Posted by Superb x Cosmic | Private Roleplay

Superb (#190231)

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Posted on
2023-07-26 23:35:13

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Superb (#190231)

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Posted on
2023-07-26 23:55:52
Full Name: Adelia Eglantine Sheridan

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearance: Adelia is quite a distinct young adult. Unlike any others, her heritage is shown through her silver-white eyes – a unique symbol of pure royal blood. With what the public calls “pure beauty”, Adelia inherited raven-black wavy hair. She has a habit of constantly leaving her hair pinned up out of her face, small kinky strands falling in her eyes. Her face is on the rounder side with full lips and bright eyes. She is on the thinner side, having a lean muscular curvy figure. Her skin is on the fairer side, often being on the pale side due to her forgetting to eat regularly when fulfilling her duty as heir. Her presence is often immaculate, having distinctly “blessed” stones on any item that she wears.

Height: 5'1" (usually 5'4" with heels)

Personality: Adelia is a very strong-headed and stubborn person. Having a prominent royal mindset, she always speaks presentably and is a naturally proper person. Her mannerisms are well-managed, knowing that she has an image to uphold. She can tend to be on the controlling side, always liking to use her rank as leverage. Due to her past, she naturally seeks out a person’s weakness and plays on it. Even though she is a bold and very respectable person, she still has her weak moments. It is often she becomes tired and malnourished due to the stress of her royal duty, making her more vulnerable to others’ words and actions. She deeply cares about the people of her kingdom and doesn’t like when they have to suffer. (More of her personality will be revealed in the roleplay)

Likes: Helping her people | Being respected | Feeling protected by others | Books

Dislikes: Using her curing ability | Feeling used | Men who try to have their way with her | Not being able to care for the people of her kingdom

Close Family: Caspian Omondi Sheridan (Father - Latest King) | Genevieve Amelie Sheridan (Mother - Latest Queen) | Lucretia Elise Sheridan (Stepsister - Princess)

Other than her natural "pure-bred" beauty, her eyes are her most distinct feature. Legend has it that those of pure royal blood were first born blind but under the graces of a higher entity they were given the ability to see at the last moment before permanence. It was believed that such a blessing would allow them to see the world differently and lead the kingdom out of danger. As much as it is an honor to wield the silver-white eyes of a royal, it is easy to identify them in a time of danger.

Adelia is an only daughter to the latest king, Caspian Omondi Sheridan, and queen, Genevieve Amelie Sheridan, making her the only legitimate heir to the throne. After her mother had 3 miscarriages – all male heirs – she was the 4th child and the only one born alive and well. Later after her birth, her mother fell sick. For 6 years of Adelia’s childhood, her mother remained bedridden from an unknown, possibly contagious, illness. With the mages doing their best to treat her mother during these years, Adelia became used to not being able to see her mother regularly – ending up with little to no recollection of her other than her voice through the door. It was until one day, a little after her 6th birthday, that Adelia decided to sneak into the room. Holding her mother’s hand close, a whisper of warm words seemed to better her mother’s state. Caught by the mages, she was later placed under the supervision of the king. With her mother’s sudden better state of health, it wasn’t long until rumors spread throughout the palace that the princess had the “capabilities of a mage”. Since no person could randomly be born a mage from human parents (there must be at least one parent who is a full mage) the king succumbed to the rumors, thinking that his wife committed an infidelity. The world seemed to fall silent the day that her father decided to kill her mother for treason against the king.
Her father later remarried and it wasn’t long until an illegitimate child joined the competition for the throne, her step-sister, Lucretia Elise Sheridan.
The public only knows mixed truths of the same story.


Full Name: Lucretia Elise Sheridan

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearance: With a slim build, Lucretia is a fairly pretty girl. She has many features that are the same as Adelia but while Adelia has a more mature face, she has a more doll-like face. Having blondish-brown hair that always seems to be up or braided, her tan glossy skin is quite appealing to the eye. Due to her illegitimate lines from her mother's side, she does not carry the unique silver eyes like Adelia but rather a muted green coloration.

Height: 5'3"

Personality: (Her personality will be revealed in the roleplay)

Close Family: Caspian Omondi Sheridan (Father - Latest King) | Ann May-Porter Sheridan (Mother - From Noble Non-Royal Lines) | Adelia Eglantine Sheridan (Older Stepsister - Princess)

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cosmic (#435412)

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Posted on
2023-08-18 11:26:11
Full Name: Xarrus Sarzes Aetnon

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Species: Full blooded tiefling

Appearance: Xarrus has pale skin, in the right lighting there is a slight tint of red, but its hard to see.On the top of his head he has shoulder length deep brown hair, in most lighting it appears black, but in the sunlight it mimics that of a lava rock, small bits of red showing through the brown. In the side of his head it's shaved down, cut to a short length, that he messes with when he's uncomfortable. Seeing that his hair is too long to simply allow to be free he wears it in a tight man bun, he doesn't exactly like his long hair, but its one of his fondest memories with his family, they all had matching long hair. His facial hair is along his jawline and around his mouth. He keeps it clean and sharp, almost having the appearance of a pirate. Small stubbles on his head are the only remnants of the great horn-like feature that he was robbed of due to the curse. The tieflings' ears are pointed slightly, but not quite as tall as they are supposed to be. His eyes are a sharp yellow color, mimicking the flicker of fire. He wears mostly leather clothing, with the occasional red accent. His belt is red, and carries small daggers. A maroon red cloak covers his shoulders and body. He often wears the cloak and hood when he is lifting or on a job, to hide his identity.

Height: 6’1

Personality: Xarrus is a hard character to figure out. He craves so many positive things, like safety and kindness from others, but he won't accept it. He's hard and determined with a cold side. He puts out a front that he is the noble and righteous man, but he has a side that is dangerous, much like any tiefling would be.Though he comes across as tough and aggressive, he has an internal tender side. His feelings are easily hurt, but he shows that by anger or storming off. Xarrus is protective over those he cares for, which isn't very many. He has a small robin hood aspect to him. If he sees a lowly person in trouble he does what he can to help them out. He tends to only steal from the richer knowing that the poor don't have much to take.

Likes: Being fair to the lower class | Gaining others respect | Horses (he LOVES horses)

Dislikes: Higher class people being unfair | Darkness | The pain of the curse | Feeling helpless

Close family: Barmos Dharcis Aetnon (Father - no part in his life) | Frinise Velzes Aetnon (Mother - left when he was young) | Nalaia Peski Aetnon (Sister - bestfriend, shes far away now)

As a boy Xarrus was a light. He was always happy and smiling and playing with his older sister. The two of them were close in age, and were best friends. Nalaia was a good sister. She protected him against the older boys around the parts that they lived. When Xarrus was 8 and Nalaia was 10, she began to teach him how to steal small things. Through the next couple of years they stole small things, occasionally getting bold and taking bigger things, but when their mother decided to leave their happy perfect small world broke.

Their father became ruthless and cold. His loving and kind side had vanished. When he found out that his children were lifting things he turned them into his own runners. They turned into nothing but employees to him. If they didn't deliver they would suffer major consequences. By the time Nalaia had turned 15 she was tired of her father, so she decided to try and get herself and her brother out of their situation. When they tried to run late one night Xarrus took a fall and cut his abdomen open, it was deep enough to keep him from running, but not deep enough to kill him. Nalaia tried to keep him going, but he couldn't go anymore. He told her to run, and that when he could get out he would find her. So she ran and promised to wait for them at a designated spot.

It took Xarrus a year to fully heal from the wound on his stomach, it left a jagged and nasty scar, seeing that it didn't get the right treatment. His father never cared that his son was hurt. This drove Xarrus to stay away from the house. He would sleep on roofs and alleys or occasionally a good souls couch. Only going home when the heat was hot on his back from the authorities. When his 17th birthday came he left, packed a small satchel of food and belongings and left to go to the place he and his sister had decided on meeting. When he arrived there was no one there, he stayed for a couple weeks before coming to terms with the fact that she wasn't coming back. His 18th birthday came and a strange pain started to occur throughout his body. After finding an old tiefling and then telling him of a curse that he had heard of a long time ago, Xarrus decided that he would be the one to break the curse, doing whatever it took.

He had taken a boat to a kingdom and stayed for years, looking for leads and anything that might help him get his cure. A couple times he'd broken into the kingdom, only to be caught and thrown into jail to await trial, but escaping both times. He wouldn't risk going back in without a bigger and better plan. He had no idea what he was looking for, but the old tiefling had said he would know when he saw it.

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Edited on 19/08/23 @ 21:20:25 by cosmic (#435412)

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