Posted by (Closed)💕Buying Heart Shells OF: GB/Apps/MODs

SketchyPistachi G2
Ukame Ferus (#262039)

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Posted on
2023-11-21 06:17:14

Buying your Heart Shells!

Please do not back out on your reservations unless absolutely necessary!
I will set up private trades with everyone once T3 opens!

1,000 = 1
10HS = 1
Reserve HS in multiples of 30 or 80 only

I am ONLY looking for these items
Yohimbe Barks - 30HS
Buffalo Scrotum - 60HS
Lion Scrotum - 80HS

Items I have to trade for HS
- 0/193
- 7,000/7,000

50x Toy Bundles - 10HS for 10
2x Ticked MODs - 60HS each

2/3x Grunge App - 10HS each
2/2x Inverted Blemish App - 10HS each
3/3x Scraped Grunge Apps - 10HS each
1x Citron Marks - 20HS
2x Neutron Marks - 20HS each
2x Fiery Unders Apps - 30HS each
Grace of the King Cheetah - 60HS each
1x Prune Skin - 30HS
2x Flare marks - 20HS each
2x Splendor marks - 20HS each
2x Valiant marks - 20HS each
1x Proteles Heavy marks - 30HS
1x Proteles Scarce marks - 30HS
1x Uplifted Valiant marks - 60HS
1/2x Sunset marks - 30HS each

1x Token of Anubis - 150HS
1x Token of Bast - 150HS
1x Brimstone Core - 30HS

3x Ethereal Fur - 10HS for 2
4x Fossil Fur - 10HS for 2
4x Sacred Fur - 10HS for 2

Lions for HS

1. Clean G4 11/15 NRLC Currently 3 Yrs Old/No Heats Used - 90HS

4. Clean G3 Shreds Female Cub - 30HS

5. Clean G5 Wepwawet Male Cub - 30HS

DIRTY G13 5 1/2 yrs Pon - 800HS (She will be ready to trade after the reserved barked heats for her are completed, currently frozen on a friends account)

Barked Hybrid/RLC heats for or HS

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Edited on 19/02/24 @ 14:28:10 by SketchyPistachios🌑G1 Nadir (#262039)

AntiJarJarBinks |
Aspen (#261603)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 16:36:01
Can i reserve 2 for 20 HS?

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SketchyPistachi G2
Ukame Ferus (#262039)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 16:37:11
I'm sorry i'm only looking for reservations of 30 or 80 HS

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miss foxy (#360749)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-02-13 16:38:22
I Told you i would come back

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AntiJarJarBinks |
Aspen (#261603)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 16:38:37
oh then how about 3 or 2 and however much would be 10 more HS?

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SketchyPistachi G2
Ukame Ferus (#262039)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 16:39:00
I see that, I'm glad you could make it back!

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SketchyPistachi G2
Ukame Ferus (#262039)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 16:40:08
Aspen, i'll write you down for 30HS for 3GB?

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AntiJarJarBinks |
Aspen (#261603)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 16:41:43
Thatll work! Tyty!

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SketchyPistachi G2
Ukame Ferus (#262039)

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Posted on
2024-02-13 16:42:20
No problem!

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PALE_BIRD (#248597)

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Posted on
2024-02-14 11:41:39
Can I get 2 gb for 20 hs?

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SketchyPistachi G2
Ukame Ferus (#262039)

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Posted on
2024-02-14 11:44:11
I'm sorry as it says above I am only looking for HS reservations in multiples of 30 or 80

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PALE_BIRD (#248597)

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Posted on
2024-02-14 12:17:37
Oh sorry! Didn't see that! Can I get 3 gb for 30 hs?

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SketchyPistachi G2
Ukame Ferus (#262039)

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Posted on
2024-02-14 12:18:45
All good! We can do that!

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PALE_BIRD (#248597)

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Posted on
2024-02-15 09:52:56
Are you gonna message us? I'm just new to this

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SketchyPistachi G2
Ukame Ferus (#262039)

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Posted on
2024-02-15 10:00:13
All good! Once tier 3 opens I will make a private trade with each person with the items/currency you reserved and put in the description the amount of HS you are trading and what I would like you to buy for me :)

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️🟦🟪 (#452754)

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Posted on
2024-02-15 15:02:02
hey can i low thw gb hs to 130?

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