Posted by Paxterra: Reincarnate Integration Syndrome

🌈Lucas | G1
Noctis Neb. M-RLC (#229229)

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Posted on
2023-07-05 10:05:48
In the land of Paxterra where the impossible can become reality, there exists phenomenons that humans can not achieve without the help of the supernatural. One phenomenon is the following:

Reincarnate Integration Syndrome (RIS) is a unique phenomenon observed in supernatural beings, characterized by the coexistence and integration of past lives within an individual's consciousness. This section aims to provide a comprehensive overview of RIS.

Understanding RIS
  • Reincarnate Integration Syndrome (RIS) is a phenomenon where individuals have the past lives of different identities within their mind, which can occasionally influence or take control of their present life.
  • RIS is classified as a syndrome due to the collection of interconnected symptoms that collectively characterize the condition. It is important to note that RIS is not considered a disorder but rather a unique aspect of an individual's mind.

Treatment and Management
While there is no cure for RIS, therapeutic interventions can assist individuals in managing the challenges associated with the syndrome. Therapists should employ a holistic approach, promoting effective communication, self-exploration, and understanding of past lives. Therapy aims to foster integration, self-acceptance, coping strategies, and personal growth, helping individuals lead fulfilling lives while honoring the coexistence of their past identities.

To establish a diagnosis of RIS, the following criteria should be met:
  • The individual exhibits a consistent and authentic experience of having distinct past lives coexisting within their consciousness.

  • These past lives manifest through vivid memories, dreams, visions, or an innate understanding of historical events, cultures, or languages.

  • The integration of past lives influences the individual's beliefs, interests, talents, and emotions, leading to a distinct sense of self shaped by multiple identities.

  • The phenomenon is not solely attributed to trauma-based dissociation but is inherent to the individual's existence and emerges as they mature.

  • The presence of RIS is confirmed through a thorough assessment, considering the individual's family history and, if applicable, their supernatural lineage.

Associated Challenges
Individuals with RIS commonly face various challenges in their daily lives, including but not limited to:
  • Identity Confusion
    • Difficulty establishing a stable sense of self due to the integration of past identities.

    Emotional Turmoil
    • Experiencing conflicting emotions from different past lives.

    Fragmented Memories
    • Recollection of past life events intertwined with present memories, leading to a fragmented narrative.

    Social and Interpersonal Difficulties
    • Navigating skepticism, stigma, and establishing stable relationships due to the complexity of their condition.

    Integration and Self-Acceptance
    • Striving to integrate past identities into a cohesive sense of self and fostering self-acceptance.

    Practical Limitations
    • Adapting to practical limitations arising from past lives' abilities or disabilities.

    Coping with Tethers
    • Managing the influence of past identities on thoughts, behaviors, and decision-making.

    Balancing Personal Goals
    • Aligning personal goals with the desires and aspirations of past identities.

    Psychological Well-being
    • Addressing potential mental health comorbidities, such as anxiety, depression, or dissociative symptoms.

Recognised Terms
  • Reincarnate Integration Syndrome (RIS)
    • The official term used to describe the phenomenon of past life integration within the consciousness of supernatural beings.

    • The connections or links between past identities and the host, allowing the influence and interaction between different personas within the individual.

    Shift / Shifting / Shifted
    • The terms used to describe the act or process of past identities taking control or influencing the present consciousness, leading to shifts in personality, behaviors, or perspectives.

    • Referring to the disjointed recollections and memories of past lives mixed with present experiences, often leading to a non-linear narrative or understanding of one's life history.

    • Refers to the concept of the individual as a cohesive whole, comprising the integrated past identities and the present self.

    Anchor / Tethered Anchor
    • The term used to refer to the present self providing stability and continuity amid the integrated past identities. Tethers can take on the anchor role.

Symptoms and Signs of RIS
  • Vivid Memories
    • Individuals with RIS may experience vivid and detailed memories of past lives, including specific events, people, or historical contexts.

    Emotional Intensity
    • Emotional experiences can be heightened due to the presence of multiple past identities, leading to a range of intense emotions such as joy, sorrow, anger, or fear.

    Shifts in Identity
    • The individual may exhibit shifts in identity or a fluctuating sense of self as different past identities influence their thoughts, behaviors, and preferences.

    Intuitive Knowledge
    • There may be an innate understanding or knowledge of historical events, cultures, languages, or skills associated with past lives, without formal education or training.

    Fragmented Memories
    • Memories can sometimes be fragmented or overlapping, with past life memories blending or interweaving with present memories.

    Identity Confusion
    • The integration of past identities can lead to confusion and difficulty in establishing a stable sense of self or a cohesive personal identity.

    Behavioral Changes
    • The individual may display changes in behavior, interests, or talents that align with the influence of specific past identities.

    Identity Shifting (Shifting)
    • The ability to consciously or unconsciously shift between different past identities, where different personas or consciousness take control.

    Unexplained Skills or Talents
    • The integration of past lives may result in the manifestation of skills, talents, or knowledge that the individual has not acquired in their present life.

    Sudden Language Fluency
    • The individual may display the ability to speak or understand languages associated with past lives without formal learning.

    Identity Triggers
    • Certain triggers, such as specific sounds, smells, or visual stimuli, can activate or elicit the presence of a particular past identity.

    Coexistence of Beliefs
    • Different past identities may contribute to a complex belief system, incorporating beliefs and ideologies from various historical periods or cultures.

    Sensory Perceptions
    • Heightened or altered sensory perceptions, such as enhanced vision, hearing, or intuition, attributed to past life experiences.

    Identity Interactions
    • Interactions and exchanges between past identities, where they communicate, influence, or coexist within the individual's consciousness.

    Dreams and Visions
    • Dreams or visions depicting scenes, events, or memories from past lives can occur with greater frequency and intensity.

    Time Perception Alterations
    • Individuals with RIS may experience a unique perception of time, feeling connected to different temporal periods simultaneously.

    Existential Questioning
    • RIS can lead to profound existential contemplation, as individuals grapple with the existence of multiple past lives and their integration.

    Sense of Purpose
    • The integration of past identities may contribute to a heightened sense of purpose or a feeling of having unfinished business from previous lives.

    Coping withTethers
    • Tethers, the connections between past identities and the present self, may require the individual to navigate the influence and communication between them.

    Psychological Well-being
    • The presence of RIS can also contribute to mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression, dissociative symptoms, or identity-related struggles.

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🌈Lucas | G1
Noctis Neb. M-RLC (#229229)

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Posted on
2023-07-05 10:08:53


Where did this idea come from?

Originally it had started with a character having something close to DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) where the others in their mind could alter their host's appearance but over time, it was scrapped. However, when I started a server called Opalmont with a friend, we explored the idea again and this time, rather than personalities, they were past lives that could alter the appearance. This lead me down trying to find a proper wording for it and to expand this idea.

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Edited on 05/07/23 @ 17:14:13 by Lucas | G2 1.2s Ferus RLC (#229229)

FEEL (#304237)

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Posted on
2023-07-05 16:55:18
Ooh, I love it! The concept is unique and everything's just so,,, UGH. Good!!

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🌈Lucas | G1
Noctis Neb. M-RLC (#229229)

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Posted on
2023-07-05 17:01:31
Thank you! The idea has been around for quite a long time!

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FEEL (#304237)

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Posted on
2023-07-05 17:04:34
Np !

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Ripleydog, The Mutie
Orphanage (#437089)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-07-07 11:46:22
Absolutely fascinating read on this one, I'd love to hear more about the character!

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🌈Lucas | G1
Noctis Neb. M-RLC (#229229)

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Posted on
2023-07-07 12:09:16
I currently have 1 official character who has RIS and another with a much more different form of RIS, although the second one is a big more complicated.

Leo was a human with no supernatural ancestors. He was hit with a balde that stole a part of his soul by hunters (those who hunt down supernaturals. His boyfriend and friends are hybrids and two friends are demons). An angel had to save him by tethering his soul to Leonidas, a lion who was his namesake and was believed to be the reincarnation of the Greek King Leonidas. So Leo is no longer a human but rather a supernatural creation

The one with official RIS is Lukuro. He currently has 5 tethers and each one influences his own personality.
Theïkós: Ancient Greek pirate, the oldest reincarnation but aged 35
Kakó: Crimelord with morals, the second oldest and aged 26
Aeráki: Vigilante, the second youngest and most dominant, age 21
Asfalís: High school student, youngest and has the most influence over personality. Age 14.
Skiâ: Murderer, Unknown information. She is dormant and Lukuro doesn't know she exists

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