Posted by The Oasis (Giving Food/Thirst/Toys!) ❤️

seWickedBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2022-08-05 00:28:48
After walking for ages on sore paws, looking for something, anything, for your pride you finally collapse in a heap. Thirst, hunger and pain finally claimed you. As the world goes dark you think if your pride, will they be okay? Will they survive?

You hear a voice, a soft urgent voice calling to you. It's fuzzy at first but becomes clearer before you feel a soft smack on your cheek that wakes you up. You look up at a lioness with ice blue eyes filled with worry.

"Thank Bast! I thought that the ancestors have already claimed you..." She says with relief, sighing. As you look around you see an Oasis, fresh water shimmering in the heat of the desert. Palm leaves stirring in the hot breeze.

"You wouldn't be this far from everything if you weren't in need of things, Rafiki... Let us help you... " Said the lioness, "I'm Soulblaze, the leader of the Desert pride! May I know who you are?"

To one side you notice a cave that's quite open, you see a few cubs and adolescents playing in front of it, the scratches above the cave very clearly mark it as the adoption Cave! Maybe you'll take a look later?

Link to adoption Cave!


RP is OPTIONAL! Just a fun twist! Though I do encourage it!

If I see your lions are full fed, entertained and nested I'll decline your request, I'm not giving away things so that you can resell them.

•What my pride offers! ❤️
Thirst quenchers!
Nesting Items

If you need anything else like a specific thing for a quest or crafting I may have it!

List of Helpers!
cacklekey (#323596)

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Edited on 16/08/22 @ 22:57:09 by Strikefire♀(G2DivineEcho800+ (#238890)

seWickedBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2022-08-05 03:35:05
Soul came back with a few bundles of food and pushed it towards the other lioness, her ice blue eyes flaming up with blue flames, betraying her seemingly calm body. "Her you go, Aurelia." Soul stated simply. She disliked this queen very much, but she would never let cubs go hungry.

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Wally. (#234281)

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Posted on
2022-08-05 07:16:04
A large, pink lion plodded to the oasis, fur matted and ribs showing. Several much healthier-looking lionesses trailed behind them, sharing annoyed glances.
"May I have something to drink, and possibly food for my cubs?," the pink lion muttered, staring at the parched ground.

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Lark (#261938)

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Posted on
2022-08-05 07:28:03
Sapphic I sent u some and some of ur lions are gorgeous

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seWickedBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2022-08-05 11:35:15
Soul watched the lion, her eyes softening in sadness. "Come here, eat some food, drink some water..." She says, pushing some bundles over to the pinkish lion.

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Lark (#261938)

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Posted on
2022-08-05 11:46:36
Michael walked around seeing what lions he could help

"If u need anything please tell me"

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rosewoodabsurdist (#323596)

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Posted on
2022-08-08 04:44:13
Rubrum made his way to the oasis on steady paws despite the heat. Where others had been worn thin by hard times--his pride had slowly begun to flourish. You see, as the land had withered and burned in drought he had done his own work. He tended the herds in his land, guided them to water as well and often as he could manage--and in the mean time he was all too content to turn tooth on man as his pride kept to the cool safety of the dens.

In his work he had caught word, a rumor grown too thick to be a lie, of a pride in the dessert. They sought to help the struggling--and while the young king was all too wary to allow strangers so close to the safety of his dens, his pride had plenty enough to share. He waited patiently, placing the warthog carcass at his feet as the others spoke.

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seWickedBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2022-08-08 05:14:29
Soul's gaze fixated on the one lion. He seemed well fed so her curiosity piqued as to why he'd wander so far into the desert. If it wasn't out of desperation why was he here? She padded over to him and sat down.

"What brings you here, Rafiki? You don't seem to be in need of anything..."

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rosewoodabsurdist (#323596)

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Posted on
2022-08-08 05:36:44
The young king dipped his head in respect as the other approached, those vivid eyes keeping careful watch in guarded optimism. "Word of your pride has reached my lands--rumors of a pride so deep in the dessert that surviving drought comes to them as easily as breathing." Something close to a smile tugged at his features.

He extended a paw, more gesturing to the carcass than pushing it towards her. "...I've no trust for strangers near my dens, but we have found our own ways to survive." In a fluid ripple of his spine he settled onto his haunches. "We've plenty--more than my small pride can eat before it rots. Perhaps here it would find better use."

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seWickedBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2022-08-08 05:55:55
Soulblaze smiles softly. Kindness still existed, even in the harshness of this drought. "I do not ever expect you to hand anything over to my pride, but if you wish you can help lions that come here seeking hope..." She said quietly.

She pointed her tail in the direction of a few vacant caves for storing goods. "Feel free to help if you so wish! For kindness is only ever replayed with good fortune!" Her fiery blue eyes dimmed down untill her pupils showed again as she watched the lion carefully. "And if you ever need help I'll repay the kindness you gave others."

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Rue (#329218)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2022-08-09 12:58:11
Locklynns thoughts were focused on saving the life of his newest cub, tiny little Vale. It was the only reason he could swallow his pride and ask for help. Keeping up with feeding his lionesses had become a chore and after agreeing to adopt Vale, he found his prides food storage lacking. Waiting patently to grab someone's attention his stomach grumbled loudly.

"Food," Locklynn grunted catching someone's eye. "Anything you can spare? My cubs are a collection of lost souls, it's a long way back to them. Any food would be helpful."

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seWickedBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2022-08-09 13:27:11
Soul caught the eye of another king in her Oasis, walking off towards him. "Greetings, Newcomer. I heard food?"

She sat down next to him, her ice eyes filled with care. "Of course we can spare a bit! I can send a few lionesses to help you carry some to your Pride?" A small cub is fukbling around between her paws, his markings almost identical to hers, his little black wings flailing like his paws,"This little one is Blaine, my son.." she looked down at Blaine,"I get that family is important."

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Rue (#329218)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2022-08-09 13:36:45
Locklynn's stiff shoulders relaxed slightly at the news and offer of food. He bowed his head deeply in thanks. "I live near a dried out lake. Many lionesses die before finding my cave and it's hidden underground rivers. I collect the starving cubs left behind whenever I can. This heat is driving my huntresses further away for meat. I'm worried the cubs will starve. Thank you. This could mean the difference of life and death for them."

His eyes landed on Blaine and his mouth dried a little more. "I'll have cubs of my own bloodline within days. My first." His eyes flickered up to meet Soul's. "It...changes things, doesn't it? Having your own? I don't think I ever knew the meaning of family till now..."

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seWickedBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2022-08-09 13:48:57
"It definitely does, little okes are both the biggest blessing and the biggest stress you'll ever encounter!" Soul chuckled. Her little ones thrived in the desert sun, they were used to the stifling heat.

"Don't ever be afraid to ask for help here, even the biggest of lions sometimes needs a mouse to chew their ropes that holds them down..." She smiled at Locklynn before getting up softly and moving to the nursery to give Blaine to one of the broodmothers.

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✨Leo✨ (#320282)

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Posted on
2022-08-10 04:22:15
Any muties available for adoption

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seWickedBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2022-08-10 04:23:13
Any muties born I sell unfortunately, not counting the rare one I raise specifically for a giveaway

The adoption Cave is linked you could always check if one meets your fancy

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Edited on 10/08/22 @ 04:23:51 by Strikefire♀(G2DivineEcho800+ (#238890)

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