dent on the snow.
“But do not worry, dear breloom. I’ve mulled over our choices. I understand my aid alone will not do, so it seems that I must resort to my only option left," Aurorus speaks reluctantly, as if unsure of their plan, "We must seek help, from other moonborne, other Moonblight. Though, finding them will be difficult. The more powerful Moonblight Pokémon reside in places no Pokémon can easily find. They are hidden within their own respective domains. I know of their locations, but we may only ask of one's assistance. Disturbing moonborne from their duty shall only be reserved for the most severe of matters, so we shall only be able to find one of them. The choice, however, I leave to you, Peanut. And one more thing, a lycanroc's strength relies on the time of day, so I ask you, when do you wish to depart?"

You have two questions to answer. First,

> The Moonblight Umbreon
> The Moonblight Skarmory
> The Moonblight Meganium
> The Moonblight Charizard

[specifically for the charizard, there is a chance you might lose them in the story. a random coin flip will decide wether you get to keep the charizard or lose them, but this will not happen with any of the other choices.]


> Depart at Day [Midday Form]
> Depart at Night [Midnight Form]
> Depart at Dusk [Dusk Form]

[this will determine the form of lycanroc that you will obtain, so make sure you choose the one you like best.]

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Beans :HM: (#86868)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2021-06-11 00:38:22
Sorry! I was held up by school, is this still on going?

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