Posted by Kit's Branch Restock | 500SB Decor

Kit in a Box
~⚙️~ (#61637)

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Posted on
2023-08-12 12:51:47
I sell 500 Decor and 1 Backgrounds on My Branch!

Also accepting 1 per 2 Decor.

Also accepting Black Stallions, Giant Tortoises, and Dove Feast per 4 Decor or 2 Background or 1 Background and 2 Decor.

Feel free to subscribe to this thread for updates on restocks. ♥


I'll be Reshuffling my Branch's Stock around the 1st of every month.

I'll now be restocking on Tuesdays instead of whenever something sells. I play WoW and figured it'd be best to do it then while waiting for the servers to come up.

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Edited on 24/07/24 @ 15:03:08 by Kit in a Box ~⚙️~ (#61637)

/20 M) (#283033)

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Posted on
2023-09-13 03:58:58
I have black stallion and want, albino peacock,sunrise drake veil, and either frozen backround 10 use

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Kit in a Box
~⚙️~ (#61637)

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Posted on
2023-09-13 04:03:00
Okey dokey, I'll get it set up for you. :)

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/20 M) (#283033)

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Posted on
2023-09-13 07:37:52
I just wanted to let you know you can always have 3 free SB studs on me every week! I love buying from you and you are always quick to answer and set up the trades <3

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/20 M) (#283033)

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Posted on
2023-09-13 08:10:28
I have another stallion and am wanting Kwatzul Natal and frozen river please!

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Kit in a Box
~⚙️~ (#61637)

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Posted on
2023-09-13 10:20:10
Aw, thank you. :)

I got it set up for you.

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Kit in a Box
~⚙️~ (#61637)

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Posted on
2023-09-14 11:15:56
Added 12 Decor and 5 Backgrounds.

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Kit in a Box
~⚙️~ (#61637)

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Posted on
2023-09-16 07:50:38
Added 24 Decor and 2 Backgrounds.

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Raw (#427082)

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Posted on
2023-09-16 12:25:18
If I am right, for 2 Dove Feasts I can get 6 decor and 1 BGs? Then can I please have 1 Dried Chick necklace, 1 Dirty Fur, 1 Burning Blight, 1 Injured Zebra foal, 1 Dead Oryx calf, 1 Essence of Pestilence, 1 Fluffy Chick earrings, please? Will start a trade rn, feel free to cancel if I was wrong in anything ^^

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Kit in a Box
~⚙️~ (#61637)

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Posted on
2023-09-16 12:34:03
Yup, that's right!

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Kit in a Box
~⚙️~ (#61637)

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Posted on
2023-09-17 12:02:39
Added 26 Decor.

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Kit in a Box
~⚙️~ (#61637)

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Posted on
2023-09-18 16:00:11
Added 30 Decor.

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/20 M) (#283033)

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Posted on
2023-09-18 18:52:24
I have a dove feast and am wanting, daises, panting expression, glorious mane, and faux barbary mane

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Kit in a Box
~⚙️~ (#61637)

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Posted on
2023-09-18 19:50:35
Ah, sorry, someone bought the Faux Barbary mane while I was off. Is there another item you'd want in its place?

Not the same, but I have a Maneater Mane Chilled that I hadn't listed yet, if you'd be interested in that.

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Edited on 18/09/23 @ 19:53:16 by Kit in a Box ~⚙️~ (#61637)

Raw (#427082)

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Posted on
2023-09-18 23:17:10
Hi! Got another dove feast. Can I get for it the following: goat pelt, scar: jealous wife, emperor battle mask, expression: doubt (onyx), please? I’ll start a trade ~

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/20 M) (#283033)

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Posted on
2023-09-19 03:58:04
As long as it has 3 or more uses yes! Thatd be great

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