Posted by What looks to choose?

SweetNicoll (#6661)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2022-09-15 04:20:08
Sooooo, i bought a lovely little boy: and now i cant decide what looks to choose when i some day in the future will king him.



A part of me want to keep the sunset/sunrise bases, but still their not tat rare anymore.

What to do? I really like how the little guy looks :D

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2022-09-15 06:12:58
Personally I prefer breed only bases 90% of the time. I would stick with the bases you have now, but if you are looking to change one out no matter what, sunset is my lesser favorite.

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SweetNicoll (#6661)

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Posted on
2022-09-15 13:13:03
i actually checked and ther is 7 pages of sunset and 4 of sunrise, so not changing the sunrise. luckily he has a long way to go before i need to king him, so might see if i can get next years july base for that one before i push him as king

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