Posted by [200+] Reverse Breeding QoL Changes

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-04-05 12:38:42
Sorry for the title being somewhat broad and non-descriptive. Limited character count and all. This post will be long, but the main suggestions will be in bold.

Anyway, the way the system currently works regarding heat requests is pretty bothersome in some situations. I can name more than a few annoying things that I'd like to see tweaked a little bit. I'll try to put them in order - the aspects I feel are most in need of change will be first, and smaller things will come after. To start:

Make it so that items typically applied to studs can be included in a reverse breeding request.

Not everyone is online at the same time, right? Understandable. But sometimes, as hours go by, someone might forget they have applied a buffalo scrotum to their king for the hybrid heat they requested from another user, and accidentally end up breeding an NCL - or even use it on someone else's stud request. Hell, I've forgotten about items I applied to my king after merely a couple minutes, either absentmindedly breeding a new NCL or accepting a stud request while at work. I don't normally check my stud's own page before doing things, which is the only place to see which breeding items you currently have applied.

Most of the time, the player requesting the heat won't notice until after the litter is born, by which time it's too late for the mods to do anything (?). And spending 50 GB for a one cub pon litter goes NOT feel good - for either party. As someone who has been in both sides of the situation, I always double check with the buyer via PM if I'm the one selling the heat to make sure they have applied everything to their king, but I know that some players don't have time to ask or check. On some occasions when I have asked, the other player assured me everything was good on their end - but it turned out that they bred another lion with the buffalo scrotum they expected to be able to use on the reverse breeding.

Being able to add items like buffalo scrotums, great tits, etc. DIRECTLY to the heat request would prevent them from being accidentally used in these sorts of situations. Even though they are "stud" items, I think that reverse breeding would overall benefit from this change on both ends. Players selling heats wouldn't have to take the time to check if the buyer's stud has the recommended items for the breeding as it would be shown directly on the heat request.

(I think this was added/fixed) Stop items like Opal Saltlick, Rock Salt, etc. from being unusable with pending heat requests.

If you have a heat request pending, the game prevents you from being able to apply breeding items like these that ensure certain traits pass onto cubs. If you request a heat from someone's lion and try to apply one of these items, this message will pop up: "This lion has a pending heat request and cannot be modified." Now, I feel that this isn't accurate. I understand preventing things like markings from being applied, since you're actually modifying your king - but items like saltlicks are not. They can only modify the unborn litter - if you can even call it modifying (since the litter has not been conceived at this stage, the cubs' looks would not really be altered).

I don't really see a point in locking these items out of being applied after a heat request is sent. A buffalo scrotum can be applied to your king after the request is sent, so why not a saltlick? Both items change the resulting litter. I sent a reverse breeding request to someone's lion,but I forgot to apply the skin rocks ahead of time. So I had to cancel the request, apply the items, re-send the request - but oops, the lion wasn't in heat that day. I cancel the request, again, and the player thankfully reminded me about the breeding when she came into heat. I finally sent the THIRD reverse breeding request (luckily I remembered to apply the damn items to my king again!) but I felt bad about all the notification clutter I gave them over this.

The most streamlined thing I can think of for this one is basically the same as the first point - make them applicable in the heat request. It'll be a little trickier though - since Opal Saltlicks and such can be applied to either lion, technically, there would have to be a dropdown menu (similar to a Gnawrock, but shorter of course) where you select either "Stud" or "Lioness" next to the item, and it will apply it exclusively for that breeding. On the seller's end, perhaps the heat request could specify within the list of items used in the heat (for example) "Items attached: Opal Saltlick (Stud), "Rock Salt (Lioness)".

Remove the required items from showing in list of items attached.

Every single reverse breeding requires 3 items, regardless of the player's own list of required items: Nesting Material, Food Bundle, and Toy Bundle. There is literally no point in having them included in the list of items attached, because if the heat request exists, those items are going to be included no matter what. It's needless clutter.

Add the option for the heat seller to require an Instant Cub Delivery.

This is mainly a suggestion for hybrids, DUs, and dwarves - higher value mutations that benefit from the additional heat that using an IBF on every heat provides. Almost 100% of the time, those players will require an IBF to be included in the breeding request, and will reject requests that do not include one. Some people forget to include it in the breeding request, which is often just an honest mistake. If they don't have one in their inventory, the box to tick doesn't show up, making it easy to overlook.

If a seller requires an IBF, the tick box would be within the same area as Nesting Material and the Food and Toy Bundles. If the buyer does not have one, similar to if they don't have one of the aforementioned items, it would say something like "Instant Cub Delivery - Buy from Oasis!"

Other breeding items that could be included in this suggestion could be: Black Stallion, Lion Scrotum, Great Tit.

Include the ability to add Chasteberries directly to a heat request.

This one ties in to the previous suggestion. Black Stallions can be added, but they can become quite expensive to use for multiple separate breedings. They were 3 GB each not too long ago. I don't want to "waste" one on a lioness with 11% fertility, but I also don't want to try my luck breeding her at that fertility.

Most of the time I end up sending the seller a few Chasteberries - however, without also sending them a PM (or letting them know in the breeding request itself) there's a chance the notification could get buried by the time they log back on. They don't notice, and now I've used 80% energy on the damn thing. Being able to add a selected number of Chasteberries directly to the breeding request ensures that the buyer won't waste energy at a low fertility without their consent to do so. Of course, there's always the risk of using a ton of energy even at 40% fertility, but the odds of that happening are much lower than trying at 10%.


My other suggestions:
Masterpost here

This suggestion has 220 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 15/03/24 @ 10:00:47 by Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

⚜️ Zuri ⚜️ (#247464)

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Posted on
2023-04-05 17:16:59
Support! I think it’s simple and won’t effect gameplay much. I too have lost buffys many times to members who were online then went offline for hours on end, and when my income revolves purely around mass breeding NCLs it’s a bit of a issue. With the buffy another idea would be to be able to remove the buffy from your king. But I agree with attaching it to the heat request. Same for saltlicks! Definitely support.

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Dante ~ G1 Revived
mRLC [Main] (#80013)

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Posted on
2023-06-20 03:08:47
I'd agree with everything bar removing the essential items, as the essentials can let someone know if they're missing for example a nesting material and need to make one first. But otherwise 100% support

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-06-20 03:41:17
I suppose I wasn't as clear as I wanted to be in the post, my bad, but those items would still show up on the requesting player's end. They just wouldn't show up in the list of items on the request for the player the lioness belongs to.

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