Posted by [Nov] Base: Whisper

Gremlin's Hotel (#130033)

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Posted on
2021-05-24 15:47:47
As the Earth turns from summer warmth towards the colder winter, towards rebirth, your pride takes time to revere its ancestors. Great kings, beautiful queens, fierce huntresses, brave patrols, and cubs taken from life too early are all honored in the light of the cooler sun. For many this month, ancestors visit the living in their dreams and in their solitary times, leaving behind their loving yet faint Whispers…

Hello! I present a base intended for November’s Whispering Ancestors event. It has been stated in some pieces of Lioden lore that the spirits of those passed are known as “Whispers” and so, this November-inspired base has been named for such. Think of it as a gift to your pride from their ancestors for their love in life!


Whisper was inspired by bases Alabaster, Ethereal, Ivory, and Stratosphere. It is meant to look like glowing spots of the essence of stardust or lion Whispers have graced your lion's coat. I had contemplated adding a very soft accent color of pink or purple in some spots, but thought it might make it look too much like Stratosphere. Let me know if a V2 or alternate version using this accent color concept is of interest!

Original thoughts had been Cream Light Countershaded, as that base group could use some love. But over the course of coloring, perhaps it fits better with the Black Light Countershaded/Solid group. A rarity value has not been designated and will depend on the method of obtaining the base.

Method(s) to Obtain
== 1) Whisper Reward (Piety Bar Tier 3, "Ancestral Blessing" applicator)
As Whisper is meant to be a November base, it may be most likely to have it as a Whisper Reward in the Shaman Pit, like many of November’s other applicator manes and bases. This does, however, widen the reward pool (as I’ve heard some players do not enjoy) and it also requires the creation of a matching mane, which is not something I have started. I might need help for the creation of a Whisper mane color. Base rarity in this option would be Special.

== 2) Crafting ("Ancestral Incense" craftable applicator)
Another method to obtain Whisper could be via crafting, making an item known as "Ancestral Incense". However, November’s event already has many recipes and there are not many items obtained during the month or otherwise that might be suitable crafting materials for this base. If you have any suggestions, please let me know, but otherwise this method feels unlikely. Base rarity in this option would be Rare or Special.

== 3) November-Exclusive Combo Base
My only other thought is that Whisper might be obtained from Combo breeding exclusively during the month of November. We already have examples of month-exclusive combo bases such as Pulsar for July and Temporal for October, so this is not an unprecedented option. At the time of posting, I have no ideas for what bases might be suitable factors for Whisper, though. Please give me your suggestions and I will post them here!


Have suggestions for Whisper? Leave them below! If you say NO, please let me know why!

This suggestion has 47 supports and 23 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/05/21 @ 15:52:06 by Gremlin's Hotel (#130033)

Am Palm Tree (Eris) (#189414)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-05-24 15:52:58
First of all, wicked job. Second of all- I NEED THIS NOW

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:3 (#123887)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-05-24 15:53:58
YES!! this is absolutely beautiful. massive support from me!

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TetraTwinkle (#124618)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-05-26 16:09:54
No support on this one from me I'm afraid.

It reminds me too much of snowflake, and the whisps look more like body paint than a base type imo.
It is pretty though, I would've loved it if it was a decor...

Sorry to be 'one of those' but I thought I'd at least leave the feedback as to why.

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Ferus|BO Mark (#206532)

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Posted on
2021-05-26 16:17:53
Definite support. And if it were to be a combo base, I’d think Snowflake/Glacial x Stratosphere.

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🐝 Ginger_Bee 🐝 (#167127)

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Posted on
2021-05-26 16:33:39
Agreed with PIka, it looks like more of a decor to me than a base, no support, sorry

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mike-princeofstars (#112587)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2021-05-28 03:31:51
very pretty!! but i agree with the general consensus of it looking more like markings than part of the base. maybe make them larger and blend them in a bit more?

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Espenfalls ✧ G1
13/15bo Khnum (#127995)

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Posted on
2021-05-29 20:01:34
No support from me, unfortunately. I do think it's pretty but those weird.. wisps. When I saw it I thought body paint. Could suggest those wisps separately for a decor and alter this base!

I'd say blend out he "wisps" more, make them flow on the rest of the base better and not look so solid. Without those weird decor-looking markings the base is very pretty but they could be worked to look like wisps while still not looking like a base that has decor/markings already.

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