Posted by RIP Takahashi Kazuki 💔

Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2022-07-07 12:24:04
His real name was Takahashi Kazuo.

This was not the news I needed to hear today.

Thankfully I will be missing the In Memoriam section of Sunday Morning this Sunday because we have to get our puppy back from puppy school. Otherwise I'd be a blubbering mess.

He was found dead at sea, presumably drowned since there was snorkling equipment found with him. 60 seems too young.

It feels like I lost part of my childhood, although I was not a child when it came out. So more like my late teens, early 20s died. I was so into the series, I have tons of cards including one god card and a deck with a few of my favorites.

The movie was okay, the spinoffs of Yu-Gi-Oh, not so much. I loved the Ancient Egypt arc toward the end of the series, that is one I like RPing.

So please don't get upset if I post a looking for a Yu-Gi-Oh related RP.

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