Posted by As The Sun Sets [Warriors RP]

wilsophene the koko;
[II] (#217766)

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Posted on
2021-05-14 17:48:57

As the sun sets..As the four clans have been settled in the forest for several moons now, everything has been at peace. Warriors have been fulfilling their duties, queens producing healthy kits, new leaders gaining new lives from StarClan, Deputies scolding trouble makers, the normal. But, one day, one clan’s medicine cat prophesied about the sun setting and the two-legs tearing through the forest as if there was no tomorrow. Everyone thought they were faking it, because it was coming from ShadeClan.. But what if they weren’t faking it? What if they really dreamed about it?

Will the Clans decide to finally give up what they called home and find a new one or fight to the last day of their lives? Only the setting sun knows..

————————— Hey y’all! Welcome to my roleplay. ————————

After getting inspired by my main’s warrior cats roleplay, I decided to make one for here! As the above said, this is a roleplay with a “prophecy”. (Prophecy: “As the bloody sun sets, they will take their yellow claws and tear down the forest..”)

Anyways, moving on, we do gotta set some ground rules..:

1. No over-powering. No exceptions.

2. Please do not kill/severely injure without perm! You can attack without injuring without perm, however..

3. Please ask the person using the OC to be mates with their OC, be related in any way, or maybe even enemies. Don’t know, but, lol.

4. LGBTQ+ allowed! Even transies and etc.

5. Please DM me to be a high rank like a leader, deputy, or medicine cat, but please ask the medicine cat to be their app. Thanks.

6. Also please DM me for any further more questions. :) We do need an OOC but that’ll come later..

7. Please stick with realistic colors and names! Thank you. (Moon is allowed.)

That’s it! But please be kind. :)

Here are the clans:

ShadeClan - Handsome/pretty cats with quick reflexes and secretive personalities (your choice).

CloudClan - Handsome/pretty cats with cloud-like movements and sometimes catch their prey from tall trees.

LightningClan - Handsome/pretty cats with a love for speed and the wind through their fur.

StormClan - Handsome/pretty cats with good hunting skills under a shady forest and sturdy builds. (Again, your choice)

That is it for right now! DM me for more questions. ^3^

Coding credit to Polaroid (#163486). Get your own here.

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Vera [II] (#28318)

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Posted on
2021-06-28 10:24:45
((omg yeah, whooooo did give him the jumping beans ))
He purred as she licked his nose. He closed his eyes again and began to feel tired. “Let’s talk more about it tomorrow?” He asked softly. “I didn’t realize how tired I was until now.” He chuckled slightly and got more comfy next to his mate and laid his head on her back.

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clementine |
she/they/its (#218151)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-06-28 10:27:34

Swanpurr nodded, settling down beside him as she rested her paw on his back as she washed his fur softly with long strokes of her tongue. "Don't worry, me too. Maybe from all the excitement and annoying queens has really worn me out." She chuckled softly, her strokes becoming even more lazier and lazier until she rested her head beside her mate's side.

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Vera [II] (#28318)

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Posted on
2021-06-28 10:35:59
The large male drifted off to sleep and had dreams of his and Swanpurr’s future.

He woke up before the sun had peaked over the mountain. He slowly stood up, careful to not wake his beautiful mate. He stretched before rubbing along the opening of her den to smell like herbs before walking out and rolling in some dirt to smell like he had been out in the forest. He shook his pelt before slipping into the warriors den and curling back up and falling back asleep for the remaining hours.

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clementine |
she/they/its (#218151)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-06-28 10:50:46

Swanpurr would be in a deep sleep, quiet snores coming from her as she slept against her mate's side.

The medicine cat was still asleep, for a bit, before realizing that she was laying against the soft floor of her den. Jolting awake, she began panicking for why she couldn't find Spider(*Spidey)fang, before realizing it was.. well, morning and the sun had begun to filter into her den. "Damnit! I wanted to spend more time with him." She frowned, getting up and shaking dust out of her fur.

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Vera [II] (#28318)

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Posted on
2021-06-28 11:01:30
((HAHA IT WAS A TYPO. I’m on mobile and I literally didn’t even notice omg imma keep it tho ))
Spiderfang was asked to go on a border patrol when he woke up, he nodded but couldn’t help but to feel a little annoyed, he just wanted to see Swanpurr. While on the patrol, Wingflight (ncp), asked him where he was every night now that they didn’t see him sleep in the den with them. He swallowed and let out a soft laugh. “There’s this fat squirrel i’ve been trying to catch for a while now. But it just is too fast somehow.” He coolly covered his ass. He hoped his lying was believable.

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clementine |
she/they/its (#218151)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-06-28 11:08:13

The medicine cat sighed quietly, purring fondly at the warm sunshine as she dragged her cheek against the ground (sort of like what dogs do where they drag the like side of their face against the ground and fall down onto their back), gracefully falling onto her back as she smiled at the warm sunshine seeping into her belly fur. Her tail curled around her hind right leg as she began to sunbathe.

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Vera [II] (#28318)

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Posted on
2021-06-28 11:24:50
((I can literally see her dragging her face and it’s making me giggle.))

As the patrol walked back into the camp, he glanced to Swanpurr’s den and saw her laying on her back. He smiled and shook his head. ‘Yep, that’s my mate.’ He waited till they were dismissed from the patrol before grabbing a mouse and a bird and trotting over to Swanpurr, his muscles rippling through his pelt. “Good morning, miss Swanpurr.” He purred dropping the mouse by her. He figured no one would suspect a thing if he just ate by her, they were just “friends” after all.

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clementine |
she/they/its (#218151)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-06-28 11:28:28
Swanpurr's eyes fluttered open as she gazed fondly up at the tom. "Why, hello there, Spiderfang." She cooed softly, watching as the muscular tom settled himself down beside her as she gratefully took the mouse. "Thanks!" She giggled, now lying down on her belly as she chomped down on her fat mouse.

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Vera [II] (#28318)

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Posted on
2021-06-28 13:20:24
Spiderfang ate his bird and savored every bite. “This bird tasted amazing, i’ll have to thank Starclan for that.” He purred, licking his chops clean. He looked down to Swanpurr with a smile on his face, everything she did amused him. “What does your schedule look like today, dear?” He asked wrapping his tail around himself.

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clementine |
she/they/its (#218151)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-06-28 13:23:07
Swanpurr nodded in amazement. "My mouse was very flavorful! It was like it had non-existent seasoning in it. or should I say on it?" She said with a thoughtful rumble. Her ears swivelled forward as she sat up and curled her tail around her paws with a thinking face. "Hmm... Well," She tilted her head to one side as if she were still thinking. "I don't seem to be busy today, really." The medicine cat shrugged. "How come?"

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Vera [II] (#28318)

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Posted on
2021-06-28 13:27:20
Spiderfang shrugged. “Just wondering, I was hoping we would get to spend a little time together during the day.” He said with a smile. “So hearing that it possibly won’t be busy, just makes my day a whole lot better.” He winked. “Now I can plan a little date for you, my love.” The tom softly tapped her shoulder with his tail.

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clementine |
she/they/its (#218151)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-06-28 13:41:08
Swanpurr nodded. "Oh, okay, then." She murmured, her tail swished as she looked Spiderfang up and down, probably forgetting of how handsome he was. She shook her head, totally forgetting she was staring him up and down. A soft blush was on her face from the tom's wink. Her fur tingled gently. "Huh, a little date? For me?" She purred.

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Vera [II] (#28318)

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Posted on
2021-06-28 13:53:51
Spiderfang watched as she eyed him, basically checking him out. He puffed up his chest and raised his head. “I can see your drool.” He joked and smiled. “And yes, a date just for you, mi amor.” He purred. He stood up and sheathed and unsheathed his claws multiple times thinking of ideas he could plan. He lowered his head next to her ear before speaking deeply. “And remember, if any queens rub it in your face today that they are having kits…” he whispered. “Just remember you’re next.” He quickly licked her ear before anyone could notice and stood back up. “See you later, Swanpurr.” He mused before turning and padding out the clans camp.

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clementine |
she/they/its (#218151)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-06-28 14:06:12
Swanpurr purred, getting up and arching her back so she could stretch. She then quickly layed back down beside Spiderfang. "Mmmm.. I'm not surprised." She murmured with a smirk. Her ear twitched as the tom began speaking in her ear. Her heart began beating quicker than you could say, 'Spider-man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can,'. Her face became a deep, rosy red. A soft smirk formed on her face. "Huh. You are sly; very sly, my love." She purred softly, brushing her muzzle against his neck before watching him leave. Her fur still tingled as she thought about what she was in store for later that day.

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Vera [II] (#28318)

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Posted on
2021-06-28 14:09:29
SPIDEYfang decided to stop by the river before getting everything ready for later that night. As he drank he began to wonder how the other clans were so quiet. Then he began to think of how he could possibly get Silentshadow by herself so that Swanpurr could reunite with her once again. Feeling troubled he sat down by the water and dipped his paws in.

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