Posted by Issues with Witch Base

๐ŸŒป the serval
spots (#98320)

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Posted on
2023-10-21 12:01:19
Please do not leave any comments that could get this topic moderated.

Witch was not replicated accurately (Comparison made to show Kind pose's missing neck marks) and has very visible brushstrokes, airbrushing, and issues of splotching/blending on certain poses, including visible circle brush edges. The image above showcases the difference between the original suggestion's blending and the added base files. Other areas with highly visible brush strokes (male dwarf, neutral female, primal tail):

Evil pose has color bleed from the chest onto the leg:

The ear on the right side of Sirenomelia, as well as the middle belly area, have very rough strokes of coloration especially when compared to the original suggestion:

Things such as the chest coloration:

Presence of orange eyebrows and orange neck markings are also not consistent in a few female poses (evil and neutral lack some eyebrow coloration, and Kind entirely lacks neck/shoulder orange coloration):

Eyebrows are not the same height/aligned properly or the same opacity and intensity on Cleft Palate:

Orange neck and shoulder markings in general are inconsistent in shape and intensity:

Some poses such as default male, male felis, has oddly 'blue', saturated legs/belly that isn't present on most other poses- while a transitional color on the original base, it takes up small parts of the legs and belly here. Likely, the layer overlay effect was mixed up halfway through production. Under spoiler folder for length.

Bizarrely, this added saturation is present on primal female and mane imperial, but not on default female, making it much more obvious and visible (open both in a new tab and flip back and forth). There is a color difference despite otherwise identical markings:

Lastly, the majority of bases have a different intensity/opacity of nose coloration:

Again, please limit comments.

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jester [im autistic]
โ˜˜๏ธ | ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ (#187561)

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Posted on
2023-10-21 12:06:30
I just really hope these issues are fixed for the people who greatly enjoy this base.
[I have tone issues due to being autistic and am placing this here in an effort to not be misunderstood. This was a serious post.]

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Edited on 21/10/23 @ 12:13:15 by jester [im autistic] โ˜˜๏ธ (#187561)

Hok-Z |
๐‘น๐’‚๐’๐’๐’Š (#170947)

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Posted on
2023-10-21 12:37:29
Honestly, all valid art critique. I hope the inconsistencies are fixed :o

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๐ŸชผEli โ˜†G2
Ambrosia| 4 BO (#244875)

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Posted on
2023-10-21 13:55:41
this has been adressed, why do you repost it??

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Posted on
2023-10-21 13:57:22
The topic is allowed to be recreated so long as the discussion remains on the subject and can stay respectful. Let's please avoid derailing it, and direct any concerns to the Modbox. Thank you!

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๐Ÿฆš Sakasu
Demiurgeโ˜† (#275632)

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Posted on
2023-10-21 15:38:27
Inconsistencies do happen but these are some bigger ones that I've seen! I also hope some of the more major ones are addressed like the eyebrows!

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๐Ÿ…caracal๐Ÿ†| ace
in the hole๐ŸŒน (#343802)

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Posted on
2023-10-21 15:41:22
i hope these issues get fixed! i think witch can be really pretty if its consistent :)

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๐Ÿˆ bouny / ripe (#435045)

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Posted on
2023-10-21 15:44:03
I hope these issues can get fixed.

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Posted on
2023-10-22 07:06:30
As stated previously, please keep the discussion on-topic as this is an art bug thread. We request no further commentary on the thread unless it is adding additional context to the report. The art bugs subforum is for the benefit and convenience of the site artists, and unrelated comments are unnecessary. If you have any concerns regarding this thread, please direct them to the Modbox.

Thank you.

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Edited on 22/10/23 @ 07:23:02 by a Moderator

๐ŸŒป the serval
spots (#98320)

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Posted on
2023-10-22 07:08:01
Thank you very much :)

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Stein | G1 Ogdoad
Savage (#110501)

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Posted on
2023-10-22 10:14:30
I do appreciate the level of in-depth comparison you've done, Serval. I am a big fan of the Witch base, and must admit I definitely prefer the original, player-made design, but I can also see where we run into issues with the base being redone over, and over, and over again for all the different linearts on LD. I know I would go insane, and by the end I know my work would suffer from boredom and frustration. I do hope we're able to see a touchup done to this base, personally I'd love to see the face have more of that orange glow added, similar to the original.

That being said, it would also be nice if we could find a way to best support the site artists in regards to base suggestions, and how we can handle things like this in the future. I can't imagine there is an easy fix, if there was we'd already be doing it, but I do think we can become a bit... aggressive? amongst each other, and towards the staff, and vice-versa. We'd like to see a base touched up, the staff have just spent countless hours creating the base, it just ends up with us all being a bit more curt than we mean to be. Not directed at anyone, especially you, Serval - again I'm very impressed with your critique.

Perhaps it's not feasible for LD, but many other online games I've played throughout the years have quite a bit of player-made artwork. They don't depend on the artwork to have a functional game, but it allows the creators to focus on things they deem still need to be done by staff members, versus lower-end projects that could be created and submitted by players, then reviewed by staff, or a mix of staff and players, before approval. Those player artists were given a small compensation for their work, not game-breaking but nice enough to make the work worthwhile. And some of the artwork I've seen done by casual players is just... It's crossed my mind on plenty of occasions, especially with art bugs, such as the rabies artwork on kings.

I hope we are able to reach a fair compromise in regards to the Witch base. Even if it's more of a backburner project, worked on at a less stressful pace, I would certainly appreciate it. LD has been one of the best games I've played in regards to player-staff communication and addressing player concerns, no matter the outcome.

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Xylax (#4)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2024-06-26 05:02:00
We have asked our new base artist to do a new version of Witch for Jaglions. Hopefully soon you'll be able to see if you like this version better, and if so, we'll apply that to all lions

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Stein | G1 Ogdoad
Savage (#110501)

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Posted on
2024-06-26 07:37:45
Oh that is awesome, thank you Xylax! I think I can speak for most players, we're really grateful for reading discussions about aspects of Lioden that we'd like to see changed or updated. I've not seen this level of openness in any other game, and I've played on too many haha. Thank you for all the hard work the entire team puts in, you've made an incredible community!

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Xylax (#4)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2024-07-04 09:02:55
Please let us know if you like the Jaglion's version better

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Lavy ๐Ÿ  (#404246)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2024-07-04 10:11:24

Despite not seeing many things wrong with the original witch bases. I think the newer version of Witch on Jaglion deffinitely gives justice to the base. The blending seems smoother yet more opaque details are still present, making the base very interesting. If all the bases were adapted to look like jaglion's, I think Witch would be a more wanted AND an even better looking base! Thank you for looking into the critique of this thread and offering an adaptation!

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CC - G1 12 BO
Mandarin + MS (#448877)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-07-05 06:08:43
The new version of the witch base on jaglions is definitely more consistent across stages. I loved the original colors and ideas of witch, but the way it was rendered turned me off.

I might actually consider having one as a king if this version is applied to all lions!

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