Posted by Burned's Liolocke Progress

Burned_Corpse (#240475)

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Posted on
2022-03-21 15:57:34

Burned's #Liolocke2022 Progress Log

Liolocke Discussion | Burned's Liolocke Lore | Game Progress

Please note that this is not a discussion thread, and is meant only as a place for me to track my progress. Please do not post here. There is a thread for Liolocke discussion located here. All credit for the LD version of this challenge goes to Lynx, though I've put my own spin on the rules.

To sum this up quickly The Lioden Nuzlocke or Liolocke if you will is a Hard Mod designed game to make the day to day life of Lioden far more challenging than normal. This causes the stakes to be high, the rules are a little insane and it is defiantly a long-term challenge. However the reward for achieving your goals is more than worth the effort.
In my playthrough I will be making it a little more harder and easier at the same time such a changing the amount of cubs allowed to be born if certain criterias are not met etc.
This post lists the rules of Liolocke, and the following posts in the thread will track my day-to-day progress through the challenge.

long term goals
1. I am determined to produce interesting/good looking cubs that and descendants of my rolled king and his ncls.
2. I am determined to produce decent stat cubs every time a cub that is descendent of my rolled king and his ncls is born.
3. I am determined to get one of my rolled king's descendents on the most stats leaderboard.
4. I want to have a clean pride as in No inbreeding and no big 4. I want to make sure all my rolled king and his ncls descendents are clean of course this can't be helped if some of the descendents outside of my pride have become inbred however I can at least ensure everyone in MY pride is clean. The reason for goals 3 and 4 is because there is not a lot of clean high stat kings out there at least where I can find with really high stats though I am determined to change that.

the rules
Ahh yes the rules...
ONE ⟶ I start the Liolocke with nothing. No currency, no items, no lions.
● Any items that I currently have buried may be used on Non-Liolocke lions.
● The Non-Liolocke lions which I will start the game with will be non-participatory in pride upkeep. They exist to be pretty.
● The exception to the non-participation rule for the Non-Liolocke lions is that my lioness(es) will hunt to provide food for non-participators in the initial stages of the game, as there may not be enough Liolocke lions to sustain both themselves and the Non-Liolocke lions.
● Any food gathered by Non-Liolocke lions in the initial stages of the game will be discarded once the Non-Liolocke lions have eaten. My king will not eat from it, nor will any Liolocke lions, nor will it be sold.
● Any event currency which I obtained in the past and rolls over into the Liolocke’s duration shall be treated as if it does not exist unless used to purchase an item for a Non-Liolocke lion.

TWO ⟶ I begin the Liolocke with 0 submale slots and a territory size of 2.
● Because this is not a new account and my territory has already been expanded, in order to ‘expand’ my territory I will randomly gift the currency which would have been used to expand my territory and will then have access to the extra territory which I ‘purchased’.
● When I reach the point of ‘fighting’ for additional territory, this will be handled by winning a fight against an NPC lion encounter in Explore.
● Territory expansions purchased with GB will also be handled by gifting the currency randomly and then obtaining ‘access’ to the spot.
● Once I have ‘purchased’ territory up to my actual territory size, I will then proceed with expansions as per the usual game mechanics.
● Submale slots, frozen slots, and cave slots will be handled in the same fashion. Previously obtained slots will be ‘purchased’ by gifting the currency which will then enable me to use the slots.
● Once I have ‘purchased’ slots up to my actual slot count, I will then proceed with expansions as per the usual game mechanics.
● Any territory, submale slots, frozen slots, or cave slots that are taken up by Non-Liolocke lions will be treated as if they do not exist.

THREE ⟶ I do not purchase lions nor accept gifts from other players for the most part.
● All Liolocke lions will be claimed in Explore or bred. I may keep Non-Liolocke lions in a separate den. However I am allowed to purchase NCLs and Chased NCLs from others. I may be allowed to purchase other lions from players however they must be low gen and clean.
● I may purchase items from the monkey shop, but only if I am using currency I have earned during my Liolocke challenge.
● I may purchase applicators and decor from other players. All other items - food, toys, etc. - must be earned through Explore or purchased from the Monkey Shop.
● I will not accept gifts from other players, unless they are sent during the December event. If I am gifted, I will pay it forward to someone else. Unless they are part of the Liolocke then in such case I must gift them as well
● I may sell my own lions and cubs, but only "living" ones.
● I may sell my own items and food, but only if they were obtained during the Liolocke challenge.

FOUR ⟶ All encounters in Explore will be handled realistically, and their results will be final.
● If my King is defeated in an Explore encounter, he will be slightly injured and weakened should he carry on exploring and be defeated again he will be advised from exploring for the rest of the day.
● If I carry on exploring even after being defeated twice in one day, after this point any time I am defeated again a dice will be rolled out of 100 0-25 means my king survives and is lucky, they can continue to explore but are advised to stop to ensure they don't get themselves killed. 26-74 means my king is badly injured and is forbidden to explore any further. 75-100 results in my king's death.
Should my king die if there is any submales within the pride a dice will be thrown and the heir/strongest or only submale to see attack the thing that killed the king, 0-50 means the submale one 51-100 means the submale lost. the dice will be throne till one of the submales wins should non win or there is none left I will need to reroll, and have a rogue male find the pride and take over. Should the attacker have been a male lion that reroll will be that lion and they will take over the pride.
● If my King has an available submale, the submale may instead take the blow and will thus be unable to patrol the rest of the day.
● If my King is defeated by an Elephant or Rhino, this will be considered a lethal defeat. A submale must take the killing blow if available. If no submale is available, my King will be killed and the game will be over.
● I may flee battles that I know I will lose. This does not count as a defeat but as a forfeit, and therefore does not result in the death of my king or a submale.

FIVE ⟶ All hunts will be handled Semi-realistically and as if their results are final.
● Each lioness gets 3 chances
● If a lioness fails a hunt, she loses a chance
● If a lioness loses all 3 chances they will be chased or killed depending on what I feel like.
● Scars will affect the chance for lion survival.
Neck Scars — Rolling 0 - 50 results in instantaneous death; roll 51 - 100 to survive.
Torn fur, blinded eyes — Rolling 0 - 40 results in infection, and a chance at death. Rolling 41 - 100 ensures survival.
Face, Side, Cheek, Muzzle, Beaten Up, Nose Scratch, Long/Short scars on Right/Left Eye — Rolling 0 - 20 results in infection, and a chance at death. Rolling 31 - 100 ensures survival.
Hip, Shoulder, Nose Ridge, Back Scratch, Belly Scratch, Front/Hind Leg Right/Left scars — Rolling 0 - 10 results in infection, and a chance at death. Rolling 11 - 100 ensures survival.
● Lions who get infected but survive will be forced to rest until the next rollover.
● A dice will be rolled to see if the scar gets infected — Rolling 0 - 50 results in death from infection. The lioness will then have to be killed, — Rolling 51 - 100 results in them surviving.

SIX ⟶ Births will be handled semi-realistically.
● In real life, lionesses will leave their pride to give birth and do not return until the cubs are 6-8 weeks old. To simulate this, lionesses with cubs under 3 months old will not partake in pride life and will be sequestered in a separate cave. Should I not have a separate den to move them to I will simply mark them to remind myself not to use them in pride life till the cub is 3 months old, however in lore it will be stated that they have left.
● RNG will decide whether cubs live or die. I will roll for every cub.
⟶ Base 50/50 chance for survival.
⟶ Increased to 60/40 chance if the mother's personality is 'Nurturing' or 'Focused'.
⟶ Decreased to 40/60 chance if the mother's personality is 'Brutal' or 'Sinister'.
● If a cub dies, it must be killed or chased. It may not be gifted, to keep my king's lines consistent/true to his pride's story.
● If a lionesses bares two consecutive litters of undesirable cubs she will be killed or sold. The fate of the lioness will depend on the king's Karma, Personality and how strict and brutal they are. More likely than not the King will see the Lioness as weak and useless deeming her and her bloodline unworthy to continue to live so the Lioness is more likely going to be killed in this should they fail to bare strong and desirable cubs.
● If a litter consists of more than two cubs, then only the two strongest (highest stat) cubs may be kept. The third and fourth cubs must be killed or sold.

SEVEN ⟶ Sparring/fighting other lions will be handled realistically.
● If I lose a spar/fight with another player's lion, this will result in my territory downsizing. It will need to be bought or fought for again.
● If I lose territory, I will need to chase the necessary number of cubs/lionesses to scale down to the appropriate size.

EIGHT ⟶ I should, train my cubs and adolescents.
● All adolescents and required to get to 75% training however should they not reach that they must at the very least attend 5 training sessions. Failure to get either one will result in them being chased or killed once they reach adulthood.
● I may use stat items and toys that were obtained in accordance with Liolocke rules.
● Each mother may only have two cubs or less per litter. If three / four happen to survive, I will drive away the weakest cub(s).
● Raising the cub's survival bar will only happen if I play with them. I am only limited to the Play / Tussle / Groom options, and I cannot use toys to further boost this.
● Cubs must be trained daily (if they are of age).
● Until they reach adolescents, cubs shall be named "(Mother name)'s mane (Male) / roar (Female)"

NINE ⟶ Heirs must have been directly sired by my current King.
● Additionally, my King should sire all cubs in the pride. I will not use outside studs unless they are part of the Liolocke, however since there does not seem to be to many, I am allowed to stud to heritageless kings or very low gen and clean kings.
● I may reverse breed to a lioness in a different pride ONLY if that pride is participating in the Liolocke challenge or the lioness is either NCLs, heritageless or very low gen and clean.
● Should cubs join the pride they must either related to the king or related to one of the lionesses in the pride.
● Within the pride, lineage is tracked according to the mother. A King will not breed with his daughters nor with female littermates. All other lionesses in the pride are considered unrelated. However I will try to make sure the King is not breeding with any family members both immediate and non immediate family.

TEN ⟶ Wanders
● Wanders are lionesses who have decided to stay with the pride for a while. This will only be a few months no longer than a year or two.
● Wanders do not take up territory space unless they stay in the pride.
● Wanders however do have to earn their right to stay within the pride or they run the risk of being chased or killed.
● How they might achieve this is to either help provide food for the pride or bare a litter of worthy cubs. Failure to do so will result in the lioness being chased or killed.

These are the rules currently I shall add more should I feel like it is needed

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Edited on 07/04/22 @ 12:18:44 by Burned_Corpse #Liolocke2022 (#240475)

Burned_Corpse (#240475)

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Posted on
2022-03-21 15:58:47
I am keeping this specific post free

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Burned_Corpse (#240475)

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Posted on
2022-03-21 17:00:43


March 21 2022

✓ All lionesses and cubs have been chased, reserved, or abandoned.
✓ All currency (including event currency) has been donated or transferred to my main account.
✓ All items have been disposed of or buried.
✓ Because I not long rolled my king and I don't have sufficient funds I will be keeping the same Lion just changed his name, he will have new lore etc. Everything else has been wiped. His stats and Level let's just say for lore purposes he he has gotten into a fair few fights

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Edited on 21/03/22 @ 17:01:18 by Burned_Corpse #Liolocke2022 (#240475)

Burned_Corpse (#240475)

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Posted on
2022-03-22 17:18:52


Mar 22 2022

"Today is the day my pride finally starts, I am both excited and nervous for the future and what the next sunrise will bring" — King Makazi

✓ Level 8 (So close to level 9)
✓ Stats 109
✓ Somewhat Impressive ⟶ Impressive
✓ 0sb (brought territory, beetles go bye bye quickly in tree)
✓ Territory 2 ⟶ 4
✓ Sub Slots 0

general updates
Not much to report on today.

Pride Updates
While exploring the temporary lands I have claimed for myself for now, checking out what was around, prey etc I happened to find a Lioness, it took some work and sweet talking but I managed to get her to join my pride if you can even call it that at the moment. She has refused to tell me her name or accept a new name... me thinks this one of going to be stubborn.

pride stats
Submales 0
Lionesses 1
Cubs 0

Lioness Deaths 0

Cub Deaths 0

Lioness and Cub death totals includes: Chased, Killed, Left and Died

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Edited on 22/03/22 @ 17:20:42 by Burned_Corpse #Liolocke2022 (#240475)

Burned_Corpse (#240475)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-04-07 12:16:36


Apr 7th 2022

"My Pride grows day after day, soon a few lively brings will be bouncing up and down the walls of the underground networks of the Baobab Tree" — King Makazi

✓ Level 8 ⟶ 9 (54% half way to level 10)
✓ Stats 109 ⟶ 127
✓ Impressive ⟶ Very Impressive
✓ 494 sb
✓ Territory 4 ⟶ 5
✓ Sub Slots 0

general updates
I have not been on very much the last few weeks and the days I have come on I have not updated this, though to be fair I have not had time to update this or even had much to say but I have about a little over a week now left of the Easter Holidays so I will try to be online more often.

Because it is april this means there is NCLs markings and eyes. The ones Makazi is interested in are the following:
Quail Flecks,
English Spots (Specifically Noctis, Onyx, White, Clay and Henna),
Freckles (All Kinds),
Limb Patch (All Kinds),
Marble (All Kinds),
Ticking (All Kinds).
And that is it, if you get any when Tier 2 opens up let me know I will be willing to pay for some.

I will however be adding a new rule as well as adding onto 1 of the rules as well.

SIX ⟶ Births
Rule six is about birth of cubs etc.
● If a lionesses bares two consecutive litters of undesirable cubs she will be killed or sold. The fate of the lioness will depend on the king's Karma, Personality and how strict and brutal they are. More likely than not the King will see the Lioness as weak and useless deeming her and her bloodline unworthy to continue to live so the Lioness is more likely going to be killed in this should they fail to bare strong and desirable cubs.
● If a litter consists of more than two cubs, then only the two strongest (highest stat) cubs may be kept. The third and fourth cubs must be killed or sold.

TEN ⟶ Wanders
● Wanders are lionesses who have decided to stay with the pride for a while. This will only be a few months no longer than a year or two.
● Wanders do not take up territory space unless they stay in the pride.
● Wanders however do have to earn their right to stay within the pride or they run the risk of being chased or killed.
● How they might achieve this is to either help provide food for the pride or bare a litter of worthy cubs. Failure to do so will result in the lioness being chased or killed.

Pride Updates
I have since claimed 4 more Lionesses into my pride, it is slowly growing day by day even if it is very slow progress. My Lionesses' names are:

Sabana is currently the strongest out of her pride sisters, with Sufuri in second place I don't for a second they won't bare strong and healthy cubs. Currently the two are pregnant with my cubs, I am excited to see them when they arrive.

pride stats
Submales 0
Lionesses 5
Cubs 0
Wanders 0

Lioness Deaths 0

Cub Deaths 0

Wander Deaths 0

Lioness, Cub and Wander death totals includes: Chased, Killed, Left and Died

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Burned_Corpse (#240475)

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Posted on
2022-09-28 14:10:14
Because I left Lioden for a long time and had not updated my log for a few days before I left I have failed this game.

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Edited on 28/09/22 @ 14:33:06 by Burned_Corpse (#240475)

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