Posted by Adjust GB Sales [+154/-7]

jester [im autistic]
☘️ | 🇵🇸 (#187561)

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Posted on
2023-07-18 08:56:48
Everyone's noticed in the past few weeks that GB sales has been infested by users seemingly flexing their GB. This is because GB sales orders the listings by price, rather than by number, so any ridiculous number of GB will go right to the top of the list regardless of the intention behind it, just due to the cheap conversion they have. At one point, it was so bad, that the top seven listings were people "flexing" gb, ranging from just 100-30,000GB, with the highest now being at 34,000GB.

It's increasingly obvious that trades like in GB sales these are for the sole purpose of the users who put them up to go "look how much GB I have!", as these are not feasible trades. No one user has millions of SB laying around, and those that do have a ton of expendable SB don't tend to have more than 50,000 on hand at any given time. There are a few fixes that can be done to GB Sales **in Oasis** to prevent this, which are as follows:

1. Ban large bulk trades. I'll leave it up to the staff to decide what they actually do, but I would recommend anything above 100 as being considered a 'large' bulk trade and being banned.
2. Adjust GB Sales to show bulk trades at the bottom. List the sales by Number of GB and then order by price within that. For example, all trades with 1GB would come before any trade with 2GB, even if a 2GB trade has a cheaper per GB price. This keeps singular GB trades up top, which are by far the most popular. It can also be done by sorting by total list price, which does the same thing but may allow ultra cheap bulk trades to go above market-price bulk trades.

It's a bit obnoxious knowing these trades push the actual trades a bit lower, and it's especially noticeable on mobile, when these large trades can push actual good faith trades down even more. Nobody does these trades with the intention of just showing what they have, they want to be the center of attention or to knock someone else down a few pegs. While this definitely isn't an issue that's killing the site, and is relatively minor, I think it would just be a nice trend after all the recent QoL updates to help out GB Sales a bit.

Let me know if you no support, and the reason why! It'll help me make my suggestions better in the future.

Some nice points from the comments as well:
Mad Hyena - "Support, it is reasonable - trades have a limit of 100 individual items, GB sales should have a limit of 100 GB per a single listing. If a person wants to sell more, they can always create several 100 GB listings..."
ShakiraFuego - "...To your point for #2, instead of a sort within a sort they could also sort just by "Total List Price" instead of "Price per GB" that should by default bring the larger quantities further down. But I am fine with amount of GB too, then sorting by price, it just seems like an extra step."

This suggestion has 170 supports and 7 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/09/23 @ 14:52:42 by jester ☘️ (#187561)

vulturetalon •
irregular rolls (#243408)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2023-07-19 06:52:57
This! The TC/oasis isn't a place for flexing but for sales, and the sole purpose of flexing like this is for attention. I don't know a singular person who has more than 50k sb to their disposal. Mega support from me, it's petty and annoying. If this goes on and influences even more people to flex, we'll have to scroll down alot more to find appropriate listings.

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jester [im autistic]
☘️ | 🇵🇸 (#187561)

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Posted on
2023-07-19 06:53:19
The only thing about buying x amount of GB from the listed amount is I feel like it becomes a logistical nightmare. What if someone buys the GB at the same time as you and there's nothing left? What if you try to buy one from the lot instead of the whole lot, while someone else buys the whole lot? It's a whole lot of extra code for a whole lot of potential problems where the list just keeps growing the more you look at it.
Something like that would be essentially impossible to work all the bugs out of, at least on Lioden's core systems, and currency would be eaten by the system all the time, I mean bulk trades already go wrong on TC enough just because the site struggles to handle transferring that much. GB Sales, where you could pick at the lot, I can already see going far worse.
Yeah, you can just code it giving priority to the user buying the whole lot, but what if someone tries to buy it while someone else already did and the system is doing the transfer but it hasn't quite been removed yet? There's already a lot of site lag, and I feel like it's just a whole lot more coding than putting a limit on the number you can input in the text box + shuffling the way GB Sales are ordered. It's definitely not a bad idea, I just don't see how realistic it is on the Lioden we have right now. Maybe after the recode? But I don't see it coming at all before then.

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Regular Tsunami [G1] (#98263)

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Posted on
2023-07-19 07:42:31
How about coding it like the existing method of putting currency in the Giving Tree? It gets divvied up automatically into smaller bits. Not sure exactly how big the portions should be, but chunks of 5 GB would probably be fine, I think. People who buy more than that at a time through GB sales are a very small minority that might be inconvenienced, but other than that it should work fine.

It would also probably benefit from having the option to filter by # of GB first rather than price per GB as well.

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Fraekinn [Semi
Hiatus] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-07-22 06:40:51
Support, I'm so tired of the ongoing pissing contest that's going on in GB sales right now.

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2023-08-04 00:30:20
Thanks for posting this. I saw those trades and had the exact same thought. "Needless flexing". I was told that without proof they were solely for flexing, nothing can be done.

When you have several people doing the exact same thing, it's very obvious what they're doing, but I understand why they can't act.

I very much agree with hardcapping how much GB can be put up for trade at once. 100 GB sounds reasonable. I think a secondary section at the bottom for bulk GB sales with a simple "Jump To" button at the top of the page would be just fine.

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Edited on 04/08/23 @ 00:33:20 by [♰] Yharnam (#112370)

🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2023-09-13 12:52:41
Yeah a few months after i joined I saw a trade with 9999 gb listed-

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