Justigx! [
Bloodstone 2x rose] (#340416)

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Posted on
2023-08-03 16:48:17
Justigx’s art commissions!


Please be patient! I can take around 2 or even 1 hour sketching and coloring! (If you want to fill it out)

I’m new at this art commission so it is best to tell me all you want! (colors, backgrounds, decorations, scars, etc..)

Say this to get a slot! [State your character's name: (And enter a picture or link please!) And ask me what to add just like the 2nd rule!

What I can draw: Lions, cats, dragons, and cartoonish like style!

What I CANNOT draw: Birds, realistic animals/ humans, people, or bugs!

1. 269093
2. 369349 (IN PROGRESS)
3. 428091

(Better to see first one in light mode <3 )

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Edited on 04/08/23 @ 18:20:57 by Justigx (#340416)

ozy | tri ros (#278576)

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Posted on
2023-08-03 16:49:13
just letting you know that you can't see examples without requesting access

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Justigx! [
Bloodstone 2x rose] (#340416)

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Posted on
2023-08-03 16:49:47
Aww Tysm! Lemme fix that!

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Rocky 🥔 G3 UNEVEN
NRLC (#281889)

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Posted on
2023-08-03 16:54:40
hello!! Do you think you could do my heir? His name is star stained clouds!! He'll soon be a primal ^^


do you think you could draw him as a primal with some sparkling clouds? (tryna follow 2nd rule ^^""

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Edited on 03/08/23 @ 16:58:48 by [ ~ Rockyroad ~ ] (#281889)


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Posted on
2023-08-03 16:54:54
Headshot of cadence? With a rose?
Glad I made it in top 3! Would love to keep it simple but cute ^^

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Edited on 03/08/23 @ 16:56:00 by Cricket|G3MeteoriteDorsalFur (#318058)

Justigx! [
Bloodstone 2x rose] (#340416)

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Posted on
2023-08-03 16:57:00
Mhm I got both of you on the list! Getting it right away! :D

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Tessa (#242136)

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Posted on
2023-08-03 16:57:11
I'd love to have a headshot of my king Rayan :)
Edit: forgot to link him, here he is
Also thank you for doing this, it's super sweet of you! :)
If you could do like a desert-ish theme that'd be awesome because that's his theme!

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Edited on 03/08/23 @ 17:00:01 by Tessa (#242136)

𝓻𓄇 (#369349)

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Posted on
2023-08-03 16:57:17
This is dusty’fur, Hateful’Fangs’ adopted her when she was a cub and now that she’s all grown up she’s a Hunter just like her adoptive mother.
I’d like the background to be cloudy (with some clouds)
If you could draw her with her green eyes shining I’d be very grateful!
Draw the flower please,it was a gift from her adoptive mother

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Gilded Hungry
🔱⚜️⚱️ (#428091)

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Posted on
2023-08-03 16:59:41

I love your art and I was wondering if you were willing to do a commission for my queen heir!

If it's alright, I just want her without all the accessories except the flaming eyes and back! I believe a Headshot will do her best!
A dark-ish yellow background would be pretty cool!
It would be amazing if you did this! Tysm!

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🌕 RII | 9.23.2
NRLC (#269093)

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Posted on
2023-08-03 17:02:39
Heya! Definitely late to this, lol. But would love to have my boy in your wonderful style. CHARACTER/ KING; Kaitou.
(Link is clickable for easy look)

As far as details, just his flowers n maybe a butterfly?
Colored would be nice, but with all the slots filled, I understand if you don't want to! Would love to be updated if and when these are open again. Thank you!
Me n Kaitou wish you a wonderful rest of your day / evening or night.

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Edited on 03/08/23 @ 17:05:57 by ✧ Arii !! - HE/HIM (🏳️‍⚧️) (#269093)

SolsticeJuice (#367707)

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Posted on
2023-08-04 01:14:40
Sorry if this is so random but there’s an art freebie section for free art commissions and random sketches, you can find it under the Tree Carvings once you move this forum.
If there’s any confusion I can help clear it up, but you should probably move this thread to “Art Freebies”
Also, you have a very neat drawing style!

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Rocky 🥔 G3 UNEVEN
NRLC (#281889)

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Posted on
2023-08-19 15:30:25
Hello again!! If you're still taking art, I was gonna ask if you could draw my new king? the last one didn't work out and I couldn't keep him :((

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[He//Him] (#297355)

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Posted on
2023-08-24 19:40:22
I would like a head shot of this boy>
Please and thank you!

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Snebbles🌌 (#441306)

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Posted on
2023-09-01 06:33:37
Hiya! Love your art and would love to have a headshot of my king drawn whenever slots are open! His name is ☆𝓐𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓪☆ and here he is! I would prefer if all his decor (including his mane), scars, and his patches mut could be drawn and no background but if that’s too much I understand! Thank you in advance

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Edited on 01/09/23 @ 20:05:11 by Astra 🌌 || Clean interstellar (#441306)

Apo (G1 Glass
Mantle) (#236954)

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Posted on
2023-09-01 20:58:14 her please

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ₙᵤGGₑₜ~ (#455133)

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Posted on
2023-12-02 19:41:09
Hello! I was wondering if maybe you would draw my main male obsidian
His link->
-Could you maybe draw him with leaves or leavy greens and flowers (forest is my theme) plus being kind/ wise (His personality)? If you could add his scars that would be awesome rest is up to you! TYSM!

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