Posted by Cub roleplay!

ThatOneLion (#263198)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-06-15 02:01:53
Hey! Looking to Rp with a few others, this is a cub RP and we pretend that we’re cubs in adoption! We have a lot of options to continue, we could escape! Or all be adopted by the same lion, there’s endless ways we can continue!
Please add a:
Description of your cub, it can have a mutation.
( My cub is a black cub, with sort of lighting marks, has black patches mutation)
( Strike )
Decor? If you want!
( a small jaguar pelt, + a small mouse friend!)
Any other info.
(Strike can be a bit feisty and has a few anger issues, but she loves getting new friends!)
1. If you have a problem with something/ someone, please tell me! And I’ll work it out.
2. You can swear, but please make sure you’re an adolescent if you’re swearing! Cubs can learn swear words from the adols, but don’t use it much.
3. Ships and relationships are allowed! LGBTQ+ is allowed, but if you’re cubs please keep the relationships PG, Adolescents. Go wild!
4. Please do not Self harm or commit suicide, if you want your cub/ Adol to not be in the RP anymore, just get adopted. Suicide and self harm can be a very sensitive subject.

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Edited on 22/10/22 @ 19:19:14 by ThatOneLion (#263198)

Snape's Curse (#6538)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-06-23 12:45:07
Looking at the pile, Talia grabbed a plump looking otter carcass and brought it over to the other cub, sinking her unusually long fangs into the flesh. After a few hungry bites she looked up.
"May I ask your name?" She asked curiously, taking note of the other cubs unique appearence.

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Nill (#259465)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-06-23 12:58:30
Helios stood a few yards away from the other cubs, gazing at a snake slithering through the grass. It was so strange, how could something with no paws move so effortlessly? Eventually the reptile vanished into a hole, so the thing of his interest was lost. The cub splayed out on the ground, pressing his head against the ground as he wondered what it was like to see things from such a low height.

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Great tit enjoyer (#258909)

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Posted on
2022-06-23 13:54:35
The fella cub stood up and struck a pose.She grinned, "I'm Rithra,you better know it because I'm going to be a famous pride leader! what's your name?"
Now that she was full,she was back to her old self again.

(BTW guess who just slipped on the shower

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Snape's Curse (#6538)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-06-23 14:49:30
Talia's whiskers twitched in amusement when Rithra struck a pose, her confidence bringing a small smile to her own snow white muzzle.
"Oh wow, are you really going to be a pride leader?" She asked in awe, unable to even imagine a goal that grand.
"Oh and my name is Talia, it is nice to meet you" she added before taking her last bite of food.

Movement caught the corner of her amethyst eye. Turning her head slightly she saw a cub in a peculiar position.

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Great tit enjoyer (#258909)

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Posted on
2022-06-23 14:57:34
"You bet I am! I'll be the strongest leader in all of lion history! You Talia,can be my advisor in my pride >:D" Rithra purred,feeling all bubbly inside. She turned her head to where said cub on the ground was "do you think theyre okay? What're they doing?" she whispered to Talia.

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(He/She/They) (#227748)

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Posted on
2022-06-23 15:05:55
Damien's ears perked at the conversation curiously, his small accent following just behind. He huffed. "Fine, I'll leave you to it then." He assumed Strike wasn't going to respond anyways, since their silent treatment was being kept up. He got up and padded to the other two. "You're going to be a pride leader?" Damien tilted his head.

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Great tit enjoyer (#258909)

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Posted on
2022-06-23 15:10:53
The felis nodded enthusiastically,their eyes glowing with excitement as they imagined their future reign "Yep! What about it? Are we going to have a rival-ery? A fight to the death? When we're older,we can all do that!" if her tail was longer,it'd be wagging furiously right now,full of happiness

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(He/She/They) (#227748)

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Posted on
2022-06-23 15:15:33
Damien's ears pinned back and he jolted. "No!" His eyes widened at his outburst. He cleared his throat. "I don't think so. I don't like rivalry, so you go ahead. I've just never seen a cub like you be a leader, so I was curious." He licked his paw and stroked it against his gray and purple horns. "You're Rithra, did I catch that right?"

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Great tit enjoyer (#258909)

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Posted on
2022-06-23 15:20:58
"you did! Also,what do you mean by a cub like me? Is that supposed to be good or bad?" she asked,tilting her head on confusion. "Damien is an interesting name! You're the first Damien I've met,you know" she talked whilst batting at the meerkat skull. "do you guys know what to do?I'm bored" she whined

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Snape's Curse (#6538)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-06-23 15:26:12

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Edited on 23/06/22 @ 15:26:45 by Snape's Curse (#6538)

(He/She/They) (#227748)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2022-06-23 15:29:32
Damien blinked a few times, processing all that they said. "Well, I meant that I've never seen a felis leader. I don't mean it in a bad way, it would be cool to see!" He smiled politely. "Also, thank you. I've not met a Rithra either." He turned his head to the other cub. "And you're Talia, right?"

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Snape's Curse (#6538)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-06-23 15:33:22
A strange warmth bloomed through Talia's chest, did someone really want her in their pride? And an adviser at that! Always assuming she would be a lone lioness that no one wanted, this statement took her by suprise.
"I-I will do my best!" She stuttered in response.

Looking back to where the yound cub was splayed, she brought her muzzle close to Rithra's ear.
"I don't know, perhaps they hear something underground?" She whispered back, contemplating putting her own head against the dirt to make sure. Before she could go through with that thought she heard the dark cub's voice.

She sat quietly as the two conversed, proud to be sitting next to the future leader. Damien seemed like a kind cub, strong in a different sense than Rithra. She startled when he addressed her.
"Yes I am, it is nice to meet you" she said politely, having no idea what else to say, she wished she had even a little of Rithra's easy coversation skills.

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Edited on 23/06/22 @ 15:36:20 by Snape's Curse (#6538)

(He/She/They) (#227748)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2022-06-23 15:35:50
He nodded. "Nice to meet the two of you too." Damien smiled. "I'm Damien, if you didn't catch it." Strange, he didn't remember saying his name, though Rithra already knew it... Oh well. "Your plans sound pretty exciting." He sat with them.

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Snape's Curse (#6538)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-06-23 15:42:22
"Damien is a cool name, also I really like your horns" Talia managed to say, easing a little with the introduction. She had never seen horns like his. All these different types of cubs she had never seen before, her Father would have had a heartattack.

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Nill (#259465)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-06-23 15:42:50
What was being a snake like, how could they move without limbs? Helios attempted to slither on the ground, though obviously didn't make much progress. He felt eyes and immediately got up into a sitting position, self-conscious of how silly he must've looked. He licked his paw, idly grooming himself to ease the embarrassment away.

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